I'm out. Great birthday gift from AF!
Ok so I am 44 and am I going to give up?
Sorry Josie I didn't see your post, am glad you got on the right sitex how are you hun? I got some new pregnancy tests from eBay today called Wondfo's, they're supposed to be really good so I used one just for fun really as I'm only 5 dpo and I got a faint line, I knew it would be an evap though as way too early but it was even pink, I hate evaps! I did another later on in the evening and that one was neg of course, that's what you get for testing at 5dpo lol xx
It's a line where you would get the line if you were pregnant but you arnt they're supposed to not have colour but I've seen loads that have and have had a couple of really pink faint lines myself thinking I was pregnant but I wasn'tits horrible! I'll put a pic up but it's not as easy to see on the pic as it us in real life. That bleed you had doesn't sound like a period at all does it, I know implantation bleeding is light a lot of the time but it can be heavier hun! Xxxx
Aw hun you never know it may just be too early, definitely test again, everything crossed for you I've never had a one day AF although my last one was only 3 days but heavy for the 3, and that's gunna be hard him being away, as much as the promotion is fantastic news, I can understand you being worried about TTC but dont worry, his 4 days home could coincide with ovulation or before, good job sperm can live so longso it could all work out ok but I'm sure you'll miss him loads xx
I did an opk today and it was clearly negative but then I'm only 6 dpoI always use Asda own brand as they don't have evaps and are 15 sensitivity and only cost 3.50 for two tests, I'm going to test on Saturday at 10dpo if I haven't had any spotting xxx
Ooooo reallythanks that's encouraging, hope you're feeling ok hun xxx
Awww I know, I would be exactly the same but remember this is a new pregnancy, new start and every chance to see a wonderful result on the scanxxxxxx
Awww I know, I would be exactly the same but remember this is a new pregnancy, new start and every chance to see a wonderful result on the scanxxxxxx
I know, but I still can't help worrying.
I have to say, this time is different from the one I lost in sept, I seem to have more symptoms than last time. Whether it's the progesterone I'm taking doing its job or whether its just different anyway.
Hi all,
Creative, sorry AF got you. Dont give up
Jose, sperm can live up to 7 days, so you should still be ok. Just make sure you DTD the day he goes if possible!
When I did test this time I did it 9 DPO and used a tesco own brand. I swear I saw the faintest of faint lines when I pulled it apart. Still very faint 10 DPO but there was one there.
I also used OPk to see what happened and the line went darker there as well, not as dark as control line.
I did an OPK yesterday to see what happens. The test line appears really dark before the wee has even reached the control line! The test line is so much darker than control, so OPK do pick up HCG!
Yes I agree I never realised just how much your body goes through to get pregnant before all this I knew it was complex but I never realised just how much! No holidays planned at mo but were hoping to go to New York this year, DH loves USA and would love to live there xxx