I had my Day 3 ultrasound today. They said my ovaries look "quiet," so I don't have any cysts or anything to stop me from trying again this cycle. It's officially been a year...
These meds are breaking our bank account and I think this might be our last shot using them. They've upped my dosage from 3 vials/night to 4 vials/night. We start tonight. The doc is hoping to get me two mature follicles instead of one this time. The doc assures me that our chances are up to 5% greater with injectables than without. He also said I should try IVF, but that is definitely out of the budget.
Then he recommended acupuncture to increase blood flow to the uterus, but when I called I found out it's not covered by insurance and that's another $88/visit I don't want to spend. Plus they make you go in first for a consult, so I wouldn't start treatment in time for this cycle anyway.
I keep telling myself that I did get pregnant my first try with injectables, so I just have to have faith. Can someone loan me some? *sigh*