TTC After Depo stories...any luck..advice?

Aww congrats on your boy Hun, would the private scan not do a free re scan to check? I'm under consultant too due to my son having a low birth weight, I'm still seeing my midwife in between consultant apps though. Will you have another section?
I'm actually not that nervous just super excited, I'll probably get nervous for the birth when I'm a few weeks away lol xx
Trying Only 10 weeks left to have your bundle of joy in your hands. Will be earlier if he decide to come before that. LOL. I am happy for you girl. Dou have the baby boy room ready for his arrival? Do you have mostly everything?
Wanna Congratulations on having a boy. I hope to hear from you and your pregnancy.
The OBGYN called me and told that labs came back normal. Which is good for me.
The weeks are flying by, I can't wait to have him here now. Aww thank you Hun, I really hope it happens for you soon too. You're s lovely person who truly deserves it. We don't have a baby room ready for him because we was hoping to move house, due to my sons special needs he can't share a bedroom so we need an extra bedroom for the baby but unfortunatly didn't find a house yet, if we don't find one within the next couple week then we will stay here and move after he is born. I do have his bedroom furniture though but it's staying boxed up till we move lol. I have pretty much everything now just need nappies and little bits.
Great news about the results Hun, so what's the next step? xx
Hi ladies,

The fact that she says boy and no scan is 100% accurate. I'll wait and see what 20 week scan says and if there is a difference of opinion then I'll go back to private scan and ask that they reconfirm. I'm happy either way. I'm having another section and I'm asking to be sterilised at the same time. I bet you can't wait for your little man to arrive.

Latin...your time will come hun look at me and trying it took 15 months for periods to come back from last injection and then only 5 cycles to catch. I know.its like it will never happen but it will x
When's your 20 week scan wonna? Hope all goes ok. I can't wait for him to be here now, just under 8 weeks till due date and he's still breach lol I have another growth scan on Friday so will see how he's doing then.
How's every one else doing? Xx
OMG Trying you are less than 8 weeks to have your baby boy in your arms. Time flies by. I wish you the best with your scan this Friday. Keep us posted.
Hi Girls. Within 8 days we will see if the bc really did the magic trick and bring AF back. I will keep you posted one way of the other. I hope that everything is alright with Wanna and Nicole. I wish I can hear anything from Raine. I wonder if she finally got pregnant or if she still struggling.
Hello all. I posted a while back and am glad to see that there have been a few bfps! This is my first month officially ttc, as I wanted to have a few steady cycles first.

Clomid is what forced my cycles to come back after depo.
Thank you Latin. I had my scan but baby isn't gaining as much weight as he should be and has dropped below the bottom line on the percentile graph now. His blood flow and fluid etc all looks fine so they are gonna scan again in 2 weeks to check how he's doing but they said they will probably get him out around 37-38 weeks if he doesn't drop too much before then. He's still happy and moving around loads, and my first son was small so I'm not worried I'm just glad they are keeping an eye on him.
I'm hoping he can stay in till atleast 37 weeks then he will be term. And he's still breach so if he doesn't turn then it will be a c-section :( I'll be gutted if he doesn't turn.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed the pills worked Hun and your af returned! I also wonder how every one is, it's a shame it got so quiet on here xx

Hey momof, glad you got your cycles back, Iv heard good stuff about clomid! Good luck on your ttc journey xx
Hello Trying, Sorry to heard that your baby boy is not gaining weight. At least they are taking care and being preventive for the safety of your baby. Wishing you the best. Soon you will be able to have your baby boy in your arms. Let us know how it goes.
mumofwon Great that you came back. Happy to heard that you were able to get your period back and had a few steady periods. Wish you the best in your TTC journey. We are here to help, encourage and advice you. Keep us posted and wish you luck.
Hello Girls. Good news AF is back and in full swing. I am so happy AF is here. I have a lot of cramps, but it was always like that. I can deal with it. Now will see if my system will get back to normal and regulate. Let see if I will ovulate now, but one step a time. I am not going to worry because the most important thing was that AF is BACK. :)
Hello Girls. Good news AF is back and in full swing. I am so happy AF is here. I have a lot of cramps, but it was always like that. I can deal with it. Now will see if my system will get back to normal and regulate. Let see if I will ovulate now, but one step a time. I am not going to worry because the most important thing was that AF is BACK. :)

That's great!
Thanks ladies. Just went through my first tww. Gaah I love this. Symptom spotting and being able to test. Wasnt successful on my first cycle, which is odd, as with both my children I caught first time - even though there is 13 years between pregnancies. Even so, I am still full of beans and happy that I have got this far, after depo that is. Never getting that shot again!
Well done ladies in getting your periods back hopefully it won't take too long now. That depo is certainly a nightmare and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless you are certain you don't want any more kids.

Trying my first son was small he was born via c section at 37 plus 4 and only weighed 4lb 2 but he didn't need to go to special unit or anything just an incubator for one night and that's it. Have they given you a steroid injection in case he needs to come early? They did try and set me off but the pesseries didn't work but eventually I had to have the c section as he was stressing. Everything went well though and I was walking the next day.

As for me well I can't believe how quick 21 week has gone. I had my 20 week scan and it's definitely a little boy. Would have been nice to have a girl as this is my last and I have two boys but I'm happy and can't wait to meet him.
Hey everyone. I have read this thread from the very first post until the end over the past week. I've never posted on one of these before so bear with me. Reading yalls success stories has given me the hope I have lost. Here's a little abut my journey so far.

I got my last depo injection June 2015 wore off Sept 2015. Like many of you it was horrible coming off of it. I swore I was pregnant many times. I'm 26 and was on the shot for 5 years after the birth of my daughter. I do not have the best health and ended up having a total of 13 surgeries when my little girl was 3 weeks old until a little over 2.5 years old. During this time I was also diagnosed with MS. I didn't have a good pregnancy or easy l/d with my little girl. I met my husband 2 years ago and we recently got married. He doesn't have any kids of his own so we started ttc last September. I had nothing until jan 2016 and it seemed normal and again in feb, skipped march, af arrived April 8th, may 8th, June 7th, and arrived again yesterday. I do not temp nor tried opk. I do believe I am ov every month because I have tracking my symptoms and watching my cm. I ordered pre seed to try this month and back in March I had what I believe was a chemical pregnancy. Congratulations to all of you who have had success! This isn't a easy road and my time is ticking. The doctors do not recommend me trying any longer than a year and are pushing me to get my tubes tied. Had I known what the side effects of the devil was I never would have gotten it.
Glad you enjoyed your first 2ww mumof, fingers crossed you won't have many more to wait though :)
Thanks wonna! My first son was small too so I wasn't worried about that, but I had a scan yesterday and this baby has gained weight now and the consultant is happy :) but he's still breech!! :( I'm 35 weeks now, they are scanning again in 2 weeks to check his size again and if he's still breech then they will book the section for roughly 39 weeks. I'm praying he turns I'm getting scared of a section now, I'm glad to hear urs went well though. Glad your 20 week scan went well too :) is it going fast for you?

Welcome police wife, sounds like you have had a bad time I hope you're recovering now from your surgeries etc. Good news u for ur cycles back, my depo ran out in sept 14, like u I started to get my cycles back in the Jan/feb and got my positive in the December 15 xx

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