TTC after D&C (Soon)

Driving280- I was 11 weeks at my d&c and ovulated 4 weeks later, AF at 6 weeks.

Castaway- I know how you feel. I may wait to tell my DH too when it does happen. I typically get an u/s at 6 weeks so I would wait till then. As for everyone else, when the baby is here they can know!

Amen to that MJ!
Sorry it's been awhile since I last posted!

Castaway: Oh, keep us informed! :hugs: :hugs:

I haven't tested again yet. I'm a nervous wreck. I'm getting pinching in my low abdomen and on my right ovary area. I'm getting a little nervous about ectopic pregnancy. That kind of thing always scared me. :shrug:

On top of that, I hurt my back. Or at least I think I hurt it. I'm a bit nervous because sometimes back pain (upper right, by the shoulder) can signify ectopic pregnancy. And that's where I'm having my pain. :cry: I'm actually going to my doctor today, not the OB/GYN though. I didn't like him. I'm just going to my family doctor. Hopefully it's just an injury from work. As a nurse... back pain is a plague. :dohh: I may have her do a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side.
Hey Calvinzoey - ectopics scare me too and I've heard that when they give you the shot for it you're supposed to wait 3 cycles before TTC again.....that's a really long time to me! I'm 4dpo today according to FF, had some dull aching in my uterus last night for a few hours but other than that I feel I'm not sure what to expect.

Keep us posted on your Dr's visit and the test they do. AF still hasn't come so don't lose hope!
I think everything I have is probably still healing...negative pregnancy test with a shadow of a line so I assuming I have barely any pregnancy hormone left...I feel heavy in my uterus and my breasts look different...I have little red spider veins all around my Aerolas and they are huge now covering a good portion of my breast... I am thinking being pregnant for so long has left my body in a permanent pregnancy state😁

I hope to see you ladies get your BFPs!

I have decided if I am pregnant I won't tell my hubby till his birthday, dec 12th that would be about 6 weeks thrm and I would be able to get an US around need in us both worrying now if this does turn out to be pregnancy...
Castaway: That's a good idea. Don't tell anyone, just see what comes of it. Fx for you! :hugs:

Doctor doesn't seem concerned about ectopic for me, but she is doing a blood test for pregnancy. I'll find out in a few days about that. She gave me a muscle relaxant, but I'm not sure if I'll take it - at least until I know if I'm not pregnant. She said it shouldn't been taken if I'm pregnant, so I can take Tylenol until then. :shrug: Not much help - I'm working like a beast over Thanksgiving week. I'm not going to have much of a back left. :cry:
Castaway: That's a good idea. Don't tell anyone, just see what comes of it. Fx for you! :hugs:

Doctor doesn't seem concerned about ectopic for me, but she is doing a blood test for pregnancy. I'll find out in a few days about that. She gave me a muscle relaxant, but I'm not sure if I'll take it - at least until I know if I'm not pregnant. She said it shouldn't been taken if I'm pregnant, so I can take Tylenol until then. :shrug: Not much help - I'm working like a beast over Thanksgiving week. I'm not going to have much of a back left. :cry:

How long for blood results, my doc usually gives the results. Ext day! Good luck!!
Calvinzoey - why so long for the results?

Speaking of Thanksgiving, we're heading up to Orlando so I plan to relax the entire time! Can't wait!

Castaway - If you are pg, that would be a good gift for DH ;) If I do get a bfp this cycle I will probably tell DH on Christmas day. I would've definitely had an u/s by then. I would still be scared though because I did hear the heartbeat with the last one but lost it anyway sigh. There's just no telling I guess, but I wouldn't be able to keep it from DH for very long.
Wow you girls have willpower. I will never ever in my life be able to keep it from DH. Will tell him at first sight after the bloods. And a very few people close to us whos support I want all the time. But will swear them to secrecy!!!

Im keeping everything crossed for you girls we need some Christmas cheer here :hugs:

Can't wait for those blood results. My back hurt with my pregnancy so think it's a symptom of both. Ectopic is very scary!!

I'm 2dpo, so just hanging in there. I've managed to get out of heavy exercise next week. Just gonna do yoga and some jogging instead of having the personal trainer. Then test before the race, hopefully I wil have to sit out the race. The bummer will be that DH will be gone so wil have to wait til Monday to tell him. Fxd I will have great news for him.
Wow you girls have willpower. I will never ever in my life be able to keep it from DH. Will tell him at first sight after the bloods. And a very few people close to us whos support I want all the time. But will swear them to secrecy!!!

Im keeping everything crossed for you girls we need some Christmas cheer here :hugs:

Can't wait for those blood results. My back hurt with my pregnancy so think it's a symptom of both. Ectopic is very scary!!

I'm 2dpo, so just hanging in there. I've managed to get out of heavy exercise next week. Just gonna do yoga and some jogging instead of having the personal trainer. Then test before the race, hopefully I wil have to sit out the race. The bummer will be that DH will be gone so wil have to wait til Monday to tell him. Fxd I will have great news for him.

Considering how hard this last loss was on my husband I want to shield him as much as possible from anymore issues. I am hoping and praying for his sake we are pregnant already, before I lose my nerve about trying again! :haha:
I'm not sure why it's taking so long. I think they have to send the blood out to be tested. :shrug: I'll probably know before Friday.

I hope it hurting from a positive, not ectopic pregnancy. It's hurts all over my upper back right now. Lying down is the only thing that helps - but only takes the pain away if I lay still for awhile.

MJ: Lucky! I'll be dreaming of a relaxing Thanksgiving break. I work (starting this Friday) Friday - Tuesday... have Wednesday and Friday off, but work Thursday and then next weekend Saturday and Sunday too. I'll have overtime.. and holiday pay.. so lots of money. But hopefully my back will survive. :haha:

Tella / Castaway: I agree with you Tella, I wouldn't be able to keep that secret. I see your reasoning Castaway, but I honestly wouldn't be able to do it. In my relationship, DH is mostly the rock and I'm the mess. :blush:
I'm not sure why it's taking so long. I think they have to send the blood out to be tested. :shrug: I'll probably know before Friday.

I hope it hurting from a positive, not ectopic pregnancy. It's hurts all over my upper back right now. Lying down is the only thing that helps - but only takes the pain away if I lay still for awhile.

MJ: Lucky! I'll be dreaming of a relaxing Thanksgiving break. I work (starting this Friday) Friday - Tuesday... have Wednesday and Friday off, but work Thursday and then next weekend Saturday and Sunday too. I'll have overtime.. and holiday pay.. so lots of money. But hopefully my back will survive. :haha:

Tella / Castaway: I agree with you Tella, I wouldn't be able to keep that secret. I see your reasoning Castaway, but I honestly wouldn't be able to do it. In my relationship, DH is mostly the rock and I'm the mess. :blush:

They should know for me as well about my lady parts by Friday they say. Hoping and praying I don't have an infection but kinda think I do....:nope:

I just feel like my husband will crumble if we lose another child, plus with this being our last chance I think he will feel even more pressure which will make me feel even more unstable. I am the head of the household on most fronts anyway, just learned to hold my head high and keep it going!
Calvinzoey - sorry you have to work :nope:
lol @ your DH being the rock and you being the mess:haha:

Castaway - I still share your view, I'll be waiting too. Hope you don't have an infection though, but if it's still going on then you might.

Tella - I'm 2 days ahead of you, so I'm waiting too. Are you finishing out this week with your workouts? I'm so jealous! I just want to do my bootcamp workouts so bad :bodyb: I used to train twice a day sometimes too sigh, I just miss it.

So I think I'm obsessing in this tww now sigh. I think it's because I'm not working out as much/hard and am just doing some cycling at home and now have some extra time that I keep thinking about it. I'm just dying to know if I am pg....hopefully I am, but if I'm not I want to know so I can move on already. I guess I'm just getting impatient :dohh::coffee::wacko::shrug:
Calvinzoey - sorry you have to work :nope:
lol @ your DH being the rock and you being the mess:haha:

Castaway - I still share your view, I'll be waiting too. Hope you don't have an infection though, but if it's still going on then you might.

Tella - I'm 2 days ahead of you, so I'm waiting too. Are you finishing out this week with your workouts? I'm so jealous! I just want to do my bootcamp workouts so bad :bodyb: I used to train twice a day sometimes too sigh, I just miss it.

So I think I'm obsessing in this tww now sigh. I think it's because I'm not working out as much/hard and am just doing some cycling at home and now have some extra time that I keep thinking about it. I'm just dying to know if I am pg....hopefully I am, but if I'm not I want to know so I can move on already. I guess I'm just getting impatient :dohh::coffee::wacko::shrug:

The smell went away, I actually smell pregnant lol For some reason when I am in first tri I smell like I leak a bit of urine....sigh. I think it is the miscarriage though as I don't really feel bloated and was SO bloated with my last two pregnancies. I should know something by Saturday...I think I am 4 DPO today. I have to say,I am looking forward to getting to AF.

You girls with your workouts, I am afraid to even walk to my car after work! lol I may jar something loose lol
Ok ladies I have a question!

D&e was Oct 15, I bled for a week and a half and haven't bled since. I've been temping and it's confusing the crap out of me. This week, it went up, dropped and has risen again.. But I supposedly already O'd! Anyone familiar with temping and can help me??
Ok ladies I have a question!

D&e was Oct 15, I bled for a week and a half and haven't bled since. I've been temping and it's confusing the crap out of me. This week, it went up, dropped and has risen again.. But I supposedly already O'd! Anyone familiar with temping and can help me??

Ican't be of help, never temped but hope it means you are Oing, maybe again? lol

We are going blind this time around and then will start my the CBFM next cycle....

Good luck!
Castaway: Hope for good news for both on us by Friday! :hugs:

MJ: Oooooh I'm so hoping your positive this month! :happydance: FX for you! Seriously :winkwink:

-- I have so many pimples, I can be confused with a teenage girl. :dohh:
Considering how hard this last loss was on my husband I want to shield him as much as possible from anymore issues. I am hoping and praying for his sake we are pregnant already, before I lose my nerve about trying again! :haha:

I can only imagine but like calvin im the one thats a mess as well and i will litterally burst out my skin if i dont tell him. We orginally said we will tell a select few this time as we want their support incase something happens again, but it wont we will only be sharing amazing scan pics!!! PMA!!!!

I'm not sure why it's taking so long. I think they have to send the blood out to be tested. :shrug: I'll probably know before Friday.

I hope it hurting from a positive, not ectopic pregnancy. It's hurts all over my upper back right now. Lying down is the only thing that helps - but only takes the pain away if I lay still for awhile.

MJ: Lucky! I'll be dreaming of a relaxing Thanksgiving break. I work (starting this Friday) Friday - Tuesday... have Wednesday and Friday off, but work Thursday and then next weekend Saturday and Sunday too. I'll have overtime.. and holiday pay.. so lots of money. But hopefully my back will survive. :haha:

Tella / Castaway: I agree with you Tella, I wouldn't be able to keep that secret. I see your reasoning Castaway, but I honestly wouldn't be able to do it. In my relationship, DH is mostly the rock and I'm the mess. :blush:

Thats one crazy work schedule!!! Atleast you will have extra spending money for Christmas :xmas6:

Hope the back starts to ease up soon!

They should know for me as well about my lady parts by Friday they say. Hoping and praying I don't have an infection but kinda think I do....:nope:

I just feel like my husband will crumble if we lose another child, plus with this being our last chance I think he will feel even more pressure which will make me feel even more unstable. I am the head of the household on most fronts anyway, just learned to hold my head high and keep it going!

Why do you say its your last chance?

You are such a strong woman!!! Im also the head in some things but not all and TTC is definitely my game plan but he keeps me sane!

Calvinzoey - sorry you have to work :nope:
lol @ your DH being the rock and you being the mess:haha:

Castaway - I still share your view, I'll be waiting too. Hope you don't have an infection though, but if it's still going on then you might.

Tella - I'm 2 days ahead of you, so I'm waiting too. Are you finishing out this week with your workouts? I'm so jealous! I just want to do my bootcamp workouts so bad :bodyb: I used to train twice a day sometimes too sigh, I just miss it.

So I think I'm obsessing in this tww now sigh. I think it's because I'm not working out as much/hard and am just doing some cycling at home and now have some extra time that I keep thinking about it. I'm just dying to know if I am pg....hopefully I am, but if I'm not I want to know so I can move on already. I guess I'm just getting impatient :dohh::coffee::wacko::shrug:

I still have one hectic session today and then it will be chilled from then. Just gonna cycle and run a bit next week along with Yoga. I think its gonna be strange for me to not work out as well, ive been at this now for like 10-11 weeks so its a habit already.

Im so busy at work, so hopefully i wont have time to obsess. But mine normally only kicks in around 10dpo when i start wondering if i might see a line yet. Then i end up testing and staring at the test for hours :haha::haha:

The smell went away, I actually smell pregnant lol For some reason when I am in first tri I smell like I leak a bit of urine....sigh. I think it is the miscarriage though as I don't really feel bloated and was SO bloated with my last two pregnancies. I should know something by Saturday...I think I am 4 DPO today. I have to say,I am looking forward to getting to AF.

You girls with your workouts, I am afraid to even walk to my car after work! lol I may jar something loose lol

LOL at smelling pregnant i really hope you right thou :winkwink:

Ok ladies I have a question!

D&e was Oct 15, I bled for a week and a half and haven't bled since. I've been temping and it's confusing the crap out of me. This week, it went up, dropped and has risen again.. But I supposedly already O'd! Anyone familiar with temping and can help me??

Ive temped for a year, normally they call it a fall back rise. It happens when you get a estrogen spike which happens normally during O as well as sometimes with implantation depending on what days your are. You say your already Od, so how many DPO are you now? If you dont mind you can share your chart and i can look at it for you.

Ok ladies I have a question!

D&e was Oct 15, I bled for a week and a half and haven't bled since. I've been temping and it's confusing the crap out of me. This week, it went up, dropped and has risen again.. But I supposedly already O'd! Anyone familiar with temping and can help me??

Ican't be of help, never temped but hope it means you are Oing, maybe again? lol

We are going blind this time around and then will start my the CBFM next cycle....

Good luck!

My CBFM is the only thing that keeps me sane. If i still had to rely on OPKs i would have given up long ago, they just so sensitive as to when you must test and is the line dark enough etc, dont like them at all!

Castaway: Hope for good news for both on us by Friday! :hugs:

MJ: Oooooh I'm so hoping your positive this month! :happydance: FX for you! Seriously :winkwink:

-- I have so many pimples, I can be confused with a teenage girl. :dohh:

Fx'd the pimples is a sign of some HCG building up :winkwink:
Hey girls! Hope everyone is ok!

I tested on cd27 and got a BFN so I think I'm out this month :cry:

On cd30 now so I think I can expect AF soon.

Hoping for some BFP's for one of you ladies, this thread needs some good luck!
Considering how hard this last loss was on my husband I want to shield him as much as possible from anymore issues. I am hoping and praying for his sake we are pregnant already, before I lose my nerve about trying again! :haha:

I can only imagine but like calvin im the one thats a mess as well and i will litterally burst out my skin if i dont tell him. We orginally said we will tell a select few this time as we want their support incase something happens again, but it wont we will only be sharing amazing scan pics!!! PMA!!!!

I'm not sure why it's taking so long. I think they have to send the blood out to be tested. :shrug: I'll probably know before Friday.

I hope it hurting from a positive, not ectopic pregnancy. It's hurts all over my upper back right now. Lying down is the only thing that helps - but only takes the pain away if I lay still for awhile.

MJ: Lucky! I'll be dreaming of a relaxing Thanksgiving break. I work (starting this Friday) Friday - Tuesday... have Wednesday and Friday off, but work Thursday and then next weekend Saturday and Sunday too. I'll have overtime.. and holiday pay.. so lots of money. But hopefully my back will survive. :haha:

Tella / Castaway: I agree with you Tella, I wouldn't be able to keep that secret. I see your reasoning Castaway, but I honestly wouldn't be able to do it. In my relationship, DH is mostly the rock and I'm the mess. :blush:

Thats one crazy work schedule!!! Atleast you will have extra spending money for Christmas :xmas6:

Hope the back starts to ease up soon!

They should know for me as well about my lady parts by Friday they say. Hoping and praying I don't have an infection but kinda think I do....:nope:

I just feel like my husband will crumble if we lose another child, plus with this being our last chance I think he will feel even more pressure which will make me feel even more unstable. I am the head of the household on most fronts anyway, just learned to hold my head high and keep it going!

Why do you say its your last chance?

You are such a strong woman!!! Im also the head in some things but not all and TTC is definitely my game plan but he keeps me sane!

Calvinzoey - sorry you have to work :nope:
lol @ your DH being the rock and you being the mess:haha:

Castaway - I still share your view, I'll be waiting too. Hope you don't have an infection though, but if it's still going on then you might.

Tella - I'm 2 days ahead of you, so I'm waiting too. Are you finishing out this week with your workouts? I'm so jealous! I just want to do my bootcamp workouts so bad :bodyb: I used to train twice a day sometimes too sigh, I just miss it.

So I think I'm obsessing in this tww now sigh. I think it's because I'm not working out as much/hard and am just doing some cycling at home and now have some extra time that I keep thinking about it. I'm just dying to know if I am pg....hopefully I am, but if I'm not I want to know so I can move on already. I guess I'm just getting impatient :dohh::coffee::wacko::shrug:

I still have one hectic session today and then it will be chilled from then. Just gonna cycle and run a bit next week along with Yoga. I think its gonna be strange for me to not work out as well, ive been at this now for like 10-11 weeks so its a habit already.

Im so busy at work, so hopefully i wont have time to obsess. But mine normally only kicks in around 10dpo when i start wondering if i might see a line yet. Then i end up testing and staring at the test for hours :haha::haha:

The smell went away, I actually smell pregnant lol For some reason when I am in first tri I smell like I leak a bit of urine....sigh. I think it is the miscarriage though as I don't really feel bloated and was SO bloated with my last two pregnancies. I should know something by Saturday...I think I am 4 DPO today. I have to say,I am looking forward to getting to AF.

You girls with your workouts, I am afraid to even walk to my car after work! lol I may jar something loose lol

LOL at smelling pregnant i really hope you right thou :winkwink:

Ok ladies I have a question!

D&e was Oct 15, I bled for a week and a half and haven't bled since. I've been temping and it's confusing the crap out of me. This week, it went up, dropped and has risen again.. But I supposedly already O'd! Anyone familiar with temping and can help me??

Ive temped for a year, normally they call it a fall back rise. It happens when you get a estrogen spike which happens normally during O as well as sometimes with implantation depending on what days your are. You say your already Od, so how many DPO are you now? If you dont mind you can share your chart and i can look at it for you.

Ok ladies I have a question!

D&e was Oct 15, I bled for a week and a half and haven't bled since. I've been temping and it's confusing the crap out of me. This week, it went up, dropped and has risen again.. But I supposedly already O'd! Anyone familiar with temping and can help me??

Ican't be of help, never temped but hope it means you are Oing, maybe again? lol

We are going blind this time around and then will start my the CBFM next cycle....

Good luck!

My CBFM is the only thing that keeps me sane. If i still had to rely on OPKs i would have given up long ago, they just so sensitive as to when you must test and is the line dark enough etc, dont like them at all!

Castaway: Hope for good news for both on us by Friday! :hugs:

MJ: Oooooh I'm so hoping your positive this month! :happydance: FX for you! Seriously :winkwink:

-- I have so many pimples, I can be confused with a teenage girl. :dohh:

Fx'd the pimples is a sign of some HCG building up :winkwink:

After loosing our son, then a blighted ovum I was done. I told my husband that my body is tired and I don't want to go through it all again. He begged for ONE more chance. That is
Oh ok i understand, i do hope that you will get the power from above to continue with your journey to obtain that forever rainbow. I know soooo many girls that just needed the right medicine to obtain it and have beautiful babies today. :hugs:

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