TTC after D&C (Soon)

Thanks, y'all! It was 16 days late, and came the day after I took my last Provera pill. Which is good, because usually it takes another two weeks after I finish the 10 days of pills. It's like losing an entire cycle. :wacko:

Going to pick up my 100mg of Clomid today.

FX'd for everybody! MJ, I hope AF doesn't show!
Ok, so I think I'm going to call bfp!!! lol

Took a $ store test as with SMU. I just pray it's a sticky bean!!!:dust:


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Castaway - any news on your blood tests?

Congrats MJ that is wonderful news!!!

Well the Doctor called me, get this, my HCG is to 2!!! I still have no AF though and Doctor thinks all that spotting was actually my AF. Since it was so odd we are going to do no BD till I get my "real" period. Doctor thinks my hormones are all jacked up. :growl mad: I am going for a full panel hormone test on Tuesday to see if he can see from the numbers if I have O'ed. He seems to think that within 2 weeks I should get an AF and then O though since I have never had problems before but I can tell you this, I am SUPER nervous. I mean, I have never had problems like this before. :nope:

So I called CB and gave them a piece of my mind. I mean a 2 set off the test? That is considered negative! Uhhhh! The lady is sending me a refund for a 3 pack and said that she was shocked by that as well. She said the sensitivity is 10, not 25 though in case any one is wondering!!! I told the nurse I get it, some are faulty but I think the Doctor thinks I am a nut case and seriously, this happened on Christmas I mean it doesn't get much sucker than that....:cry:

So we are starting to plan our vaca tonight. We are looking forward to it, hoping that the Specialist is OK with me traveling towards the end of my first tri/beginning of 2nd cuz if not the vacation will be off, again. LOL Hoping and praying my cycle comes back for January....Then we just need to hope we get lucky on the first try again like the last times.
Castaway - any news on your blood tests?

Congrats MJ that is wonderful news!!!

Well the Doctor called me, get this, my HCG is to 2!!! I still have no AF though and Doctor thinks all that spotting was actually my AF. Since it was so odd we are going to do no BD till I get my "real" period. Doctor thinks my hormones are all jacked up. :growl mad: I am going for a full panel hormone test on Tuesday to see if he can see from the numbers if I have O'ed. He seems to think that within 2 weeks I should get an AF and then O though since I have never had problems before but I can tell you this, I am SUPER nervous. I mean, I have never had problems like this before. :nope:

So I called CB and gave them a piece of my mind. I mean a 2 set off the test? That is considered negative! Uhhhh! The lady is sending me a refund for a 3 pack and said that she was shocked by that as well. She said the sensitivity is 10, not 25 though in case any one is wondering!!! I told the nurse I get it, some are faulty but I think the Doctor thinks I am a nut case and seriously, this happened on Christmas I mean it doesn't get much sucker than that....:cry:

So we are starting to plan our vaca tonight. We are looking forward to it, hoping that the Specialist is OK with me traveling towards the end of my first tri/beginning of 2nd cuz if not the vacation will be off, again. LOL Hoping and praying my cycle comes back for January....Then we just need to hope we get lucky on the first try again like the last times.

OMG Castaway :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I can't imagine how frustrating it must be right now. Didn't they tell you that AF should come soon about 2 weeks ago? Are they able to give you something to start AF? or will you have to wait till you see the specialist on the 15th?
Plan your vacay! we had a trip to Jamaica planned for the end of january for a few days and I plan to still go and relax and get away.
Castaway - any news on your blood tests?

Congrats MJ that is wonderful news!!!

Well the Doctor called me, get this, my HCG is to 2!!! I still have no AF though and Doctor thinks all that spotting was actually my AF. Since it was so odd we are going to do no BD till I get my "real" period. Doctor thinks my hormones are all jacked up. :growl mad: I am going for a full panel hormone test on Tuesday to see if he can see from the numbers if I have O'ed. He seems to think that within 2 weeks I should get an AF and then O though since I have never had problems before but I can tell you this, I am SUPER nervous. I mean, I have never had problems like this before. :nope:

So I called CB and gave them a piece of my mind. I mean a 2 set off the test? That is considered negative! Uhhhh! The lady is sending me a refund for a 3 pack and said that she was shocked by that as well. She said the sensitivity is 10, not 25 though in case any one is wondering!!! I told the nurse I get it, some are faulty but I think the Doctor thinks I am a nut case and seriously, this happened on Christmas I mean it doesn't get much sucker than that....:cry:

So we are starting to plan our vaca tonight. We are looking forward to it, hoping that the Specialist is OK with me traveling towards the end of my first tri/beginning of 2nd cuz if not the vacation will be off, again. LOL Hoping and praying my cycle comes back for January....Then we just need to hope we get lucky on the first try again like the last times.

OMG Castaway :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I can't imagine how frustrating it must be right now. Didn't they tell you that AF should come soon about 2 weeks ago? Are they able to give you something to start AF? or will you have to wait till you see the specialist on the 15th?
Plan your vacay! we had a trip to Jamaica planned for the end of january for a few days and I plan to still go and relax and get away.

Yup that is what is so frustrating about all this. I keep hearing give it another 2 weeks and I just feel like time is slipping by we wanted 3 children and I am not sure 1 will even happen at this point :(

I think it is just that it is not an exact scence. Not everyones body reacts the same. I fear I am going to have problems with ovulation now which I never did before. Like maybe this screwed my fertility up for ever. Uh. Clearly frustrating and anxiety provoking. On top of it you cannot plan for anything as who knows if they will even let me travel? I mean I have been through so much they may say don't chance it even though everything that has happened to me is like "winning the lottery" and should never happen again.:growlmad:
I think it's been long enough, you're at 8 weeks now right? won't your doctor give you something to start AF at this point? Did they end up doing a quick scan again to make sure everything looked right? I know you're going to get your rainbow baby but we just need to get your cycle going.
I think it's been long enough, you're at 8 weeks now right? won't your doctor give you something to start AF at this point? Did they end up doing a quick scan again to make sure everything looked right? I know you're going to get your rainbow baby but we just need to get your cycle going.

I am at 9 weeks!!

NO scan. He seems to think b/c my numbers went down so slow this is "my normal".

Uh. Frustrating. I am getting the blood panel done. He wanted to wait another 2 weeks to do it. I was like no, now. I have the specialist scheduled for the 15th as well. I am hoping he will give me Clomid if I need it to to O if I am not O'ing for some reason. I think I am not going to O until after I get an AF. I think my body is trying b/c I have crazy cramps again right now.
I think it's been long enough, you're at 8 weeks now right? won't your doctor give you something to start AF at this point? Did they end up doing a quick scan again to make sure everything looked right? I know you're going to get your rainbow baby but we just need to get your cycle going.

I am at 9 weeks!!

NO scan. He seems to think b/c my numbers went down so slow this is "my normal".

Uh. Frustrating. I am getting the blood panel done. He wanted to wait another 2 weeks to do it. I was like no, now. I have the specialist scheduled for the 15th as well. I am hoping he will give me Clomid if I need it to to O if I am not O'ing for some reason. I think I am not going to O until after I get an AF. I think my body is trying b/c I have crazy cramps again right now.

I think your body just needs a jumpstart, I don't know why your dr didn't give you something to jump start it by now. My dr had told me if after 6-8 weeks no af then I was to come back to him to jumpstart it. So I don't understand.......I'm getting mad at your dr and I don't even know him!!! :growlmad:
So with this blood panel test it is to see if you O'd? and if you didn't then what? will he give your something the start AF?
I think it's been long enough, you're at 8 weeks now right? won't your doctor give you something to start AF at this point? Did they end up doing a quick scan again to make sure everything looked right? I know you're going to get your rainbow baby but we just need to get your cycle going.

I am at 9 weeks!!

NO scan. He seems to think b/c my numbers went down so slow this is "my normal".

Uh. Frustrating. I am getting the blood panel done. He wanted to wait another 2 weeks to do it. I was like no, now. I have the specialist scheduled for the 15th as well. I am hoping he will give me Clomid if I need it to to O if I am not O'ing for some reason. I think I am not going to O until after I get an AF. I think my body is trying b/c I have crazy cramps again right now.

I think your body just needs a jumpstart, I don't know why your dr didn't give you something to jump start it by now. My dr had told me if after 6-8 weeks no af then I was to come back to him to jumpstart it. So I don't understand.......I'm getting mad at your dr and I don't even know him!!! :growlmad:
So with this blood panel test it is to see if you O'd? and if you didn't then what? will he give your something the start AF?

Yup pretty much, if he doesn't see that I O'd then I guess he will give me something to jump start. Hoping and praying for news but again I have the Specialist coming on the 15th...I think we will get more with him. I am surprised how laid back these doctors are...they feel I am not that old so "I have time". that kills me, I started in November 2012...two pregnancies and no child in my arms.
I think it's been long enough, you're at 8 weeks now right? won't your doctor give you something to start AF at this point? Did they end up doing a quick scan again to make sure everything looked right? I know you're going to get your rainbow baby but we just need to get your cycle going.

I am at 9 weeks!!

NO scan. He seems to think b/c my numbers went down so slow this is "my normal".

Uh. Frustrating. I am getting the blood panel done. He wanted to wait another 2 weeks to do it. I was like no, now. I have the specialist scheduled for the 15th as well. I am hoping he will give me Clomid if I need it to to O if I am not O'ing for some reason. I think I am not going to O until after I get an AF. I think my body is trying b/c I have crazy cramps again right now.

I think your body just needs a jumpstart, I don't know why your dr didn't give you something to jump start it by now. My dr had told me if after 6-8 weeks no af then I was to come back to him to jumpstart it. So I don't understand.......I'm getting mad at your dr and I don't even know him!!! :growlmad:
So with this blood panel test it is to see if you O'd? and if you didn't then what? will he give your something the start AF?

Yup pretty much, if he doesn't see that I O'd then I guess he will give me something to jump start. Hoping and praying for news but again I have the Specialist coming on the 15th...I think we will get more with him. I am surprised how laid back these doctors are...they feel I am not that old so "I have time". that kills me, I started in November 2012...two pregnancies and no child in my arms.

So Tuesday you do this panel test and get results hopefully by wednesday and if no O then meds for AF.....I hope he sticks to it and does give you something. At least your cycle would be underway to regulating itself and at your specialist appt you can plan for the new cycle. :hugs::hugs::hugs: I'm sorry it's playing out like this I just hope that after this test you can get things moving again.
hey ladies,
well I got 4 positives then after that negatives, I took a frer it was bfn I was hoping it was due to not holding my urine long enough but wasn't the case, I don't know why I am keeping so freaking many false positives too many to count at this point and these are 25miu tests, so I don't get why frer is negative.. however I got another peak opk just now , it was flashing this am now peak (I am still thinking it's too early in my cycle to be oing, as I am just now on cd 11 ) , so I am assuming with all these cramps I am really gearing up to o and my body is really trying but because of something with the dnc my body just doesn't have the ability to o anymore I am trying to let I out this cycle just to see if I will o, if not I am going to have to try to get into a new doctor and figure this out its definitely not normal for me I usually have no issues whatsoever getting pregnant its just carrying the baby that's the problem for me. I am going to see if I get a thermal shift before I jump to conclusions but with all these high and peak opks and then false positive hcg tests honestly I don't know what else to think im so lost and I haven't even had a follow up yet but I figured everything was fine since I had af.. I have searched all over for some info all I could find was that you can get a implantation surge to detect enough hcg to become positive then will go back negative for a few days then back positive.. although I doubt that's my case.. ugh!! well ill keep charting and good luck mj I am glad you finally got your baby bean!!
hey ladies,
well I got 4 positives then after that negatives, I took a frer it was bfn I was hoping it was due to not holding my urine long enough but wasn't the case, I don't know why I am keeping so freaking many false positives too many to count at this point and these are 25miu tests, so I don't get why frer is negative.. however I got another peak opk just now , it was flashing this am now peak (I am still thinking it's too early in my cycle to be oing, as I am just now on cd 11 ) , so I am assuming with all these cramps I am really gearing up to o and my body is really trying but because of something with the dnc my body just doesn't have the ability to o anymore I am trying to let I out this cycle just to see if I will o, if not I am going to have to try to get into a new doctor and figure this out its definitely not normal for me I usually have no issues whatsoever getting pregnant its just carrying the baby that's the problem for me. I am going to see if I get a thermal shift before I jump to conclusions but with all these high and peak opks and then false positive hcg tests honestly I don't know what else to think im so lost and I haven't even had a follow up yet but I figured everything was fine since I had af.. I have searched all over for some info all I could find was that you can get a implantation surge to detect enough hcg to become positive then will go back negative for a few days then back positive.. although I doubt that's my case.. ugh!! well ill keep charting and good luck mj I am glad you finally got your baby bean!!

Tara - thanks Tara. I definitely say keep charting for at least a full cycle. I'm not sure how the machine you're using works because I only chart and use opk's. I still don't understand why you are getting positives on the hcg test, did you end up going to your last appt? or were you not able to find a sitter for your kids?
We planned our vaca! We just pray that our Specialist will agree that we are OK to go if we do become pregnant next month.... :)

5 nights at Bay Lake Towers with a Theme Park View! We asked our friend to trade in as it is Disney Vacation Club....EEK. I am so excited! lol We are going during Flower and Garden Festival....We were married in Disney so this place holds a special place in our hearts. :wink wink:

Still no AF here and not even spotting. Can't wait to get the blood panel on Tuesday but I don't think I have ovulated at all, have had no ovulation cramping....just period cramping but it has not started...
Yayyyy Castaway - I hope you guys have an awesome trip!

I can't wait for you to get your blood panel test too!
Congrats, MJ! :happydance::dance::happydance::dance:

Sorry for the negative test results, Castaway! That really sucks, and must be soooo frustrating! At least you've planned a great vacation. I hope your trip is awesome!

Tara, sorry for the BFNs! It sounds like you're losing faith in your doctor. Have you thought of maybe shopping around for a more motivated one?
Congrats, MJ! :happydance::dance::happydance::dance:

Sorry for the negative test results, Castaway! That really sucks, and must be soooo frustrating! At least you've planned a great vacation. I hope your trip is awesome!

Tara, sorry for the BFNs! It sounds like you're losing faith in your doctor. Have you thought of maybe shopping around for a more motivated one?

Thanks Ginger :flower: now I'm waiting on some of you ladies to join me soon!!!:winkwink:
hey ladies,
well I got 4 positives then after that negatives, I took a frer it was bfn I was hoping it was due to not holding my urine long enough but wasn't the case, I don't know why I am keeping so freaking many false positives too many to count at this point and these are 25miu tests, so I don't get why frer is negative.. however I got another peak opk just now , it was flashing this am now peak (I am still thinking it's too early in my cycle to be oing, as I am just now on cd 11 ) , so I am assuming with all these cramps I am really gearing up to o and my body is really trying but because of something with the dnc my body just doesn't have the ability to o anymore I am trying to let I out this cycle just to see if I will o, if not I am going to have to try to get into a new doctor and figure this out its definitely not normal for me I usually have no issues whatsoever getting pregnant its just carrying the baby that's the problem for me. I am going to see if I get a thermal shift before I jump to conclusions but with all these high and peak opks and then false positive hcg tests honestly I don't know what else to think im so lost and I haven't even had a follow up yet but I figured everything was fine since I had af.. I have searched all over for some info all I could find was that you can get a implantation surge to detect enough hcg to become positive then will go back negative for a few days then back positive.. although I doubt that's my case.. ugh!! well ill keep charting and good luck mj I am glad you finally got your baby bean!!

Tara - thanks Tara. I definitely say keep charting for at least a full cycle. I'm not sure how the machine you're using works because I only chart and use opk's. I still don't understand why you are getting positives on the hcg test, did you end up going to your last appt? or were you not able to find a sitter for your kids?

the opks I use are clearblue advanced digital ovulation test it determines low fertility with a circle high fertility with a flashing smiley and then peak fertility with a smiley that stays for 2 days.. its suppose to help see your 4 most fertile days instead of your 2 most fertile days that's why it gives low high and peak results but not everyone will see a high and peak may get one or the other, I actually was under the impression that they were the most commonly used opks but I guess no lol and they are very expensive but I think I may have ovulated last night my temp when from 98.00 to 98.02 but I think it has to jump .4 right ... this is so confusing maybe my body keeps gearing up to get ready so it makes sure I o this go round because it is still pretty early for me to o my luteal phase is only 11 to 12 never been longer than that.. no I had already told them I would find a new dr because I was extremely offended by getting the one day notice and by the time I thought well maybe it was due to the needed to do something like a ultra sound it was too late to fix it , besides my kids have came to all my appoints and are so well behaved I don't know what the problem would have been neway they are always bragging on how good they are and how the stay sitting still etc.. maybe its a new policy just went into effect im not sure but they could have sent a letter or told me a long time ago not the day before. I wish I could have went though I feel like I really needed it but im going to a well known high risk doctor as soon as I make an appointment Monday I have got to see if I am having fertility problems which would be odd considering I have had 5 pregnancies total so unless the dnc messed me up I don't know what else would be wrong.. ugh the stress of it all.. as for the hcg test I have no freaking idea and talk about cruel I got positives on 4 that day then negatives the next im wondering if the body can produce small amounts on its own to help you ovulate? that's my only available theory at this point.. ive also started thinking maybe my chart needs a couple temps discarded and that may make it look better not sure I really need some help with the whole temping thing!!

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