TTC After Depo stories...any luck..advice?

Yea I know what you mean cutie. I'll just continue with the Agnus castus and pre natal vitamins for now and see if any change :)

Aww so glad u are doing well, wow how exciting!! How far will u be?

6w5d the doc wants to do it early because of my losses. Good luck to you. It took me quite a few cycles of waiting and trying things out, but in the end it was all worth it.
Hope ur day hasn't been too stressful hun!
I don't know about the not much bleeding to begin with, I'd think positive tho as its turned into a normal AF now :) hope your cycles regular from now on hun and u catch that egg :)
It's so frustrating waiting, not knowing if I'll still be here in a years time waiting, or if it will happen in a month or two. I'm getting desperate :(
My opk's still have a faint line but it doesn't seem to be getting darker! I have more spots on my face now so I'm guessing it's gonna be another absent AF this month! Just waiting see if I get any pains again this month or not and waiting (inpatiently) for next month to see if anything happens... Feel like I'm wishing the months away untill I get back to normal!
Iv been praying for my friend for her scan next week, she's been through a lot in the last year and she deserves to be happy, to be honest it isn't looking good, but hey miracles can happen :)
Aww so you should see baby then when u go? :) bet your so excited!

Thanks Hun, I'm trying to be patient but it is hard! I don't feel 'normal' not having a cycle now I'm off contraception, it's kinda weird.
Seems like my body's just teasing me.. I keep having dreams where I'm pregnant, last night to was so life like and I woke up holding my tummy like u do when ur pregnant :( I wondered if my body was trying to tell me something so I did a test and its a bfn!!
Seems like my body's just teasing me.. I keep having dreams where I'm pregnant, last night to was so life like and I woke up holding my tummy like u do when ur pregnant :( I wondered if my body was trying to tell me something so I did a test and its a bfn!!

From images on Google, we won't see much at this scan, but I'm still excited to see something in there. I can't tell you how many bump dreams I had. I bet good things are on the way for you!
Aww, at least u will feel reassured :) excited for you hun!
Last nights dream was so weird! Me n my husband was at a fair ground? With a girl I know but ain't close with and her husband, I was pregnant with a bump and her husband mentioned she had just come off the depo and they thought she may be pregnant as she was having all the symptoms! And I just thought oh no, it's the symptoms side effect from coming off the depo and she will be crushed. Then I woke up n was holding my tummy at the top like you do when u have a bump :/ so weird!
It's weird how the mind works! I must be thinking about it alot.

Iv give up on opk's for today! Iv done 4, 3rd one got abit darker then 4th went slightly lighter, oh well
Hope ur day hasn't been too stressful hun!
I don't know about the not much bleeding to begin with, I'd think positive tho as its turned into a normal AF now :) hope your cycles regular from now on hun and u catch that egg :)
It's so frustrating waiting, not knowing if I'll still be here in a years time waiting, or if it will happen in a month or two. I'm getting desperate :(
My opk's still have a faint line but it doesn't seem to be getting darker! I have more spots on my face now so I'm guessing it's gonna be another absent AF this month! Just waiting see if I get any pains again this month or not and waiting (inpatiently) for next month to see if anything happens... Feel like I'm wishing the months away untill I get back to normal!
Iv been praying for my friend for her scan next week, she's been through a lot in the last year and she deserves to be happy, to be honest it isn't looking good, but hey miracles can happen :)

Hiya, been so busy its unreal. Had to go see my mum over the weekend as she has a chest infection, which I have now got!! Lol. Great. AF seemed pretty normal, she on her way home now so the fun shall begin from tomorrow hopefully!
Hope ur day hasn't been too stressful hun!
I don't know about the not much bleeding to begin with, I'd think positive tho as its turned into a normal AF now :) hope your cycles regular from now on hun and u catch that egg :)
It's so frustrating waiting, not knowing if I'll still be here in a years time waiting, or if it will happen in a month or two. I'm getting desperate :(
My opk's still have a faint line but it doesn't seem to be getting darker! I have more spots on my face now so I'm guessing it's gonna be another absent AF this month! Just waiting see if I get any pains again this month or not and waiting (inpatiently) for next month to see if anything happens... Feel like I'm wishing the months away untill I get back to normal!
Iv been praying for my friend for her scan next week, she's been through a lot in the last year and she deserves to be happy, to be honest it isn't looking good, but hey miracles can happen :)

Hiya, been so busy its unreal. Had to go see my mum over the weekend as she has a chest infection, which I have now got!! Lol. Great. AF seemed pretty normal, she on her way home now so the fun shall begin from tomorrow hopefully! I don't think I will use OPKs this month again, less stress! I found myself less stressed on my last cycle, I didnt think about things too much and it turned out to be regular! I hope your AF returns very soon, I wish we were on the same page though so we can share journey together. Doesnt matter if not though cause if it happens at different times, we can still be involved in each others journey! Fingers crossed to your friend thats having a scan, hope she gets to take home another rainbow baby, she deserves to after what she has been through bless her. How are you today? ☺
Glad AF was normal! Hope your mum and yourself are feeling better soon hun.
Aww hopefully I'll get my AF back soon then we can be on the same page at TTC!
I'm ok hun, abit fed up to be honest, feels like a let down after getting so close to a positive OPK last month, this month Iv had absolutly nothing no nearly positive, no period pains etc only thing Iv got is my spots on my face that I get when I'm due on!
Iv just dropped my son at school then went to a friends for a coffee and a catch up! Just trying to pass the time really Im dying for something to happen, not sure if I should go on the pill for a month or two to see if it brings back AF?
Glad AF was normal! Hope your mum and yourself are feeling better soon hun.
Aww hopefully I'll get my AF back soon then we can be on the same page at TTC!
I'm ok hun, abit fed up to be honest, feels like a let down after getting so close to a positive OPK last month, this month Iv had absolutly nothing no nearly positive, no period pains etc only thing Iv got is my spots on my face that I get when I'm due on!
Iv just dropped my son at school then went to a friends for a coffee and a catch up! Just trying to pass the time really Im dying for something to happen, not sure if I should go on the pill for a month or two to see if it brings back AF?

To be honest, I think you should see your GP again and ask them if it is worth doing because I wouldn't know. However, I have seen people post, whilst searching other forums outside B&B, that after coming off the depo, it brought their AF back. But it's different for everyone isn't it. You should do what you think is right :flower:

Aww hun, try not to get too stressed about everything, it could be what is delaying AF. As hard as it is, try to remain calm and positive. I know I haven't been on here much the last couple of days but I will try and give you the best advice I can. It will happen for the both of us and that's what we have to remind ourselves. I hope you had a good day today :hugs:
So I just wrote a big long reply, got to the end then my phone battery died and ereased it all :( .. Here goes again..

I'm going to wait it out till the end of February, in hope, but if I still have no sign I'll go see my gp and have a chat about the pill!
Last time I came off the depo about 2 years ago I went straight on the pill n I don't remember any of this! But I wasn't TTC sl didn't pay much attention :/ I must of had AF within a year tho cos I went back on the depo a year later n had the injection while I had AF, hmm :/

I'm just getting fed up hun I hate waiting around, my opk's seem to be stick at that pathetic faint line! Ugh, I need to pick myself up and stay positive. Some days I feel great then other days I feel like it's never going to happen!

Aww thanks Hun, anyway I'll stop going on :) how are u doing? Iv had an alright day hun I kept busy and did some slimming world batch cooking to freeze! Got my first weigh in tmora so hoping Iv lost! Then I just went back to my friends before I went to school (she's having abit of a hard time)

And Iv just brought a hot chocolate and magazine to bed to relax :) Iv felt so exhausted past 2 weeks don't know what's going on with me!
My sons only been in bed for an hour and half and he's awake already :( praying he goes back to sleep
So I just wrote a big long reply, got to the end then my phone battery died and ereased it all :( .. Here goes again..

I'm going to wait it out till the end of February, in hope, but if I still have no sign I'll go see my gp and have a chat about the pill!
Last time I came off the depo about 2 years ago I went straight on the pill n I don't remember any of this! But I wasn't TTC sl didn't pay much attention :/ I must of had AF within a year tho cos I went back on the depo a year later n had the injection while I had AF, hmm :/

I'm just getting fed up hun I hate waiting around, my opk's seem to be stick at that pathetic faint line! Ugh, I need to pick myself up and stay positive. Some days I feel great then other days I feel like it's never going to happen!

Aww thanks Hun, anyway I'll stop going on :) how are u doing? Iv had an alright day hun I kept busy and did some slimming world batch cooking to freeze! Got my first weigh in tmora so hoping Iv lost! Then I just went back to my friends before I went to school (she's having abit of a hard time)

And Iv just brought a hot chocolate and magazine to bed to relax :) Iv felt so exhausted past 2 weeks don't know what's going on with me!

Oh no! That would have annoyed me if that happened to me!

Seems like a good idea to maybe give it more time. How many shots have you had? I only had the one. So maybe that's why AF came back so quick for me.

I feel your pain hun, I am a very impatient person normally but I keep telling myself to be patient because if I do it will all be worth it in the end. I didnt stress half as much as I did the other cycles and I turned out to have a regular cycle. I guess its hard because you've also got your son to take care of and thats difficult at times.

Im okay, just really tired! I will be off to bed soon, my chest is a lot better and Im less congested. Thinknit was more of a cold/cough because it hasn't progressed to anything else. I feel better :) good luck at your weigh in tomorrow, I bet you've lost a bit, keep positive! Im starting gym soon so the healthy eating begins then ;) Ive put on weight over Christmas!

Have you tested for pregnancy? Only asking because that near positive may have been a positive but you didnt quite catch it in time! Am currently on sofa chilling with OH. I have college tomorrow!
I was on it for roughly a year then I came off it due to weight gain and went onto the pill, I was on that for a year but was plagued with migraines lasting days every single week so the gp refused to prescribe me the pill any more, said either go on the depo or the coil, I was too much of a wimp to have the coil fitted so I went back onto the depo for about a year which brought me to September just gone when I came off it! I'm screwed ain't i? Haha

God no I didn't think to test for pregnancy as I was waiting for AF pains or for the OPK to get darker again, but to be honest I was I'll in bed for a few days when I had that nearly positive and I'm sure we didn't dtd with me being ill :/ I'll test just to make sure but I don't think I am, I think my body just doesn't know what to do yet. My boobs are so itchy again :/ they was like this in November, it's so embarrassing when I'm out cos I can't ignore the itch haha!

I think every one puts on over xmas hun ;) it will come off again :) aww are u enjoying collage?
He's gone back to sleep thank god gonna grab some sleep while I can ;)
Did a test this morning and I'm not pregnant, kinda glad in a way as I drank a fair bit of alcohol over Christmas! But obviously I would of been ecstatic if I was haha
Well boo on the non pregnancy! When is AF due?
I was on it for roughly a year then I came off it due to weight gain and went onto the pill, I was on that for a year but was plagued with migraines lasting days every single week so the gp refused to prescribe me the pill any more, said either go on the depo or the coil, I was too much of a wimp to have the coil fitted so I went back onto the depo for about a year which brought me to September just gone when I came off it! I'm screwed ain't i? Haha

God no I didn't think to test for pregnancy as I was waiting for AF pains or for the OPK to get darker again, but to be honest I was I'll in bed for a few days when I had that nearly positive and I'm sure we didn't dtd with me being ill :/ I'll test just to make sure but I don't think I am, I think my body just doesn't know what to do yet. My boobs are so itchy again :/ they was like this in November, it's so embarrassing when I'm out cos I can't ignore the itch haha!

I think every one puts on over xmas hun ;) it will come off again :) aww are u enjoying collage?
He's gone back to sleep thank god gonna grab some sleep while I can ;)

Ahhh sorry for the BFN hun. But its better to be safe than sorry! There is always that chance.

And that sounds awful. I went on the pill before, I never had any issues with it myself but I put weight on having the depo. I really wish I went back on the pill instead of the nasty depo.

It can take up to 18 months to conceive after depo. I know that's a hell of a long time and I don't mean to say it to put a downer on you, I was jus saying it because your last one ran out in September, that's like nearly 4 months so hasn't been too long compared to 18 months.

I had itchy boobs coming off the depo!! Could be a sign that AF will return very soon. I can't wait to log on one day soon to see AF has arrived for you! Will be ecstatic for you when it does.

Yes everyone puts weight on at Christmas, its the roast dinners and chocolate that did it for me, oh and trifle, cheesecakes.. LOL! I was such a pig at Christmas! Did your little boy enjoy Christmas? :) and I am thoroughly enjoying college, met some ace people since I started. I had a long day today. 9am start 4:15pm finish haha. Hope you're okay!!
I was expecting a bfn hun so wasn't really upset or anything.

18 months??? :( my gp said upto 12 months? I'm gonna still be in the same place like 2 years down the line ain't i? I really worry that the depo has messed me up for good and I won't be able to have another baby :/ Iv had itchy boobs since December so don't really think it's a sign of AF for me, think it's just un balanced hormones? Iv had no period pains this month, I would usually get them about now and Iv had nothing other than spots so seems Iv taken a few steps back!

I can't wait for the day AF arrives or a positive OPK haha although I highly doubt it will be anytime soon! Hopefully within a few months tho..

Haha I love Christmas too, and all the food! Yes my little boy did enjoy Christmas this year :) it took a lot of preparing and counting down to prepare him for the change and he had a few meltdowns but his face in Christmas morning seeing his presents :) so worth it. He can sensory issues and a limited diet so he enjoyed cheese pizza for his Christmas dinner! Who cares aslong as he's happy tho :)

Aww glad ur enjoying college! Wow that is a long day :) yeah I'm ok hun trying to think positive, I lost 4lb at slimming world so I'm happy about that! Off to the gym this morning :) hope your ok too, and you cutieq.

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