TTC after D&C (Soon)

Negative for infection ladies!!! Woo hoo!!!!

:wohoo: so glad its negative! Hope its the bfp talking!

Yay no infection!! :)

I have a doc appt at 3 with an u/s to figure out what's going on. Faint pos tests and pain near my left ovary doesn't sound good :( just praying for good news

Good luck! Could it still be left over hcg? Fxd there is a new bean :hugs:

Castaway - :happydance::happydance::happydance: if no infection then you could be pg!!! I can't wait to hear the outcome. FX for you :flower:

Tella - :hugs::hugs: I sure hope you get your BFP soon, you deserve it!

Calvinzoey - any news on your results from the Dr? I sure hope it's not AF!!

As far as anything new with me, I really don't have much going on. Had a bit of cramping on and off yesterday afternoon but nothing out the ordinary and no shooting pains like I had with the last pg. 6dpo today so I still have to wait it out I guess :coffee:
On a good note, without doing my killer bootcamps this week and just sticking to my diet and doing 30-40 minutes of cycling on my spin bike at home I have still managed to lose 2 lbs this week. So I'm very happy about that and don't feel like a total bum for not being in the gym this week lol. :happydance::thumbup:

Thats awesome! My weight is standing dead still for 10 weeks now even with all the exercising :cry:

Just remember every prrgnancy is different so dont give up you still very early! X
Awww probably only need to make a few minor adjustments and I'm sure your weight will shift. You just have to figure out if you're eating too little while working out so hard which causes your body to hold on to what it has, or if you're eating all the calories you burn then you'll be at a stand still.

I would like to lose 7 more lbs and then I'll be ok with my weight, so I'm working on that in the interim of TTC.
Awww probably only need to make a few minor adjustments and I'm sure your weight will shift. You just have to figure out if you're eating too little while working out so hard which causes your body to hold on to what it has, or if you're eating all the calories you burn then you'll be at a stand still.

I would like to lose 7 more lbs and then I'll be ok with my weight, so I'm working on that in the interim of TTC.

I have gained so much since 2006 when hubby and I started with each wake up call was after having my son the scale kept going up! I am doing it at 30 pounds a clip.. 2-3 more times but glad to hit my first 30. I don't even look that big! It's all boobs and a$$. Lol
Tella, I got a negative test 2 weeks ago and an precious u/s to confirm nothing else. So I'm just so confused and nervous!!
Hi girls, any updates? Im dying here, keep coming back to check.

Mj, I really dont have much to loose and I think thats why. I only want to loose like 3-5kgs in total and its belly fat which is hard. I know alcohol is my problem. I love beer and wine :dohh:
Hi girls, any updates? Im dying here, keep coming back to check.

Mj, I really dont have much to loose and I think thats why. I only want to loose like 3-5kgs in total and its belly fat which is hard. I know alcohol is my problem. I love beer and wine :dohh:

When you don't have much to loose it is MUCH harder. Trust me though you don't want the other problem...I have a lot to loose! lol:haha:

Leah, I hope you have your BFP and that it is all good for you!

Well my pregnancy test is staying this faint light positive. I did have pinching last night on the right side of my belly then slight cramping. I am wondering if maybe implantation, yesterday was day 6 for me I believe??? If so I should see the line get darker in two days...if not and this miscarriage follows the birth of my son then I should be getting my period on the 30th....
Alright ladies, faint pos tests and symptoms are from O'ing 2 times this month! My estrogen is all over the place! Not sure how it works but I O'd 2 weeks ago and u/s showed I'm about to again! Uterine lining is a little thin so even if we do get lucky, there's a higher chance of chemical. But we can try if we want, so back to bd'ing!
Alright ladies, faint pos tests and symptoms are from O'ing 2 times this month! My estrogen is all over the place! Not sure how it works but I O'd 2 weeks ago and u/s showed I'm about to again! Uterine lining is a little thin so even if we do get lucky, there's a higher chance of chemical. But we can try if we want, so back to bd'ing!

So the other positive was not a positive? That was from O'ing wow I never knew that could happen!:haha:

Go for it hun, if the worst is a chemical then you know for next time!

Good luck!
Morning ladies

Nothing new on my end really. Like Castaway I had some pinching on the right side last night but nothing since. I should be 7 dpo today so still playing the waiting game :coffee:

lol @ Tella - I know how that goes with the beer and wine, I eventually built up the strength to x it from my diet completely, only social gatherings I drink.

Leah - FX you catch the egg and it implants!!! In January I had a surge and then surged again 10 days later and got a few positive tests but it ended in a chemical for me, but I hope your lining will grow before the egg reaches the still have a few days for that to happen. Stay positive!

Calvinzoey - what's the latest? Did you get the results from the Dr yesterday? or did you test again?
I have been experiencing some technical difficulties with my computer but I'm still reading everything....GL everyone with everything going on now...

Today is CD1 for me. FX this AF isn't as weird as the last one.
Castaway, I didn't know it could happen either. I think we're gonna go for it as my opk was positive last night and is now fainter this morning. So as soon as he gets home, it's on ;)

Oh I'm sorry mj. I'm glad someone else had experienced this before though! Thanks girl! I hope so too :)
So I am calling my doctor tomorrow, another faint positive this morning and this afternoon....I am going to ask for the blood test to see what my HCG levels are at for this Friday (if I have not had my period yet). This way we will see if it is going up, versus down. IF I didn't have work on Monday I would so go for blood work in the AM lol
Castaway - FX for you! Keep us posted.

Calvinzoey - Any updates??
I called the doctor and he seemed surprised it is still positive...they are mailing me the script. It just stinks I have to wait until Friday I will be 5 weeks then post miscarriage) but I see it like this if I get my AF I won't go for the appointment lol Plus the longer it takes to determine the better chance if I am there will be a heart beat. I am not telling hubby, I have off Friday and he has to work...this should be interesting!

Do you think it is possible to have 25 miu which I think is a level of 25 HCG at almost 4 1/2 weeks? It seems feasible to me but who knows....I can't believe I am still getting positive tests, I had a follow up ultrasound and everything came out naturally via scan?!

The FRER was more positive then the IC BUT I believe that is 6.3 miu sensitivity....
Castaway- with a scan showing everything was gone I don't see any reason why your hcg would still be the same unless you're pg! Do the tests look like they're getting darker any?
OMG I can't wait for Friday to come so we can find out!!! Eeeek!
Castaway- with a scan showing everything was gone I don't see any reason why your hcg would still be the same unless you're pg! Do the tests look like they're getting darker any?
OMG I can't wait for Friday to come so we can find out!!! Eeeek!

I am so impatient, gonna take Weds afternoon off from work and go then, hopefully will know more by Friday! :haha: I just can't wrap my mind around it but not peeing on any more sticks...just going for bloods.
Hi girls, any updates? Im dying here, keep coming back to check.

Mj, I really dont have much to loose and I think thats why. I only want to loose like 3-5kgs in total and its belly fat which is hard. I know alcohol is my problem. I love beer and wine :dohh:

When you don't have much to loose it is MUCH harder. Trust me though you don't want the other problem...I have a lot to loose! lol:haha:

Leah, I hope you have your BFP and that it is all good for you!

Well my pregnancy test is staying this faint light positive. I did have pinching last night on the right side of my belly then slight cramping. I am wondering if maybe implantation, yesterday was day 6 for me I believe??? If so I should see the line get darker in two days...if not and this miscarriage follows the birth of my son then I should be getting my period on the 30th....

Yeah i know but it would still be nice to see just a 0.5kg difference in my weight but hey atleast its not going up :) Just remember that a bfp at 8dpo is very rare even if you already have hcg in your system, 12dpo is more reliable.

Alright ladies, faint pos tests and symptoms are from O'ing 2 times this month! My estrogen is all over the place! Not sure how it works but I O'd 2 weeks ago and u/s showed I'm about to again! Uterine lining is a little thin so even if we do get lucky, there's a higher chance of chemical. But we can try if we want, so back to bd'ing!

I must be honest i have never heard of a HPT giving a possitive from LH, a OPK can give a possitive from HCG yes. But i have heard of 2 Os in one cycle, seems like your hormones are still messed up but we hope they will help this be a health Bean and your rainbow baby!!!!

Morning ladies

Nothing new on my end really. Like Castaway I had some pinching on the right side last night but nothing since. I should be 7 dpo today so still playing the waiting game :coffee:

lol @ Tella - I know how that goes with the beer and wine, I eventually built up the strength to x it from my diet completely, only social gatherings I drink.

Leah - FX you catch the egg and it implants!!! In January I had a surge and then surged again 10 days later and got a few positive tests but it ended in a chemical for me, but I hope your lining will grow before the egg reaches the still have a few days for that to happen. Stay positive!

Calvinzoey - what's the latest? Did you get the results from the Dr yesterday? or did you test again?

The problem is this is social gatherings galore time for us, so many birthdays and events its not even funny. But from Jan im gonna stop it all together and only have Gin and Tonic.

I have been experiencing some technical difficulties with my computer but I'm still reading everything....GL everyone with everything going on now...

Today is CD1 for me. FX this AF isn't as weird as the last one.

Hope your AF has been behaving itself and that everything is nice and clean for the next cycle!!!

I called the doctor and he seemed surprised it is still positive...they are mailing me the script. It just stinks I have to wait until Friday I will be 5 weeks then post miscarriage) but I see it like this if I get my AF I won't go for the appointment lol Plus the longer it takes to determine the better chance if I am there will be a heart beat. I am not telling hubby, I have off Friday and he has to work...this should be interesting!

Do you think it is possible to have 25 miu which I think is a level of 25 HCG at almost 4 1/2 weeks? It seems feasible to me but who knows....I can't believe I am still getting positive tests, I had a follow up ultrasound and everything came out naturally via scan?!

The FRER was more positive then the IC BUT I believe that is 6.3 miu sensitivity....

Considering that you might only be nearing your end of your tww it is very possible. My HCG was 31 at 13dpo and my test was so light that i discarded it and only a few hours later picked it up again and saw the faintest of faint lines. Didnt say anything to DH till the bloods was confirmed.

Castaway- with a scan showing everything was gone I don't see any reason why your hcg would still be the same unless you're pg! Do the tests look like they're getting darker any?
OMG I can't wait for Friday to come so we can find out!!! Eeeek!

I am so impatient, gonna take Weds afternoon off from work and go then, hopefully will know more by Friday! :haha: I just can't wrap my mind around it but not peeing on any more sticks...just going for bloods.

LOL i would also be to impatient, but Wednesday will make your 12dpo im i right? That is a great time to do bloods as all my ARTs was always tested on 12dpo and never got a false negative.

AFM > 7dpo for me, hoping i start getting some sort of sign but i really doubt that it will be this month. Had a nice and early O but since the normal TWW symptoms are there, pressure around 4-6dpo and then fine afterwards. Will test on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and looking forward to it :dance:
Hi girls, any updates? Im dying here, keep coming back to check.

Mj, I really dont have much to loose and I think thats why. I only want to loose like 3-5kgs in total and its belly fat which is hard. I know alcohol is my problem. I love beer and wine :dohh:

When you don't have much to loose it is MUCH harder. Trust me though you don't want the other problem...I have a lot to loose! lol:haha:

Leah, I hope you have your BFP and that it is all good for you!

Well my pregnancy test is staying this faint light positive. I did have pinching last night on the right side of my belly then slight cramping. I am wondering if maybe implantation, yesterday was day 6 for me I believe??? If so I should see the line get darker in two days...if not and this miscarriage follows the birth of my son then I should be getting my period on the 30th....

Yeah i know but it would still be nice to see just a 0.5kg difference in my weight but hey atleast its not going up :) Just remember that a bfp at 8dpo is very rare even if you already have hcg in your system, 12dpo is more reliable.

Alright ladies, faint pos tests and symptoms are from O'ing 2 times this month! My estrogen is all over the place! Not sure how it works but I O'd 2 weeks ago and u/s showed I'm about to again! Uterine lining is a little thin so even if we do get lucky, there's a higher chance of chemical. But we can try if we want, so back to bd'ing!

I must be honest i have never heard of a HPT giving a possitive from LH, a OPK can give a possitive from HCG yes. But i have heard of 2 Os in one cycle, seems like your hormones are still messed up but we hope they will help this be a health Bean and your rainbow baby!!!!

Morning ladies

Nothing new on my end really. Like Castaway I had some pinching on the right side last night but nothing since. I should be 7 dpo today so still playing the waiting game :coffee:

lol @ Tella - I know how that goes with the beer and wine, I eventually built up the strength to x it from my diet completely, only social gatherings I drink.

Leah - FX you catch the egg and it implants!!! In January I had a surge and then surged again 10 days later and got a few positive tests but it ended in a chemical for me, but I hope your lining will grow before the egg reaches the still have a few days for that to happen. Stay positive!

Calvinzoey - what's the latest? Did you get the results from the Dr yesterday? or did you test again?

The problem is this is social gatherings galore time for us, so many birthdays and events its not even funny. But from Jan im gonna stop it all together and only have Gin and Tonic.

I have been experiencing some technical difficulties with my computer but I'm still reading everything....GL everyone with everything going on now...

Today is CD1 for me. FX this AF isn't as weird as the last one.

Hope your AF has been behaving itself and that everything is nice and clean for the next cycle!!!

I called the doctor and he seemed surprised it is still positive...they are mailing me the script. It just stinks I have to wait until Friday I will be 5 weeks then post miscarriage) but I see it like this if I get my AF I won't go for the appointment lol Plus the longer it takes to determine the better chance if I am there will be a heart beat. I am not telling hubby, I have off Friday and he has to work...this should be interesting!

Do you think it is possible to have 25 miu which I think is a level of 25 HCG at almost 4 1/2 weeks? It seems feasible to me but who knows....I can't believe I am still getting positive tests, I had a follow up ultrasound and everything came out naturally via scan?!

The FRER was more positive then the IC BUT I believe that is 6.3 miu sensitivity....

Considering that you might only be nearing your end of your tww it is very possible. My HCG was 31 at 13dpo and my test was so light that i discarded it and only a few hours later picked it up again and saw the faintest of faint lines. Didnt say anything to DH till the bloods was confirmed.

Castaway- with a scan showing everything was gone I don't see any reason why your hcg would still be the same unless you're pg! Do the tests look like they're getting darker any?
OMG I can't wait for Friday to come so we can find out!!! Eeeek!

I am so impatient, gonna take Weds afternoon off from work and go then, hopefully will know more by Friday! :haha: I just can't wrap my mind around it but not peeing on any more sticks...just going for bloods.

LOL i would also be to impatient, but Wednesday will make your 12dpo im i right? That is a great time to do bloods as all my ARTs was always tested on 12dpo and never got a false negative.

AFM > 7dpo for me, hoping i start getting some sort of sign but i really doubt that it will be this month. Had a nice and early O but since the normal TWW symptoms are there, pressure around 4-6dpo and then fine afterwards. Will test on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and looking forward to it :dance:

Best of luck with testing! I would just like to get bloods to get a more accurate picture...I will probably POAS tom and that is 10 DPO anyway lol :haha: Didn't today but could not sleep for nothing last night and felt that tugging/pulling feeling again in bed. :wacko:
i sincerely hope that is bean just snuggling in deep in there!!!
Tella - I'm 2 dpo ahead of you but I had no real symptoms in the tww either so I kinda feel I'm out too, sigh. I'll definitely continue testing but 9 dpo today and BFN staring me in the face.

Castaway - Since I know you're a poas addict like me.....I know you're going to test again before the blood results lol. You're having some good symptoms though. FX for you! ;)

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