TTC after D&C (Soon)

AF finally showed this morning!! never been so happy to see her!!! So I'm officially CD1 today. How is everyone else doing?
Grats on AF :)

Doing ok- wiped after peeing yesterday evening, and it was the first time since weeks ago that there was no visible blood in cm. it's not AF, but moving in the right direction anyway (hopefully).
well ladies, im on cd19 still no ovulation detected on ff im wondering if there ever will be this month since im a 30 day cycle however I was a 45 day cycle last month so I don't know if I will stay the same or go back to my normal 30 day cycle!! I ran out of digital opks so I have been using regular ones and I am barely even getting a line at all so maybe I missed it im not sure, I had flashy faces for 4 days til I ran out then I couldn't test til that night and it was only as dark as the cl in one area the rest was lighter not by much at all though but these are dollar store opks and they keep changing the tests this one has a green plastic piece in the urine well.. either way I haven't had a temp spike that was continuous but I didn't get the 2nd's temp good because I got woke up and hand to run to the door so it may not be accurate but still the others should be so I am guessing this will be anovulatory cycle, I swear it seems like whatever I am randomly and oddly worried about it ends up happening, like I was worried about my u/s being bad that day and it was and the one before that I was worried about a tubal (well wasn't tubal but chemical I believe) and not just with this so many other things I could give you examples about ughh it's so frustrating to me!!:dohh::dohh: plus I check my cp and cm and cp is high medium but feels more closed and I feel more damp now not watery or eggwhite like I have been which to me are all signs I already o'ed ive had lots of cramps etc too but temps don't add up!! ahh this stresses me out not knowing.. maybe I will have another long cycle but idk how all that is going to work.. I just needed to vent .. I got my box of osoms today and they are pretty awesome lol no pun intended!! I want to figure out the serum thing though!! ne way good look everyone!!:hugs::hugs:
hmm what do you ladies think of this test? I am not sure, I bought them thinking evaps weren't really an issue but now I am reading they are fairly common and with black dye im thinking yeah they could be even more likely!! ugh idk what to think now!!:shrug: not sure if you can even see it in a picture but its very much there in person ill try to take a better one later


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Hey Tara - not sure if I see anything in the pics....maybe just keep watching it.

afm CD3 and terrible cramps this AF but I guess that was expected after the CP. It's been so quiet on the board, especially with no castaway.
yeah you can't see it in the picture I can on the ones on my phone but im sure it was a evap though I just wanted to see what someone else thought because I haven't even oed yet I think I will tonight or tomorrow as my opk is almost positive if not im considering myself out this month and will just try again next month dh is bad sick so its making it hard to do anything right now anyway so may just call it quits for now and whatever happens happens, I just have no temp spike and im cd20 on a 30 day cycle so somethings definitely not right..

I have been posting but no one usually replies so I just talk to myself idc lol I don't feel like going to another thread and having to re explain my whole story all over again.

also my af was pretty normal after my cp and not even bad with my 17week one so idk but I have a high pain tolerance lol
Hi Tara,

I had my d&c on the 4th of December and had two attemps to O, but my body is not back to normal yet. Not to be negative, but maybe beter to rather wait for af? I don't know about you, but for me it's very dissapointing to hope for something and then it not happening.

Hi Tara,

I had my d&c on the 4th of December and had two attemps to O, but my body is not back to normal yet. Not to be negative, but maybe beter to rather wait for af? I don't know about you, but for me it's very dissapointing to hope for something and then it not happening.


I started trying a few days after I stopped bleeding from my dnc but I didn't ovulate I don't think I did at least and where my hormones were so messed up I kept getting peak opks with my clearblue advanced digital ovulation test and if not peak I got flashy faces which means high fertility and each time around those positives I would get positive pregnancy test even though my blood work said I was at a 3 and then a 1 I had my first af December 17th and I got a positive opk the day after af then I got another one on cd 7 and cd 11 those are just the peak days im counting I got highs too but I ran out of those digitals when I was getting so many highs so I started using regular 2 line opks and just now got a positive and I cramped so bad yesterday so I think I am oing today because lastnight it was almost positive then today its darker then the control line and im cd21 on a 30 day cycle but maybe the nc messed my cycle up as I had a 44 day cycle after my dnc so time will tell I suppose just don't give up hope I know its hard ive wanted to so many times but the harder it is to get the more it makes me want it I guess if that makes sense!! everything will work itself out but yes af should help level out most of your hormones but sometimes it takes 2 afs to get everything back to normal I hope that's not your case or mine but ill know soon enough if I don't get a temp spike I had a dip so im hoping!! I hope this helps you a little!!:hugs:
so I got my positive opk today cd21 and its super dark, darker than the control line, I was cramping so bad yesterday, can you get o pains the day before o? well if I do actually o today which I am hopeful this is it, if not im out for this month, but if I do I am looking at a 8 day luteal phase, that's if I o exactly today if not it will make it shorter so lets hope this happens today!!
Woo hoo! that's awesome Tara. I think you will have a longer cycle so may not necessarily be an 8 day lp. I have bloating and cramping usually starting the day before or the day of, and then my temp usually spikes 2 days after my last positive opk because I surge for about 3 days before Oing (frustrating I know but what to do!)

ROFL @ you saying you're talking to yourself but udc.......that was hilarious but I think we all read what you write :)
lol that's how I feel sometimes, but I know people get tired of hearing me talk and asking so many questions, but if you don't ask you may never know. im just not a big people person so I don't know how to talk that well with other people I guess plus im kind of boring lol at least til something happens in this cycle!! I keep getting faints on those osoms well on the 3 I've taken so I am thinking they are bad for evaps or its picking up my regular small amount? I don't know how I could be pregnant if I haven't been able to confirm o with a temp spike yet ugh however I am very hopeful that this is the real deal this time since it is so late in my cycle and yeah I am thinking it is suppose to be a longer cycle maybe I guess ill find out if af shows up so ill have more to go by next cycle but my temps are doing good now idk what was the issue for a while but I wasn't taking them at the exact same time everyday because I do get up throughout the night and I was just taking it after my longest sleep I took it 2 times this am once at 430 and once at 930ish first was 97.64 and then my next one was 97.78 so I just went by the first one but either way lower than yesterdays but the past few days they've been in 97's anyway I just hope I get a spike soon!! I don't feel crampy today so far but bad bad yesterday!! so lets hope!!:happydance:
Hello Tara,

You are not talking to yourself!! LOL I am reading and learning. I took my opk Sunday and it was positive but been BD since the 28th. I hope it's correct. I just has lost 12/12/13. My husband didn't want to wait for AF so we have started. I am so excited. Just started doing temps Sunday.
brighteyez, that was a very recent loss like mine I am so sorry it sucks I know.. were you taking opks prior to your positive that were negative? if so you may be oing, unfortunately I got so many peak and positive and high opks and never actually oed that I know of but I didn't start temping until December 3rd, I gear up so many times but don't actually o, fortunately enough not everyone has to go through what I have went through and am going through I hope I get leveled back out or that I am already!! I hope we are both really oing and not just gearing up and get our bfp's this cycle!!:happydance:
Yes I started OPK'ing on the 28th of December. They were negative so when I saw the positive I got excited. I took another one today and it also said positive too! I am supposed to be due for AF on the 18th. I am hoping to O soon. Crossing my fingers that we (you and I) get BFP's this month [-o<:dust:
you and me both!! I took another opk and it came up super fast and a lot darker than the control line so I hope it happens soon!! I believe your temp is suppose to spike the day after ovulation right mj?
Great, hope we both O soon. And I am not sure I thought is drops when you Ovulate. I not sure hopefully some sees our post and informs us.

A rise in body temperature. Following ovulation, your temperature can increase by 0.4 to 1.0 degrees. You won't feel the shift, but you can detect it by using a basal body temperature (BBT) thermometer. This temperature spike indicates that you've ovulated, because releasing an egg stimulates the production of the hormone progesterone, which raises body temperature.

You're most fertile in the two or three days before your temperature hits its high point. A few experts think you may have an additional 12- to 24-hour window of fertility after you first notice the temperature creep up, but most say that at that point, it's too late to make a baby.

"It can take one to two days after ovulation for progesterone to build up enough to raise your body temperature. But since the egg can only survive for about 24 hours, at that point, it's too late for fertilization," says Tracy Telles, an ob-gyn at the Permanente Medical Group in Walnut Creek, California. That's why experts recommend that you chart your temperature by taking it each morning for a few months to detect a pattern and pinpoint your likely ovulatory date. Then you can plan to have sex during the two to three days preceding the day your temperature.
Tara - yes it spikes the day after O.

Good luck to you both!!! I have another 11-13 days before I O, but hopefully you will both have bfp's by then and I will follow 2 weeks later with my bfp ;)

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