TTC After Depo stories...any luck..advice?

Good so far! I went in for bloods this morning and took another test. Still pregnant :) now I'm hoping for doubling hcg.

How are you?
That's brilliant, when will you get your results? Fingers crossed all will be fine.

I'm doing fine, still pretty much the same to be honest, I had aches to the right last night, which I'm guessing maybe my ovaries but I'm not sure, and I had the sicky feeling/heaving back yesterday morning but it went again by mid afternoon thank God. I'm just pretty much holding out till next month to see if anything actually happens, which I doubt.
I should get results tomorrow. I'm hoping it's a good sign for you!

I hope you do not mind me joining this forum but I started to read it from the very first page and was very happy to see this is still ongoing (comments even from today). I don't usually write on forums but this one definitely caught my eye.

Me and my husband decided we wanted another baby but after being on the depo for a year and reading the stories, I can see that it may take us a while. I am 32 and my hubby is 35.

My story - I had my last shot in June and decided to come off the depo as I had gained a few lbs and noticed that I could not shift it no matter what I did so I decided to go on the pill in September. My partner was booked in for a vasectomy as we thought we didnt want kids. I took the pill for one month and had no withdrawal bleed. I did a test which was negative. I realised it was because the depo was still in my system. We were gutted. His nana died and we had to cancel the appointment and it got us seriously thinking and after a long talk we decided to have one more especially given that we were disappointed that I wasn't pregnant.

At the end of October I got a couple of days of brown discharge and nothing since.

I have been taking angus catsus and will be getting folic acid and vitamins tomorrow.

It is so nice to be able to do this journey with other women who are also suffering the nightmare of the depo injection.

I have to say as I do not write on forums I am not sure of the shortened abbreviations. :)
Welcome wannabump! I think this is one of the best threads. We depo girls, need some support!
Welcome wonnabump, seems like we are at the same stage, my last depo was due September too.
Its funny because we thought I was pregnant back in June even though I was still on the depo, I kept bleeding irregular ( Iv never bled on the depo at all) so the Dr ordered a hcg blood test. It was when we found out I wasn't that made us realise just how much we wanted another, I had 1 more injection as I was still nervous, I didn't go back for septembers.

Iv had the sucky/heaving again this morning, guess my hormones are just all out of whack still. I think it's awful that coming off it mimmicks pregnancy symtoms. I feel abit down today, every one seems to be announcing they are pregnant over Christmas and although I am very happy for them, I deperatly wish it was us.

Cutieq did u get ur results? Hoping all is well
Oh after an internal investigation it turned out the bleeding was down to a cervical ectropian, apparenty contraception can cause it, it does seem better now thought I no longer bleed after sex (sorry for to much info!)
No results yet. I'm very impatiently waiting. Depo symptoms can greatly mimic pregnancy symptoms which is so annoying!
Aww I'd be so impatient, I feel impatient for you! Hope you get them soon. I know it's awful, the sicky feeling has gone again now though :) wish it would stay gone haha
Thank you ladies and I agree Cutieq we definitely need this type of forum.

Well I have been out today and got my folic acid, vitamin tablets and some aspirin to of course take with the angus catsus - willing to try anything. Apparently as the aspirin thins the blood it can help to bring your period on - will of course keep you posted. Also bought a thermometer to take ovulation but have never done this before so will have to read up on it and find something to chart. Unfortunately I have never had the egg yolk stuff (sorry) so I never have a clue if or when I do ovulate. I know if I went to the doctors they would say wait at least a year/18 months but it is so difficult not to become so patient.

Trying91 - unfortunately I have had no symptoms whatsoever but I would no doubt be all confused myself by your pregnancy related symptoms. Hopefully it wont be too long before you will be having real pregnancy symptoms!

Keep me posted.
Ps just realised the time on this forum and noticed I have registered with an American website. Hopefully it won't make any difference that I'm from England apart from maybe different types of medication that you guys may have over there that England do not have.
Ooo I never heard of the aspirin wonnabump! Is it just regular aspirin? Could you let me know if it helps :) I'm taking seven seas pre natal vitamins, Agnus castus & evening primrose oil to try and bring a period on, iv had pains each month and had the irregular bleeding but not actually a real AF yet, hoping I get one next month but from reading posts I think people generally get them back around 6-9 months after their missed injection :/ so I'm not holding much hope!

The pregnancy symptoms are awful, I was so convinced I was pregnant last month I felt absolutely fine after I came off the depo for the first 2 months then last month they all came! They have calmed down loads but still get the odd day of feeling sick and my boobs are tender.

I can't imagine having to wait years to fall pregnant, it's getting me abit down now, our son is almost 6, wish I had come off the injection last year.

Good luck with the tablet, hope they help you, keep me posted too :)
Haha I'm from England too :) didn't realise this was an American site
Will keep you informed and you vice versa. I will be just happy at this moment to see my periods return :)
I will :)
That's how I feel! Never thought I'd wish a period on, but now that I'm off contraception I just don't feel 'right' not having it
I've temped and charted before so I'm happy to help there.

Read up on the aspirin and maybe ask your doctor. I've heard mixed reviews on taking those.
I got AF back Mother's Day 2013. How cruel!
Our doctors arnt very helpful unfortunately, when I told her about the irregular bleeding she said the only thing I could do was go on the pill to stop it but I'm TTC so no point :/ she said it takes 12 months to get out of the system, I'll look it up though :)
Wow that is cruel! At least you could start properly trying then though :) I feel like we can really try as nothing will happen untill I get AF back. Iv read through this post before I originally posted but Iv forgot sorry, how long did it take u to get AF back? If u don't mind me asking :)

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