TTC after D&C (Soon)

hmmm either it takes your body a very looonngg time to get the hcg out or.... it could be a new baby!!!!

I have been getting positive and negative hcg tests since my d and c so I completely understand its so aggravating not knowing what is going on, however I haven't had any bleeding other than my d and c I am still waiting so I have bd every day since the 8th of last month since I didn't know if I could trus;t opks or hcg test I had blood work they said my hcg was at 3 but yet I kept getting positive hcgs till about a week or so ago then they went negative ...Again.. well I had pos opk though I was oing then negative then pos again I use cb advanced digi well for some odd reason I decided to take a hcg and it was faint pos after being negative for a while now but im scared to get excited im worried maybe its retained tissue cause my hcg to go up and down hence the reason ;for pos and neg hcg test but this time I got faints on two different tests so idk im going to see if it gets darker or goes back neg this is so frustrating im going crazy I may call my doctor tomorrow... ughhhh

Unfortunately its hormones. Until you have AF that is really all it can be :cry: The doctor said towards the end it really lingers and sadly fluctuates! I am going to get into a specialist any way but I believe if I was pregnant I would have felt it by now I would be almost 7ish
Took a FRER, its positive. This is torture! :growl mad:

I hope the specialist gets in touch with me tomorrow...

:hugs: wish you could just get some clarity on whats going on now. :hugs:

Is it a very clear positive? Or is there some way you can see if there is progression on it by testing again tomorrow?

Hey everyone!
I totally feel your cycle confusion pain! I am 18 days post d and c, have had no bleeding for 11/12 days and tonight have started to bleed again. I don't know if this is AF or if it was triggered from exercise yesterday or what?! My hcg was down to 9 prior to the d and c (as I had naturally miscarried 6 weeks prior but had retained product). I've been having negative hpts for awhile now. This is soooo frustrating!

Sorry about everything that you are going through at the moment. I cant help you with the bleeding as i only had an AF 5 weeks after my D&C after i confirmed O on CD21. Hope you get a proper AF so that you can start afresh and know what is going on!

hmmm either it takes your body a very looonngg time to get the hcg out or.... it could be a new baby!!!!

I have been getting positive and negative hcg tests since my d and c so I completely understand its so aggravating not knowing what is going on, however I haven't had any bleeding other than my d and c I am still waiting so I have bd every day since the 8th of last month since I didn't know if I could trus;t opks or hcg test I had blood work they said my hcg was at 3 but yet I kept getting positive hcgs till about a week or so ago then they went negative ...Again.. well I had pos opk though I was oing then negative then pos again I use cb advanced digi well for some odd reason I decided to take a hcg and it was faint pos after being negative for a while now but im scared to get excited im worried maybe its retained tissue cause my hcg to go up and down hence the reason ;for pos and neg hcg test but this time I got faints on two different tests so idk im going to see if it gets darker or goes back neg this is so frustrating im going crazy I may call my doctor tomorrow... ughhhh

Any news from your doctor? Im hoping they will give you two repeat bloodtests to see if your HCG is increasing or just lingering around.

Yesterday I started spotting again and felt crampy, then this morning I woke up feeling exhausted. Is this normal? It's been 6 days since d&c.

I actually cant remember if i was exhausted after my D&C even thou i can remember it from my pregnancy but it subsided quickly after the D&C including sore boobs and hunger.

I think you body is just trying to force you to rest so that it can recover. So i think you must take it easy and rest up. :hugs:

hmmm either it takes your body a very looonngg time to get the hcg out or.... it could be a new baby!!!!

I have been getting positive and negative hcg tests since my d and c so I completely understand its so aggravating not knowing what is going on, however I haven't had any bleeding other than my d and c I am still waiting so I have bd every day since the 8th of last month since I didn't know if I could trus;t opks or hcg test I had blood work they said my hcg was at 3 but yet I kept getting positive hcgs till about a week or so ago then they went negative ...Again.. well I had pos opk though I was oing then negative then pos again I use cb advanced digi well for some odd reason I decided to take a hcg and it was faint pos after being negative for a while now but im scared to get excited im worried maybe its retained tissue cause my hcg to go up and down hence the reason ;for pos and neg hcg test but this time I got faints on two different tests so idk im going to see if it gets darker or goes back neg this is so frustrating im going crazy I may call my doctor tomorrow... ughhhh

Unfortunately its hormones. Until you have AF that is really all it can be :cry: The doctor said towards the end it really lingers and sadly fluctuates! I am going to get into a specialist any way but I believe if I was pregnant I would have felt it by now I would be almost 7ish

I really hope it is gonna be our of your system quickly or that if it is a new pregnancy that you can have it confirmed to stop stressing. Considering if you Od late then you might not be so far along but the best thing will be a scan with 2 repeat bloods.
Thanks Tella,

I actually slept for 3 hours. I had slight lower back pain this morning and when I woke up this afternoon it was terrible. Just took some pain killers and seems to help. I feel so out of control of my own body. :-(

When I first got pregnant I took folic acid, centrum materna and vitamin e supplements. What else can I do to improve my body and prepare it for a next pregnancy one day? I took the pain killers, but want to try to take only when necessary since I try to keep my body clean.
Hey Ladies,

I'm a little confused and disappointed, so maybe you guys can give me your opinions. Ok so I came off BC in early November and my period came on Nov 13th. So I'm usually 33-35 days for YEARS! Never has been any other way. Well here it is a week before my period and I noticed bleeding. Enough to feel a pad. This has NEVER happened before! Me and my fiancé had some pretty intense sex last night (TMI) sorry!!!

Could this really be my period?? A early miscarriage or implantation bleeding? I'm just so shocked because this never happened before. Well with my last pregnancy I did bleed everytime after sex. Idk I just don't want to get my hopes up!
hey ladies,
I really need some help here I keep getting positive hcg test then negative, I have had no pain to make me think theres retained tissue or anything like that I know I have reached 0 by now I got week or more of negatives then 2 days of positives now negatives again I tried to look up about it fluctuating after a dnc but I can't find anything on it and even if it does how can it go up and down that much to be seen on a test that's not just a number or 2 higher its atleast 25mius high or more. I don't get it I felt like I was really ovulating so why I even took the test I have no idea but if it is fluctuating like this is it even possible for me to conceive at this point or ovulate? im so confused I don't know what to think I guess I will go in for some blood work but I don't think that's going to help cause I know its not high or I would be getting positives again and if they don't get blood work while its high they are just going to assume im crazy I don't know what else to do or think im so aggravated!!
My doctor is having me repeat my levels, goin this Sat.

Specialist scheduled for Jan 15th!

I just want my body to function again...this wait is brutal! You girls help me stay sane though, thanks so much!!
Mariah- if u just came off bc last month your hormones are probably just trying to get back to normal. You may have O'd pretty early after you stopped the bc so that would make AF come on sooner. It may take a couple cycles to regulate.

Tara- I think you need a scan hon

castaway- keep us posted. My specialist appt is the end of this month, right before next cycle starts.

Afm, I've been having a dull ache in my right ovary but no real positive opk yet. My ovaries are definitely doing something!
mj, I go for my follow up the 19th however I really don't think theres left over tissue because ive had no cramping bleeding except when oing etc and everyone ive read about that's had retained tissue has had pain and or bleeding or spotting I haven't had any of these symptoms and I also passed the baby at home then the dnc im about 99.9% its all clear plus that doesn't explain the hcg going up and down like it is and its not just stuck its going up down enough to get pos then negatives a day or so later or maybe this time it was a chemical but idk because I have no date to go by at this point my af was due the 3rd im 7 days late o came instead of af I got flashing smileys on 1st 2nd and 3rd I assumed was af coming then 3rd night was fixed smiley for 2 days then 2nd night negative then again fixed smiley the next day for 2 days now its again negative so im guessing I really did o I have all the signs and symptoms but the hcg still confuses me, I know you can o with hcg in your system but can you really get pregnant or am I wasiting my time trying.. im going to call my doctor I guess but I go in 9 days if I really did o I should know by then if I got pregnant I just wish af or a :bfp: would come so I can get on the right track!!
mj, I go for my follow up the 19th however I really don't think theres left over tissue because ive had no cramping bleeding except when oing etc and everyone ive read about that's had retained tissue has had pain and or bleeding or spotting I haven't had any of these symptoms and I also passed the baby at home then the dnc im about 99.9% its all clear plus that doesn't explain the hcg going up and down like it is and its not just stuck its going up down enough to get pos then negatives a day or so later or maybe this time it was a chemical but idk because I have no date to go by at this point my af was due the 3rd im 7 days late o came instead of af I got flashing smileys on 1st 2nd and 3rd I assumed was af coming then 3rd night was fixed smiley for 2 days then 2nd night negative then again fixed smiley the next day for 2 days now its again negative so im guessing I really did o I have all the signs and symptoms but the hcg still confuses me, I know you can o with hcg in your system but can you really get pregnant or am I wasiting my time trying.. im going to call my doctor I guess but I go in 9 days if I really did o I should know by then if I got pregnant I just wish af or a :bfp: would come so I can get on the right track!!

Tara - I think there was someone earlier on this thread that didn't have cramping or anything and she had retained tissue. I hope that's not the case for you but you should really demand a scan just be sure.
mj, I go for my follow up the 19th however I really don't think theres left over tissue because ive had no cramping bleeding except when oing etc and everyone ive read about that's had retained tissue has had pain and or bleeding or spotting I haven't had any of these symptoms and I also passed the baby at home then the dnc im about 99.9% its all clear plus that doesn't explain the hcg going up and down like it is and its not just stuck its going up down enough to get pos then negatives a day or so later or maybe this time it was a chemical but idk because I have no date to go by at this point my af was due the 3rd im 7 days late o came instead of af I got flashing smileys on 1st 2nd and 3rd I assumed was af coming then 3rd night was fixed smiley for 2 days then 2nd night negative then again fixed smiley the next day for 2 days now its again negative so im guessing I really did o I have all the signs and symptoms but the hcg still confuses me, I know you can o with hcg in your system but can you really get pregnant or am I wasiting my time trying.. im going to call my doctor I guess but I go in 9 days if I really did o I should know by then if I got pregnant I just wish af or a :bfp: would come so I can get on the right track!!

Tara - I think there was someone earlier on this thread that didn't have cramping or anything and she had retained tissue. I hope that's not the case for you but you should really demand a scan just be sure.

I think this might be a good idea Tara....your HCG should not be fluctuating like may not be ovulating until you have a real period. Your body may be struggling to fire up the hormone train and that is what you are seeing in all your testing...can you get into the doctor soon? A scan and bloods would do wonders!
I called my doctor and they called me back and confirmed my numbers were at three when I had them drawn the 21st of November also this was a different nurse, I go tomorrow for more blood work but unless it shows something I get the feeling they don't care, I go for my follow up the 19th so 9 days from now also I got more positive ovulation test and flashing cb advanced only this time I have watery cm and little creamy maybe im gearing up for af? or I don't know what else to think anymore I honestly don't think its retained tissue I didn't have much as it was but my luck you never know its like they are too busy to check on me, sounds like a law suit to me if I do have retained tissue, I have no bad pain or spotting nothing and everyone I have talked to said I would be doubled over in pain but I have a high tolerance for pain I was dilated 8-9cm with my son and almost didn't get a epidural not that I think it would have bothered me not to and I didn't want any pain meds through out my mc so idk guess its a possibility but the doctor doesn't seem to feel theres any reason for concern at all. in fact I think they feel like im crazy.. maybe I am? but I posted pics so I doubt it.. who knows anymore
Angelbaby, keep taking your folic acid for sure.... DH and I started taking Coenzyme Q10 after my m/c - studies show it makes his sperm better (just google CoQ10 and sperm) and the ladies doing IVF use it because it apparently makes better eggs (even though only one study said that it's enough for me).... So I figure why not! If he's got more (and better quality) swimmers and my eggs are better, maybe they won't make a faulty baby! I'm stopping the CoQ10 as soon as I ovulate though because I couldn't find any info about whether I was supposed to keep taking it or not. GL!
I called my doctor and they called me back and confirmed my numbers were at three when I had them drawn the 21st of November also this was a different nurse, I go tomorrow for more blood work but unless it shows something I get the feeling they don't care, I go for my follow up the 19th so 9 days from now also I got more positive ovulation test and flashing cb advanced only this time I have watery cm and little creamy maybe im gearing up for af? or I don't know what else to think anymore I honestly don't think its retained tissue I didn't have much as it was but my luck you never know its like they are too busy to check on me, sounds like a law suit to me if I do have retained tissue, I have no bad pain or spotting nothing and everyone I have talked to said I would be doubled over in pain but I have a high tolerance for pain I was dilated 8-9cm with my son and almost didn't get a epidural not that I think it would have bothered me not to and I didn't want any pain meds through out my mc so idk guess its a possibility but the doctor doesn't seem to feel theres any reason for concern at all. in fact I think they feel like im crazy.. maybe I am? but I posted pics so I doubt it.. who knows anymore

Until you get AF you may get false is crazy how hormones fluctuate after a miscarriage...hope you get some answers soon!
3minions - where have you been? how is this cycle going for you? I have DH taking C0Q10 too :)

CD12 for me today, temps still low. Hoping to O sometime this weekend :coffee: so still playing the waiting game.
Is this normal? I feel nauseas and have a terrible headache the entire day. It started yesterday, but became more intense today. Could it be my hormones?
Is this normal? I feel nauseas and have a terrible headache the entire day. It started yesterday, but became more intense today. Could it be my hormones?

Yes I had terrible headaches for awhile too...hormones can be so crazy, makes me afraid of menopause! Lol
castaway, I wish that were the case for me but my doctors don't see to think so. I honestly don't think its that either I have searched all over the internet for information on this and can find nothing. I am back to flashing smiley after a day of negatives and a faint test after negative again I got for blood work today but unless my doctor is willing to do a ultra sound I don't think it is going to do much good, unless its above a 5 maybe then they will do something, at this point im scared of retained product but still I don't see how that can make your levels go up that high and right back down. maybe its a molar pregnancy or ectopic? does any have experience with these that could maybe give me some insight? im in no pain whatsoever I feel fine other than being moody yesterday I thought I was about to start but nothing just wateryish cm with a little lotiony at times I know that watery can sometimes mean af is coming but usually my back hurts and stuff and this time nothing I actually seem like im gearing back up to o. is it possible to o more than once in a cycle, I mean not just gearing up and not oing I mean actual oing twice in one cycle? my temps have been pretty crazy which I guess til I have af is pretty normal but the sore breats went away so I really was thinking it was a chemical but still no af ? isn't there something they can give you to make you start af? my only concern there is that what if I did o and everything is okay and I get meds to start and it hurts the baby I am just so out of it right now I don't know what to think anymore and to be honest im kind of pissed at myself my doctors everything!! I just want to know wtf is going on with me, I can't get any answers from nurses other than blood work and below 5 is negative and confirmation I was 3 the 21st woohoo thanks for the help they are giving me!! errr:growlmad::growlmad::shrug::shrug:
castaway, I wish that were the case for me but my doctors don't see to think so. I honestly don't think its that either I have searched all over the internet for information on this and can find nothing. I am back to flashing smiley after a day of negatives and a faint test after negative again I got for blood work today but unless my doctor is willing to do a ultra sound I don't think it is going to do much good, unless its above a 5 maybe then they will do something, at this point im scared of retained product but still I don't see how that can make your levels go up that high and right back down. maybe its a molar pregnancy or ectopic? does any have experience with these that could maybe give me some insight? im in no pain whatsoever I feel fine other than being moody yesterday I thought I was about to start but nothing just wateryish cm with a little lotiony at times I know that watery can sometimes mean af is coming but usually my back hurts and stuff and this time nothing I actually seem like im gearing back up to o. is it possible to o more than once in a cycle, I mean not just gearing up and not oing I mean actual oing twice in one cycle? my temps have been pretty crazy which I guess til I have af is pretty normal but the sore breats went away so I really was thinking it was a chemical but still no af ? isn't there something they can give you to make you start af? my only concern there is that what if I did o and everything is okay and I get meds to start and it hurts the baby I am just so out of it right now I don't know what to think anymore and to be honest im kind of pissed at myself my doctors everything!! I just want to know wtf is going on with me, I can't get any answers from nurses other than blood work and below 5 is negative and confirmation I was 3 the 21st woohoo thanks for the help they are giving me!! errr:growlmad::growlmad::shrug::shrug:

I do know that you can attempt to O, not be able to and then surge again. This may be your body attempting to get back in working order...honestly I would try another doctor if this one is just not helping...can you see someone else? They do have medication you can take but if you may be pregnant I would just hold off. It is a waiting game, I know it stinks, but there is not much else you can do. Hang in there!
castaway, I wish that were the case for me but my doctors don't see to think so. I honestly don't think its that either I have searched all over the internet for information on this and can find nothing. I am back to flashing smiley after a day of negatives and a faint test after negative again I got for blood work today but unless my doctor is willing to do a ultra sound I don't think it is going to do much good, unless its above a 5 maybe then they will do something, at this point im scared of retained product but still I don't see how that can make your levels go up that high and right back down. maybe its a molar pregnancy or ectopic? does any have experience with these that could maybe give me some insight? im in no pain whatsoever I feel fine other than being moody yesterday I thought I was about to start but nothing just wateryish cm with a little lotiony at times I know that watery can sometimes mean af is coming but usually my back hurts and stuff and this time nothing I actually seem like im gearing back up to o. is it possible to o more than once in a cycle, I mean not just gearing up and not oing I mean actual oing twice in one cycle? my temps have been pretty crazy which I guess til I have af is pretty normal but the sore breats went away so I really was thinking it was a chemical but still no af ? isn't there something they can give you to make you start af? my only concern there is that what if I did o and everything is okay and I get meds to start and it hurts the baby I am just so out of it right now I don't know what to think anymore and to be honest im kind of pissed at myself my doctors everything!! I just want to know wtf is going on with me, I can't get any answers from nurses other than blood work and below 5 is negative and confirmation I was 3 the 21st woohoo thanks for the help they are giving me!! errr:growlmad::growlmad::shrug::shrug:

I do know that you can attempt to O, not be able to and then surge again. This may be your body attempting to get back in working order...honestly I would try another doctor if this one is just not helping...can you see someone else? They do have medication you can take but if you may be pregnant I would just hold off. It is a waiting game, I know it stinks, but there is not much else you can do. Hang in there!

Castaway beat me to it.....I was just going to say if the office you're with won't allow you to get a scan or address your concerns then you need to find a new doctor and asap. They don't sound like the type of office you would want to be with when you do get pg again as they clearly have no interest in their patients.
I don't think its so much as they don't want to help or see me I think its just they are soo busy and always booked solid although because of my particular situation you would think it would be a bigger deal. I went and got the blood work done but I don't know if it will be above 5 by now I had a faint this am but it was very faint so im not sure what its at now I think im just trying and trying and trying to o and its not happening or its just positive opks because of af I have no ideal but I really felt like I oed so idk and until I keep flat out negatives for a while I guess I won't know and yes theres other drs but in the same office and I don't want another dr there I like the one I have the only other obgyn here in my town is a guy I had him before he has the audacity to ask if my dh was cheating on me because I was crying in pain so I am def not going back there. there are more in another city about 30 minutes away but ive had bad experience there too and im not sure if anywhere else does high risk patients ugh im so confused!!

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