TTC after D&C (Soon)

castaway, what do you mean they can vary and say 3 and be a 10? I thought beta test was as accurate as they come. and I was confirmed it was a 3 on the 21st and a 1 yesterday so I don't know..

no more sign of blood idk what to think now ive got peak opks so who knows im just waiting it out I just would like it to come on already its not like its bad for me its never very heavy and only lasts max for 4 days so I don't mind better than knowing nothing my breasts are starting to get sore again ahh I don't know its crazy anymore.

what ever happened on your end?

My doctor told me levels flucate so you really need to look for a trend not an exact you need to have a repeat test two days later if you suspect they are going up to really confirm pregnancy...
Castaway - :hugs: I really hope AF comes for you soon. I remember penguin in the earlier parts of this forum did not get her AF till 9 weeks later. I truly hope you won't have to wait that long! 3 weeks of on and off is frustrating, but I hope AF comes soon so you can get your cycle going. One thing I do know, is when she does come it won't take you long to get pg :winkwink::flower:

Angel - I'm a poas addict lol, so I will always encourage you to test :haha:

Tara - sorry you're going through this, I hope AF comes soon for you too so you can have a fresh start. You're body is probably trying to sort itself out, hopefully it will do so quickly.

LeahLou - :wave:
hey ladies,
castaway, im not sure about that to be honest I think every doctor has a different opinion but I really think betas are dead on, I don't think there's any guessing with them, I think maybe the test I am using are just way to sensitive maybe if there is such a thing or they are reading the results wrong but I doubt it, who knows, I don't know if I am pregnant but I doubt it at this point and im not going to lead myself to believe I am when the test are at 1 it would have to be a new pregnancy that just happened if I am lol but again doubtful and now the fixed smiley telling me peak fertility who knows I got more faints but so faint I don't know maybe I am just seeing things, I am a poas addict so I am just trying to watch and make sure it stays negative and really to just use up the ones I have lol... ahhh I really thought af was on its way lastnight when I saw super small insignificant amounts of blood but I guess I was wrong.. I wonder what it was though I hadn't bd yet so I have no clue and its gone today so im not sure weird though..hope you all get your sticky little baby this cycle!! lost of baby dust :dust: ill leave you all alone till I know something for sure im sure its annoying hearing me go on and on endlessly im just kind of lost at the moment but when af comes or if something else happens ill post just incase someone else needs some info on this in the future!! thanks for being so supportive ill talk to you all soon!!
Castaway - :hugs: I really hope AF comes for you soon. I remember penguin in the earlier parts of this forum did not get her AF till 9 weeks later. I truly hope you won't have to wait that long! 3 weeks of on and off is frustrating, but I hope AF comes soon so you can get your cycle going. One thing I do know, is when she does come it won't take you long to get pg :winkwink::flower:

Angel - I'm a poas addict lol, so I will always encourage you to test :haha:

Tara - sorry you're going through this, I hope AF comes soon for you too so you can have a fresh start. You're body is probably trying to sort itself out, hopefully it will do so quickly.

LeahLou - :wave:

MJ, that's what I fear I am in this for the long haul! Lol I dont feel like AF is anywhere near either...sigh. Maybe I will get pregnant and won't even get my AF in the next two weeks! Lol
Im so sorry you guys are still in limbo, fxd for answers soon. I would definitely demand on a second test 48hrs later as thats the only true way to know what your levels are doing.

Mj, yay its awesome to be tww buddies. I triggered tonight, so I think I will O tomorrow night or latest Sunday. BDing marathon for us as well. 2 mornings for sure and maybe a afternoon/evening tomorrow :winkwink:
Im so sorry you guys are still in limbo, fxd for answers soon. I would definitely demand on a second test 48hrs later as thats the only true way to know what your levels are doing.

Mj, yay its awesome to be tww buddies. I triggered tonight, so I think I will O tomorrow night or latest Sunday. BDing marathon for us as well. 2 mornings for sure and maybe a afternoon/evening tomorrow :winkwink:

Yeah if it comes back anywhere out of the single digits I will be doing just that :thumbup:
Cast, that's the best plan.

Afm, we BDd this am but dh was not on form. He did finish but not with a smile :haha:

Femara was horrible to me this cycle. I didnt have any fertile CM :cry: hope its not gonna effect our chances.
Tella - we bd'd this morning as well and I plan to continue until monday/tuesday just to cover my bases. I really wanted to get some in last night but we went out to DH's company xmas party and when we came in he was too tired.
I'm not a morning person so I have to use preseed in the morning.....have you tried it? It might help if you don't have enough cm. Also, do you have to take progesterone after you O?

Castaway - it would be nice if you did get pg before AF even showed up....I really can't wait for you to have your rainbow baby, but I know it's going to happen.
Tella - we bd'd this morning as well and I plan to continue until monday/tuesday just to cover my bases. I really wanted to get some in last night but we went out to DH's company xmas party and when we came in he was too tired.
I'm not a morning person so I have to use preseed in the morning.....have you tried it? It might help if you don't have enough cm. Also, do you have to take progesterone after you O?

Castaway - it would be nice if you did get pg before AF even showed up....I really can't wait for you to have your rainbow baby, but I know it's going to happen.

I hope you and Tella keep BD!!! I am trying to get hubby to do every other day but it feels like too much of a forced thing. With CBFM we knew when we needed to baby dance so we didn't feel any pressure. So now I am just going on a whim, if he doesn't want to do it so be it...still no AF anyway so who knows I am wondering if maybe I am pregnant. Bloods will give a better picture, I went this morning. I will probably have to be put on meds if not, my left breast was SO itchy driving to our dinner reservations last night. My husband was like, "Why do you keep playing with yourself!?" he was very bothered! :haha: I said I don't know but my nipple is itchy must be dry, form the weather b/c it was very erect. I get home and I was sticky and my bra was a bit wet. I think I was lactating. I have not done that since I got home from the hospital with my son. :nope:

I am ready to get off the wacky hormone train girls.:ships: better then a sinking ship though, right?
Im gonna start progesterone but only from 3dpo so say Wednesday. FS its my choice before bfp but after bfp I must immediately start with it. So im gonna use it.

Bd is out tonight DH is not in the mood as we worked very hard to clean the house today after we had the whole house retiled and it is so dusty and everything is out of place. So we both dead tired. Will pull out the lingerie tomorrow night :winkwink:

Mj, I have used preseed and I like it more than Conceive plus. But I have that now and I have like 5 tubes however I think they have expired but the expiry date is unreadable so I dont know. It makea me burn when I apply it :shrug: and DH also doesn't like it much. Do you insert it like 20min before like the instructions say or only when BDing? Ive never managed the 20min.
Cast, I really hope you start getting clarity with the beta results. Have they tested your prolactin levels? If the stay elevated it can prevent o and af.
Im gonna start progesterone but only from 3dpo so say Wednesday. FS its my choice before bfp but after bfp I must immediately start with it. So im gonna use it.

Bd is out tonight DH is not in the mood as we worked very hard to clean the house today after we had the whole house retiled and it is so dusty and everything is out of place. So we both dead tired. Will pull out the lingerie tomorrow night :winkwink:

Mj, I have used preseed and I like it more than Conceive plus. But I have that now and I have like 5 tubes however I think they have expired but the expiry date is unreadable so I dont know. It makea me burn when I apply it :shrug: and DH also doesn't like it much. Do you insert it like 20min before like the instructions say or only when BDing? Ive never managed the 20min.

I have never had it burn, thats a bit odd?? I put it in 15 mins prior, I use the applicator and stick it all the way up
Cast, I really hope you start getting clarity with the beta results. Have they tested your prolactin levels? If the stay elevated it can prevent o and af.

The RX says quantative HCG/progestrone?

We went heavy food shopping, like 300 dollars lol We were there hours...I felt wet and checked but nothing! My back was so sore and I was so cranky. My husband was like, "geesh your moody". I didn't notice, lol I just felt cranky. I didn't sleep well last night so I think that is part of it. Plus my husband is going to his Christmas party tonight, I am not going as I can't handle it. :nope:

I agree, the Betas hopefully will give me some insight.
Tella - I start progesterone too, usually 3/4 dpo after I confirm O. Like you I don't have to take it right after O but definitely once I get bfp but I rather just start right after O. With the preseed I usually put it in 1-5 minutes before. I don't use a lot of it though because then there's just too much of it and DH hates that, so I use a little. Sometimes I just use it on the exterior....but that's when I get lazy lol.
I definitely have no plans of BD tonight since we did this morning, but tomorrow morning for sure!

Castaway - LMAO @ DH asking if you were playing with yourself lol :haha: I hope something happens soon for you. If they have to give you something to bring on AF will you be able to get that this month? or will you have to wait to see the specialist Jan 15th?
Tella - I start progesterone too, usually 3/4 dpo after I confirm O. Like you I don't have to take it right after O but definitely once I get bfp but I rather just start right after O. With the preseed I usually put it in 1-5 minutes before. I don't use a lot of it though because then there's just too much of it and DH hates that, so I use a little. Sometimes I just use it on the exterior....but that's when I get lazy lol.
I definitely have no plans of BD tonight since we did this morning, but tomorrow morning for sure!

Castaway - LMAO @ DH asking if you were playing with yourself lol :haha: I hope something happens soon for you. If they have to give you something to bring on AF will you be able to get that this month? or will you have to wait to see the specialist Jan 15th?

I am assuming my OB can give it to me sooner, but at this point I might just wait it out and let the Specialist handle it. I also need to know if we bring on a period if that can hurt me if I am too early pregnant for them to detect?
Mj, that's exactly how I feel. Rather earlier than later. My DH also complains that its to much and he looses feeling. So I only use it on the outside and ontop of him but nothing inside. I will try the 15min in advance. But im gonna buy new preseed just incase mine is expired.
Castaway - I hope the OB will give to you sooner so your cycle can actually start before you go to see the specialist.

Ok ladies - opinions needed. I was playing with FF and based on my temps it looks like it is going to tell me I O'd on friday which is causing me to worry because that was the only day we didn't bd. We bd's every other day this past week, so we bd'd thursday late night and early morning on saturday but not the actual O day. I'm hoping I still have a chance but I'm a little worried because we didn't actually cover O day's so complicated.
Castaway - I hope the OB will give to you sooner so your cycle can actually start before you go to see the specialist.

Ok ladies - opinions needed. I was playing with FF and based on my temps it looks like it is going to tell me I O'd on friday which is causing me to worry because that was the only day we didn't bd. We bd's every other day this past week, so we bd'd thursday late night and early morning on saturday but not the actual O day. I'm hoping I still have a chance but I'm a little worried because we didn't actually cover O day's so complicated.

I never baby dance on O days and got pregnant...they say it is better to do the deed up to O as it has the sperm already waiting for the egg!

I am afraid to take anything as we have been BD all along. :nope:
hey ladies,
I like the preseed I felt I was burning last night from it though funny you said that and for me I put it in a few before that's it...

update.. im thinking maybe since I have came to the conclusion the positive tests are when I get positive opks maybe my body is trying send out small levels of hcg to try and help me o that's the only thing I can figure I got more positives the past 2 days ive been getting them for 4 and got positive cb digi well flashing then smiley 2 days ago so im assuming its maybe my bodys way of trying to help me o since this is the 3rd smiley in 2 weeks I don't know what else to think I go Thursday for doctor I am def asking for ultra sound and if everythings okay im asking for something to make me start af this is ridiculous and gone on way to long im 6 weeks post today I can't take it id be much happier with just flat out negatives then all this fake positives!! so fed up seriously and can find no information on this whatsoever I guess im just screwed both literally and figuratively ... we've bd'd every day since the 8th of November so im sure if I oed I would be pregnant by now I get pregnant rather easy when trying so im sur eif I can get af back ill be golden atleast I hope nothing is set in stone when it comes to baby making...smh so confused:growlmad::shrug::shrug:
cast, I am with you on the bd'ing all along so im worried about meds for af too but of course ill ask about that first ive heard they can give you a shot that starts it almost instantly so idk and betas haven't gave me any clarification, I hope they do you I am still as lost as I ever was. I just don't know what to think, I am now wishing I had stayed at home and waited it out im so mad at myself for having that dnc because I feel like its causing all this mess up I have always been on time a 30 dayer till now idk at least dr day is right around the corner I guess..

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