TTC after D&C (Soon)

:hugs::hugs::hugs:Catway, my heart goes out to you every time you tell the story :cry::cry:

Tella - I think we're only a day a part. Are they going to give you a trigger shot this cycle? or just the femara and timed intercourse? If no bfp this cycle I'll be doing the same thing in January.

Yes i will get trigger shot, i have a scan next Thursday for checking how big my follie is and then trigger most probably that night. Ive always triggered on CD11 and O on CD13 when its medicated. Will also get intralipids along with it as i think thats what helped my bfp last time around.
I am so sorry again that you had to go through that and still are feeling the pain. I don't understand why at 31 weeks they couldn't help you my oldest son was born at 27 weeks he was 2lbs 14oz my youngest son was 34 weeks and 5lbs 11oz I do know for a premie you need a good hospital and doctors but 31 weeks isn't really premie they considered my 34 week premie but I didn't have to go to a special hospital for him they are both fine. uhh it makes me so mad I can't help you or say the right thing to make you feel better maybe we will be about the same cycle since I still have no signs of af maybe we will get af around the same time!! if you need anything or to talk whatever it may be don't hesitate to ask or pm me again I am so sorry for your losses.:hugs::hugs:

mj and tella,
good luck on the trigger shots I haven't ever had those but im fertile as far as I know cause I seem to get pregnant pretty easy if I am trying but I just can't carry the baby long I have a thin and soft cervix they say they also said I may have fibroids but who knows and with my oldest son I had him at 27 weeks due to my water breaking early and I don't think anything can prevent that but with my youngest my cervix started to open a little months before it was time. I thought about progesterone and she said she don't know if that's what caused my mc but she would put me on it til 14weeks if theres a next time and here they usually recommend waiting 3 cycles however since my follow up isn't til dec 19th they haven't been able to tell me lol they just said not to have sex for 2 weeks and that's way passed but im thinking about clomid because I have a short luteal phase but scared of the possibility of multiples I don't know what do you girls think?:shrug:
Hey Tara, if your cervix is proned to start opening then I hope they plan to monitor you closely next time as if you start to open and they catch it open they can give you a cerclage. I may also need the same thing, but will be monitored to see if it does start to open. How long are your cycles? some dr's give clomid so that you O sooner and extend your LP, so it maybe an option for you if you speak to your doctor. I tend to O late, so my Dr would give it to me so I O sooner and my egg isn't so old and is a better quality I guess. I am not scared of multiples, anything over 3 I might be terrified but that is rare, and if I got pg with 2 or 3 I would be perfectly fine with that too. Some might think I'm nuts but it doesn't phase me in the least to be honest.....but I would for sure be done with TTC after that lol.
I would demand on regular checkups to make sure your cervix is under control.

Im the same as MJ on the multiples. It was quite funny when we started out this journey and did our first IUI, DH was like look at all the twins on the photo wall and said he was petrified of twins how will we ever cope then came IVF no 1 and he was like i wont mind 2 at all atleast we done then. And by 2nd IVF we where like put all three embies back i dont care about triplets either, i will make it work if that is Gods plan for me. And i still stand by that, 3 will be hard but hey tripple the love and attention!!!
I would love twins!!! Lol

Girls I went to the bathroom and well this is TMI but I had this thick sticky yellow/brown CM. Then EWCM and tons of BOTH at the same time?! I just sat on the toilet at work afraid to leave it!!! Think AF is close???
I normally get EWCM close to AF but not lots just enough for me to notice when i wipe. I hope it is so that you can get out of limbo land!!!

PS, there is no such thing as TMI in TTC :lol:
hey ladies,
yeah they do keep an eye on me im highrisk I have special doctors and everything as for the multiples I worry because they run in my family and its my generations turn or the next my husband would love twins but I dress my 2 and 3 year old a like so id have all the clothes already lol its not that I would mind but with the 2 small ones it would be harder but I would def manage.. afm update im still getting flashing smileys and cm I bought some preseed but my cervix felt really low so I am assuming af is own her way however I don't have any symptoms and I always get a backache to know shes coming so idk im so confused but time will tell I suppose..
update for me turns out I think they got my levels wrong it was the nurse that told me but how the test went neg then positive I have no idea but I am ovulating now and only one app on my phone out of a bunch told me I thought it was crazy til I saw the ewcm and tested again and now have a fixed smiley I guess I just had to get all the hcg out and maybe a couple extra days to gear up!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: so glad im back on track and in the game oh and I had a temp rise up to 98.20 I thought it was awfully high but then again I only had a few days to go by but they were all in the 97.43 and 97.77 and then 98.20 so guess its gonna happen!! I sure hope so!!
Tara- at least you know what's going on. time for you girly ;)

Nothing much going on over here with me, cd 7 today so I still have maybe 7-10 days before O.
Glad things are progressing Tara! Fxd you catch that eggy this month!!!!

MJ I feel your pain, im also in limbo waiting for O

AFM > Day 3 of Femara and wow its kicking my ass properly. Been getting hot flashes like crazy yesterday. Atleast i know its working so no complaining. Im guessing i will O on CD13 as that is my norm when im on Femara and i will get a trigger shot on CD11 most probably so i wont be able to test till like 11dpo minimum otherwise it will just be trigger induced.
thanks girls,
tella, that would drive me crazy having to wait to test that long and im pretty sure I oed yesterday I was crampy but those clearblue advanced digis keep the smiley for two days and I can't retest with it til the smiley is gone and I didn't know I was really oing while I was out getting test or I would have bought some cheap opks to see when it goes negative. hope we all get it this cycle!!
FX for all you ladies!

Tella - I wish I was getting a trigger shot this cycle....but that will have to wait till maybe next cycle when we go to the FS.....I'm also kinda hoping we catch it this month and won't have to go. I O late so you're very lucky to be Oing around cd13!

Tara - sounds like you're in the tww. FX for you.

Castaway - anything new on your end?
FX for all you ladies!

Tella - I wish I was getting a trigger shot this cycle....but that will have to wait till maybe next cycle when we go to the FS.....I'm also kinda hoping we catch it this month and won't have to go. I O late so you're very lucky to be Oing around cd13!

Tara - sounds like you're in the tww. FX for you.

Castaway - anything new on your end?

No still waiting over here! lol I think the positive OPK I got was my body trying...I think I actually O'ed 12 days ago when I then thought I was getting my period. :dohh: So now I sit and wait patiently for

I think AF will come soon, my boobs hurt, my lower back hurts and I have yellow CM. Fingers crossed it gets here soon!

Hoping you ladies have a good weekend!
castaway, my boobs were killing me and its odd because they normally don't especially not for o or if so I haven't noticed it and I think I oed sometime between yesterday and today my temp went back down and I had 3 days of flashing then the 3rd night it was fixed so we bd'ed it up lol used my preseed etc I bought a cheap opk I think its negative but close to pos but giving im not cramping or anything anymore I think is a good sign just ewcm but I never get loads of it so nothing new but it was weird I got o instead of af hmm crazy huh and I think we are bout right on track with each other!! :) :happydance::happydance::hugs::hugs::dance::dance::friends::friends: hopefully we all get :bfp: soon and :baby: next :)
Cast, sorry you still in limbo. Hope you know whats going on soon, I hate that not knowing whats going on. :hugs:

Tara, yeah for O and lots of BD!!! GL with the tww, hope you get an early Christmas present :winkwink:

Mj, I hope you get your bfp before you appointment with the fs as well!!! I must be honest im not sure if I do want then trigger but it will mature the egg better and be for the best.

Afm, the bd train has started. Every other day till Thursday and then daily especially in the morning till next Sunday!
Cast, sorry you still in limbo. Hope you know whats going on soon, I hate that not knowing whats going on. :hugs:

Tara, yeah for O and lots of BD!!! GL with the tww, hope you get an early Christmas present :winkwink:

Mj, I hope you get your bfp before you appointment with the fs as well!!! I must be honest im not sure if I do want then trigger but it will mature the egg better and be for the best.

Afm, the bd train has started. Every other day till Thursday and then daily especially in the morning till next Sunday!

Its Ok...I am just glad I am not going through positives and still wondering am I pregnant? lol It is crazy how messed up you are until you get your first AF, now I know why my doctor told me to wait. Your body may look like it is ovulating and sadly is not releasing an egg....:nope: a sick trick to play after a loss.

I have been having a hard time as before our baby would be due in May which was wonderful, no where near when I delivered my son or when he was due. If I get pregnant this cycle our next child would have the same due date as our son. It is really messing with my mind. I refuse to wait b/c I am getting older and this appears to be a long journey for us but what a mind go through another pregnancy in the same time frame....sigh. My husband just keeps telling me "We can't be that bad of people that our 3rd baby would not be coming home with us..." I sure hope he is right.
Hallo ladies,

I had my D&C on Wednesday and I know it's early, but would likt to ntnp again. Meaninig not check cervix and use opks, but still dtd a few times. My husband comforted me on Thursday and we accidently had sex. I panicked and phones my obgyn on friday and he reassured me it's fine since I don't bleed anymore. He said that infection risks are very small so it would be ok. I know my chances of conceiving straight away is slim so will not get my hopes up. I just so badly want my rainbow baby. :-(
Cast, im with your husband on this, next one is your rainbow!!!! Both you incidents are rare, so I believe your body just needs to reset and you will be looking at that bfp :hugs:

Angel, im so sorry for your loss. Its so unfair that it has to happen and let a lone twice :hugs: my FS said we could try when I felt ok to and stopped bleeding but I only bled the day of d&c so we were bding soon after, but I was lucky to have low hcg levels so I od quickly and had a short cycle in comparison to most ladies. We continued to ttc till august amd then I started working out hard so this month is the officially inly the 4th month we ttc if you discard the last 3 exercise months.

GL and trust your body, it wont get pregnant if it's not ready. :kiss:
I think most of us did try right away, I know I did even while I was bleeding but used a condom because I was worried about infection but as soon as bleeding was down to spotting here and there I went for it im 5 weeks post d and c tomorrow and I started getting pos opks the day my expected af should have been here but I think its because it took a while for the hcg to get out and then a few more days to o but I know I did because of constant opks and temping I got a rise now im back down low even though I just started temping I knew that wasn't normal not to mention the cramping etc but im thinking I am dpo 1 today as tomorrow was negative opk I believe at least and no more pains... I think it is whatever feels best for you if your ready and comfortable ttc again go for it girl we will all support you the whole way I hope we all get ours soon!! and preseed has helped me a lot with bd especially the ttc bd as you aren't as intimate at least I don't feel like we are so it helps a lot!! I hope this helps I am so sorry for you loss!! :hugs::hugs:

Need some advice....just when I thought things were getting back to normal :wacko:

So since I'm a poas addict I used an opk yesterday cd7 and of course there was almost no 2nd line. Today I did one this morning and this evening and it looks like my body is gearing up to O.....but I'm only cd8 today. I've tried to attach a pic. I know it's not positive yet but the one this evening is slightly darker than the one around mid day today. I've never o'd this it even possible? Even if I O in 2 days, cd10 is still crazy early for me, I always O around cd16-23. I really don't know what's going on or maybe it's a false surge :shrug:


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