TTC after D&C (Soon)

Well ladies, I had my ERPC (D&C) this morning so I officially back in the TTC group...well, not right now of course, I have to wait until the bleeding stops.

I feel good though, as though I have closed the book and can start the new year a fresh.

:hugs: Kira, try to leave it all behind in 2013 and hopefully AF comes sooner than later for you and you get your rainbow in 2014 :flower:
I'm so sorry Kira. You sound positive and that's the best way to be. Let yourself grieve when you need to though. :hugs:
Happy New year ladies!!!

Still waiting on AF - 19DPO, but I think all the hcg may be gone now. I even had a crazy dream that my betas were down to 0 lol.
Happy new year ladies :)

I have a question........ Today I remembered that I used vitamin B complex before and during my first 2 weeks of pregnancy with DD. She wasn't planned and I used the vitamins for energy. Now my question. Do you think that it could be the reason for me keeping her then as it helped with progestorone levels? I bleeded at 16 weeks so I wonder now. I did'nt use it with the last two pregnancies and wonder if it would make a difference if I start taking it again. What do you think? Any advice?

What else can I take to make my chances better?
Happy new year ladies :)

I have a question........ Today I remembered that I used vitamin B complex before and during my first 2 weeks of pregnancy with DD. She wasn't planned and I used the vitamins for energy. Now my question. Do you think that it could be the reason for me keeping her then as it helped with progestorone levels? I bleeded at 16 weeks so I wonder now. I did'nt use it with the last two pregnancies and wonder if it would make a difference if I start taking it again. What do you think? Any advice?

What else can I take to make my chances better?

Hi Angel - B6 is supposed to be very good, I take it. Along with COQ10 which I have DH take as well. After O I used progesterone suppositories that my Dr prescribed to me because I tend to have low progesterone.
Some ppl take Vitex, royal jelly and not sure what else, but I'm sure they all help in some way.
Happy new year ladies :)

I have a question........ Today I remembered that I used vitamin B complex before and during my first 2 weeks of pregnancy with DD. She wasn't planned and I used the vitamins for energy. Now my question. Do you think that it could be the reason for me keeping her then as it helped with progestorone levels? I bleeded at 16 weeks so I wonder now. I did'nt use it with the last two pregnancies and wonder if it would make a difference if I start taking it again. What do you think? Any advice?

What else can I take to make my chances better?

Hi Angel - B6 is supposed to be very good, I take it. Along with COQ10 which I have DH take as well. After O I used progesterone suppositories that my Dr prescribed to me because I tend to have low progesterone.
Some ppl take Vitex, royal jelly and not sure what else, but I'm sure they all help in some way.

How much B6 can I take at a time? I don't know if my progestorone levels are low, but don't want to test either yet. I just checked the medical bills for the d&c and lab results for genetic and chromosome testing on the baby, and it's all quite expensive.

Also, anyone done the testing on baby as well? What can I expect with my follow up appointment then? What will the doctor tell me?
Hi all. I'm not sure if I've posted here yet, but I know I've been following this thread here and there.

I lost my baby on December 13, at 24 weeks. He had a severe birth defect. We had been TTC for 6 months before my bfp. I have no children, and that was my first pregnancy. I went through labor on the 15th, and he was born asleep. I had a d&c for retained placenta after labor.

I have had bleeding since then, but it's pretty minimal now. I still have to wear pads though, and there seems to be more blood when I am on the toilet.

Unlucky lady that I am, I had diarrhea the week following the loss, and spent Christmas Eve from 11:30 pm to 2:30 am in the emergency room, to discover that I contracted c diff- I got it from the hospital where I delivered, after having received just one bag of IV zosyn (a broad spectrum antibiotic used often in abdominal surgery). So now I am on 10 days of flagyl, praying that one round of meds will cure the infection (while knowing that c diff has a high rate of relapse and the need for additional courses of antibiotic therapy...sometimes for months).

So, needless to say, I am devastated on many levels. I feel like my grieving is impeded by my own health issues. And I am terrified at the prospect of both TTC again and the fear of either not being able to get pregnant again, or getting prego and having another defect...versus the fear that I won't be able to start TTC again due to health and antibiotics. The nightmare seems unending.

I'm wondering...did any of you feel like you'd just never be happy again? I have good days and bad days. But I mourn the loss of my "innocent times."

How long did it take for the ones with late losses to stop bleeding? To get AF back?

How long did it take to stop your breasts from leaking? My swelling is back down to normal, but I notice that milk still drips out from time to time.

Before the c diff diagnosis, my doctor said we could TTC again after one AF. While I have SO MUCH fear, all I want is to have a family. I really want to try again. I am really so afraid though.

Thanks for any support.
Angel - I tend to stick to the directions on the bottle for the B6, the only thing I ever really take more of is folic acid.... I figure it can't hurt. I did have testing done on my 11 week baby and everything came back clear, no chromosomal defects which I think made it worst for me and then you start questioning everything you did that might have caused the loss since there was nothing found genetically. At my follow up appt my dr really didn't tell me anything, he just confirmed I stopped bleeding and was having no pains and told me if AF did not show up after 8 weeks to come and see him.....honestly it was a waste of time for me looking back at it, but at the time I thought it was so important to go, so do what feels best for you.

RaeChay - :hugs::hugs::hugs: There is another lady on our board Castaway who recently decided to take a break from TTC but she had lost her full term son and you can probably read through the thread where she shares her story and it is hard to get over it. Hopefully she will check in soon and can give you her bits of advice. Even though I was not that far along, I still feel down every now and again. Some days are better than others and sometimes the thoughts of your loss hit you out of nowhere and sadness sets in. I think it's something we learn to live with, at least for me, because it hasn't gone away for me and I can't act like it never happened.
We had that loss in August and I got pg again around xmas and that has now ended in a chemical pg, I am awaiting AF to start. However, this last loss brought up a ton of emotions from August and lets just say I've been through it all over again this past week but I think it also brought up emotions that I have suppressed from August so it's been overwhelming off and on.
As far as AF, it took mine 6 weeks to start back. I stopped bleeding a few days after my D&C, within a week.
Hang in there! :flower::hugs:
I am so sorry for your loss, it still hurts no matter how much time passes and you never get over it but you learn to handle it if that makes since, I do think that the further along you are the harder it is to bear, although no matter how ar along its still hard period, I have had a chemical and a 13w loss that I passed at 17w and to have to carry the baby around in me knowing he was gone was so hard this one hit me so much harder than the one in july but also I am use to death at this point I've lost everyone it seems like and most at a young age, my grandparents both at the same time in a car accident, my dad suicide, my mom, my babies (not counting friends and step dads) I just feel like its the norm around me but this one especially hit me so hard I thought it was meant to be for so many reason he was due on my moms birthday and like mj, they did test and my baby had nothing wrong, although they couldn't test for certain things, but still that kills me too I feel like its my fault some how even though I know I shouldn't feel that way, but sometimes its hard not to. I don't know if this even helps but what I am trying to get at is it sucks and we all have our ups and downs and are scared some times but you just have to look inside yourself and find whats best for you!! as for af mine also came after 6 weeks almost 7 weeks again im so sorry for your loss!!:hugs::hugs:
hey ladies,
do you think my chart is starting to look a little better now? I hope o is just around the corner I've been getting high opks andlots of ewcm so I hope im on the right track now!!


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oops actually this is the most recent one sorry:dohh:


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Tara - that's a huge dip but if you are Oing or have O'd then your temps should go higher than your previous temps, so keep charting and hopefully by the end of the week it will jump up to indicate you O'd.
My husband just spoke to the doctor's office and we still have to wait for the results. They confirmed that I will be able to find out the gender as well. I am not emotionally ready to speak to the doctor myself and asked DH to phone instead.

Did anyone else feel invaded after a d&c? I feel like an open book at the moment with all my secrets written on the cover for everyone to see if that makes sense?
That all sounds so heartbreaking. :hugs:

I miss my "innocent days", too. I think about the loss every day. I think, "I can't believe that happened. To me. To my child." We all grow up thinking that one day we'll get married, then we'll get pregnant, then we'll have babies. We never stop to think that pregnancy doesn't equal a baby.

Mine was not a late term loss, but I think that the amount of time my body is taking to recover from a D&C on July 8th has really impacted my ability to move on. I'm on my fourth round of Clomid and at almost 6 months since the D&C, and so far none of it has worked. It's like my body has given up. My temps are really low.
I miss my innocent days as well. I think it's hard for me since my body is struggling to heal after everything and on top of that I gained an enormous amount of weight.

I am actually hoping for af to come soon so that I can move on.
:hugs:Thank you ladies, your kind words of encouragement has offered some comfort and hope. I really like this thread reading your post are helping me cope and allowing me to see that I am not alone.:hugs: I am so scared to try again but DH says everything will be fine. I am still very sad about this loss and want to try but I am terrified :cry:. But I know it is all in God's hands.
:hugs:Thank you ladies, your kind words of encouragement has offered some comfort and hope. I really like this thread reading your post are helping me cope and allowing me to see that I am not alone.:hugs: I am so scared to try again but DH says everything will be fine. I am still very sad about this loss and want to try but I am terrified :cry:. But I know it is all in God's hands.

Brighteyes - It is in God's hands. When the time is right it will happen again......hopefully that will be very soon for all of us :winkwink::flower:
Well ladies i justiordered a box of osom combo pregnancy test im excitesd to try them out i should have oed by the time they get here too im still egtting flashies which means high fertility im just waiting on peak n a temp spike to confirm!! Hope we all get our our jelly belly bean this cycle!!
hey ladies,
I was looking at my cycle back in july its the first time I ever cared to keep up with it and I had the mc june 7th then I had af 30 days later on july 7th well I got a peak opk (very positive opk) on the 19th (cd14) and then another on the 24th (cd18) I thought you were suppose to count the second positive opk if you do get one but ff counts the first? I just don't know why I mean if it counts the first that would make my luteal phase 15!! if it goes by the 24th (cd18) my luteal phase is only 10 big difference!! I got a bfp on august 4th (dpo15 or dpo 10) ugh im so confused!! sheesh!!:shrug::shrug:

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