Thought I would start a new thread and see if there are any takers!
I`m Lisa and I am 40 - 41 in August.
I have 3 children boy 10, girl 7 and boy 23 months.
I had a first tri loss in July 09 at 8 weeks and a slecond tri loss in Jan this year at 13-14 weeks - LO born sleeping 12.1.12.
we have now decided to TTC again.
There are posts for TTC after loss and TTC over 35 but nothing for over 40`s who are TTC after loss.
At this age the chance of MC we all know is a lot higher. I saw a specialist last week and will be under this clinic.
They have taken loads of blood and the results will be back in 5-6 weeks, so i go back 19th June - they said if i am PG then that will be great timing. They will also scan me then and every 2 weeks after that.
Hoping there are other ladies out there in the same position as me and we can help each other through this scary time.
DANCAREOI - Lisa - age 42. - Caitlin Erin - born 3rd sept 2013 - 7.4
XANTH - Sarah - age 43 Eloise Beatrix - 18th sept 2013 - 7.9
CREATIVE - Karen - age 44 Barnaby Arran - 28th November 2013 - 8lb
CRAZYMAM - jan - age 43 : Tabitha born 20th November 2013 - 7lb 7oz
JOSIE1234 - Jo - age. 45 - TTC
LEFTWONDERIN - Regina - age. 41 - Sean Joseph - 22 Feb 14 - 8lb -WTT
GARFIE - Fiona - Age 43 - TTC
OASIS 717 Becks - Age 42 Brooklyn - born 18th oct 2013 - 8.12. -TTC again
SERENJAY - T - age 42
SPARKLE - Jenn - age 40 - Reid
CRYSHEE - Crystal - Age 41 - Sayer Brecht - 12th February 2015 - 7lb 10oz
TILLYTTC - age 41 - Anna born 25th November 2014 - 7lb 10oz
ALIEN - Kim - age 41 - TTC
DRIVING280 - age 41 -
BASH73 Age 39. - TTC
KAT. - Age 41 - TTC
HomeEdMom. - Age 43 - TTC
Mandy1971. - age 42 - TTC