TTC after D&C (Soon)

Bondi- truer words have never been spoken. I found about 100 things to focus on intensely, and now I realize it was because I wanted something else to take my mind off the loss. Grieving is a weird process. Keep us posted.
thanks bright, dh wants me to hold of on saying anything to anyone for a while, not that I can last long, but I understand why I am still worried but at the same time it's hard not to be happy and get excited even though I know the risks involved, even if I wait til 3 months that means nothing I could still lose it so I want to enjoy it while I can I don't know why I can't seem to pull back the excitement though since I do know what can happen, but at the same time at least I know im ovulating and I can get pregnant still!! like I said could still end in chemical or mc but I can't let that keep me down and not let me be happy!! thanks everyone for helping me through this!! i'll keep everyone updated on how it's going and I hope it doesn't end as soon as it got here because I don't know when af is suppose to come so I am still worried about that but I am thinking 19th or 20th that would match up with my lp!! I hope so!! oh should I keep taking b vitamins after the positive I took todays does but they are very low I didn't notice til I got home and I was just going to take 2 a day til I found out if this cycle was a bust or not then start b50 complex and maybe vitex but hopefully this one will stick but I also have been taking prenatals since about time of ovulation..

I completely understand your excitement and worry!! But everything will be fine!!!:hugs: I would just continue the prenatal vitamins and stop the B vitamins but I am not a OB so I would call and check with them first. I am so excited for you :happydance::happydance: I feel this is your rainbow!!!
Well I would never believe this, but yes this is MY luck.

I get to the appt and the Doctor dismisses me and doesn't even take me into a room. Says, and I quote, "I am sorry but you do not need to be seen, you do not have fertility issues...I am sorry for your loss but you will be able to conceive". That is it folks...I am so over professionals. That and oh yeah, they changed my appt time, AND never called to advise me. Waste of time.

Well that is the 2nd professional to tell me I have crappo luck, guess I should start believing it.:nope:

Hubs and I are trying to salvage this weekend as I am pretty sure I will be O'ing soon and don't want to miss out as I am peeved at these dang doctors! Ok. What was the purpose of the appt? Does insurance cover anyone else? Sorry about your experience. Ok. What was the purpose of the appt? Does insurance cover anyone else? Sorry about your experience.

It was a fertility specialist. I wanted to go as we had a full term loss which was really medical neglect so I am assuming that was "not an issue" in a weird kinda sense? Uh.

Then this blighted ovum I guess he brushed off as again, bad luck.

I am livid. If he felt this strongly why not CANCEL? I had my husband take a half a day and not for nothing I took off Weds b/c that was the original appt, and then today again as this was the reschedule? I mean, yes, I may be "over reacting" and all but what about common freaking courtesy and talk to me? :nope:

So I am done with these so called professionals. The New OB I go to seems nice enough just not very aggressive at all (hence why I felt I needed to talk to a FS)....My acupuncturist actually has done more than anyone so I am going to keep up with her as well. Sigh....I have no luck in finding anyone of substance. My husband and I agreed that we are going to try to get high risk scans done at the hospital, the one that my OB delivers at.
Bondi - :hugs::hugs::hugs: Hang in there, it is tough. It took 6 weeks for me to get AF after my 11 week loss. I hope it goes quickly for you so you can start trying again. My pathology report came back with no genetic or medical issues so they don't know why the loss in my case. You'll definitely get support in this group, feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Tara - :happydance: Congrats!!!! FX for you!

Castaway - WTF!!!??? I would be so livid! Then why didn't he just cancel the appointment to begin with instead of wasting everyone's time :growlmad: I almost want to call my FS to verify he is going to see me as I would hate to drive 45 minutes to hear he won't. So where do we go from here? do you try to see a different one? or go back to the OB? :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
(btw your mailbox is full, you might need to delete some stuff)

Rae & Brighteyez - :wave:
Bondi - :hugs::hugs::hugs: Hang in there, it is tough. It took 6 weeks for me to get AF after my 11 week loss. I hope it goes quickly for you so you can start trying again. My pathology report came back with no genetic or medical issues so they don't know why the loss in my case. You'll definitely get support in this group, feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Tara - :happydance: Congrats!!!! FX for you!

Castaway - WTF!!!??? I would be so livid! Then why didn't he just cancel the appointment to begin with instead of wasting everyone's time :growlmad: I almost want to call my FS to verify he is going to see me as I would hate to drive 45 minutes to hear he won't. So where do we go from here? do you try to see a different one? or go back to the OB? :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
(btw your mailbox is full, you might need to delete some stuff)

Rae & Brighteyez - :wave:

MJ I will clean out my mailbox, didn't realize it was full!

Hubby said enough with these doctors, we will stay with the OB and he can refer us for our scans somewhere (I can get high risk scans due to my prior loss). I was and still am at a loss over this. I cannot believe he just would not go over everything with us and validate our concerns but made it seem like we should just get on with our lives. It makes absolutely no sense but I guess since we have no issues conceiving the think I am crazy or something. Sigh....
thanks bright and mj, I am still cautious for now, well for a while, I am gong to look up info on the b vitamins cause I don't want to take them if they aren't safe even though an extremely low does like 2mg b6 lol so very low I take 2 so 4 b6 plus others are in it.. I took 3 more to confirm all faints so im hoping tomorrow will be darker I am assuming that the temp drop was implantation..

bondi, I am so sorry for your loss, how far along were you? I hope you get the information you need from those test and hopefully it will put your mind and heart at ease, although nothing can make it better, we just learn to cover up our bruises and try to move on as best we can.. I wish you a fast recovery and healing time!!:hugs::hugs:
Bondi - :hugs::hugs::hugs: Hang in there, it is tough. It took 6 weeks for me to get AF after my 11 week loss. I hope it goes quickly for you so you can start trying again. My pathology report came back with no genetic or medical issues so they don't know why the loss in my case. You'll definitely get support in this group, feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Tara - :happydance: Congrats!!!! FX for you!

Castaway - WTF!!!??? I would be so livid! Then why didn't he just cancel the appointment to begin with instead of wasting everyone's time :growlmad: I almost want to call my FS to verify he is going to see me as I would hate to drive 45 minutes to hear he won't. So where do we go from here? do you try to see a different one? or go back to the OB? :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
(btw your mailbox is full, you might need to delete some stuff)

Rae & Brighteyez - :wave:

MJ - :hi:
incase anyone is wondering, b vitamins are recommended while pregnant, they help they baby grow and prevent birth defects as well as help with nausea and help to conceive as well as prevent mc (which we knew the last part) but just thought I would ad this tid bit of information for anyone interested or looking!! it says just to becareful with vitamin b3 cause excessive amounts can cause birth defects especially in the first trimester and breastfeeding it doesn't state how much though .. I am going to look and see if mine has b3 in it..
Everyone has been so quiet this weekend? Anything new with you ladies?

Not much going on for me. FF says I'm 4dpo so I'm just waiting out the TWW.
Everyone has been so quiet this weekend? Anything new with you ladies?

Not much going on for me. FF says I'm 4dpo so I'm just waiting out the TWW.


Hi mj....

CD 10 no O just yet....hoping we O this cycle, I have never not O'd so hoping I am just a bit early. Not a whole lot going on we are vacation planning mode right now doing all our dining ressies and such....69 days to go! lol
:wave::wave: Hey castaway....vacation planning is so much fun. A girlfriend called me today saying they want to plan a girls trip for either spring or early summer and I'm considering. It would be a ton of fun!

No O yet, well I think since you O regularly you will but maybe in a couple more days. I know you sometimes O very early but do you ever O aroud cd14/15?

I was messing with FF and if my temp tomorrow is similar to my temp today it's going to change my O date from last wednesday to this past friday and make me 3 dpo tomorrow instead of 5dpo :wacko: So it's looking like another cycle where I won't really know what dpo it is, it could be 5dpo or 3dpo :shrug: So I'll just have to wait it out :coffee:
:wave::wave: Hey castaway....vacation planning is so much fun. A girlfriend called me today saying they want to plan a girls trip for either spring or early summer and I'm considering. It would be a ton of fun!

No O yet, well I think since you O regularly you will but maybe in a couple more days. I know you sometimes O very early but do you ever O aroud cd14/15?

I was messing with FF and if my temp tomorrow is similar to my temp today it's going to change my O date from last wednesday to this past friday and make me 3 dpo tomorrow instead of 5dpo :wacko: So it's looking like another cycle where I won't really know what dpo it is, it could be 5dpo or 3dpo :shrug: So I'll just have to wait it out :coffee:

Well in the past two times I conceived it was between 10-14 I O'd. But the monitor would usually go high days before that, as early as CD 8! It has been all lows so who knows what is going on...

I am definitely looking forward to getting away. It is something we need after everything we have been through...a girls getaway sounds awesome too!!!
FX your monitor goes high tomorrow or the next day so you O soon and we can be in the TWW together ;) Hope you're starting to get your bd in and you're not procrastinating like I did this cycle and ended up with late bding!
FX your monitor goes high tomorrow or the next day so you O soon and we can be in the TWW together ;) Hope you're starting to get your bd in and you're not procrastinating like I did this cycle and ended up with late bding!

ha ha ha...Hubby didn't feel good last night but the 3 nights before we made it work and he said to me, and I quote, "I am staying up late tonight but I will give you some and then come back out to watch some football":haha:

So romantic. :dohh:
lollll he sounds like my DH, that is exactly what mine would say!! Don't mess with the football!:haha:
Tara - when FF changed your O date, did you go by the new O date they gave you or you stuck with the old one? just curious because FF changed mine this morning.
lollll he sounds like my DH, that is exactly what mine would say!! Don't mess with the football!:haha:

Oh yes, cuddling comes with a time limit, "You've got 10 mins." ha ha ha I am like oh man, better hurry up and get my allotted time. :haha:

So I got a high today!! My acupuncturist yesterday said she was going to "stimulate my ovaries", it worked!!! I can't believe how much I am loving my acupuncturist, she dropped me down to once a week, I think I might just go through withdrawals! ha ha ha

Your O date changed, hmmm. Did you do ovulation sticks as well to try and figure it out besides the temping?
So sorry I've been absent. Busy, busy!

:dust: to everyone, and :hugs: to newcomers.

I'm 10dpo today, and pretty convinced that I'm pregnant. I don't know why. Cramps, I guess. But also my dreams. And I was craving Mexican, which was huge last time. :haha:

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