TTC After Depo stories...any luck..advice?

Im so happy to see you got your solid smiley! You went to see a medium and they said something about you moving in to your new home pregnant with a he? Am I right? If I am maybe this could be your month! I don't want to get your hopes up but she was right about the lump not being serious!

Im not sure I feel pregnant. I have slightly sore nipples since yesterday so maybe that means something. When I bled on the night of the 2nd, I had some strange AF cramps. They were there but not enough for me to take pain relief like I normally have to. Cramps only lasted a day or so and now they've gone!

Im hoping it's implantation bleeding because I never had this before. It started a kinda yellow colour and then went pink but looked very EWCM consistency and then to brown! I guess the best thing I could do is just wait a couple more days and test! My AF has been normal the last 2 months so this is most definitely strange!
How long have u been off the depo? Fingers crossed u get either AF or more so a BFP soon!
My 'AF' if I can even call it that 19 days before the positive opk started off as brown spotting then had little gushes of red blood it was on of for a total of 5 days.
Really hope we caught the egg but I highly doubt I'd be lucky enough to catch it on my first ovulation lol, I had a few twinges in my right side yesterday when I went to school to get my son, but I don't really want to take notice of twinges cos it could be anything haha.
Aww that must be a pain, fingers crossed ur left ovary ovulates more!
Yes that's what the medium said hun, she was right about the lump, she said I wouldn't get pregnant untill I went to see a Dr about the lump to put my mind at rest which Iv done, we will have to move house when I'm pregnant as we are in a 2 bed at the moment and due to my sons autism he can't share a room. So the plan was to move once I'm pregnant, she said 'yes he's coming, the baby' she said this will be my last baby as she only sees my with 2, I don't plan any more lol. She said she sees me pregnant this year, maybe not giving birth this year but pregnant. Fingers crossed anyway.

Some people don't get pregnancy symptoms hun and don't feel pregnant, got my fingers super crossed that it was implantation bleeding! I'd wait a few more days then do an early response test! Keep us posted :)

It's a good sign ur cycle has been normal past 2 months too, don't want to get ur hopes up but it's sounding positive!
Yes that's what the medium said hun, she was right about the lump, she said I wouldn't get pregnant untill I went to see a Dr about the lump to put my mind at rest which Iv done, we will have to move house when I'm pregnant as we are in a 2 bed at the moment and due to my sons autism he can't share a room. So the plan was to move once I'm pregnant, she said 'yes he's coming, the baby' she said this will be my last baby as she only sees my with 2, I don't plan any more lol. She said she sees me pregnant this year, maybe not giving birth this year but pregnant. Fingers crossed anyway.

Some people don't get pregnancy symptoms hun and don't feel pregnant, got my fingers super crossed that it was implantation bleeding! I'd wait a few more days then do an early response test! Keep us posted :)

It's a good sign ur cycle has been normal past 2 months too, don't want to get ur hopes up but it's sounding positive!

I reckon you will be pregnant by summer at least if not before! It's amazing you've had confirmation of LH surge on CBFM.

Yeah I think I will leave it a few days and see what happens. At least then I will get a clear answer. I have felt a bit weird but I've kind of left symptom spotting alone.

If I'm not pregnant I just hope for a normal AF to arrive and that my cycle isn't messing up. I will be upset if it takes ages to happen!
well ladies i was reading up that sometimes a womans breasts can hurt after ovulatiing due the high levels of progesterone they say if its stays sore up until 12dpo your more than likely pregnant but if they start to east off by 16dpo then more and likely due to get period as the hormone levels decrease when af is due but continue to increase if pregnant!!! talk about major symptom spotting ill be feeling my boobs everyday now for the next 2 weeks hahaha!!x
I hope so hun! My brother and his wife are TTC again in sept, hoping I'm pregnant before then as my family all know we are TTC so don't want to be still trying when they announce they are pregnant :( but still happy for them. So glad I got the solid smiley just hoping I actually did ovulate n just didn't have the lh surge lol.

Yh id try to just relax hun as much as u can and test in a few days then u will know :) got everything crossed for a BFP for u!
Haha Claire that's mad! I didn't have sore boobs at all with my son so I don't think that will work for me :(
Well my cervix felt Open all yesterday and really high, last night it felt closed and I had a tiny bit of brown bloody mucus (sorry tmi) there was no more tho just 1 bit so I'm wondering if I only ovulated yesterday? So I don't know how many dpo I am lol
fingers crossed you did trying means you would have caught that little egg!! well according to my app im 5dpo i can never tell the diff in cp lol i bought some folic acid today started them tonight also going to give up the cigs tommorow and go onto one of the e-pens weve told hubbys mum and dad were trying and his mum is super excited lol cant wait to see some regulation in my af so i know things are happening down there hopefully have a bfp before summer although im away on holiday on the 29th s may i dont wanna be a whale in a bikini lol xx
Only thing is I don't know how many dpo I am now haha I really don't think we will catch the egg on the first month anyway to be honest I very much doubt it im just hoping af comes at a decent time! I use the seven seas trying to concieve vitamins, they are pretty good Iv been taking them since I came off depo in SEPT as adviced by my gp.
Good luck on giving up in the cigs! Aww bless them, both our families know we are TTC but they know I came off the depo and have been waiting for my cycle to reutrn! My brother and his wife are starting TTC their second in SEPT and I just know they will get their BFP before me which upsets me abit :( but I feel guilty for thinking that, kind of selfish! Haha, we are hoping to go away in summer too, I totally don't mind being a whale tho, I'm very body consious so will give me an excuse ;)
How's every one doing?
I had a crampy feeling all day yesterday low down but to the right, it was like a constant stabbing pain but not too painful. I'm wondering if it's cos my body's not use to ovulating.
my cervix was high and soft past 2 days? this morning i had sharp crampy pain really low down too maybe i misjudged ov x
Hiya! I'm still hanging around waiting to ovulate. Started opks yesterday and only got a faint line so no sign yet. I am on CD 13 today.
Hmm maybe Claire have u tried any opk's?
Fingers crossed ov happens soon Laucu! Iv just done an OPK to check and there's barely a line there, just wanted to see if it had gone yet :) I think I'm about 4 or 5 DPO
my cervix is still really soft girls and really high? what is going on here my boobs really hurt that much i cant bare it with my bra off i have no clue what is going on with with my body right now i was working all day today and gad no time to stop by for opks so i think we will bd tonight just incase lol x
Get BD'ing claire! Sounds like ur ovulating!! Have u had a cycle yet after depo? (Sorry I can't remember) fingers crossed for u!!

I have mild period pains tonight but deffo there so I have no idea what's going on! I'm only 4-5 dpo so clearly I'm not put of the woods yet!! Just hoping AF holds off u till at least 10dpo, I'll be gutted if it shows up before then!
cervix is super high and firm for me today ladies so i dont know if i caught o or misses it as we didnt bd last night x
well 10 days late AF arrived :( only consolation is that does make it a 29 day cycle so hopefully a "normal" cycle means I'm ovulating regularly and will have a better chance now. Fingers x'd
Fingers crossed Claire.
2nd time sorry AF showed! But glad u got a 'normal' cycle, fingers crossed for next month!

Think I'm out this month, I'm 5-6dpo Iv got really bad AF aches tonight feels like AF is gonna show any day now! No longer at the side now tho it's full on aches all across. Gutted as was hoping to at least get to 10dpo to give me a decent LP! I have a lot of watery cm too (sorry tmi!) I had to go check AF hadn't arrived! Also can't stop peeing so think I may be getting a water infection to top it off! Oh the joys
gutted 2nd time that would totally drive me mad 10 days late would get your hopes so high for bfp .. trying i also have feeling af is gonna shoe for me too as this is only first af from last depo shot so my cycles will prob be all over the place just hope i dont wait too long to regulate ive also got some af cramps!! booooo i tested today i think im around 5-6dpo too unless i o'd yesterday definetly going to use opks after this month lol my mind is warped with all these symptom spotting but i also dont want to get bfp so soon after depo as i know some pregnancies so soon after contraception can end in misscaraige fingers crossed we all get big BFPsss before easter 😊😊👶 xx

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