My 3 year old came out with that phrase a few weeks ago 'epic fail' really made me smile!
I am so glad Caitlin is finally here safe and sound after the heartache we have been through over the last 2 years, but I am so missing being pregnant and I keep getting upset! I suppose my hormones are still all over the place at the moment.
Think I've mentioned before I am missing being in hospital. To most people the thought of spending 3 weeks in hospital would be horrifying but for me it made me feel safe.
The 2 weeks of being pregnant we're very relaxing. I didn't have to do anything and just had me to think about, probably sounds very selfish. I missed my other kids so much, but I enjoyed being looked after and only having me and baby to think about . Also so comforting that twice a day they came and listened to her heartbeat and checked my blood pressure.
Even after she was born, I loved seeing her in the see through cot and once again that feeling of safety and security.
Is still be there now if I could!
One thing I've noticed since being home, my 3 year old seems huge compared to before I went into hospital , I suppose its because Caitlin is so tiny it puts everything into perspective.