I'm new here, so, how do I find out everyone's age, # tries, miscarriages, current children, natural/fertility, etc. here?
PS- I think I've had a few chemicals in the past year, also. Oh, and has anyone been using OPKs and had many days of positives near ovulation (4 or 5)?
Hi, I`m Lisa and i will be 41 in two weeks time - here is my history, i`ll try and keep it short!!
Age 30 - DS - age 10 - born Nov 2001 - PG straight away
Age 33 - DD - age - - born Nov 2004 - took 4 months, but didn`t know about OPK or signs or anything at the time - however first month we used OPK I was PG.
Age 37 = May 2009 - PG first time using OPK - MMC at 8 weeks In jul 09.
Age 38 = Sept 2010 - PG first time using OPK - DS born May 2010.
Age 40 - Oct 2011 - PG by accident - healthy nuchal scan at 12 weeks in Dec 11, routine check up at 17 weeks found baby had died 13-14 weeks gestation.
12-1-12 - Baby born sleeping.
May 2012 - TTC for number 4 - 3 cycles so far and no luck.
Now taking vitamin B6 to try and increase LP - also taking Pregnacare conception and trying to eat high protein food as acupuncturist thinks i have low quality blood.
Doctors checking hormone levels this cycle and next cycle and starting acupuncture sept 26th.
It has come as a total shock that it isn`t happening now after never having a problem before.
I decided to see the doctor and acupuncturist as soon as possible as if there is something up i want to sort it straight away.
I was also referred to an MC expert at Bham Heartlands Hospital. They took a load of blood and checked for loads of things, all of which are treatable, but all my tests came back fine, so nothing wrong there.
The first 3 tries i have got so upset when AF started, but this month, now i realise I have short LP, I am not holding out much hope - currently 4 DPO - I am going to try and chill and wait for blood tests and acupuncture and see if that helps.
What about you - what is your history?