TTC after D&C (Soon)

Castaway - Thanks, that really makes me feel a lot better, so I'll keep my FX for a bfp. That's a tough one since you've been bding all along....unless you stop for 2 weeks and if AF doesn't show then take the meds, that's the only thing I can really think of just so you don't feel you are possibly hurting a new pg.
I would be so happy to see some blood at this point.. :( at least I would know something, castaway you may be pregnant as for me I don't feel it or think I am I just think my body is producing hcg trying to make me o hopefully it was successful this time because I think that's whats holding off af is the not oing I know everyone is different but for me I think that's the case I think without medical intervention im stuck in repeat trying to o and can't or hopefully one of these 3 times I did who knows the cbd is negative now but I can't count on that as it goes negative a day or two then right back to flashing for a day or two then fixed smiley for 2 days ill get crampy thinking af and nope more cm. I was doing the bbt thing but by mouth I read its more accurate vaginally so that's how I started yesterday and today it does seem to be solid numbers now like it was 98.43 yesterday now its 98.40 today verses crazy big drips and rises by mouth it could vary for 96 to 98 I never got a smooth set so I guess I was doing it wrong it just feels weird doing it vaginally.. eck lol..but hopefully the temp rise and fall was comfirmation I oed? idk guys im so lost also this is way tmi but last night and today ive felt airy for no reason this was before bding and way after bding so I know its not that so I thought maybe af was on her way but no just more cm. so I don't know I hope someone whos had this problem before can give me some insight till I can get in to the doctor.. shhessh :shrug::shrug:
I would be so happy to see some blood at this point.. :( at least I would know something, castaway you may be pregnant as for me I don't feel it or think I am I just think my body is producing hcg trying to make me o hopefully it was successful this time because I think that's whats holding off af is the not oing I know everyone is different but for me I think that's the case I think without medical intervention im stuck in repeat trying to o and can't or hopefully one of these 3 times I did who knows the cbd is negative now but I can't count on that as it goes negative a day or two then right back to flashing for a day or two then fixed smiley for 2 days ill get crampy thinking af and nope more cm. I was doing the bbt thing but by mouth I read its more accurate vaginally so that's how I started yesterday and today it does seem to be solid numbers now like it was 98.43 yesterday now its 98.40 today verses crazy big drips and rises by mouth it could vary for 96 to 98 I never got a smooth set so I guess I was doing it wrong it just feels weird doing it vaginally.. eck lol..but hopefully the temp rise and fall was comfirmation I oed? idk guys im so lost also this is way tmi but last night and today ive felt airy for no reason this was before bding and way after bding so I know its not that so I thought maybe af was on her way but no just more cm. so I don't know I hope someone whos had this problem before can give me some insight till I can get in to the doctor.. shhessh :shrug::shrug:

It is very hard the not knowing...I am not much help as I am so uptight over this all but I know the best we can do is try to get on with our lives the best we can. We are still BD but I have made appts to see the doc, I hope you can do the same. I feel then I am doing something! I also had my bloods done on Sat, the way I see it if they are in the singles this was just the longest time it ever took for HCG to leave my body. IF it is still near 43, then I am going to get a scan on Sunday, 8 1/2 weeks after my MC. I hope you get some clarity soon really stinks that for some of us it takes so long for the hormones to balance back out!:hugs:
Castaway - Thanks, that really makes me feel a lot better, so I'll keep my FX for a bfp. That's a tough one since you've been bding all along....unless you stop for 2 weeks and if AF doesn't show then take the meds, that's the only thing I can really think of just so you don't feel you are possibly hurting a new pg.

That is what I am afraid of, we have been BDing so they may say to hold of for a few weeks then take the meds. If so then that is fine, it would bring me to the specialist appt anyway...I just want some answers :nope:
so your 2 n a half weeks more than me? and you were still at 43?? are you using opks or hcgs .. I can't stop testing its driving me crazy I try not to but then theres the test in my face ugh idk if I was at 1 Tuesday im def 0 by now but why still no af and if people at 5 can get it why not me and I go Thursday to my doctor but still its driving me crazy I just had a complete meltdown because I feel like everything that can go wrong is going wrong im just about to lose it!! im more concerned that im not oing and the positive hcgs than the no af I wish I would just get bfn then faints so the confusion would stop!! im seriously on the edge
so your 2 n a half weeks more than me? and you were still at 43?? are you using opks or hcgs .. I can't stop testing its driving me crazy I try not to but then theres the test in my face ugh idk if I was at 1 Tuesday im def 0 by now but why still no af and if people at 5 can get it why not me and I go Thursday to my doctor but still its driving me crazy I just had a complete meltdown because I feel like everything that can go wrong is going wrong im just about to lose it!! im more concerned that im not oing and the positive hcgs than the no af I wish I would just get bfn then faints so the confusion would stop!! im seriously on the edge

i was at 43 3 weeks ago...I don't know what my levels are but I will get them probably Tuesday for what they registered at on Sat. So at one month after I was at 43 still! At 3 weeks post miscarriage I got a positive OPK....So I think you can O with HCG in you BUT you may not. You may get false positives too sadly. My doctor said day to day you fluctuate in your levels and the best is repeated tests if you think you may be pregnant...So at this point we want to see if I am down in the single digits...if not then yea I may be pregnant and will have to get repeated tests this week. My doctor said they are not concerned until you pass the 8 week mark, which is this Friday for me. :cry: I am getting scanned on Sunday if no AF comes. I am a nervous wreck over it all....I have always had that in my corner, predictable O and AF.
hmm so are you temping or anything or just going with the flow until af? and are you in the states or somewhere else? that would have to do with the differences in doctors opinions it seems to me they are more caring in the uk etc.. but that's good to know about the 8 week thing ugh im just 2 weeks away so who know but hopefully Thursday ill get some clarity at least I sure damn hope so im so sick of this and she's a woman so I don't get why she wouldn't understand the frustration!! and my levels can't be fluctuating too much because they were 3 then 1 so that's what makes this even more difficult and I really thought I had o'd before, and its still too early to tell if I did and go pregnant but since I got another smiley im doubting it because I don't see my body getting another surge if I already od and also I know that all other hormones do go up and down but I didn't think hcg did maybe these test are just picking up trace amounts however I doubt that as if I show you the pics youll understand why im so upset!! ugh
hmm so are you temping or anything or just going with the flow until af? and are you in the states or somewhere else? that would have to do with the differences in doctors opinions it seems to me they are more caring in the uk etc.. but that's good to know about the 8 week thing ugh im just 2 weeks away so who know but hopefully Thursday ill get some clarity at least I sure damn hope so im so sick of this and she's a woman so I don't get why she wouldn't understand the frustration!! and my levels can't be fluctuating too much because they were 3 then 1 so that's what makes this even more difficult and I really thought I had o'd before, and its still too early to tell if I did and go pregnant but since I got another smiley im doubting it because I don't see my body getting another surge if I already od and also I know that all other hormones do go up and down but I didn't think hcg did maybe these test are just picking up trace amounts however I doubt that as if I show you the pics youll understand why im so upset!! ugh

The doctor told me after miscarriage you will get false positives on OPKs so I am not temping or anything. Just BD every other day or so....I just got fed up and didn't want to see another false positive. I didn't ask how far they can fluctuate but I think within 50 as I saw another girl posting about it that one day she was under 100 went back a few days later and was at 50 then back up to 70. I think the body just goes into shock the further along you is kind of a good thing though as you know that your body knows how to be pregnant. I just hope that my doc will agree to start my AF with Provera and will assure me nothing will happen if I happen to be very early pregnant already!

I am in the US....
i just had to re write all of this because my ds is on my lap and it all got erased!! well ne way back to what i remember saying.. as far as know ill go days with a neg then get a positive around the time of the positive opks im using mostly cbdigi though so anyway ill start getting a faint and test with same or diff urine which i get flashing then eventually ill get a smiley for 2 days and i can't retest which is good at times too but they get brighter around the smiley so idk if its triggering that or not but i don't see it being high enough to as faint as the hcg is so i doubt it im really thinking i am producing hcg trying to make me o that's all i can come up with? i know im not going up too high because i never get a blunt bfg its always faint but this time it was a bright faint if that makes sense and i have pics if want me to post.. anyway that was on 3 different tests!! EXCEPT dun dun duuuuu..frer's they are flat out negative.. i wonder why that is?? these all claim 25mius so aren't frers between 15-25mius as well? its so weird but i know its not the test my friend was/is pregnant but probably having a chemical as we speak.. plus now one of them is negative i don't know about the others i am out to take any more.. i am trying to refrain myself from taking anymore hcg tests till at least 7 to 9 more days because IF i did finally o this time i would show up by then..maybe ill get meds to start before then and wont have to worry about it but i do worry with it being med inforced if it will be heavier or longer i sure hope not. but im tired of wasting money on test to be wrong especially when me and dh are bd'ing everyday sometimes twice a day, good thing my dh has a very high libido LOL afm no im a -0 on that end always have been but its worth dealing with for a baby!! at the same time i am scare to stop opks because im scared ill miss my o day if it really does come and watch that be one day im too tired or something to bd!! ughhhh well im dpo 2 IF i did o this time this is the 3rd smiley in what 2 weeks for me.. i would think maybe i still have a chance with the last times that MAYBE i oed but considering the new positive i doubt it they say go by the last one you get plus cbdigis need AT LEAST 40miu of lh to get a positive so who knows ughh it sucks we go through this but a baby makes it all worth it in the end!!:cloud9: and at least i do have my 2 and 3 yr old ds but they say they want a baby lol and the 3 year old knows what we mean they go with me to my u/s and he says baby mommy baby soo it was hard explaining there was no more baby last time :cry: smh this sucks
i just had to re write all of this because my ds is on my lap and it all got erased!! well ne way back to what i remember saying.. as far as know ill go days with a neg then get a positive around the time of the positive opks im using mostly cbdigi though so anyway ill start getting a faint and test with same or diff urine which i get flashing then eventually ill get a smiley for 2 days and i can't retest which is good at times too but they get brighter around the smiley so idk if its triggering that or not but i don't see it being high enough to as faint as the hcg is so i doubt it im really thinking i am producing hcg trying to make me o that's all i can come up with? i know im not going up too high because i never get a blunt bfg its always faint but this time it was a bright faint if that makes sense and i have pics if want me to post.. anyway that was on 3 different tests!! EXCEPT dun dun duuuuu..frer's they are flat out negative.. i wonder why that is?? these all claim 25mius so aren't frers between 15-25mius as well? its so weird but i know its not the test my friend was/is pregnant but probably having a chemical as we speak.. plus now one of them is negative i don't know about the others i am out to take any more.. i am trying to refrain myself from taking anymore hcg tests till at least 7 to 9 more days because IF i did finally o this time i would show up by then..maybe ill get meds to start before then and wont have to worry about it but i do worry with it being med inforced if it will be heavier or longer i sure hope not. but im tired of wasting money on test to be wrong especially when me and dh are bd'ing everyday sometimes twice a day, good thing my dh has a very high libido LOL afm no im a -0 on that end always have been but its worth dealing with for a baby!! at the same time i am scare to stop opks because im scared ill miss my o day if it really does come and watch that be one day im too tired or something to bd!! ughhhh well im dpo 2 IF i did o this time this is the 3rd smiley in what 2 weeks for me.. i would think maybe i still have a chance with the last times that MAYBE i oed but considering the new positive i doubt it they say go by the last one you get plus cbdigis need AT LEAST 40miu of lh to get a positive so who knows ughh it sucks we go through this but a baby makes it all worth it in the end!!:cloud9: and at least i do have my 2 and 3 yr old ds but they say they want a baby lol and the 3 year old knows what we mean they go with me to my u/s and he says baby mommy baby soo it was hard explaining there was no more baby last time :cry: smh this sucks

I am still getting positives on FRER, so I am not is a mess I know.
hmm you should try a cba digi weekly estimator sounds like you may have a new baby bean in there... if i got a positive on a frer id jump for joy cause id know it was the real deal but these test have never let me down either so i know its me not them
hmm you should try a cba digi weekly estimator sounds like you may have a new baby bean in there... if i got a positive on a frer id jump for joy cause id know it was the real deal but these test have never let me down either so i know its me not them

I am just waiting on my blood test results, the FRER may still be still be positive (and most likely are) b/c they can detect something cray cray like a level of 7! So just waiting to see if they say my levels didn't drop, etc. Then I will break out the digi and get my scan on Sunday....

One of the reasons I don't think I am pregnant is b/c I get round ligament pain usually when going #2 early on....and I don't have that lol
hmm you should try a cba digi weekly estimator sounds like you may have a new baby bean in there... if i got a positive on a frer id jump for joy cause id know it was the real deal but these test have never let me down either so i know its me not them

Oh and the weekly estimator has to have at least 50 HCG to get a reading....
yeah i know 50mius that's why i said you should take one it would either confirm new pregnancy or old hcg lingering around!! im one that can't stand waiting and wondering if i might can get a little hint from a test lol and wow frers your getting are superb lol my aren't picking up crap then i guess my levels are right but odd that these are picking it up before a frer i know each test varys with sensitivity like a box of 3 one can be 25 miu the other 20miu the next 15miu i got a good positive at i think 10dpo it was 2 days before my af was expected but nothing on the 2 before that so for me it seems they aren't as sensitive but i guess it varies by person as well idk though now im getting a pretty good negative on the ones positive before but there may be the hintest of faintest line there no one normal person would even notice it but me of course i do but im very familiar with the test i use i just wish id o or get af i don't know why i had blood the other day so weird!!
yeah i know 50mius that's why i said you should take one it would either confirm new pregnancy or old hcg lingering around!! im one that can't stand waiting and wondering if i might can get a little hint from a test lol and wow frers your getting are superb lol my aren't picking up crap then i guess my levels are right but odd that these are picking it up before a frer i know each test varys with sensitivity like a box of 3 one can be 25 miu the other 20miu the next 15miu i got a good positive at i think 10dpo it was 2 days before my af was expected but nothing on the 2 before that so for me it seems they aren't as sensitive but i guess it varies by person as well idk though now im getting a pretty good negative on the ones positive before but there may be the hintest of faintest line there no one normal person would even notice it but me of course i do but im very familiar with the test i use i just wish id o or get af i don't know why i had blood the other day so weird!!

I am getting a very, very faint line on a FRER but even my hubby can see it. You must be under 5 and sadly I am just not there yet :( If the line appears darker I will definitely take a weeks estimator! LOL I may do a FRER tomorrow morning to see if it is still positive...I am thinking any day now it should be negative.
oooh.. I thought you meant like a bfp ugh faints suck but I would be happy to get that on a frer I can't get squat though on those.. weird how sensitive these other tests are though.. hmm crazy but ive heard some say it takes 2 weeks after you hit 0 to get af however im not sure of the accuracy of that because we know some can keep small amounts under 5 so that's weird but heres to hoping ill get something soon!! and im hoping these stay negative or give me a BFP!! uhhh the struggle!!
oooh.. I thought you meant like a bfp ugh faints suck but I would be happy to get that on a frer I can't get squat though on those.. weird how sensitive these other tests are though.. hmm crazy but ive heard some say it takes 2 weeks after you hit 0 to get af however im not sure of the accuracy of that because we know some can keep small amounts under 5 so that's weird but heres to hoping ill get something soon!! and im hoping these stay negative or give me a BFP!! uhhh the struggle!!

Honestly I have never gotten a strong positive on a FRER but I just don't want to say yeah I am pregnant when I am just maybe declining slow. lol

My doc said under 25 and you can get AF anytime. I have been wearing a pad for two weeks! lol

I pee in a cup to test lol
lol I pee in a cup too I meant I can't get squat (crap, nothing, nada, zip lol :( ) on them not anything even after the time limit so im sure im not pregnant at least not yet but I don't think they have really strong dye in those either maybe to prevent guessing maybe idk but I wish mine would come or do something I just don't know whats keeping me from oing if im not oing??

Tara scroll down to the FRER that is what my line looks like. Skinny, not that dark...

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