TTC after D&C (Soon)

HI ladies just a bit of an update...

Still loving acupuncture, I literally fell asleep for my hour session this time, it was amazing! :haha:

I started the herbs on Monday. Tuesday night started major cramping, thought here we go! Started a very light spotting flow....pinkish red. Then my back started hurting, like labor. :cry:

I went to bed, couldn't sleep on my stomach like usual and even my back hurt. I swore by the morning I would have AF.

I woke up at 4 am with this urgency to pee. I get in there pull my underwear down and feel this feeling that something was passing! :nope:

I looked down and it was the size of your thumb and about as big as half the thumb itself. I was in shock and asked my husband to look at it. I am pretty sure it was part of the placenta, coming out....11 weeks after!

My bloods showed I am negative for pregnancy. I went to the hospital. They again said I am all clear. I went to the OB today and he also did an US and said yes, definitely all clear. He said no scarring, uterus is back to normal size and that I was ready to ovulate anyday. Thank goodness it looks like this horrible nightmare is going to be over. He also went over my hormone blood work and said I am all OK. That was wonderful to hear! Hope and pray everyone is healing from their miscarriage. I was shocked to see how hard it was on my body...and well the professionals were shocked at this as

They are biopsying it to be sure but the doc agreed, def. looks like placenta.

I am glad to hear others are doing acupuncture, it is truly amazing, I credit it for helping my body pass that bit...I don't even want to think what would have happened if I was not attending acupuncture!
wooohooo im 3 dpo I was reading up on a thread from back in 09 where someone was worried about her temps and they ladies could see it looked like she had oed but didn't know why she didn't have any crosshairs on her ff chart and that it just said ovulation not yet detected and possibly oed cd such and such based on positive opks, and someone suggested to her to remove the positive opk and that she bet it would then give her crosshairs, well I didn't see if she had try it or not, but it caught my interest since mine said the same thing and I saw temp spikes.. so I removed just the peak opk's (I used monitor for my opk test instead of regular opk because I figured it would work the same since that is how it is displayed on my clearblue advanced digital opks low, high, and peak) I even left the highs and the positive 2 line opks and then I immediately got the crosshairs exactly where and when I thought I oed so crazy!! (I did still note that I had peak opks on those days just so I could remember later on) I hope this helps someone else who is/was having the same problem as me.. here's my new chart woohoo:happydance::happydance:


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Good morning Ladies,:hi:

I had my niece take on yesterday just to see if her test would come up positive with a faint line. She is 27 and already has 2 boys and she told me she only was on her AF for 3days. Her test came back negative within the time limit and then we waited 10 more minutes just to see if there was any change and ther was none, still negative:bfn:. I went and took another one the same test and within 3minutes it was a faint pink line like all the other test. So we waited 10mintues with mines an it still was actually had gotten darker. So I am not sure what is going on but, I am glad I have my appointment today:wacko::dohh::shrug:.
Castaway, WOW! That is wild! Hopefully that being out is going to help you should you decide to try again! Sounds like acupuncture is doing wonders for you.

Tara, :dust::dust::dust:

Brighteyez, can't wait to hear what the results of your doctor's appointment are!
lol now ff says im 6dpo it needs to make up its mind, but im wondering with these positive opks still what is really going on but my temps are high and good for 6 days now so I don't know which to go by temp or positive opks and now its dotted crosshairs instead of solid because the day it thinks I oed I put watery cm and not ewcm but I rarely get that ne way but I am more considered because I didn't have a positive opk that day I don't think unless that was the day I ran out:shrug:


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HI ladies just a bit of an update...

Still loving acupuncture, I literally fell asleep for my hour session this time, it was amazing! :haha:

I started the herbs on Monday. Tuesday night started major cramping, thought here we go! Started a very light spotting flow....pinkish red. Then my back started hurting, like labor. :cry:

I went to bed, couldn't sleep on my stomach like usual and even my back hurt. I swore by the morning I would have AF.

I woke up at 4 am with this urgency to pee. I get in there pull my underwear down and feel this feeling that something was passing! :nope:

I looked down and it was the size of your thumb and about as big as half the thumb itself. I was in shock and asked my husband to look at it. I am pretty sure it was part of the placenta, coming out....11 weeks after!

My bloods showed I am negative for pregnancy. I went to the hospital. They again said I am all clear. I went to the OB today and he also did an US and said yes, definitely all clear. He said no scarring, uterus is back to normal size and that I was ready to ovulate anyday. Thank goodness it looks like this horrible nightmare is going to be over. He also went over my hormone blood work and said I am all OK. That was wonderful to hear! Hope and pray everyone is healing from their miscarriage. I was shocked to see how hard it was on my body...and well the professionals were shocked at this as

They are biopsying it to be sure but the doc agreed, def. looks like placenta.

I am glad to hear others are doing acupuncture, it is truly amazing, I credit it for helping my body pass that bit...I don't even want to think what would have happened if I was not attending acupuncture!

Wow, 11 weeks later! That is really kind of scary to me. Weren't your doctors concerned about potential for infection- if it is indeed retained placenta? Have you had AF since your loss?

I'm also wondering, when you went in to your acupuncturist for the first time, what did you tell them you'd like treatment for? I have my first appt Monday the 20th.
Castaway, WOW! That is wild! Hopefully that being out is going to help you should you decide to try again! Sounds like acupuncture is doing wonders for you.

Tara, :dust::dust::dust:

Brighteyez, can't wait to hear what the results of your doctor's appointment are!

Thanks GingerPanda, this has been quite a roller coaster. I swear, they really don't know as much about care of woman as they should.:nope:
HI ladies just a bit of an update...

Still loving acupuncture, I literally fell asleep for my hour session this time, it was amazing! :haha:

I started the herbs on Monday. Tuesday night started major cramping, thought here we go! Started a very light spotting flow....pinkish red. Then my back started hurting, like labor. :cry:

I went to bed, couldn't sleep on my stomach like usual and even my back hurt. I swore by the morning I would have AF.

I woke up at 4 am with this urgency to pee. I get in there pull my underwear down and feel this feeling that something was passing! :nope:

I looked down and it was the size of your thumb and about as big as half the thumb itself. I was in shock and asked my husband to look at it. I am pretty sure it was part of the placenta, coming out....11 weeks after!

My bloods showed I am negative for pregnancy. I went to the hospital. They again said I am all clear. I went to the OB today and he also did an US and said yes, definitely all clear. He said no scarring, uterus is back to normal size and that I was ready to ovulate anyday. Thank goodness it looks like this horrible nightmare is going to be over. He also went over my hormone blood work and said I am all OK. That was wonderful to hear! Hope and pray everyone is healing from their miscarriage. I was shocked to see how hard it was on my body...and well the professionals were shocked at this as

They are biopsying it to be sure but the doc agreed, def. looks like placenta.

I am glad to hear others are doing acupuncture, it is truly amazing, I credit it for helping my body pass that bit...I don't even want to think what would have happened if I was not attending acupuncture!

Wow, 11 weeks later! That is really kind of scary to me. Weren't your doctors concerned about potential for infection- if it is indeed retained placenta? Have you had AF since your loss?

I'm also wondering, when you went in to your acupuncturist for the first time, what did you tell them you'd like treatment for? I have my first appt Monday the 20th.

The piece of tissue still looked very "alive" if that makes sense. That was the first thing I said to the OB, "how does this happen!?" He said it happens more then we know and that he just did a second D&C on someone who was still bleeding from their first D&C, they did not get everything the first time. I really think Miscarriage is sadly not an exact science and I definitely would advocate for yourself! They will tell you to wait, but i would not wait further then 3 months. This way if there is something you will hopefully catch it.

I went into acupuncture a MESS. :haha: I was a broken shell of myself, sad, crying and telling her my horrible history. I explained I want my life back, and that included my cycle. She told me, "I will have your cycle back in two weeks." She delivered JUST that! My AF came today!!!!

This is what we have concentrated on, and it worked!!!
Constipation (after the miscarriage I felt very backed up, meaning, not normal and SO bloated)
water retention (after my initial visit and subsequent visits I would PEE NONSTOP. NO JOKE. lol)
My cycle....the most important if you ask me!!
even my ankle pain from an injury in 2012!

It is a whole body healing they do. The first visit was like 2 hours long, my usual visit is an hour. My last visit I fell asleep during treatment...that is VERY hard for me as I have trouble sleeping in "odd" places. I hope it brings you some relief. The treatment and herbs I swear have saved me from heartache any further.
AF came today!! Exactly 11 weeks later, although i think I had a light period 24 days ago. I am so happy to be getting normal again. The doctor said he thinks I will O early this month...we have our specialist appt on Friday...hoping he will do an US and see if I have a decent lining as it was very thin so I don't expect this period to last very long. The doc was shocked when I called, he didn't think I would get a period this month due to the cycles not really being able to start up from that bit of tissue. My body has been working hard and I have acupuncture to thank for that! Hopin and praying my cycles return to normal from here on out!

This period is not heavy at all and not painful. I was very worried about that!

Good luck all....what a brutal experience to go through!:hugs:
Hello Ladies,

Went to the doctors and had blood drawn and ultrasound because Dr. said my uterus felt slightly enlarged. Went to get sonogram and they would tell me anything I was there in the exam room for about 30minutes. I asked was everything ok she said you have to wait until your doctor gets the report and talk to you. I asked when will that be and she said probably not until Monday or Tuesday. I am just really frustrated, sad and confused. Dr. said she would say it's time for my AF but it doesn't look that way.:sad2::sad2: Not to mention my ankles are swollen, pressure is 158/87 so now she wants me to on pressure pills. All I could think about was my lost and cried all the way home.:wacko::dohh::cry:
RaeChay - Rather they would or could I don't know. The blood work takes 24 hours so I was told. And the Technician at Advanced Radiology would confirm anything and I was trying to see but she pull the screen so far down I couldn't see. I asked her and she said she couldn't give me any info that the doctor would contact me about the results. I was so angry and disappointed.
What an ass. They can confirm the presence of a sac or not. I work in radiology and I know that for a fact. Sorry you're dealing with this crap.
RaeChay - She asked me if I had any other children, what happened during my miscarriage, was it a boy or girl, and things will be ok. Than she was silent and said nothing else for the rest of the exam.
That's why at my obgyn's office you have an appointment after so it avoids the confusion and heartache of the unknown. I can't believe they didn't say anything!! I'm so sorry!
Brighteyez - sorry you have to go through this :hugs::hugs::hugs: hang in there girl.

Castaway - I'm happy to hear things are starting to move along for you :flower:

afm nothing much going on CD8 so I'm just waiting to O. Will probably start using my opk's on sunday and hope I'll O sooner than later. :coffee:
Brighteyez - sorry you have to go through this :hugs::hugs::hugs: hang in there girl.

Castaway - I'm happy to hear things are starting to move along for you :flower:

afm nothing much going on CD8 so I'm just waiting to O. Will probably start using my opk's on sunday and hope I'll O sooner than later. :coffee:

I used to O between CD 8-10...hoping you O soon!
Wow castaway! 11 weeks?!? That's crazy! I've been pushing for testing or something for the pain I keep getting on my left side but stopped since they said it was nothing. Pain isn't for nothing!! Glad it's solved for you!
Praying this is all our month! We all deserve BIG fat positives!

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