TTC after D&C (Soon)

Rae Chay - the blue one is the one I took last week and it was negative I think but hubby said he saw a faint line. I took a OPK on the 5th and 6th and it was positive. I was thinking it was left over from mc but we have been bd'ing since mc. So I am not sure but hoping it is a new BFP and I do have a doctors appointment Friday so I will ask for a blood pregnancy test. I hope I am one of those that fell pregnant after mc.
Also temp went from (1/5/14) 98.5, (1/6/14) 98.2, (1/7/14) 98.5, (1/8/14) 98.8 so I don't know if that means anything either. Any thoughts?
Hard to say based on those days- did you have a spike after O? Typically you want a temp drop to confirm O, followed by a possible implantation dip, then sustained high temps (above cover line). I've never temped myself, but I believe that's how it's supposed to go- feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Do you chart? If so, are you able to link your chart?
Hey brighteyez, if you're pg sometimes it will cause the opk's to show up positive, so there is a chance you are pg again! If you go to the Dr on friday have them do a blood test and see if the numbers are increasing or you can take another test in a couple of days and see if it's getting darker. Good luck girly! FX for you!
RaeChay - I am not sure but I opk's on the 5th and 6th and it was positive. I did it the week before and it was no lines than very lite lines up until the 5th. I do chart and I need to see how to add it.
Ginger- how did you first know that you weren't ovulating after your d&c? FX for you.

I don't ovulate on my own due to PCOS. I have to take Clomid. I got pregnant the first time I ever ovulated on my first round of 50mg Clomid my 13th cycle of TTC. MMC at 8 weeks, D&C July 8th, 2013.

I have taken three rounds of 50mg Clomid since then, and none of them have made me ovulate. I'm on 100mg this cycle.
Ginger- how did you first know that you weren't ovulating after your d&c? FX for you.

I don't ovulate on my own due to PCOS. I have to take Clomid. I got pregnant the first time I ever ovulated on my first round of 50mg Clomid my 13th cycle of TTC. MMC at 8 weeks, D&C July 8th, 2013.

I have taken three rounds of 50mg Clomid since then, and none of them have made me ovulate. I'm on 100mg this cycle.

Ginger - do you chart? what cd are you on?
I do chart. It's in my sig in the spoiler. Today is CD14. I think I might have ovulated yesterday based on my temps, but I'm not getting my hopes up... My blood draw for progesterone is on the 14th. I ovulated on CD13 the cycle I got pregnant, too.
Bright- keep us posted. Another thing you can do is just test daily with fmu and see if the test line is getting darker.
Sorry I have been MIA for so long

MJ, we should O close to each other again this month! YAY fxd for a bfp close to each other as well!!!

Tara, I find it so strange that you continue to get light lines on tests, I have read up on it a bit and it seems like there might be other causes for the raised HCG levels in your urine. Maybe you should read up on it a bit and see if you can have it seen to and just make sure it isnt anything to worry about.

Brighteyez, YAY for a + OPK!!! Have fun lady! we pray for a bfp for you. Your body knows what to do so lets hope he does it quickly again!

OPKs can go positive from HCG as well, but if your OPK was negative and then positive it must either be a LH surge or HCG coming through. I think you must ask you doctor for Bloods irrelevant of what the test say just to see if it is falling or rising and we pray it is rising!!! Ive read of a lot of girls that get a bfp within the first month after a loss as the body is in right state and knows what to do. FXd for you girl :dust:

I can see it definitely, give it a day or so and see if it is progressing.

Ginger, fxd for your test results!!!! Look into base powder or alhalizing powder it seems to have helped me O a lot sooner and maybe it can give you a bump in the right direction. Sorry to hear about DHs family, mine doesn’t have a normal family either and he more often than not just want to disown some of them, his sister we don’t even speak to at all for the last 2 years.

LeahLou > :hugs: I hate it when shes late but no bfp!!! Thiking about you!!

Rea, I didn’t have lots only normal amount during O. Might be your body increasing estrogen to get a new lining to build up.

Cast, That is absolutely amazing! I also love my acupuncture and wont give it for the world. I go weekly on a wednesday morning. It is awesome. As I read your do not go with wet hair, I sit here with wet hair after a shower, now I need to go dry it :haha: So happy that things are getting rolling for you again!!!

AFM > WOW what a rollercoaster this cycle has been. I was convinced it was it, i was nauseas and peed every 5 mins only to get a BFN on 12DPO, then typical i looked later and there was a very light line but it could be a EVAP due to time, but i kept hope. 14dpo and still bfn so i figured im out. I continued with progesterone to keep AF away till the FS office open and gives me a chance at this cycle otherwise i would have had to wait this cycle out as well.

So i stopped the progesterone on Friday morning after another BFN. On Saturday night i got horrible AF cramps and when i went to the bath room, i had started and it was red flow, so i went home and used a Softcup, but to my surprise i had no more red flow just old blood like i normally get after 2 days of flow. This continued for Monday, tuesday. So i called the FS office to ask if i should come for a scan as i think im CD3 but im not sure. So the nurse said yes lets see whats going on inside.

Now i had a slight suspision that my estrogen levels where very low due to having absolutely no fertile mucus and also no Highs on CBFM at all.

Well the FS confirmed that my ovaries was dormant and no leading follies are present and that my lining in fact is very thin already, classical CD3 scan results. So he also believes my estrogen was to low and caused me to have absolutely no lining at all so a pregnancy would have been impossible to begin with.

So im back on 5mg Femara CD3-7 along with 2mg Estrogen for 21 days. I have a CD11 scan next week Thursday so fxd for 2 eggies and then we following SMEP as much as we possibly can. Also still doing intralipids like last cycle.

Sorry for the long read :blush:
mj these are totally different tests i had held my pee sooo long and got a bfp no question about it but now back to faints and also on other tests the same brighteyez is using the purple and white one and honestly i think those are more sensitive than the osom tests because i always either get a bfn stark white or a very faint pink line they pick it up so early but i don't know why its doing it.

i have looked it up and i don't think those rare cases are my issue i never had any issues like this till after this dnc it's really screwed me up big time so i don't think its anything like that i just think its the dnc or maybe my temps are way off and i ovulated before but i doubt it because now my opks are slightly lighter than the control line but so little its hard to tell if its really lighter or same color, i don't take my temps at the same time every day because of my kids i have to get up one or more times a night plus i have to pee a lot but ill post my chart i put the temp in for today but i haven't check cp or cm yet today my breast have been sooo sore and ive had other symptoms but i figured from o af is due in 7 days so time will tell i suppose.. i am starting to feel like im just never going to o again :cry: the 2nd picture is from November when i started temping but it was late in the month and it started over when i put in af dates, but it looks more normal than this one and i did it the same way!! :shrug::dohh:


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Good morning Ladies,

Ok I took another test this morning. This reading is about 3minutes after fmu was applied. The test I should yesterday was taking on Tuesday and I took the picture of it the next day which was Wednesday. I took another brand this morning right after it and it was negative so I don't knwo what to think. I can't wait for tomorrow to come for doctor's appointment. Tell me what you ladies suspect.


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brighteyez, the first 2 I see a decent like but the last one the dollar tree kind and food city kind (that's where I get them at here) I don't see anything and both kinds are very sensitive I got positives on both of those at 3 and 1 hcg I had my blood taken the same days as the positives so at this point unless its a bfp bright ass positive on those im not getting my hopes up lol but everyone is different!!

afm- I am 1 dpo yay!! finally I checked cp and cm yesterday it was low closed and firm still a little watery but creamy as well so now im 99.9% I oed and it was just a fall back rise.. :happydance:
Hi Everyone!
Sorry I've been gone for about a month - the holidays kind of took off on me. I am desperately reading everyone's posts and trying to get caught up but I thought I'd send a quick post off just to try and get back into 'chatting'.

Kira - welcome, I hope your surgery went well. I had a D&C after a mmc, followed by misoprostol for retained product. The D&C went really well - I woke with no pain and bled (spotted - needed a panty liner only) for about a week after. I didn't have a lot of pain but I felt achy and tight in my pelvic region for two or 3 weeks post. I had a period 19 days post D&C.

Castaway - I go to an acupuncturist 2xweek for hormone regulation post miscarriage. He also recommends waiting at least 2-3 cycles so I think that is just their practice's protocol (meaning acupuncturists). I hope you get as much benefit from acupuncture as I am. It totally helps with anxiety and I think my period returned so quickly post D&C because of those treatments.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year and a belated Merry Christmas! :)
RaeChay - I just posted a couple minutes ago but after reading your questions about acupuncture I would just say that I totally endorse it. I started in November after my October mmc/D&C.

Also, I had tons of EWCM type stuff when I was healing from my D&C - it totally freaked me out. It started streaked with blood, then it was a kind of clear yellow, and then just clear.
Hmm thanks funee- after reading your post about AF returning quickly, I think I am gonna call on the acupuncturist today. That makes me hopeful :)
OMG! I go missing for 2 days and it seems I'm missing for a month.....trying to keep up with everyone!

Tella - So glad to hear from you. Chemical pregnancy last month for me, but hoping we'll both get bfp's this cycle and then we can be bump buddies!

Brighteyez - Girl I don't know lol, I want to call bfp for you but I'm holding back. FX for you! let us know about the blood test tomorrow.

Tara - :happydance::happydance:finally O!!!!! FX you caught the eggie :winkwink:

Ginger - ok, you're about a week ahead of me. I'm cd7 today.

Funnee - Happy new year to you too!!:flower:

Rae - Hang in there :flower: :hugs:
I am soo frustrated at this point.. I noticed I had lots of cm today but my cervix to me feels low firm and closed however opk says dark positive heres a picture I don't know what to think heres my chart too I am crampy now too ugh maybe it will be another month I don't know anymore I guess im more messed up than I thought or else the opks are one of the two no one gets as many positive opks as me esp without actually oing!! if my temp stays up I guess we will know also maybe my cycle length has changed due to mc idk normally a 30 but last was 44 so who knows..


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Tara- even before my pregnancy I would get positive opk's for almost a week every other cycle (found out it's when I ovulated from Left ovary). Not sure if that meant my left ovary is screwy or what. I do know that it was my right ovary that popped the eggy that got me my bfp...and on those months my opk's were only positive 2-3 days, which seemed more "right." Idk what it means though. Silly hormones.
raechay, how did you find that out? hmm makes me wonder now, don't the ovaries alternate each month? I wonder if one ovary is off and not able to produce a good follie if the other ovary might try instead? im cramping bad now idk if its a good thing or a bad thing. I have only used opks once before a bfp that was after my chemical on june 7th and I don't remember when I started testing exactly but I know I got a positive on the 19th and 24th and I think 24th was actual o day I got my bfp on frer on august 4th so I don't know what's "normal" for me but ever since my dnc my opks have been crazy and so have my pregnancy tests, but I figured after af came on December 17th that it would help my hormones level back out and I have still got a few false positive faint pregnancy test, but after the time limit mostly (not evaps or indents they had color), but other than one or two the rest have been fine but my opks still crazy im scared im not ever going to o again that's what it looks like at least!! I was negative opk yesterday now again positive with more signs but cervix seems low and closed to me or at least more closed than before so I don't know what to think now:shrug: also that's why I bought the clearblue advanced digital opk that shows low, high, and peak fertility.. but they are expensive especially when you go through them as much as I do so I wanted to try to stick with the cheap 2 line ones for now but now im wondering if I should switch back? I just feel like im never going to o again at least not any time soon that is.. :cry:

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