TTC after D&C (Soon)

Merry Christmas ladies! FX for you castaway!!!
I agree Mexican food is very good!! I had to make atole and champurrado those are Mexican drinks kind of like hot chocolate but so much better I use Mexican chocolate real vanilla beans(which are amazing might I add) cinnamon brown sugar and corn masa, soo good especially with the cold weather last night lol, other than that I tried to keep it more of my American tradition with spiral ham, deviled eggs, etc.. I made so much stuff and I ate 2 little pieces of ham and I have been craving it for days I did get some deviled eggs too but that was about it ive just not had much of an appetite lately I get full on just a few bites..

so I got another peak opk the 23rd at night like I mentioned before I also moved all my data over to FF (I am curious is it worth paying for a membership or is free just as good) it is still confusing to me I have been hurting like hell I would think af if I hadn't just had it!! I tried testing with another reader but its messed up that's 2 brand new readers broke err makes me made everything flashes when result comes up so idk what it is and the other I can retest til tonight cause when you get a peak it stays for 2 days.. my temp seems to be going back down which I am assuming isn't good huh? im new to this whole temping thing but I started on the 3rd of this month.. I really need your guys' help!! please when you get time thank you..

Castaway, that's great news I guess you woke up with a very Merry Christmas present lol that's what I was hoping for but I guess I will be working on a new years bfp!!

Merry Christmas girls I hope its the best Christmas yet and we will get to bring in a new year bfp!!
Thanks ladies, not really going to believe till we get a scan. I just know that December 1st I was negative on the digi. I took one today as I am going to acupuncture tomorrow and well Friday is 9 weeks since the miscarriage with no period in sight. lol I hope to have good news tomorrow :)
hey ladies,
here's my chart from FF however I don't understand it either I started temping on the 3rd this starts on the 17th? which is when af was here and it says my luteal phase averages 8 min 3 max 11 and med 10 that's not good at all is it ugh this is crazy I am trying to figure out what my coverline is and what all I need to know about temping.. thanks girls ive been feeling very sick to my tummy past 2 days and just weird for past few days idk why I am trying to get some kind of clarification thanks for your help!!


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Tara - after you O you will see a higher range of temps. Typically FF will confirm O after 3 days of higher temps so you actually find out after the fact, so you also need to keep watching cm and your opk's if you use them until you are able to see the trend with your temps over a few cycles of charting.
I guess that's where I am so confused I thought I'd had lots of high temps until this dip im "suppost" to start testing tomorrow on opks since im a 30 day cycle and tomorrow is cd 10 but ive already had 2 peak positives on cb digi so nothing seems to be adding up, although I am pretty sure that my hcg hormones are definitely back to normal ive had bfns for a while now but still don't get the cm cp and opks all saying yes .. soo freaking confusing and ive been on FF all day trying to figure this stuff out but it wants you to pay to do most of the stuff so idk.. shew a lot of work this is..
well I did some more reading and found out that your not suppose to count af temps and for me that would be the 17th thru the 21st which wouldn't even give me 6 valid temps and you have to have at least 6 to draw a coverline but the one thing I don't get is why the chart starts on the 17th instead of the 1st because its missing all my temps from the 3rd til the 17th ugh oh and heres the rest of my chart now I am getting an idea of how it works although I am still not sure why it says I ovulated on the 13th lol crazy well I get it but either I did and I didn't catch the egg or I didn't cause I had what had to be af on the 17th which was just 4 days later there's no way I could have oed right?


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Tara - girl you're confusing me lol, here is a pic of my chart. FF will calculate your coverline etc when it thinks you have ovulated so you don't have to worry about that part of it. You have to put in all your temps though, including af temps so it will read your full cycle.


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Ladies - I thought I was completely out so I didn't test yesterday and I stopped my progesterone suppositories but I had 1 FRER left and this morning I said wth and used it and the faintest of lines came up. DH says he sees it after him joking around that I was seeing came up within 2 minutes, I'm scared it's an evap or something but I'm going to get more tests later on and test in the morning and see if it is still there and has gotten darker. FX this is my bfp and I have a sticky bean!!!
Ladies - I thought I was completely out so I didn't test yesterday and I stopped my progesterone suppositories but I had 1 FRER left and this morning I said wth and used it and the faintest of lines came up. DH says he sees it after him joking around that I was seeing came up within 2 minutes, I'm scared it's an evap or something but I'm going to get more tests later on and test in the morning and see if it is still there and has gotten darker. FX this is my bfp and I have a sticky bean!!!

Mj.....wonderful news!! I hope this is your sticky bean!!! :thumb up:

I have to get more tests, waiting until after my scan to see if we do have a sticky bean...if not I need more. I have none left. LOL

I hope this works out for you, when would you see the doctor? I am afraid even if I was pregnant they would see nothing, I mean I could be as early as 3 weeks....
Ladies - I thought I was completely out so I didn't test yesterday and I stopped my progesterone suppositories but I had 1 FRER left and this morning I said wth and used it and the faintest of lines came up. DH says he sees it after him joking around that I was seeing came up within 2 minutes, I'm scared it's an evap or something but I'm going to get more tests later on and test in the morning and see if it is still there and has gotten darker. FX this is my bfp and I have a sticky bean!!!

Mj.....wonderful news!! I hope this is your sticky bean!!! :thumb up:

I have to get more tests, waiting until after my scan to see if we do have a sticky bean...if not I need more. I have none left. LOL

I hope this works out for you, when would you see the doctor? I am afraid even if I was pregnant they would see nothing, I mean I could be as early as 3 weeks....

Castaway - I'm so nervous too! I don't think they would see anything on a scan as yet for me as well. I want to test tomorrow and Saturday, if it gets darker then I'll probably go for my betas next week but have to see when the office is open because of the new years holidays. If betas are good then I'll see my OB dr on the 10th. I already have an appt with him for that day anyway, and since I already have my progesterone supplements I don't need to see him right away. My only other thing is that my specialist appt is monday, so I'm hoping the tests get darker by tomorrow so I cancel it, don't want to have to waste that money if we don't need to.

I really hope this is all for real for both of us! FX....I'm praying so hard!!!
Ladies - I thought I was completely out so I didn't test yesterday and I stopped my progesterone suppositories but I had 1 FRER left and this morning I said wth and used it and the faintest of lines came up. DH says he sees it after him joking around that I was seeing came up within 2 minutes, I'm scared it's an evap or something but I'm going to get more tests later on and test in the morning and see if it is still there and has gotten darker. FX this is my bfp and I have a sticky bean!!!

Mj.....wonderful news!! I hope this is your sticky bean!!! :thumb up:

I have to get more tests, waiting until after my scan to see if we do have a sticky bean...if not I need more. I have none left. LOL

I hope this works out for you, when would you see the doctor? I am afraid even if I was pregnant they would see nothing, I mean I could be as early as 3 weeks....

Castaway - I'm so nervous too! I don't think they would see anything on a scan as yet for me as well. I want to test tomorrow and Saturday, if it gets darker then I'll probably go for my betas next week but have to see when the office is open because of the new years holidays. If betas are good then I'll see my OB dr on the 10th. I already have an appt with him for that day anyway, and since I already have my progesterone supplements I don't need to see him right away. My only other thing is that my specialist appt is monday, so I'm hoping the tests get darker by tomorrow so I cancel it, don't want to have to waste that money if we don't need to.

I really hope this is all for real for both of us! FX....I'm praying so hard!!!

I hope this is your time too! I just am not sure about me, with all the brown spotting and all. I just feel like how it could it even be? LOL Hoping I get a scan today and we get some answers. That is all I can ask for at this point...

My fingers and toes are crossed for you!!
Thanks castaway, I've heard of many women having brown spotting and having a good pg. My friends mom said she spotted for a week with one of her pregnancies and thought it was her period but just very light but she was very much pregnant and eventually it stopped and babe turned out just fine. FX for you too deserve this!!!
I'm just worried my line won't get darker or betas go up or to make it to 12 weeks - DH says I need to press the brakes and stop I'll take it one day at a time and hope the line does get darker for tomorrow. FX.
My appt is in an hour....EEK! I just hope we can get to the bottom of this. They are also sending me for a series of bloods, today and again Saturday. I am canceling Accupuncture till we have a better idea of whether we are pregnant or not. I am afraid to go and then cause harm in this pregnancy (if we are pregnant).

Gah trying to not feel pressure and go with it is what it is. I am have no idea what we are walking into and that is what scares me the most.:cry:
OMG keep us posted castaway. I hope they are quick with the blood results!!
yeah I figured that out but my other app doesn't make your coverline for you like FF does and FF says I oed on the 13th but my af came on the 17th which would have left me with a 3 day luteal phase so I doubt it. I know going by temps I haven't od yet this cycle but I won't know til after it happens going by temps ne way so who knows, I got a peak opk on cb digi (its the ones I use sometimes dollar tree opks to back them up) the 20th then I got another peak the 23rd then negative yesterday now flashing so something is definitely going on in there I just don't know what and ive been hurting a lot when normally I don't hurt at all so im not sure what's going on but I did have a dip yesterday now its starting to go back up so maybe I am about to o it's cd 10 today which is when they say to start testing my normal o day going by FF is the cd19 so I don't know what to think now I kind of wish I hadn't even bothered with temping!!

I am happy you got your bfp mj I hope it works out for you!! I am sure everything will be fine.. its funny how you give up then have some weird feeling to test and then you get that lol at least youll have a good new year!!
well ladies,
I am not sure whats going on but I got a VERY faint line on my test this am I just took it and put it down figuring it would be another bfn but no there's definitely a line there, faint, but there but im not getting my hopes up yet because nothing makes sense right now I don't know when or if I oed and then the bleeding I was sure was af I just don't know what to think at this point!! I guess I will see if it goes away or gets darker but gosh im so freaking confused!! I've been getting sick headaches toothaches vivid dreams which are all my first signs BUT I haven't had the pregnancy dream that I am pregnant and I had that with the last 2 I guess its not written in stone to have the same tell tale signs but idk I just don't want to get too excited for it to just be another big let down.. :cry:

make that 2 faints now eeeek I hope this is the real deal and not another hoax ill be poed for sure!!
Ok so waited an hour and half for my appt but I got in there and saw my doctor. They had me do a urine test then the doctor did an internal as he said sometimes the cervix can show signs of pregnancy, depending on how far along you are. I told him if I am pregnant I am no more then 3 weeks but he said that is what he could do at this point so he did the internal....He said to get bloods done today and again on Saturday. He went over and looked at the test and said, "I have a negative here but if you got a positive on a digital test well that is hard to get a false positive on. You have me stumped". Yeah, you and me too doc I felt like saying!

I said, "Could it be ovulation picked up" he replied No.
I said, "Could it be an impending AF?" he replied No.
I said, "Could my HCG be fluctuating that high from the Miscarriage and his reply was, "You should be testing negative and no HCG at this time should be picked up."
I went on to say, "Well do you think it is left over HCG?" He then replied "I think we need to get to the bottom of the hormones, either we may need to see if we have left over product or hun you are expecting but with out FMU or Betas I just don't know."

So there it is girls. I still have no clue. :dohh:

I can say this I am OK either way. I mean, I want to be pregnant. I want a child for our family and honestly want this for my husband. I just know I cannot do Disney in my second trimester, I would be a mess there. If I am already pregnant I think we may put off a vacation, again, for a second year in a row. So we are doing the wait and see. I just did my bloods....

I can say this ever since the internal I am cramping very low....reminds me of period cramping. I have NO idea what that is about!
Castaway - how long before your blood test results come back? FX for you! !!

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