TTC After Depo stories...any luck..advice?

How are you doing lilegg?
I didn't test this morning with the clear blue (it's so expensive i want to wait till I get darker lines on the Internet cheapies first, you only get 10 of the clear blue in a box)
Going to test later with the strips after dinner

Hiya Trying91 😊

I'd say I am feeling rather confused today and unsure. I had a really rubbish nights sleep last night! Constantly waking up drenched in sweat. I had another vivid dream last night about going to see my mum, and everything was holding me up! So I couldn't get to see her. Was very strange. Another one I had the other night was me being in a small plane with my friend, and I moved to get comfy, (I don't even like planes) and my friend was complaining that I was moving and that we were going to crash if I didn't sit still. I had slight cramps yesterday, that's all. If I had a negative OPK yesterday afternoon with a decent hold then maybe I have already ovulated. Seeing as I am now on CD22/23. Im hoping my cycle length doesn't shoot right back up to the 40 day mark cause that will be so annoying!! My cycles never used to be anymore than about 30 days long! I'd do the same hun, clear blue are just so expensive aren't they! And the cheap ones I feel will just be unreliable, that's why I don't really use them. I've been trying since July so can't go to doctors as it hasn't been that long. They'll only tell me to give it time. I am still holding out to test until Wednesday. I will not cave in, I just can't. It always breaks my heart seeing BFN. Good luck with OPK. Got my fingers tightly crossed. You got any O signs then? ☺
Wow how strange about the dreams, not sure what that's about? Are you feeling stressed?
Have you had a positive OPK this month hun? And do you test 3 times a day after 11am? Iv heard some people have short lh surge and if they only test once a day can miss it? Hoping this is your month hun. Know what you mean about bfn, it's so heartbreaking when u want it so much.
No I havnt had any o signs hun, but Iv never had any o signs in my life haha either that or I just havnt paid attention to my body! I did have the sharp pains on and off yesterday, they felt really low down tho like in my cervix (I know that sounds weird!) my OPK started to get abit darker yesterday so I'll start testing 3 times a day starting today with the cheap OPK strips and hopefully it will continue to get darker.
If my opk's continue to get darker, once they are dark for a near positive I'll start with the clear blue again. I just want to ovulate this month then I know my body still works :(
Wow how strange about the dreams, not sure what that's about? Are you feeling stressed?
Have you had a positive OPK this month hun? And do you test 3 times a day after 11am? Iv heard some people have short lh surge and if they only test once a day can miss it? Hoping this is your month hun. Know what you mean about bfn, it's so heartbreaking when u want it so much.
No I havnt had any o signs hun, but Iv never had any o signs in my life haha either that or I just havnt paid attention to my body! I did have the sharp pains on and off yesterday, they felt really low down tho like in my cervix (I know that sounds weird!) my OPK started to get abit darker yesterday so I'll start testing 3 times a day starting today with the cheap OPK strips and hopefully it will continue to get darker.

I wouldn't say I was overly stressed but I am a little. I've been more stressed than this before and don't get the dreams. Its annoying cause I'm constantly thinking what the issue may be if I'm not pregnant. And I've done the odd random OPK and they've had some sort of line on them, but not dark. I think if I am not pg this month, I shall be ordering a ton of OPKs to see if I can try and pin point my O day! Also I will continue to take EPO and pregnacare. I'm also getting the same sort of pains/cramps you described, only my OPK was nowhere near positive yesterday. I think I have a couple left so I will do another hold today and do another this afternoon 😊 fingers crossed your lines start to get darker!
Try not to over think it hun, the not knowing will drive u insane, although I know it's easier said than done. The pain is weird isn't it? It can't be my ovaries cos it's to low down, it felt like my cervix was kind of achy too but it deffo wasn't period pains. I tryed to feel where my cervix was (sorry tmi!) but I havnt a clue where it should be or what it should feel like haha but that's when I was the EWCM. But im clearly not ready to ovulate yet as my opk's are still no where near positive, just a faint line. I'm trying not to overthink any signs/pains as I did in November and it drove me crazy! I'm just trying to concentrate on the opk's, my last months got so so close to a positive! I'm hoping it goes that tiny bit further this month & get that positive!
I ordered my opk's off eBay, I got like 100 opk's for around £4 so I can test 3 times or more a day, when the line gets very dark I'll be testing as much as possible haha
Have you tried Agnus castus hun to shorten your cycles? Obviously if it doesn't happen this month for you, and you go on to have 40 day cycle it's supposed to regulate your hormones & cycles
Try not to over think it hun, the not knowing will drive u insane, although I know it's easier said than done. The pain is weird isn't it? It can't be my ovaries cos it's to low down, it felt like my cervix was kind of achy too but it deffo wasn't period pains. I tryed to feel where my cervix was (sorry tmi!) but I havnt a clue where it should be or what it should feel like haha but that's when I was the EWCM. But im clearly not ready to ovulate yet as my opk's are still no where near positive, just a faint line. I'm trying not to overthink any signs/pains as I did in November and it drove me crazy! I'm just trying to concentrate on the opk's, my last months got so so close to a positive! I'm hoping it goes that tiny bit further this month & get that positive!
I ordered my opk's off eBay, I got like 100 opk's for around £4 so I can test 3 times or more a day, when the line gets very dark I'll be testing as much as possible haha

I have heard that checking the cervix is very unreliable. So say when you're due AF its low, open and hard. When you're ovulating its higher, softer and open and when you're pregnant, you can barely feel the cervix as its very high, very soft and closed. I used to check mine and it changed positions more than I ate hot dinners that month so I wouldn't rely on CP. CM is a better, more reliable indicator that you're ovulating. Its stretchy and clear lol. I'm going to have to order them OPKs off eBay as I buy like 5 for a pound from the pound shop lol. I certainly will be looking at agnus castus if my cycle doesn't regulate and goes long again. Also gonna try preseed in the future if it comes to it 😊 I'm holding in my next pee now for the next few hours to do OPK! Good luck for yours hun! Xx
Yh mines always changing and it always feels open!! Haha like a slit but I read that's due to already giving birth? It's too confusing for me, my cm was stretch yesterday but not white, so I dunno, I'm just gonna stick to my opk's haha. I just did one with a 2.5hour hold but it was abit diluted still snyway it was the same as yesterday's so I'll do another later. What's pre seed? Good luck for ur test
Preseed is a sperm friendly lubricant. We use it and love it. Feels very natural but don't use too much at one time.

Checking cm and cp were completely unreliable for me.
Ah right, iv never used any lubricant. I think they are un reliable to me too,
I got sick of checking them in November n didn't have a clue what I was doing so I gave up
Yay it's getting darker still, bottoms ones from dinner time. Top ones just now :happydance: come on ovaries, please I'm begging youuuuuuuu!


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I'm so impatient haha I just want to know if it's gonna go all the way to a full positive this month! I'm gonna be testing like crazy haha
Yeah CM and CP are both pretty unreliable but I think if any would be more reliable in my opinion would be CM. A lot of people talk about tracking their CM way more than CP I've noticed. I think the only main reliable indicator is a positive opk test! I haven't got round to doing an opk today, would it be too late/unreliable to do one in a couple of hours? I may even just not do any as I am CD22/23 already. Might just wait and see how this ends up and if its AF just get a ton of opks for that cycle! I did buy a twin pack pregnancy test today though.. Its ever so tempting to do one in the morning cause as my last cycle was 25 days long and if its not far off this time and I did catch the egg, a test may be able to pick it up! I just don't want to see a BFN though. The only reason I bought the tests was because I'm loving ice cold water today, I've had waves of nausea and I am so tired already even though I haven't really done much today not to mention those strange light cramps! Trying91 I'm so happy your opks are getting darker though! How exciting, come on little eggy! 😊
Oh yeah also Trying91, I was thinking earlier. Did you say you had a bleed shortly after your 'depo' ran out (was it September you said?) And AF hasn't returned since? My depo ran out July, I got a bleed in the July and then nothing until October! It hasn't been long since September so yours could be very soon too! I know everyone's different but just thought I'd give you a bit of hope xx
Ooo I don't think I could resist doing a pregnancy test in the morning with all them symtoms! How long are u going to wait? I do opk's at any time aslong as its not in the morning before 11am.
Yes I had a 5 day bleed a week after my missed injection, then 2 days later I had a 2 day bleed, then on off days of bleeding in oct n beginning of nov, nothing since then but I had AF pains around same time NOV n DEC so hoping that's a good sign!
That's good to hear hun, hopefully not long for me, I'm getting impatient :(
You can take an OPK at any point in the day. Most people test throughout the day...every 8 - 12 hours to try to catch a surge.

I'm so excited for both of you!!
I would like to try and wait it out just in case its too early. I got the 25 sensitivity tests. They were cheapies from the shop. My body has played tricks on me before, cruel tricks. Just totally scared for the results! Really don't want to see a BFN. I lost my first baby nearly 5 years ago so have waited so long for this. I understand how impatient you feel. Every time I imagine seeing a BFP I get all emotional inside, or whenever I think about holding and caring for my own baby. Just really cannot wait to know what its like to be a mum 😊😊
Thank you cutieq :)
Aww I'm so sorry Hun! For your loss and also for having to wait so long. Makes me sound stupid being impatient Iv only been off the depo 3-4 months and was blessed with my son without much trying. I really hope and pray you get your rainbow baby soon! Hopefully this cycle hun, I'd also try to hold off testing, I just know I'm too impatient. I'm sure u will make a fabulous mum, u sound lovely.
I'm just waiting for do another OPK in about an hour or so. I did one at 7 but it was only an hour and half hold and wasn't as dark as the previous one so trying to hold for 3 hours to do one
Don't feel stupid hun! I didn't want to try for a baby after I lost my little girl so hasn't bothered me until the last year or so after my MMC in February last year. I'm generally a very impatient person and its so hard cause Wednesday seems ages away. I do have twin pack hpts so if I do cave and its BFN, I can wait a few days. Awwh that made me smile! Thank you, you sound lovely too and your son seems just as blessed to have a mummy like you 😊 I hope your opk gets darker!!

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