TTC After Depo stories...any luck..advice?

Bless you, I really hope you get you BFP soon hun! Aww thank you :) my son is almost 6 now, he has autism and can't speak much but he loves giving cuddles. We have wanted another for so long but the autism put us off. I'm worried about our next child having autism but we decided we would manage and love the child just as much with or without autism, so we decided to go for it :) my little boy loves his cousins so much, I know he will make a brilliant big brother with lots of preparing him :)

Well I did another OPK at 10pm, with a almost 3 hour hold, and it wasn't as dark as the dark one from earlier :/ still has a visible line just not as dark. So I havnt a clue now, I'm just going to go to sleep and see what tomorrow's opk's bring.

Let me know if u test, and super good luck if u do :) got everything crossed for you
Awwh bless him. Bet he is a little cutie! I know someone that had a child with autism and their second was fine. I guess whatever happens jus happens. I guess I am the same when it comes to that. My daughter died of Turner Syndrome and I don't know why I lost the other one. So what happens if it happens again? I'd feel the same as you, I would love him/her like any other child, I guess it would be hard but it will be worth it. And that's really strange, that's the reason I don't like OPKs. Very random results when I have done them! And of course I will 😊 so nervous so not sure whether I will!
That's good to hear about your friend! I know if it's s girl it has less chance of having it but we shall see! Aww bless, yeah it would be hard but so worth it hun.
Well I did the clear blue this morning and NOTHING!! A blank face! So I don't think any things going to happen for me! I'll do cheap OPK later
I caved in and did a HPT.. not even a slight line! Im gonna try and not let that bring me down because there is still time. And even if I am not pregnant, would be nice for AF to become a bit more regular!! We will get our rainbow babies 😊 I just know it! And ahhh thats a bummer. Im wondering if I am even ovulating myself? Hmmm hopefully!
Aww hun sorry, try to stay positive though, have you tried doing the opk's a few times a day? Lh hormone can come and be over within 4 hours in some people, I do one a day till the faint line appears then I start doing 3-4 a day. Iv done one at 11 that has a faint line so I'll be doing another in a few hours.
If your cycles still long I'd look into Agnus castus hun.

I'm pretty busy today so I'm not thinking about it so much, and googling haha, I have my 8 year old neice so been keeping her and my son occupied with games, my husband has just took them out to get an ice cream so I can iron my sons uniform ready for school tomorrow and sort his packed lunch etc! Back to school routine tomorrow so I think I won't be thinking about it so much then but I'll still be testing and waiting. Back to slimming world tomorrow too and gym on Wednesday, I heard depo stores in fat so more motivation I suppose haha.

You may not be out yet, with all those symtoms I'd test in a week of AF doesn't show :)
No I haven't hun 😕 decided that I was going to wait until my new cycle begins and start the OPKs from CD9 or something! I will just wait this one out. If AF doesnt arrive by Friday I will do another test. Im on CD23/24 today on an unknown cycle. The worst that could happen is I have another cycle length in the 40 day mark and if I do I certainly will be getting that Agnus Castus! Ahhh back to school ay? Relaxing time during the day starts now, obviously amongst your plans of going slimming world/gym. I go back to college tomorrow! Sounds bad that lol but I finish next summer so if I do get pg, college will be out the way by the time he/she is born. My OH been signed off with depression but he is looking to go back into work within the next 3 months! He doesnt do anything swanky, he likes his manegerial jobs in food chains like Dominos pizza 😊

You are right too! Depo is stored in your fat cells. I went to the gym for a month in August! Need to go back I think!
Hopefully it's not another 40 day cycle hun. Fingers crossed!
That's good that your at collage, and that you will be done by the time you have your baby :) haha I'm looking forward to having some me time again, although it will be filled with housework, gym etc and hopefully (praying) preparing for a baby some time this year!
My hubby works in a restaurant so nothing swanky, he does want to set up his own business one day but we shall see, I think he has high dreams haha I just let him get on with it.
Hope your hubby is feeling better soon hun, depression is an awful thing I had it for years after having my son. Iv been off medication for around 2 years now and doing good :)
I am overweight so that's not a good sign about getting the depo out of my system :( I lost 2 stone last year but hoping to loose another 3-4 stone this year then I'll be happy. I am tall tho so I don't look too much overweight, although I know I am.
Fingers crossed I will get it out of my system, I'm hoping to be back to normal by September as that will be a year depo free, but I'm not holding out much hope to be honest. Brings me down when I think about it, I want another baby so much but we can't even try properly untill I get a cycle back
Hopefully it's not another 40 day cycle hun. Fingers crossed!
That's good that your at collage, and that you will be done by the time you have your baby :) haha I'm looking forward to having some me time again, although it will be filled with housework, gym etc and hopefully (praying) preparing for a baby some time this year!
My hubby works in a restaurant so nothing swanky, he does want to set up his own business one day but we shall see, I think he has high dreams haha I just let him get on with it.
Hope your hubby is feeling better soon hun, depression is an awful thing I had it for years after having my son. Iv been off medication for around 2 years now and doing good :)
I am overweight so that's not a good sign about getting the depo out of my system :( I lost 2 stone last year but hoping to loose another 3-4 stone this year then I'll be happy. I am tall tho so I don't look too much overweight, although I know I am.
Fingers crossed I will get it out of my system, I'm hoping to be back to normal by September as that will be a year depo free, but I'm not holding out much hope to be honest. Brings me down when I think about it, I want another baby so much but we can't even try properly untill I get a cycle back

I hope it isnt either! Ive been searching on google about Agnus Castus and there is a bottle of 300 odd for £13 :) seems like a great deal and will last a long time. I saw that it was useful for many things so even if I do get pregnant quickly can use them again another time!
I cant wait to get college out the way and get myself a job! Thats if I am nowheres near giving birth lol 😊 I love the gym, I think I am going to start up myself as its only £12 a month at my college and as its been Christmas I have put on a few pounds and I know it. Lol.
Yeah my OH is getting there, so proud of him. His ex was a nasty little drug user that used him for his money so when they split up he was homeless and thats when he got depression! Ive had depression too, which included serious self harm but I am on the road to recovery and I have never felt this happy in all my life. Things hopefully will continue to fall into place 😊
Going to the gym will help so fingers crossed your cycle returns! I hate to admit this, but I still smoke. I have an e cig that I use mostly! So the odd cig I have doesnt help! So looks like we got some goals to reach, we can be ttc buddies if you like, in the whole time I have been on here, I havent found one yet! Feeling like you have support is such a nice feeling 😊 and it might make this whole journey easier!
What mg is the Agnus castus? I know there is different strengths out there so just be careful, I also read not to take it after ovulation (incase you fall pregnant) I'm taking it continuasly untill I ov then I'll stop till I get AF n start again.

I not very keen on tha gym haha but I go with my friend so we chat while we work out which passes the time and you don't realise how much u actually do while chatting haha wow that's cheap, mines £30 a month. I think we are also going to try out the Zumba class!

Wow his ex sounds awful! So glad everythings falling into place now and you are both feeling happier :)

Don't feel bad about still smoking, we all have bad habits, aslong as you stop when your pregnant that's all that matters :)

Aww I'd love to be TTC buddies! Iv loved the past few days coming on here airing my feelings and listening to how your getting on :) will deffo help make this journey easier! I'm not going to do another OPK tonight, I did one earlier that had a faint line still but no darker but Iv drank juice and a coffee now so no point haha I'll do one tomorrow to see if there is any change, it seems to be stuck at that faint line though!
Im not sure! I will read up on the recommended dosage so that I dont take too little or too much. And yeah I know about that, same as evening primrose oil which I am taking. I dont know when I O but I stop taking EPO around CD10.
I love the gym, I like going with my phone to listen to music through the headphones. I once did an hour on the cross trainer, was quite hard aswell and the time jus flew by. I was a sweating mess though! Haha. Im quite independent, I dont really have many friends. Me and OH have a few really good friends and thats it. We like to keep ourselves to ourselves 😊 its easier, less drama.
And about the ex, there are just so many words to describe.. I must bite my tongue! Lol.
I feel the same! Havent had a proper discussion with someone in the same shoes as me, OH is good to talk to but its not the same! Ive been at college all day, absolutely loved it 😊
Sounds like your eggy is stuck lol! Hurry up eggy lol.. RELEASE!
Wow that's impressive! We usually do 20 mins on walking machine, 20 on bikes, 20 on rowing machine then do boxing and weights so hopefully will help!

We are the same, well me more, I don't have lots of friends, I have a handful of best friends instead, better that way I think :) I know I can trust each of them but Iv had other friends I learnt I couldn't trust.

I only really speak to one of my friends about TTC, but I don't want her to feel I just keep going on about it haha so I try not to mention it a lot. awe glad u enjoyed college! I went to slimming world then went to nandos with my friend oops! Start properly tomorrow haha

I think my egg is truly stuck if I even have one!! The lines still there but still faint :(
The day didn't start off well, my little boy had a huge meltdown at the change of routine of going back to school, he had to be restrained by his dad untill he calmed down, hate seeing him like that. But he came out of school happy at least
Still pretty much the same! :( think it would of got darker by now if it was going too


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The cross trainer is my favourite down the gym and so are the weight machines. I quite like rowing too! Must buy a member ship in the next couple of weeks.
I have a friend too that I talk to at college about ttc. Another college friend announced on facebook that she was 3 months pregnant. Am happy for her but it did get to me. Our times will come. Im very impatient, always have been!
And awwh sorry to hear about your little boy, bless his heart. Must be so difficult for you. Bet he is a little sweetheart though isnt he 😊 and ask for the OPKs I curse at them. Get darker!! Lol
I love the rowing machine but I can't do 2 minutes on the cross trainer haha.
I always feel happy for anyone who announces they are pregnant but also abit sad as I want it so much. I'm feeling very impatient, I'm desperate to ovulate and get my body working again! My opk's don't seem to be getting darker though so I think I got excited too soon this month :(
I'm just glad my husband was off work this morning to help with our son, I half expected it to be honest as any change in his routine can push him into a violent meltdown, he's getting so big and strong now it's hard for me to restrain him when he gets like that, but I have to try cos he does batter me. My social worker has just managed to get us 3 hours respite per week approved at panel so that should be being set up soon too. Hubby's back at work tomorrow at 7am so I'll have to deal with it on my own then, fingers crossed now he's been back to school it will all go smoothly! It's sad really seeing him like that cos he can be the most loving little boy when he's happy. I really want to give him a sibling to play with and love, he's so excited when I take his 3 month old cousin to school with me to pick him up. Proudly helping me carry her car seat to the car, I just picture that with our own little baby.

Ahh I'm desperately waiting for a darker line anyway! How are u getting on?
Im only every on the rowing machine for 5 mims, really burns my legs haha.
Yeah I also feel happy too but I can't help but feel overly jealous, probably because its been so long that I have wanted this. I really want you to ovulate too! I want myself too aswell if Im not!

Did you say your son has autism? Sorry I got a memory like a sieve at times. I was gonna say, my friends brother is autistic and he gets randomly violent. I think he is 23 but he has it really bad. He has respite and its really good for his parents, so they can have a bit of me time, so I think it will be good for you and your husband too. It may be good for you son to have a bit of time out. I really feel for you both and your son, must be so hard! It might get easier when you get pregnant and he knows he having a little brother or sister 😊 either way I am always here if you ever feel low and want to talk!
Im getting on okay thanks hun, jus a bit confused lol. I went to the toilet this morning and in my underwear, I have some dark yellow/almost brown discharge and I have had some weird cramps down there on and off for days now. Nothing when I wipe though, thought it may be AF starting as I am on CD26! Last cycle was 25days. Starting to worry that this may be a long cycle again urghh. Cant take it 😕 I got a pic of the discharge, gonna show OH. Would post it but its TMI alert. But if it is okay with you I will post! Its so weird and could do with opinion. Its odourless and everything 😕
Haha the rowing machine is the one thing I can do for long, I didn't end up going to the gym my friends son (he has autism too) only went to sleep at 5am so she was too tired bless her, we are going to go on Friday.
I feel jelouse too hun, I just keep thinking hopefully it will be our turn soon ;)

Yes my son has autism hun, the respite hasn't been set up yet they said they would contact me within first 2 weeks on jan so just waiting!
He attends a special needs school which are fab with him, 75% of their children have autism so they are very experienced :) it's very hard at times, I sometimes secretly wonder if we can cope with another, I know we would but in the bad times my mind starts thinking lol. To be honest my son doesn't understand a lot, we would prepare him for a new baby joining us but untill the baby is actually here I don't think he will understand it fully. He was funny when my sister was pregnant, he kepts sticking his belly out running it n saying baby haha bless him. We had a nice relaxed morning today phew! But Iv been up since 4am with him and bit a poor delivery guys head off at school when he whinged I'd parked where he needed to (I hadnt, there was plenty room) oops.
Aww thanks Hun that's lovely, u can always off load to me too :) it's nice just to vent it all out sometimes!
Yea post the picture hun I don't mind at all! I'll give u my opinion, not that I knkw a lot but I'll try haha It's funny because Iv had discharge in my underwear since yesterday, it's enough to leave a mark on my underwear, it's just white though. Not done an OPK today yet gonna do one in abit, I'm craving coffee so much it's unreal! I know it's just another craving from the depo trying to come out of my system, so wish it was a pregnancy symptom though!
This is the discharge hun


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It looks the same as mine hun except mine hasn't got the brown shade in it, do u want me to post mine then u can see? Is the brown on tissue paper when u wipe?
Awwh bummer, but guess if he was tired its not anyones fault but fingers crossed you'll get to go Friday! Im planning on starting in two weeks time.
Am so glad your son goes to a school that specialises in his needs, he gets the right care and attention. Also the respite will be a good thing when it finally happens. I dont think you will have a problem having another baby, you got support off your OH and people for your son. You'll be a brilliant mum to your son and baby, you really will. Its understandable to have them days when you feel you may not be able to cope because of what you go through with your son. Your son may not understand it fully when you first tell him he is going to be a brother but as time goes on he might learn to understand more. You could get him involved like when you go baby clothes shopping, asking him if he thinks his baby bro/sis will like it and ensure him that he wont be left out. A sibling could help him who knows!
I woke up at 9 this morning. How lazy compared to you! You must be absolutely hanging right about now.
Yeah the discharge, really not sure what to think about it 😕 looks horrible like an infection but its all fine down there!

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