TTC after D&C (Soon)

I think your preggo then. Call your doc
im scared to think that I feel like as soon as I get excited and accept it, it will get taken from me again im so obsessed with a chemical and I have no idea why I even have that in my head but I have been worried about it since my first positive hcg and I am scared im going to think it in to reality and im kinda scare to get blood work just yet id rather just see if I start first then hear oh its at whatever level either way if it happens I can't prevent it I guess but she did say she would start me on progesterone til 14 weeks if I got pregnant again so if I am I need to get on it asap but these other tests that are suppose to be 25miu and same brand as the other ones im getting positives on and same brand box and everything but they look different and are :bfn: no question about it so I don't know I want to cry lol so maybe I am about to start just weird the pos opk in my opinion which I haven't ever took one day before period either so idk but I didn't test yesterday but all the others were neg til this one so who knows...:cry::cry::cry::cry:
I took another hpt the ones that keep giving bfn it's the only kind ive got either its a bad batch or idk whats going on I test with same urine again on a cb digi again flashing smiley and more and more cm so idk either im pregnant, about to start, or ovulating, I am going to try to go get another test see if it is now negative too if so idk what has happened unless it was chemical but no blood so how am I ovulating but if I start tomorrow that could explain it so disappointing but atleast I will know what dpo I am and everything after this!!
Hi Everyone!
I am hoping that you might let me join your conversation as you seem like a friendly group :) I have been prowling the internet for the last 7 weeks since my mmc but this is the first time that I've posted anything.

My mmc was looong - I was 9.5 wks pregnant and started spotting. Went to the hospital on Friday, Oct. 11 and us showed viable 6.5wk pregnancy. I was sent home on bed rest and told to come back in a week to see if the pregnancy was viable or not. On Monday, Oct. 14th I miscarried at home. No followup us ordered as it seemed that I had passed everything. After 4 weeks of off and on bleeding I went back to the doc who ordered another us that showed retained product. Was sent home with misoprostol that weekend. The misoprostol didn't work and had to have a d and c the next week. Bled for a week after the d and c. Have now had 4 blood free days (YAY) and am waiting to ovulate or for AF to arrive. Bought my first opk yesterday but testing negative. So, like many of you, I am in the anxiously waiting/what is going on with my body?! boat. I have a beautiful daughter who just turned 3 last week and am hoping to give her a happy, healthy younger sibling sooner, rather than later.

Anyway, hope that wasn't TMI and hoping to make some friends here :)
Hi Everyone!
I am hoping that you might let me join your conversation as you seem like a friendly group :) I have been prowling the internet for the last 7 weeks since my mmc but this is the first time that I've posted anything.

My mmc was looong - I was 9.5 wks pregnant and started spotting. Went to the hospital on Friday, Oct. 11 and us showed viable 6.5wk pregnancy. I was sent home on bed rest and told to come back in a week to see if the pregnancy was viable or not. On Monday, Oct. 14th I miscarried at home. No followup us ordered as it seemed that I had passed everything. After 4 weeks of off and on bleeding I went back to the doc who ordered another us that showed retained product. Was sent home with misoprostol that weekend. The misoprostol didn't work and had to have a d and c the next week. Bled for a week after the d and c. Have now had 4 blood free days (YAY) and am waiting to ovulate or for AF to arrive. Bought my first opk yesterday but testing negative. So, like many of you, I am in the anxiously waiting/what is going on with my body?! boat. I have a beautiful daughter who just turned 3 last week and am hoping to give her a happy, healthy younger sibling sooner, rather than later.

Anyway, hope that wasn't TMI and hoping to make some friends here :)

hey funnee,
everyone is different but I ovulated first im not sure if it was before my hcg got to 0 or after but I did o first I got positive hcgs after I was 0 so now I am waiting to figure out whats going on because I got another positive opk today but tomorrow af is suppose to come but I have had tons of positive hpts and then some negative so im not sure what to expect either I had a mmc at 13w3d I was told and passed him at 17weeks which was the 3rd of November so 4 weeks and 1 day ago hope this helps a little and the girls can post in and help you out some more..:hugs:
Hi Everyone!
I am hoping that you might let me join your conversation as you seem like a friendly group :) I have been prowling the internet for the last 7 weeks since my mmc but this is the first time that I've posted anything.

My mmc was looong - I was 9.5 wks pregnant and started spotting. Went to the hospital on Friday, Oct. 11 and us showed viable 6.5wk pregnancy. I was sent home on bed rest and told to come back in a week to see if the pregnancy was viable or not. On Monday, Oct. 14th I miscarried at home. No followup us ordered as it seemed that I had passed everything. After 4 weeks of off and on bleeding I went back to the doc who ordered another us that showed retained product. Was sent home with misoprostol that weekend. The misoprostol didn't work and had to have a d and c the next week. Bled for a week after the d and c. Have now had 4 blood free days (YAY) and am waiting to ovulate or for AF to arrive. Bought my first opk yesterday but testing negative. So, like many of you, I am in the anxiously waiting/what is going on with my body?! boat. I have a beautiful daughter who just turned 3 last week and am hoping to give her a happy, healthy younger sibling sooner, rather than later.

Anyway, hope that wasn't TMI and hoping to make some friends here :)

So sorry for your loss, I too lost my second pregnancy at 9 weeks (my first pregnancy was full term and he passed in utero due to medical neglect), it was a blighted ovum but my HCG levels were very high. I just got my first not pregnant test today at 5 wks 3 days. I did have a positive OPK about 16 days ago but now I realize I never O'd my body just geared up for it....hoping to get my AF soon and then we will try again.

Hopefully your AF comes soon, did you doc give any idea when you will O? I mean if they did the D&C i would hope within the next 2 to 3 weeks....uhhh. The waiting is terrible!
Tara and Castaway,
Thanks so much for your welcome and so sorry for your losses as well. It sucks that anyone has to go through this. Castaway, I cannot imagine your first loss. My heart goes out to you. You are very strong to continue your journey :)

The waiting does suck. I try to content myself by focusing on how I can use this time to get super-healthy and emotionally balanced but I'd really just like to be back ttc. Grrrr! So hard to be patient.

Has anyone tried acupuncture? I have started seeing an acupuncturist that a few of my friends who have mc swear by.

Wishing all of us quick healing, a visit from AF soon, and a happy, healthy BFP shortly thereafter :)
Welcome funneepants - sorry for your loss. The last time I got pg I actually did acupuncture the entire week I was ovulating, so it probably does help.....or it could've been coincidence....not sure. I think you definitely try it though.

Castaway - sorry no bfp but at least you're now in "the know" and wondering what is happening.

Tara - I think you should take a digi.
if you don't mind me asking what do you mean due to medical neglect? I couldn't ever even imagine that type of loss!! you are so strong and I admire you so damn much!! excuse my language I don't know how women can handle a still born I would be in such a deep depression I would think but I am weird when it comes to death I guess because I have lost everyone around me but my sister my kids and husband. ugghh.

I have read a lot about acupuncture but never tried it, however it is interesting a lot of women have conceived that way.

I went out and got a frer today and it was a :bfn: :bfn: :bfn: :bfn: I am sooo hurt confused etc I don't know what to think if it was a chemical pregnancy or were the test wrong and it was higher than a 3 its really making me wonder, although I have no idea how I got negs then pos on the same tests although I do know sensitivity does very from test to test even in the same brand, ughhh I am expecting af tonight after 12am or tomorrow or maybe I am just now at 0 and am really ovulation although I kind of doubt it and think it is just picking up my period cause its flashing not a fixed smiley however ill bd just in case, I did go get a BBT while I was out so I will start doing that tomorrow any suggestions would be greatly appreciated cause this is the first time I have ever done all this I have read up about it though, I am going to get me some pre seed as well.. I am just so confused by all this but hopefully I can get me a buddy or buddies to help me along the way and we can do updates I really like having someone to talk to that gets it!! thanks you guys for listening to me talk about..well... ME all the time im sure its aggravating hearing me talk on and on about myself I am just in such ah mode and I don't get it if im o'ing going to start or wth is or has been going on I am crampy white cm and I think my cervix is low and soft but not 100 percent I haven't done it in a while but I did it on toilet so idk if that makes a difference sorry for all the info but ik you guys don't mind!! thanks again maybe one of us are on the same cycle I hope so!! I hope I figure out whats going on and either I see af tomorrow or a fixed smiley!!
Hi Everyone!
I am hoping that you might let me join your conversation as you seem like a friendly group :) I have been prowling the internet for the last 7 weeks since my mmc but this is the first time that I've posted anything.

My mmc was looong - I was 9.5 wks pregnant and started spotting. Went to the hospital on Friday, Oct. 11 and us showed viable 6.5wk pregnancy. I was sent home on bed rest and told to come back in a week to see if the pregnancy was viable or not. On Monday, Oct. 14th I miscarried at home. No followup us ordered as it seemed that I had passed everything. After 4 weeks of off and on bleeding I went back to the doc who ordered another us that showed retained product. Was sent home with misoprostol that weekend. The misoprostol didn't work and had to have a d and c the next week. Bled for a week after the d and c. Have now had 4 blood free days (YAY) and am waiting to ovulate or for AF to arrive. Bought my first opk yesterday but testing negative. So, like many of you, I am in the anxiously waiting/what is going on with my body?! boat. I have a beautiful daughter who just turned 3 last week and am hoping to give her a happy, healthy younger sibling sooner, rather than later.

Anyway, hope that wasn't TMI and hoping to make some friends here :)

Welcome & sorry for you loss, its horrible that it needs to be drawn out like that. My BFF went through the same type of story and she was with me the day of my US and thats why i chose a D&C immediately, didnt want to have to be in limbo and wonder if there might be something else.

I o'd 18days after my D&C and AF on 31days. But my HCG wasnt very high, only 2000 a week before the D&C so that might have also helped in regaining my cycles quickly.

Fxd you dont have to wait to long for O or AF!!!! :hugs:

Tara and Castaway,
Thanks so much for your welcome and so sorry for your losses as well. It sucks that anyone has to go through this. Castaway, I cannot imagine your first loss. My heart goes out to you. You are very strong to continue your journey :)

The waiting does suck. I try to content myself by focusing on how I can use this time to get super-healthy and emotionally balanced but I'd really just like to be back ttc. Grrrr! So hard to be patient.

Has anyone tried acupuncture? I have started seeing an acupuncturist that a few of my friends who have mc swear by.

Wishing all of us quick healing, a visit from AF soon, and a happy, healthy BFP shortly thereafter :)

I started accu last year during my second IUI and havent stopped since.
i had better egg growth and much more relaxed.

I go weekly now on a Wednesday at 8am and i LOVE it! It helps alot with balancing your hormones. I would say give it a try!

if you don't mind me asking what do you mean due to medical neglect? I couldn't ever even imagine that type of loss!! you are so strong and I admire you so damn much!! excuse my language I don't know how women can handle a still born I would be in such a deep depression I would think but I am weird when it comes to death I guess because I have lost everyone around me but my sister my kids and husband. ugghh.

I have read a lot about acupuncture but never tried it, however it is interesting a lot of women have conceived that way.

I went out and got a frer today and it was a :bfn: :bfn: :bfn: :bfn: I am sooo hurt confused etc I don't know what to think if it was a chemical pregnancy or were the test wrong and it was higher than a 3 its really making me wonder, although I have no idea how I got negs then pos on the same tests although I do know sensitivity does very from test to test even in the same brand, ughhh I am expecting af tonight after 12am or tomorrow or maybe I am just now at 0 and am really ovulation although I kind of doubt it and think it is just picking up my period cause its flashing not a fixed smiley however ill bd just in case, I did go get a BBT while I was out so I will start doing that tomorrow any suggestions would be greatly appreciated cause this is the first time I have ever done all this I have read up about it though, I am going to get me some pre seed as well.. I am just so confused by all this but hopefully I can get me a buddy or buddies to help me along the way and we can do updates I really like having someone to talk to that gets it!! thanks you guys for listening to me talk about..well... ME all the time im sure its aggravating hearing me talk on and on about myself I am just in such ah mode and I don't get it if im o'ing going to start or wth is or has been going on I am crampy white cm and I think my cervix is low and soft but not 100 percent I haven't done it in a while but I did it on toilet so idk if that makes a difference sorry for all the info but ik you guys don't mind!! thanks again maybe one of us are on the same cycle I hope so!! I hope I figure out whats going on and either I see af tomorrow or a fixed smiley!!

Damn those stupid tests!!!!! If it was a chemical then atleast you know your body is gearing up to do the right thing so i think after your AF you will stand a very good chance at getting your BFP!!! Just keep faith and know we all here and praying for all of our BFPS! :hugs::hugs:
thanks this is so frustrating af didn't come and still flashing smileys and cm so maybe I am ovulation I took temp this am 97.43 yesterday was 97.33 not that it means anything cause I really have nothing to go by yet til atleast one cycle and I have no idea how to count since im not tech on any cycle day yet til after af unless counting from the 3rd of last month then I would be cd31 I suppose but if it was a chemical I know it could throw off my af but the positive opks Idk wtf is going on I really think I may be ovulating now and maybe that was just leftover hcg and they got my numbers way wrong that would make more sense to me like I said doesn't explain the negs then back pos then back negs but since sensitivity varies that could vary well explain that so lets hope it was leftovers and im just now ovulating gosh I hope so that'd be great but I still think af should have came?? maybe im off on when I od and I haven't had time to implant? but that's not possible if I was getting positives right so confuuusseed lol lets just hope I am oing :thumbup:
Aww Tara :hugs::hugs: hopefully AF will come soon so you know exactly where you are in your cycle and be clear of the confusion. I know how that goes.

I'm cd4 today, so I'm just waiting to O, probably not till next weekend or round about there. Going to bootcamp and staying busy in the interim....FX we get some BFP's on this thread this month!!! :flower:
thanks this is so frustrating af didn't come and still flashing smileys and cm so maybe I am ovulation I took temp this am 97.43 yesterday was 97.33 not that it means anything cause I really have nothing to go by yet til atleast one cycle and I have no idea how to count since im not tech on any cycle day yet til after af unless counting from the 3rd of last month then I would be cd31 I suppose but if it was a chemical I know it could throw off my af but the positive opks Idk wtf is going on I really think I may be ovulating now and maybe that was just leftover hcg and they got my numbers way wrong that would make more sense to me like I said doesn't explain the negs then back pos then back negs but since sensitivity varies that could vary well explain that so lets hope it was leftovers and im just now ovulating gosh I hope so that'd be great but I still think af should have came?? maybe im off on when I od and I haven't had time to implant? but that's not possible if I was getting positives right so confuuusseed lol lets just hope I am oing :thumbup:

I think at this point it is just crazy hormones :nope: I know I had odd symptoms and even had ovulation symptoms but I am pretty sure I didn't release an egg even though I went through the motions. Once you have AF I would temp and do everything and you will be back in the running!!
if you don't mind me asking what do you mean due to medical neglect? I couldn't ever even imagine that type of loss!! you are so strong and I admire you so damn much!! excuse my language I don't know how women can handle a still born I would be in such a deep depression I would think but I am weird when it comes to death I guess because I have lost everyone around me but my sister my kids and husband. ugghh.

I have read a lot about acupuncture but never tried it, however it is interesting a lot of women have conceived that way.

I went out and got a frer today and it was a :bfn: :bfn: :bfn: :bfn: I am sooo hurt confused etc I don't know what to think if it was a chemical pregnancy or were the test wrong and it was higher than a 3 its really making me wonder, although I have no idea how I got negs then pos on the same tests although I do know sensitivity does very from test to test even in the same brand, ughhh I am expecting af tonight after 12am or tomorrow or maybe I am just now at 0 and am really ovulation although I kind of doubt it and think it is just picking up my period cause its flashing not a fixed smiley however ill bd just in case, I did go get a BBT while I was out so I will start doing that tomorrow any suggestions would be greatly appreciated cause this is the first time I have ever done all this I have read up about it though, I am going to get me some pre seed as well.. I am just so confused by all this but hopefully I can get me a buddy or buddies to help me along the way and we can do updates I really like having someone to talk to that gets it!! thanks you guys for listening to me talk about..well... ME all the time im sure its aggravating hearing me talk on and on about myself I am just in such ah mode and I don't get it if im o'ing going to start or wth is or has been going on I am crampy white cm and I think my cervix is low and soft but not 100 percent I haven't done it in a while but I did it on toilet so idk if that makes a difference sorry for all the info but ik you guys don't mind!! thanks again maybe one of us are on the same cycle I hope so!! I hope I figure out whats going on and either I see af tomorrow or a fixed smiley!!

I was having very quiet days, I didn't feel my son at all on Sunday at my baby shower. :cry:

The next day instead of work I went to the hospital where they basically told me I was crazy, they could hear his heart beat. It was over 200 beats per minute I told them that was not right and wanted a scan. They did not believe me anything was wrong but amused me...I got the scan and it was noted (and not told to me) that his cord was wrapped around his neck. Sadly I went in a month before for reduced movement and was again, not told, that the cord was wrapped around his neck. (I truly believe he was slowly being strangled that entire month, thus putting him into a heart attack) I was sent to another hospital as they feared they could not deliver there and have the supplies to care for him as he was early and in need of possible heart surgery....he passed inside me on the way to the other hospital. It is devastating....we should have been better informed and watched....:cry:
I am so so sorry. I can't imagine. I would've sued or left some awful comments.. Something.
I am so so sorry. I can't imagine. I would've sued or left some awful comments.. Something.

Leah I am looking into obtaining a lawyer, just hard to find one b/c of the fact that my son was not born...they don't consider him a baby. :cry: I still can't believe he is not here at times. I think we will always miss him, a piece of our heart is forever gone. I just hope and pray our next baby is destined for our arms.
I am soo sooo soo soo sorry I even asked that breaks my heart in pieces I can't imagine what that was like yes I agree with leah you should do something I would sue their asses off my son that's 3 got stuck by a dirty needle the day I found out about my baby and I need to do the same but I don't know if your in the us or the uk or where but I am so sorry for your loss how far along were you.. my heart truly goes out to you a million times!! and yes it probably is my stupid hormones I am still testing though my last mc was right back on track so this is a little odd still yet but maybe im just getting a lh surge from the af that's late and my usually af is 4 days but were I bled for so long before dnc and like 5 days after dnc maybe its thrown me off too who knows...
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: for you castaway (im going to start calling you ca)
It is so sad that people dont regard them as babies untill they born. Its a live, has a heartbeat why on earth are they not considered living human beings. I feel like some people on this earth should not be considered living human beings but that is because of their own wrong doings and not a innocent life. I cant even imagine how you must be feeling, and can understand why you feeling about TTC as you are but you will get your forever baby in your arms and he/she will have the amazing personality of 2 babies making them even more special.

Your little guy is looking after you and just im sure he will make sure of that bfp coming soon :hugs:

MJ, I hate this wait to O, so boring! LoL but the TWW isnt any better.

Tara, I really hope you get some clearity on whats going on with your body!

AFM > Went to the FS this morning and everything looked great on the scan. Said my lining is nice and thin and ovaries are looking great.

So i have decided to start with the Femara today, first 2 tablets are down already :lol: so no turning back. For a full update on everything he said you can visit my journal and have a cup of :coffee: as i spoke to him about quite a bit of things that i will share.
I am soo sooo soo soo sorry I even asked that breaks my heart in pieces I can't imagine what that was like yes I agree with leah you should do something I would sue their asses off my son that's 3 got stuck by a dirty needle the day I found out about my baby and I need to do the same but I don't know if your in the us or the uk or where but I am so sorry for your loss how far along were you.. my heart truly goes out to you a million times!! and yes it probably is my stupid hormones I am still testing though my last mc was right back on track so this is a little odd still yet but maybe im just getting a lh surge from the af that's late and my usually af is 4 days but were I bled for so long before dnc and like 5 days after dnc maybe its thrown me off too who knows...
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: for you castaway (im going to start calling you ca)

Christopher was 31 weeks, almost 5 pounds and 16 inches long....
:hugs::hugs::hugs:Catway, my heart goes out to you every time you tell the story :cry::cry:

Tella - I think we're only a day a part. Are they going to give you a trigger shot this cycle? or just the femara and timed intercourse? If no bfp this cycle I'll be doing the same thing in January.

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