TTC after D&C (Soon)

Thanks Tella,

I actually slept for 3 hours. I had slight lower back pain this morning and when I woke up this afternoon it was terrible. Just took some pain killers and seems to help. I feel so out of control of my own body. :-(

When I first got pregnant I took folic acid, centrum materna and vitamin e supplements. What else can I do to improve my body and prepare it for a next pregnancy one day? I took the pain killers, but want to try to take only when necessary since I try to keep my body clean.

Hope you feeling a bit better today :hugs:

Where you from Angel? I also take Inofolic Sachets to help with egg quality, it is something they use alot in IVFs so figured it cant hurt. Then im taking the base powder and since my first full cycle on it i Od 5 days earlier than normal. And then i also drink a glass of beetroot juice daily to help with lining. THis is something i did in my bfp cycle and not again till now, so hope its gonna help!!! Oh yes and let me not forget about B Complex that has helped my LP recover after the MC.

I also try and stay away from the painkillers and other meds.! So if you have to find something that is pregnancy safe as then you know you safe to take it.

Hey Ladies,

I'm a little confused and disappointed, so maybe you guys can give me your opinions. Ok so I came off BC in early November and my period came on Nov 13th. So I'm usually 33-35 days for YEARS! Never has been any other way. Well here it is a week before my period and I noticed bleeding. Enough to feel a pad. This has NEVER happened before! Me and my fiancé had some pretty intense sex last night (TMI) sorry!!!

Could this really be my period?? A early miscarriage or implantation bleeding? I'm just so shocked because this never happened before. Well with my last pregnancy I did bleed everytime after sex. Idk I just don't want to get my hopes up!

I think your hormones is still very mixed up and think you must wait for a AF or 2 as tracking cycles now might be a bit difficult. I know Angus Vitex helps alot with regulating hormones after BCP, maybe worth looking in to.

My doctor is having me repeat my levels, goin this Sat.

Specialist scheduled for Jan 15th!

I just want my body to function again...this wait is brutal! You girls help me stay sane though, thanks so much!!

Im glad you getting repeats! But i think you must ask for a follow up in 48hrs again just to make sure what it is doing. As it has been so long since your previous draw that it could be a range of things again. Fxd for answers quickly :hugs:

Yay for 15th Jan, before you know it, it will be here considering all the holidays and celebrations coming up.

Angelbaby, keep taking your folic acid for sure.... DH and I started taking Coenzyme Q10 after my m/c - studies show it makes his sperm better (just google CoQ10 and sperm) and the ladies doing IVF use it because it apparently makes better eggs (even though only one study said that it's enough for me).... So I figure why not! If he's got more (and better quality) swimmers and my eggs are better, maybe they won't make a faulty baby! I'm stopping the CoQ10 as soon as I ovulate though because I couldn't find any info about whether I was supposed to keep taking it or not. GL!

:hi: how you been? Your handle makes me smile everytime i see it :) I only watched the movie for the first time like a week ago and it was sooo cute!!

3minions - where have you been? how is this cycle going for you? I have DH taking C0Q10 too :)

CD12 for me today, temps still low. Hoping to O sometime this weekend :coffee: so still playing the waiting game.

I think i will start with CoQ10 next cycle.

Ive been reading on immune disorders and infertility and just came about a section that says Myo-inositol which is the main ingredient for Inofolic can cause NK cell activity and should be avoided. So im gonna change it and only take it first half of my cycle.

AFM > Had a follow up scan today for follie check and i have 2 on the left :happydance: I only expected one, they are 15mm and 18mm so the FS want me to hold off on the trigger till tomorrow night so that they can both grow, by then they should be 17mm and 20mm and by O they will both have mature eggies in them. So O should be around Saturday night or Sunday morning.

Im keeping my fxd that i will get a High tomorrow on my monitor so that my LH surge starts as well as my HCG trigger.
Is this normal? I feel nauseas and have a terrible headache the entire day. It started yesterday, but became more intense today. Could it be my hormones?

I just read back on my journal and i didnt have any nausea or headaches. Just a dull pressure "pain" that i had for a few days. But i never had any MS either. The headaches can be the estrogen that is high at the moment, i had one yesterday from estrogen from the tablets i take.

I don't think its so much as they don't want to help or see me I think its just they are soo busy and always booked solid although because of my particular situation you would think it would be a bigger deal. I went and got the blood work done but I don't know if it will be above 5 by now I had a faint this am but it was very faint so im not sure what its at now I think im just trying and trying and trying to o and its not happening or its just positive opks because of af I have no ideal but I really felt like I oed so idk and until I keep flat out negatives for a while I guess I won't know and yes theres other drs but in the same office and I don't want another dr there I like the one I have the only other obgyn here in my town is a guy I had him before he has the audacity to ask if my dh was cheating on me because I was crying in pain so I am def not going back there. there are more in another city about 30 minutes away but ive had bad experience there too and im not sure if anywhere else does high risk patients ugh im so confused!!

You have a lot of patience with them, i would not have been able to treated like that. You can certainly try and O multiple times but not actually O multiple times, as the Corpus Leteum will produce progesterone and that will prevent the other follicles from rupturing and they need LH to do so which will also not be produced.

Thinking about you :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Tella - I'm so excited for you and your trigger lol. FX for you! at least you know when you will O. I'm still over here waiting it out cd13 today. Are you going to be doing IUI? or just TI?
I get my results after lunch but im sure its not going to help I think I just need to ask them to give me something to make me start af so I can start fresh because ive had days and days of positive ovulation test no one can ovulate that much I though af may be coming but still hasn't and no signs or symptoms however my cervix was high so I don't know maybe I did o one of these times who knows I go the 19th and will definitely ask for a scan .. smh its so devastating to get pos and neg results in row so many times.. im bout read to throw in the towel I meant to add ive had days of faints now but like so faint I cant get it in a picture if I tried probably its a eye squinter and normal people wouldn't even notice.. so im still counting it as a negative if my levels are below 5 I have decided to ask for something to make af come now im so ready to move on and not stuck anymore wonder what if
Mj, just ti. Want to see if I can get dh to agree into a bd marathon till Sunday otherwise just Saturday and Sunday am BD.

Progesterone from 3dpo and another intralipids on positive test.
well update my hcg is a 1 I asked if they would give me something to make me start af the nurse wouldn't do anything I said im not getting positives then negatives on multiple tests for no reason, she said well we go by the test and talk to your dr the 19th im so furious right now im ready to look for a new dr although I know its not my doctor talking but still the nurse is ridiculous this can be serious if something is really wrong!!
Tella - hopefully I'll O the same time so we can be TWW buddies :) Good luck convincing DH, I'm trying to get mine to do the every other day thing right now till I get a positive opk, then every day for 3-4 days.

Tara - how rude of her when you are genuinely concerned about what is going on with you! You could try to get the Dr to call you....if those nurses will pass the message along, but from the sounds of it they probably won't. If your hcg is a 1 then I think you should have AF soon though. Sorry you have to go through this, I really hope AF comes for you soon.
to be honest I don't think its taken 21 days to just now get to 1 but then again idk what to think im so mad at that nurse and so confused I am ready to go in myself and check it out lol if only I could. some people keep small amounts of hcg like under 5 so maybe that's my case I really don't see that from keeping af. im still pos on opk cheapies and flashing again on cbd so im at a loss myself ive also wondered if it could be 1 now then double to 2 and so on if I did o when I was suppose to but who knows I doubt that either.. what can go wrong will go wrong.. words to live by..:cry:
to be honest I don't think its taken 21 days to just now get to 1 but then again idk what to think im so mad at that nurse and so confused I am ready to go in myself and check it out lol if only I could. some people keep small amounts of hcg like under 5 so maybe that's my case I really don't see that from keeping af. im still pos on opk cheapies and flashing again on cbd so im at a loss myself ive also wondered if it could be 1 now then double to 2 and so on if I did o when I was suppose to but who knows I doubt that either.. what can go wrong will go wrong.. words to live by..:cry:

Tara women can go weeks with out an AF after a miscarriage sadly...even if it is an early loss. I would get an appt with the doctor and go everything with them....I feel that is the only thing keeping me sane! I know I have an appt so if AF is not here by January 15th we will come up with a game plan...I still like to have a moan about it occasionally though!
castaway, my loss was at 17 weeks so really that wasn't early at least not to me I actually held him and everything, if it was natural I could understand the lingering etc. but because I had to have the emergency d&c due to way too much blood loss, it is "suppose" to go down a lot faster because everything is "suppose" to be cleaned out and a fresh lining and from all the research I have done I found it is again "suppose" to go down the same rate it goes up i.e. 50% every 2-3 days but who knows I know everyone is different but I feel like I can't fully recover until I know whats going on. I know the mc in june that was natural all the way, my levels dropped extremely rapidly but im not sure how far along I was or if it may have been a chemical. my levels from this one have dropped pretty fast I was at a 3 by the 21st I had the d&c the 3rd which I bled spottyish for a week or more before that so im assuming they were "suppose" to be dropping at that point as well to trigger the bleeding. it's just frustrating not knowing if I really oed or not and if not I want to go ahead and get af so I can move forward with this.. its not looking very good though, but dang are those test sensitive or what?!?!? lol yeah right I find that very hard to believe but I guess they think im stupid maybe I am idk I took pictures so I knew I wasn't tripping or seeing things so for some reason they were positive and I don't think it would be up a 1 and im sure im 0 by now and no signs or symptoms of stinky af, when you want her she doesn't come when you don't want her shes right there... stupid stupid stupid stupid ol meeeee :dohh::dohh::growlmad::growlmad::cry::cry::cry::cry:
castaway, my loss was at 17 weeks so really that wasn't early at least not to me I actually held him and everything, if it was natural I could understand the lingering etc. but because I had to have the emergency d&c due to way too much blood loss, it is "suppose" to go down a lot faster because everything is "suppose" to be cleaned out and a fresh lining and from all the research I have done I found it is again "suppose" to go down the same rate it goes up i.e. 50% every 2-3 days but who knows I know everyone is different but I feel like I can't fully recover until I know whats going on. I know the mc in june that was natural all the way, my levels dropped extremely rapidly but im not sure how far along I was or if it may have been a chemical. my levels from this one have dropped pretty fast I was at a 3 by the 21st I had the d&c the 3rd which I bled spottyish for a week or more before that so im assuming they were "suppose" to be dropping at that point as well to trigger the bleeding. it's just frustrating not knowing if I really oed or not and if not I want to go ahead and get af so I can move forward with this.. its not looking very good though, but dang are those test sensitive or what?!?!? lol yeah right I find that very hard to believe but I guess they think im stupid maybe I am idk I took pictures so I knew I wasn't tripping or seeing things so for some reason they were positive and I don't think it would be up a 1 and im sure im 0 by now and no signs or symptoms of stinky af, when you want her she doesn't come when you don't want her shes right there... stupid stupid stupid stupid ol meeeee :dohh::dohh::growlmad::growlmad::cry::cry::cry::cry:

It doesn't matter what way you had the miscarriage. Your body has been through trauma and the further along the more likely you had more hormones in you. When I delivered my son I had my period at 5 weeks, 1 day. Now I sit here and wait...the waiting stinks but it will happen just need to give it time. I would just keep an eye on it...and see a doctor to make sure you don't have retained tissue. I am at 7 weeks tomorrow, I can't freaking wait for answers either. :nope:
its not that I don't understand all of that I do its just that how can it take 21 days to go from 3 to a 1 that's insane and I don't know how that would keep af I wouldn't think as I have read girls still getting pos test and getting af... well updateish I think I check cp and I saw a little blood like very little but it was on my nail a few times(no I didn't cut myself lol) so im hoping this is af or implantation im dpo 5 going by opk but I highly doubt it is so im saying af (I haven't ever got implantation bleeding that I know of all my pregnancies with blood obviously ended badly) anyway I will atleast be glad to know something and if it is af I can take a break from all the testing and stressing cause ill be back on track then!! so heres to hoping:happydance:
its not that I don't understand all of that I do its just that how can it take 21 days to go from 3 to a 1 that's insane and I don't know how that would keep af I wouldn't think as I have read girls still getting pos test and getting af... well updateish I think I check cp and I saw a little blood like very little but it was on my nail a few times(no I didn't cut myself lol) so im hoping this is af or implantation im dpo 5 going by opk but I highly doubt it is so im saying af (I haven't ever got implantation bleeding that I know of all my pregnancies with blood obviously ended badly) anyway I will atleast be glad to know something and if it is af I can take a break from all the testing and stressing cause ill be back on track then!! so heres to hoping:happydance:

It can vary...the test can say 3 but actually be a 10! I learned this when I had my bloods done. I am hoping and praying to be in single digits at this point, two 1/2 weeks ago I was at 43. Hoping now, at 7 weeks, to be in single digits lol

But yes, HCG varies in the system. Anything under 5 should give a negative reading. Some women do have some HCG in their systems always but it sounds like your body is having hormonal issues, trying to self regulate. You may be trying to O but it is just not happening yet....hopefully after your first AF your system will have reset.
Hi 7 weeks post miscarriage and still waiting! I just got to work and felt hungry but while eating started to feel sick and had cramping, like the kind you would get with a stomach bug...I went and sat on the toilet and nothing. I really do not want the stomach bug :( Did any of you get stomach cramping? I have period cramping off and on all day. Oh come on Saturday need to get my blood done!!
Sorry ladies, will catch up later, but what is considered a normal period after d&c? I had af like symptoms the last 2 days and no bleeding and just now had a gush like with normal af so I am hoping it is.
Castaway - I had cramping on and off for about a week before AF came.

Angel- my 1st AF came on strong too, just watch it but I think you'll be fine.

Afm- I got a positive opk just now cd14 yayyy!! Even though I typically surge for 2-3 days, so I'm thinking I'll O Sunday or Monday. We've been dtd every other day since cd10 so I guess we'll be having a marathon this weekend lol.
Tella- did you trigger? Looks like I might be your tww buddy :)
My AF was really weird! It was the first after the d&e. Pretty much just spotting brown and dark red! It was heavy and clotty the first morning but that was the heaviest it got!
Castaway - I had cramping on and off for about a week before AF came.

Angel- my 1st AF came on strong too, just watch it but I think you'll be fine.

Afm- I got a positive opk just now cd14 yayyy!! Even though I typically surge for 2-3 days, so I'm thinking I'll O Sunday or Monday. We've been dtd every other day since cd10 so I guess we'll be having a marathon this weekend lol.
Tella- did you trigger? Looks like I might be your tww buddy :)

Awesome news keep the BD going!!

I have had AF cramps for like 3 weeks already :( hoping so etching gives soon!
After d&c I had little symptoms apart from those I said. Then yesterday boobs became larger and little bit sensitive, craved chocolates and was bloated (normal af symptoms for me). This afternoon I started bleeding brown to dark red and it's light to medium flow. This is like the first day of af for me and I notice light cramping. Too light too mention really. I am really hopeful this is af. Do you think I can test tomorrow for neg hpt? I am so scared too get a positive.
castaway, what do you mean they can vary and say 3 and be a 10? I thought beta test was as accurate as they come. and I was confirmed it was a 3 on the 21st and a 1 yesterday so I don't know..

no more sign of blood idk what to think now ive got peak opks so who knows im just waiting it out I just would like it to come on already its not like its bad for me its never very heavy and only lasts max for 4 days so I don't mind better than knowing nothing my breasts are starting to get sore again ahh I don't know its crazy anymore.

what ever happened on your end?

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