TTC after D&C (Soon)

MJ - She didn't say anything was retained. I hope not. AF is suppose to come tomorrow or Wednesday. Thank you MJ, I hope so!!:hugs::hugs:
MJ - She didn't say anything was retained. I hope not. AF is suppose to come tomorrow or Wednesday. Thank you MJ, I hope so!!:hugs::hugs:

Some ladies just take awhile to not test positive, I tested positive right up to 11 weeks when I passed a piece of tissue that they could not see on the US. It takes time to rebound but if you numbers are going down your body is doing what it needs too!

Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Many things can be said about my cycles. None of it is "good" or "predictable". :haha: If it had to be described, "WTF, FML" is the first thing that comes to mind.

This made me laugh out loud~ha ha ha
Bright, so glad you got some answers and can start to move forward!! it sucks being suck not knowing what's going on with your own body!! sorry it wasn't a new pregnancy I had the same thing happen thinking I was pregnant again due to false positives repeatedly even after days of negatives I would later get another positive it was crazy I am glad to be off that hormonal rollercoaster!!

afm- 5dpo FF kept giving me different dpos so I removed all the opks every one of the opks and it finally got straighten out I was able to put my last positive opks back in and every thing has fallen into place now except im not sure whats going on with my lp or cycle length because FF says expected af tomorrow it should be 15th or 16th but since it took me 44 days to get af after dnc im not sure if it has changed my cycle length.. I sure hope so or else I know I won't become pregnant with that short of a lp I started taking b vitamins but they are really low in mgs so I decided ill wait for af then ill order b 50 complex and vitex maybe that will help my cycle straighten out.. I guess its just wait and see and this point..:haha:
Brighteyez - I hope she comes soon.

Ginger - I totally can relate my cycles are pretty much all over the place, I'm going to a FS the end of this month if this cycle doesn't work out.

Tara - FF says 5dpo and AF is supposed to come tomorrow? that is a really short lp.
Brighteyez - I hope she comes soon.

Ginger - I totally can relate my cycles are pretty much all over the place, I'm going to a FS the end of this month if this cycle doesn't work out.

Tara - FF says 5dpo and AF is supposed to come tomorrow? that is a really short lp.

yeah it has pink around the 14th through the 18th and I am a 30-31 day cycle so technically IF my cycle went back to normal I should get af 15th or 16th I had af December 17th after a 44 day cycle so idk what is going on but my temp shows it pretty clearly I oed 5 days ago so yeah im wondering if the dnc messed up my cycle length if not its messed up o day and lp also im worried because I was going by FF cause it said I had oed earlier and I had positive opks again but I thought my cp was low firm and closed but I wasn't sure but I didn't bd that day thinking I wasn't fertile and then I also didn't bd 3 days before o so im prolly out for sure this month stupid FF and stupid opks and stupid mc and stupid dnc!!!!!!!:growlmad: oh and I only have a 4 day af and it had 5 on FF pink but I guess just precaution idk..
so I got to thinking and they say your lp doesn't change if that is true my cycle will just be longer either 34 or 35 so the 19th or 20th but I still don't think I ovulated my last cycle because we bded every freaking day I don't necessarily think I had a 3 day lp like FF says plus there wasn't a full months worth of data either... but if I do get af tomorrow or in the next couple days my o day is off and the opks are LIARS!!:growlmad:
so I got to thinking and they say your lp doesn't change if that is true my cycle will just be longer either 34 or 35 so the 19th or 20th but I still don't think I ovulated my last cycle because we bded every freaking day I don't necessarily think I had a 3 day lp like FF says plus there wasn't a full months worth of data either... but if I do get af tomorrow or in the next couple days my o day is off and the opks are LIARS!!:growlmad:

Tara - I really don't think AF is coming to pay you a visit this week. I think she will be here next week if no bfp. If she does show up this week I would be very surprised but I really doubt it.
I sure hope your right.. my other app says in 8 days which is a day longer than I said so lets hope if it does come I know I either oed with the other positive opks or I have lpd lets hope neither but I get so many positive opks its ridiculous but I think I just kept gearing up and couldn't til this last night its the only time temp looked correct to me ill keep you all updated!! I hope I get bfp in a few days but im not optimistic as I didn't bd on my o day :cry" boooooooooo!!
Cast, that is the easiest way to do it. OPKs work me up so much, i hate them. always wondering if i held my pee for long enough or to much water etc. The cbfm is so much easier. Every other day BD is the best approach. And with a CD8 O you dont have a long BD marathon like i had sometimes on CD21 Os as DH normally gets fed up by line CD16 and then we miss everything. Fxd for some highs soon and a peak to bring on that BFP!!!!

MJ, i never used to get it before O only watery CM but since MC i have been noticing it but very very little of it but this cycle i can see it on the toilet paper so FX soon i will have lots and lots of it :winkwink:

I will start the CBFM tomorrow and then see how my estrogen line is looking in comparison to normally when it is very dark still till day before O.

bright, GL with the temping. Take your first cycle as a learning curve and dont stress to much about it. Fxd you dont have a next cycle but if you do then you know atleast what your temps are doing and you will be able to indicate O without much trouble.

Waiting anxiously for news from your FS!!! :dust:

Rae, how you keeping girl? Whats happening with your cycle and are you tracking at all or just taking a breather?

Hi Tella :) thanks for asking. Doing ok. Currently on cd 30 (if counting the loss as day 1). This past 8 days or so bleeding mostly stopped, and I've had about 3 days with no blood.

So doctor said I could start having sex again at the 4 week mark, which was yesterday- so we got our first bd in since the loss last night. No pain, but I worry that my cervix is a little open still- which makes me worry about infection! The worries never cease huh.

But I have read that after giving birth, a lot of women who feel their cervix say it feels kind of open, but it's just that the opening is more of a "slit" now instead of a tight little hole. Has anyone else noticed this? Baby was 24 weeks gestation.

So when peeing this morning I did notice some blood-streaked ewcm again, which is what I was having last week. Wish the blood would stop already.

As for charting- yes I do chart, but I'm not really considering this post-loss cycle a true cycle yet. It's basically been 4 weeks of bleeding->spotting->blood tinged ewcm. Every hpt I've taken has been negative, so I think that's a good thing, as my body should know it's not pregnant anymore. I started opk's this week, and they've all been negative too. So...not really sure what to expect: ovulation or AF?

I have a 6-week follow up on the 27th with the doctor who ordered the d&c for retained placenta. I have my first acupuncture appointment the 20th (excited for that one). I've also started drinking Fertilitea...hoping that the combo of these things will jump start something to happen- whether it's O or AF, I don't care.

I also counted day of D&C as cd1 and got my first AF after 35days but i was lucky in the sense that my HPTs was neg about 6days after my D&C so i assume i O'd around CD21/22.

I however didnt bleed at all after the D&C only spotting the day of and then there after nothing. So we started to BD on CD12 but i never checked my cervix so cant say for certain if it was still open or closed.

I also had loads of ewcm the first cycle, think it is our bodies trying to reset. Its a good thing that your opks are negative as that why you will atleast know for certain if it is a LH surge and dont have to worry about hcg causing false +. Fxd you get AF soon, that way your hormones would have reset properly and you can get back to TTC and catch that eggy for your rainbow.

Let me know how you find the Fertilitea, ive heard lots about it but never tried it. Hope it helps to do the trick. The 27th isnt to long and hope fully it will be in a new fresh cycle and you can have a look at how your follicles are doing :winkwink:

AFM > Just waiting for tomorrows scan and O to come around. Now we just BDing EOD. I read something interesting from another thread where the lady said the BD every 36 hrs, so one night then day off and then the morning, then again the following evening. Firstly i think it is great as it makes for more mix of BD and you get both AM and PM spermies. So im gonna do PM bd tonight. and then AM on CD12, and depending on Peak i will decide whats next.
Good morning ladies, I had some spotting yesterday but it stopped. It was only there when I wiped. And today it was there again when I wiped, very lite pink. I hope this is AF coming or maybe implantation spotting. Either way bring it on I am ready.
Hi ladies,

Tella - that BD schedule sounds like a good one. I might consider it ;)

Brighteyez - Hope something happens for you soon so you know exactly where you're at.

afm CD13 today and my opk went positive today, but I usually surge for 3 days so I'm thinking I should O friday/saturday if anything doesn't change. Even though last month I think I was surging for a week, but FX I'm back to my usual 3 day surge prior to O. Based on when I O, I will need to figure when to lighten up on my bootcamp workouts so if we do catch the egg I don't workout so much that it affects implantation. I was figuring to lighten up maybe 3/4 dpo until I test at 9/10dpo.
I just got my progesterone test results! 12.4 even though they drew them 3 days early! I'm happy!
Tara, I didn't O last month, and my progesterone was 0.6 on CD20. They like to see higher than 10, and the test is usually drawn at 7dpo. Mine was drawn at 4dpo and was 12.4, so I feel good about that. :thumbup:

MJ, I didn't get a faint BFP with my first pregnancy until 14dpo. Tested 12dpo and got a BFN, and was very upset and depressed. So I think I'm just going to wait til 14dpo this time. That'll be next Friday, the 24th. Nervous!
so im 7dpo you think I could get mine checked even though I have nothing to go by?
You could if your doctor would draw them. All it will do is indicate whether or not you ovulated. If you want, call your doc and ask if they would do a blood draw for a progesterone test today.
I think I did going by my chart and since it corresponds with my last positive opk I got.. do you think my chart looks okay? is it called a beta or progesterone test?

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