TTC After Depo stories...any luck..advice?

I was expecting a bfn hun so wasn't really upset or anything.

18 months??? :( my gp said upto 12 months? I'm gonna still be in the same place like 2 years down the line ain't i? I really worry that the depo has messed me up for good and I won't be able to have another baby :/ Iv had itchy boobs since December so don't really think it's a sign of AF for me, think it's just un balanced hormones? Iv had no period pains this month, I would usually get them about now and Iv had nothing other than spots so seems Iv taken a few steps back!

I can't wait for the day AF arrives or a positive OPK haha although I highly doubt it will be anytime soon! Hopefully within a few months tho..

Haha I love Christmas too, and all the food! Yes my little boy did enjoy Christmas this year :) it took a lot of preparing and counting down to prepare him for the change and he had a few meltdowns but his face in Christmas morning seeing his presents :) so worth it. He can sensory issues and a limited diet so he enjoyed cheese pizza for his Christmas dinner! Who cares aslong as he's happy tho :)

Aww glad ur enjoying college! Wow that is a long day :) yeah I'm ok hun trying to think positive, I lost 4lb at slimming world so I'm happy about that! Off to the gym this morning :) hope your ok too, and you cutieq.

I was told 12-18 months but then again, if a small sample of people out of loads took up to 18 months to conceive, they still have to mention it can take that long because its possible as it has happened. It may also take longer for AF to come than it has me because I have had only one shot. Tbh, for one shot for me, I have been off of it now for 6 months and still not pregnant.

Although I am having AF, I still may not be ovulating yet. I know the feeling, I always worry it has messed up my body after the stories I heard about it. Doctors should outline the side effects more. I am a bit annoyed with my doctor, he didn't tell me it could take a while to conceive. He just said it was a very effective contraception. If I knew I would have had all these issues, I would never have got it!

If I was in your shoes and AF hadn't come for me, I would be screwing, so I can imagine how annoying it is for you having to wait. At least we can chat to each other to pass the time! Even if it takes a long time til we bring our rainbow babies home, the wait will be so worth it!

I had a lie in this morning, my day off college today! Got a bit of coursework to do but other than that I will be relaxing all day.

And awwh bless him, sounds like, despite his melt downs he had a wonderful day! And do you know what? Pizza sounds yummy for Christmas dinner, it really does! If it was just me on Christmas I would probably have pizza myself. Its one of my favourite food!! Lol your lil boy got good taste of food.

And well done hun, I am proud of you! Look at you with your motivation, going to the gym! Makes me want to go! Haha. Hope you have a wonderful time. I am okay, jus laying in bed with OH still. He is rather lazy, I am just playing on my phone because I am bored!
Yh I know hun, hopefully before 12 months I'll have AF back, praying anyway!
I red it doesn't matter if u have 1 shot or 50 once it's in ur system that's it :/ some people are just lucky to get AF back quick and others not, it's only been like 4 months for me so I think I'm being impatient, it's just so frustrating lol how long did it take u to get AF back?

It's helping to pass the time n keep me sane coming on here to chat! Thanks Hun :)

Enjoy your relaxing day hun :) I went to the gym then did a little shop just come home for some lunch and to tidy up before I go back for my son :)

Do u know what, we both said it was probably one of the best Christmases with our son so far, he really did enjoy it :)

Thanks Hun :) hoping to loose between 1-2 lb a week now, I'm motivated trying to get this depo out of my system haha

I'm always laying in bed playing on my phone at night haha it's so relaxing, hubby's back at work today after 2 days off. We went to the cinema last night for a little date that was nice :)
Yh I know hun, hopefully before 12 months I'll have AF back, praying anyway!
I red it doesn't matter if u have 1 shot or 50 once it's in ur system that's it :/ some people are just lucky to get AF back quick and others not, it's only been like 4 months for me so I think I'm being impatient, it's just so frustrating lol how long did it take u to get AF back?

It's helping to pass the time n keep me sane coming on here to chat! Thanks Hun :)

Enjoy your relaxing day hun :) I went to the gym then did a little shop just come home for some lunch and to tidy up before I go back for my son :)

Do u know what, we both said it was probably one of the best Christmases with our son so far, he really did enjoy it :)

Thanks Hun :) hoping to loose between 1-2 lb a week now, I'm motivated trying to get this depo out of my system haha

I'm always laying in bed playing on my phone at night haha it's so relaxing, hubby's back at work today after 2 days off. We went to the cinema last night for a little date that was nice :)

I reckon AF will definitely come back for you before it gets to the 12 month mark! Well put it this way, had depo from April-July and AF didn't arrive until October 2nd. So for me it was 3 months before it arrived! You've only waited one extra month for it, so hopefully it will come soon!

And I agree, it really does pass the time! I am on CD5 now! Won't be long until I attempt to catch the eggy.

Sounds like you had a nice morning, did you enjoy the gym? I was thinking of maybe popping out soon for a bit! I don't like sitting in all day and I am starting to get a bit bored! Been doing some coursework and its mushing my head up lol.

Aww I am so glad your little boy enjoyed his Christmas! And that it wasn't too bad when it came to his meltdowns.

Yeah the depo stores in fat cells, so I can imagine that will help! That's why I want to go back to the gym, either way it will help me.

I always play on my phone too haha OH gets funny sometimes. He did past night, asking me when I am actually going to get into bed lol. Haha.

That sounds lovely hun! He sounds like he treats you well! Me and OH haven't been out for a while, waiting for him to ask to take me out lol!
It just feels like it's been so much longer than 4 months haha hopefully soon something will happen.

Wow it has gone fast, fingers crossed u catch the egg this month hun! When do u think u ovulate?

Yh had fun at the gym :) did some boxing too, we are going to start swimming and Zumba too!

I love staying in all day haha Iv just had a little lay down and got no housework done :/ got like 20 mins to run round before I have to leave for school, oops!

Haha me n my hubby always spend at least 15 mins playing on our phones when we get into bed before going to sleep haha, oh he didn't have a choice about taking me to the cinema, I told him we was going and arranged for my mum to come look after our son ;) he does treat me good though I have to give it to him, he's a lovely husband and a brilliant father, so couldn't really ask for more :)
Still stuck at that stupid line :/


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Haha cutieq, iv screamed that to it so much, unfortunately it doesn't listen to me :( damn line!
I havnt had any AF since coming off the depo in September hun. I had a 5 day bleed a week after my missed injection, then a 2 day bleed then few days here and there bleeding in November but nothing since
that's right. hard keeping up with everyone. it looks like your body is trying!
I thought u must of got me mixed up with some one else lol. I thought my body was trying as I had the almost positive OPK last month and period pains around same time nov and dec but Iv had absoloutly nothing this month except spots that I get when I'm due on, but I even got them while I was on the depo! So I'm not sure what's happening just testing ovulation everyday keeping my hopes up

How are u getting on?
It just feels like it's been so much longer than 4 months haha hopefully soon something will happen.

Wow it has gone fast, fingers crossed u catch the egg this month hun! When do u think u ovulate?

Yh had fun at the gym :) did some boxing too, we are going to start swimming and Zumba too!

I love staying in all day haha Iv just had a little lay down and got no housework done :/ got like 20 mins to run round before I have to leave for school, oops!

Haha me n my hubby always spend at least 15 mins playing on our phones when we get into bed before going to sleep haha, oh he didn't have a choice about taking me to the cinema, I told him we was going and arranged for my mum to come look after our son ;) he does treat me good though I have to give it to him, he's a lovely husband and a brilliant father, so couldn't really ask for more :)

It feels a long time that me and OH have been trying. I'm such an impatient person. But for the last cycle I have been calm so hopefully if I go with the flow it will happen.

Well my last cycle was 28 days so I am gonna go by that. AF arrived 9th January so I should O next week?

Ahaa my OH phone is broke and when we are in bed and I am playing on it he jus wants me to get off it for cuddles lol.

Awwh looks like you found your soulmate. I know I have! Ive never been happier in all my life :)
Yh deffo try to stay relaxed and go with the flow, iv heard it's more likely to happen that way :)

Fingers crossed u catch the egg next week :)

Haha aww bless him, I don't allow my hubby to play on his phone when I'm ready to sleep, I can't sleep with any light or sound haha he loves watching tv in bed but I don't allow it haha.

I deffo found my soulmate :) we have been married nearly 6 and half years now :) I was only 17 when we got married, but Iv always been very mature for my age, he's slightly older than me by a few years, we was actually friends for s few years before we got together :) aww so glad your happy hun, you sound like a very loving couple :)

Iv felt heavy down there all day and had very slight period pains/twinges but no where near enough to say yes deffo period pains haha, weirdly for the past 2 days too I can't stop weeing! I'm not drinking much in the day cos I don't want my wee to be diluted for OPK testing. But I can't stop weeing and its so diluted!
Don't u just hate evap lines on pregnancy tests! Had so many of them, it was hard to get it on the pic so not sure if u can see it. I know I can't be pregnant I'm just getting addicted to testing either OPK or pregnancy haha


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Yh deffo try to stay relaxed and go with the flow, iv heard it's more likely to happen that way :)

Fingers crossed u catch the egg next week :)

Haha aww bless him, I don't allow my hubby to play on his phone when I'm ready to sleep, I can't sleep with any light or sound haha he loves watching tv in bed but I don't allow it haha.

I deffo found my soulmate :) we have been married nearly 6 and half years now :) I was only 17 when we got married, but Iv always been very mature for my age, he's slightly older than me by a few years, we was actually friends for s few years before we got together :) aww so glad your happy hun, you sound like a very loving couple :)

Iv felt heavy down there all day and had very slight period pains/twinges but no where near enough to say yes deffo period pains haha, weirdly for the past 2 days too I can't stop weeing! I'm not drinking much in the day cos I don't want my wee to be diluted for OPK testing. But I can't stop weeing and its so diluted!

The tww is going to be a killer! I am going to try not to symptom spot either! My fertile window is from the 20th-25th. Going by 28 days as my last cycle was that long.

I can sleep at night with a bit of light but generally once I wake up in the morning, that's it, no going back to sleep for me!

Awwh sounds like you definitely have found your soulmate. Me and OH aren't officially married but we are getting married next year. I just have his surname atm :)

Fingers crossed something comes of these twinges you're getting! Im praying that both of us get our BFPs soon.
I can imagine the 2ww being so hard! I'm excited for you :D

I can go back to sleep, I just can't sleep with light haha

Aww how lovely getting married next year :) ha we are the opposite we are married but I don't use his surname yet! Need to sort all that out, iv been saying that for the past 6 years haha I'll get round to it one day!

The twinges didn't turn into anything hun, they have gone now and they wasn't strong enough to say they was AF pains. Ah week hopefully something next month, getting abit sick of saying that now lol fingers crossed we both get them sokn hun, can see it taking along time for me to be honest as AF isn't showing any sign of returning!
Oh twinges have just returned, still very light tho. I dunno I'm not reading into them I'm trying to ignore them cos they still ain't strong enough
I can imagine the 2ww being so hard! I'm excited for you :D

I can go back to sleep, I just can't sleep with light haha

Aww how lovely getting married next year :) ha we are the opposite we are married but I don't use his surname yet! Need to sort all that out, iv been saying that for the past 6 years haha I'll get round to it one day!

The twinges didn't turn into anything hun, they have gone now and they wasn't strong enough to say they was AF pains. Ah week hopefully something next month, getting abit sick of saying that now lol fingers crossed we both get them sokn hun, can see it taking along time for me to be honest as AF isn't showing any sign of returning!

It is really hard, I obsess over every symptom because I am that desperate to be pregnant. This month I am going to try my absolute best not to do it.

I am also trying not to bd with OH for the next few days, so his little swimmers are all strong for my fertile window. This is such a horrible wait because firstly the 28 day cycle I had last time could have been fluke and my cycle might be out of wack still. I hope I am not being teased if you get what I mean.

Did anything come of those twinges?
I can imagine, try to stay relaxed hun :)
Fingers crossed it wasn't a fluke hun and u ovulate when your expecting too.
No hun the twinges have gone again and nithing came of them, iv woke up full of a cold and headache :/ so not feeling too good today.
Sorry for tmi!! But.. Iv just been to the toilet and when I wipe there's brown blood?? It's not enough to go on my underwear but there was a fair bit on the tissue, but it's very brown and has tiny clumps in it? After just having a wee I have a few sharp twinges not but still doesn't feel like AF aches I usually get. Not sure what's happening!

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