TTC After Depo stories...any luck..advice?

well today starts the 2ww for me ladies #boring ill be stalking tho trying hope your feeling a bit better xx
Hi 2ndtime, also hope u get some answers soon :)

Glad to hear cutieq :)

Claire, fingers crossed ur 2ww doesn't drag and u get a nice BFP :) im feeling a little better today just still weak, planning to bd tonight and hopefully still catch the egg! My opk's are still super dark like yesterday, but Iv never had it darker then the control line. Still buzzing I got a smiley tho haha I keep going looking at it :)
Opk's from today, smiley is from yesterday just keeping the photo for future reference cos I wouldn't of took my opk's as a pos!


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yayyyyy glad your feeling better get that bd in tonight just jump on him haha .. i was tempted to buy opks today but i resisted lol bought some cheapie tests tho for the end of my 2ww fingers crossed you catch that egg xx
Best of luck to both of you during your wait!
My opk's have gone back to faint line so that's my lh surge over :) haha deffo gonna bd tonight!! :) I really don't expect to catch the egg first month of trying, but can't hurt to try right ;) thanks guys!
Claire what's ur date for testing? Excited for u :) if u decide to get opk's get them off amazon or Ebay, so much cheaper for a big bag!
As weird as it sounds im actually looking forward to having AF and see if how long my time between ov and AF is (if I actually get regular and AF comes along - fingers crossed!) I know, I'm weird haha but I havnt had AF in soooo long I just want it to feel normal!
i have no idea lol my boobs hurt all of a sudden today?? i hope this was a normal cycle ill be sad if its not im not exoecting much first month either i want somr notmality too thanks cutie xx
Oo that sounds like a good sign, will keep my fingers crossed for u.
I'm panicking abit, I don't beleive im going to ovulate at all, I'm only 5 months off the depo, what if I just got the surge but I'm not actually going to ovulate :/ I'm such a worrier!
well im only 4 months off the depo trying so im sure we will have luck xxx
boobs really hurt today and i only had sore boobs before af came im worrying myself now
Hi guys,

A little boost for you as I've just seen your thread today... I was on depo for 2.5yrs, I moaned one day to my cousin that I had sore nipples and had been really sick a few days previous. She laughed and presented me with a test and sure enough it was P! Doc said the depo in my system had dropped and allowed me to ovulate randomly! Anyway I now have a beautiful 8 yr old daughter!
I am now trying for #2 and hubby has just had VR o(V done before he met me) so fingers crossed!

Baby dust to you all!
Try not to worry Claire, iv had itchy boobs on off since stopping the depo, never sore boobs but I didn't even get sore boobs while I was pregnant haha, just try to relax that's what I'm trying to do. This 2ww is hard business isn't it Haha if I ovd yesterday I'm 1dpo today so got a long wait! Just hoping I get AF to be honest just so I know something's happening!
Wow pitterpatter that's amazing! So nice to hear succes stories. Good luck TTC #2, im also TTC #2, baby dust to everyone xx
Yes Claire, coming off depo is evil because it gives you loads of pregnancy symptoms! Good luck during your tww.

Trying, if uou get AF maybe you could try temping? It will give you a bit of reassurance that you are ovulating.
Laucu I don't think temping would work for me, my son has rather severe autism his sleep is really bad so I'm up a lot in the night and then can be up anytime after midnight to start the day really so I don't think I'd get accurate readings? If I get AF and positive opk's I think I'll feel confident that I am ovulating, just worried now incase I get positive opk's but no AF haha
thats a great success story .. im trying not to worry but their really tender im hoping i dont have another af before she is due ciz that will just confuse me im a bad looser because i tested today at 2dpo laughing face couldnt resist silly i know lol .. fingers crossed this 2ww flys in xxx
Hello all!

I had light watery, pink discharge on the night of the 2nd which barely ended up on the pad! And then last night, I rushed to the toilet as I felt 'wet' sorry for tmi. I found a spot in my underwear of brown blood and wiped and it was really pale on the tp! Now this morning, I was expecting to see full flow but nothing at all, not even on tp! AF was due 2 days ago going by a 28 days cycle. What do you ladies think? I had heartburn early hours of this morning that woke me up! Did a pg test yesterday morning and it was a BFN. Maybe I should wait a few days! This bleed was basically stopping and starting over 4 days but no real flow? Hmmm
Fingers crossed Claire, has ur cycles gone back to normal then changed again?
Well we have have bd the past 2 nights so Iv done all I can this month, wish I was able to bd the night of my solid smiley but oh well. Yesterday my cervix felt more open to the other days so I'm wondering if I only ovulated yesterday? I'm not used to tracking cp but it deffo felt more open
Hmm I'm not sure lilegg, I know when I was pregnant with my son I can't remmeber if I was late for AF but I felt sick n tired etc I knew I was pregnant but bfn, the next week I was throwing up etc did another test and positive. Don't want to get ur hopes up tho..
this is my first cycle from depo if it was a cycle atall but it felt like one when i had normal cycles i was always 28 days regular so hoping the sore boobs are just hormonal i suppose .. lil egg it could have been an implantation bleed and sometimes it can take 4 days after implantation for a bfp ive read that sonewhere trying you might have caught that egg im just hoping my left ovary ovulated this month thats the only one i have in full working order and i knoe it can switch from month to month which is an absoloute pain in the backside not knowing which ovary is doing the job lol xxxx

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