TTC after D&C (Soon)

Tara, I didn't O last month, and my progesterone was 0.6 on CD20. They like to see higher than 10, and the test is usually drawn at 7dpo. Mine was drawn at 4dpo and was 12.4, so I feel good about that. :thumbup:

MJ, I didn't get a faint BFP with my first pregnancy until 14dpo. Tested 12dpo and got a BFN, and was very upset and depressed. So I think I'm just going to wait til 14dpo this time. That'll be next Friday, the 24th. Nervous!

FX for you Ginger. After this weekend I should be in the tww with you. Right now my ovaries feel really full and slight cramps so I know I'm gearing to O soon.
Tara, I didn't O last month, and my progesterone was 0.6 on CD20. They like to see higher than 10, and the test is usually drawn at 7dpo. Mine was drawn at 4dpo and was 12.4, so I feel good about that. :thumbup:

MJ, I didn't get a faint BFP with my first pregnancy until 14dpo. Tested 12dpo and got a BFN, and was very upset and depressed. So I think I'm just going to wait til 14dpo this time. That'll be next Friday, the 24th. Nervous!

FX for you Ginger. After this weekend I should be in the tww with you. Right now my ovaries feel really full and slight cramps so I know I'm gearing to O soon.

If I O I will be in TWW after this weekend as well...fingers crossed that I actually O....and my cycle hasn't changed that much!
Update for you ladies! :wink wink:

My AF went away, I am finally CD6 and my monitor asked me to test today, it was low. Usually by CD 8 it goes high, fingers crossed it does.

Went to acupuncture today, she told me once I finish my herbs I am off them AND I am down to once a week. :thumb up: She does want me to come in as soon as my monitor reflects I am ovulating, she is going to do something to support that and provide a stronger surge or something? I couldn't really understand but will totally do it :haha:

Feeling good...thankful for the acupuncturist she has really helped a lot. Specialist appt. this Friday wit my hubs. Cannot wait to meet him and see if we like him and will use him if we are blessed again with our third baby. :flower:
Good morning Ladies,:hi:

Hope everyone is doing well today. AF is back and she is pissed :growlmad:. I was really lite yesterday not even filling a pad up and today I am clotting and cramping like crazy. I wanted to stay home and lay in my bed. So no pregnancy this cycle but maybe some luck this time.
Brighteyez - at least you get to make a fresh start and know exactly where you stand. This cycle you will catch the egg ;) :flower:

Please look at my chart (ignore the high temps cd4 &5 because I was on meds). So here's the reason I'm freaking out. I got a positive opk yesterday late morning. We haven't been bding because of DH's work schedule this month, so by chance Tuesday night (wednesday morning) at 12:30am we bd'd, then I got my positive opk later that morning (yesterday) and typically I surge for 3 days before I O, anyway, looks like that didn't happen this time because my temp jumped up by .4 this morning.....can you see me freaking out yet!!!!???? So we bd'd this morning but I got no bd prior to the past 2 nights as I really wasn't expecting to O so soon. I know I still have to wait till tomorrow to see if the temp rise is confirmed but now I'm wondering if we started bding too late.....I hope I didn't confuse anyone but do you think it might have been too late?


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Brighteyez - at least you get to make a fresh start and know exactly where you stand. This cycle you will catch the egg ;) :flower:

Please look at my chart (ignore the high temps cd4 &5 because I was on meds). So here's the reason I'm freaking out. I got a positive opk yesterday late morning. We haven't been bding because of DH's work schedule this month, so by chance Tuesday night (wednesday morning) at 12:30am we bd'd, then I got my positive opk later that morning (yesterday) and typically I surge for 3 days before I O, anyway, looks like that didn't happen this time because my temp jumped up by .4 this morning.....can you see me freaking out yet!!!!???? So we bd'd this morning but I got no bd prior to the past 2 nights as I really wasn't expecting to O so soon. I know I still have to wait till tomorrow to see if the temp rise is confirmed but now I'm wondering if we started bding too late.....I hope I didn't confuse anyone but do you think it might have been too late?

I would call o on cd13 IF you get another 2 temps because the open circle I wouldn't want to say for sure cd 12 so hopefully it was cd 13 and you got it just in time
Brighteyez - at least you get to make a fresh start and know exactly where you stand. This cycle you will catch the egg ;) :flower:

Please look at my chart (ignore the high temps cd4 &5 because I was on meds). So here's the reason I'm freaking out. I got a positive opk yesterday late morning. We haven't been bding because of DH's work schedule this month, so by chance Tuesday night (wednesday morning) at 12:30am we bd'd, then I got my positive opk later that morning (yesterday) and typically I surge for 3 days before I O, anyway, looks like that didn't happen this time because my temp jumped up by .4 this morning.....can you see me freaking out yet!!!!???? So we bd'd this morning but I got no bd prior to the past 2 nights as I really wasn't expecting to O so soon. I know I still have to wait till tomorrow to see if the temp rise is confirmed but now I'm wondering if we started bding too late.....I hope I didn't confuse anyone but do you think it might have been too late?

Spermies can live up to a week in there...I am sure you have some in there waiting for the egg. Do you ever use preseed? I have had good results with that too!
I'm not really any good at reading charted temps, I've only ever gone by cm and opk's.

In re: to what castaway said- my first and only bfp was my first time using preseed. For the next time I O, I've got some conceive plus waiting in my bedside stand...just to change it up.
sperm can only live that long in a fertile environment you should watch the sperm race on youtube.. it's kind of insightful although I already knew all this from so much research.. millions come out only a few hundred actually make it to the destination and if the eggs not there yet it doesn't matter they go crazy ones they get so close to the egg and start super swimming its hyper something and the acid kills then like boys can last longer than girl sperm etc it all depends on if a girl orgasms or not and if shes fertile or not if you have ewcm it makes them last longer because it has vitamins and minerals in it to help support the spermies.. there's some really interesting info out there if you just look for it.. plus you may not have even o'ed yet you could still have plenty of time!! I am sure you'll get your bfp this cycle mj plus after chemical your more fertile right after mine is when I got my bfp!!:hugs:
sperm can only live that long in a fertile environment you should watch the sperm race on youtube.. it's kind of insightful although I already knew all this from so much research.. millions come out only a few hundred actually make it to the destination and if the eggs not there yet it doesn't matter they go crazy ones they get so close to the egg and start super swimming its hyper something and the acid kills then like boys can last longer than girl sperm etc it all depends on if a girl orgasms or not and if shes fertile or not if you have ewcm it makes them last longer because it has vitamins and minerals in it to help support the spermies.. there's some really interesting info out there if you just look for it.. plus you may not have even o'ed yet you could still have plenty of time!! I am sure you'll get your bfp this cycle mj plus after chemical your more fertile right after mine is when I got my bfp!!:hugs:

My last pregnancy I did it, once, 5 days before I O'd, no pressed, nothing. STILL got pregnant. Doctor said, up to 7 weeks they can live...they are hardy little beings.
hmm 7 weeks ive never heard that in my life 5-6 days is the max and if they do its usually a boy they live longest and your fertile a week before ovulation which explains your situation :) everyone is different im just saying its rare and it is UNLESS your fertile then they can survive more easily for 5-6 days but never 7 weeks not in my opinion I can look it up but I highly doubt it he probably meant to say 7 days or something idk but ive not even heard of 7days.. its sparked my interest im going to look it up and check around I honestly don't think that's accurate at all lol.
The answer depends on a number of factors, the most important of which is where the sperm are located. On a dry surface, such as clothing or bedding, sperm are dead by the time the semen has dried. In water, such as a warm bath or hot tub, sperm will likely live longer because they thrive in warm, wet environments; however, the chances sperm in a tub of water will find their way inside a female bather and cause her to become pregnant are extremely low.

Inside a woman's body, sperm can live for up to five days depending on the conditions. If you have unprotected sex even a few days before your partner ovulates, there is a chance of achieving a pregnancy

It takes just one sperm to fertilize an egg and achieve a pregnancy, but for each sperm that reaches and fertilizes an egg, there are millions that don't. The average ejaculation contains close to 100 million sperm; according to the World Health Organization, men who have fewer than 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen may be at risk for having infertility issues
Why are so many sperm released if it takes only one to make a baby? To meet the waiting egg, the semen must travel from the vagina to the fallopian tubes, an arduous journey that few sperm survive. For those that complete the trip, penetration of the egg is far from a sure thing. The egg is covered by a thick layer that makes fertilization difficult. Experts believe this process may be nature's way of allowing only the healthiest sperm to fertilize the egg, thereby providing the best chances to produce a healthy baby.

I am interested in this kind of stuff, I wasn't until I lost the first one and then started ttc, but you should really read about how the conditions of the vagina, cervix, tubes, etc can kill of sperm as well or help them live longer, I would post it but I don't want to take up the whole page with it, it is very informative though and there's even videos on it besides just the great sperm race, but that is a common one that people ttc really like. hope this helps..
hmm 7 weeks ive never heard that in my life 5-6 days is the max and if they do its usually a boy they live longest and your fertile a week before ovulation which explains your situation :) everyone is different im just saying its rare and it is UNLESS your fertile then they can survive more easily for 5-6 days but never 7 weeks not in my opinion I can look it up but I highly doubt it he probably meant to say 7 days or something idk but ive not even heard of 7days.. its sparked my interest im going to look it up and check around I honestly don't think that's accurate at all lol.

I was typing on my phone, lol, seriously anyone who thinks 7 weeks is cray cray! :haha:
The answer depends on a number of factors, the most important of which is where the sperm are located. On a dry surface, such as clothing or bedding, sperm are dead by the time the semen has dried. In water, such as a warm bath or hot tub, sperm will likely live longer because they thrive in warm, wet environments; however, the chances sperm in a tub of water will find their way inside a female bather and cause her to become pregnant are extremely low.

Inside a woman's body, sperm can live for up to five days depending on the conditions. If you have unprotected sex even a few days before your partner ovulates, there is a chance of achieving a pregnancy

It takes just one sperm to fertilize an egg and achieve a pregnancy, but for each sperm that reaches and fertilizes an egg, there are millions that don't. The average ejaculation contains close to 100 million sperm; according to the World Health Organization, men who have fewer than 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen may be at risk for having infertility issues
Why are so many sperm released if it takes only one to make a baby? To meet the waiting egg, the semen must travel from the vagina to the fallopian tubes, an arduous journey that few sperm survive. For those that complete the trip, penetration of the egg is far from a sure thing. The egg is covered by a thick layer that makes fertilization difficult. Experts believe this process may be nature's way of allowing only the healthiest sperm to fertilize the egg, thereby providing the best chances to produce a healthy baby.

I am interested in this kind of stuff, I wasn't until I lost the first one and then started ttc, but you should really read about how the conditions of the vagina, cervix, tubes, etc can kill of sperm as well or help them live longer, I would post it but I don't want to take up the whole page with it, it is very informative though and there's even videos on it besides just the great sperm race, but that is a common one that people ttc really like. hope this helps..

I know all this hun, no need to read.

Also boys die off sooner, girls are tougher, research Shettles Method :thumbup:
lol I was wondering but I just didn't want to say anything.. LOL!!
and I've heard it several different ways about the sperm which is better, fast, lives longer, etc in the end all I care about is getting one that's right for me.. I wasn't trying to start a know it all battle I was just stating a few facts about living length wise.. :haha: plus just because we may know about doesn't mean every one does or that they wouldn't be interested I would rather post it incase one day someone goes looking around our thread later on even if years and stumbles on it and reads it and gets some information from it, that's all I was trying to do help others along their way as well as my own..

We used Shettles to become pregnant with our Christopher, worked for us! This time around we are going to try to do every other high, and one peak we shall see. We said that we would but life always gets in the we will be surprised this time as to the sex of the baby!
yeah I've seen where you can try to pick the sex of the baby with the right timing I have the app on my phone, but to me it takes the fun out of it I am happy with either boy or girl I just want one lol I like being surprised and not putting too much in to wanting and hoping for a certain sex, but a lot of women like it and do it heck you can pay to choose the sex now idk how much it costs but I saw it on the news years ago a dr was helping parents choose what they wanted the baby to be.. I bet that cost a crap load!!
Castaway - yes I sure do use preseed, hopefully it will help me out this cycle. Plus because of my meds I needed it!

Tara - I'm thinking cd13 for O too, will have to confirm with 2 more high temps and then FF should probably give me crosshairs. I'm just nervous that we didn't get enough BD in prior to ovulation.
I plan to BD the next 2 days just to cover my bases and then I guess I'll know next weekend if we caught the egg or not.

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