So I'm back from my doc's visit. So the nurse told me the wrong numbers yesterday. Still not up to what the doc wants but were up to 2728...I'm not doing any cartwheels. Before I new the true number and walked with him back to his office, I was telling him how I really don't have anymore symptoms, no boob pain, not as bloated, easier to workout today, etc. So he tells me the real number. More blood drawn today. I told hime that I feel like I'm going to get my period anyday (banking on tomorrow). It's up to God now. He did advise that if I do start to bleed and this doesn't stick I will need a D&C. Not what I wanted to hear but ok. I asked what the deal was w/my ultrasound. Remember the sac was irregular and not in the right spot. So the sac is round but it's jagged and is off a little to the side. I made sure to ask that if I do start to bleed if before the D&C I could have an ultrasound and without hesitation he did say yes. I've calmed down only because I think I set myself up now for the worst. He says we will know either way within the next 2 weeks what's going on, but I feel like I've heard that story before too. The other thing was that my blood pressure was a nice normal today, but then again, I was probably the calmest I've been since this all started. Anywho, ladies enjoy the rest of the weekend. I'm going to play softball in 90 degree weather, why cuz it will keep me occupied and not googling what I just wrote...LOL. I'll know my lab results I believe Monday unless I get a call out of the blue from my doc since he's on call this weekend.