TTC after m/c before AF

Welcome maxxi. Hope this bfp dust rubs off. Ladies I am entering my fake tww. Two weeks until my post operative appt and I get to find out when we can start again.

Ready for that rainbow baby/babies nao!!
Sore boobs bleeding gums witch is Normal for me while pregnant thick white discharge that I also only get while pregnant ... Told my husband either i have some serious issues or I'm pregnant lol. Hopefully my body isn't lying to me lol
Hi Renae. I hope it does too. I just read your story. Sorry for everything. (By the way I love Montana)
Max - that all sounds really good! We're the same DPO I think except I don't know if I ovulated.

Hi to everyone else.
I love it up here. Best thing I ever did was to move up here to Montana.
Hi ladies, can I join you? :flower: I'd love to catch the baby dust you ladies seem to be spreading!! :)
I am waiting for AF to show post D&C which was done on 01/17. I'm not sure why it hasn't showed yet. I know I'm not pregnant because I just recently finished spotting post D&C and DH & I didn't get jiggy with it until 02/10. I don't know when to expect AF but I woudl think any day now. I wish she'd hurry up and show so that we can get back on the train. I got pregnant on Clomid after TTC for 11 months so I'm sure I'll have to get on Clomid again this time, which I can't do until I have a period. Ugh.
Anywho, I would really love to join you ladies if you don't mind :) And for those of you who had a D&C how long did it take for AF to show? I know it varies.

Hi I had a d&c and I ovulated 24 days after it and the got AF about 12 days after that.
Hi. Sorry for all the losses. I found out that I was pregnant on the 28 of Jan late at night. I went to walgreens early on the 29th to buy a digital hpt , the one's that say's pregnant/not pregnant. Within 1 min or less it said pregnant. My reactions where, OMG'.. My cycle started on the 20 of Jan a normal cycle for me. It went off on the 25 I then started spotting on the 27 and I decided to take a opk. Thinking that I was ovulation, it was very positive less than a minute so I decided why not take a hpt and there were two lines faint but to lines. I later on on the 29 went to the ER for spotting that seemed to be a period only when I wiped. They confirmed that I was pregnant but possibly having a chemical pregnancy. I recieved a shot of Rho-Gam after finding out that I'm RH NEGATIVE. My beta was 53. I went to the women's health center and got another beta Friday the 1 of Feb and my beta was 114. Went back for a another beta on the 4 of be my beta was 67, went back again for another beta on the 8th of Feb my beta was 8 I have to go back Feb 15 for another beta. We wasn't ttc but we wasn't preventing it from happening. We've tried for 11 years and I pretty much thought that I didn't have to worry about using protection because it wasn't going to happen. I was wrong. I have PCOS. I was on a self-impose diet when I found out meaning I was taking diet pills and dancing and doing things that I believe pregnant women shouldn't do. I lost 45lbs and conceived. I felt so hurt finding out that I was losing my baby only shortly finding out that I was pregnant. Now I'm trying to figure out what is next. My cycle hasn't come on my nipples are sore I've been having ovary aches and cramps in both ovary's and all the opk's I take say's negative. Pregnancy test is also negative. I'm happy that I can get pregnant but more fears have grown. This was my first pregnancy ever (that I know of and that's in my medical charts). I'm impatiently waiting to start ttc.
Hi Jade and sorry for your loss. I had 1 chemical along with my 3 miscarriages and all sucked. But don't blame yourself. They're so common and mostly due to something with chromosomes.

I tested again this morning and still faint and maybe a touch darker. If I took all three tests and mixed them up I could pick today's out but really it's because the control line is darker today. I'm not expecting this to turn into anything anymore :nope: Do you guys think I should get some opk's or just wait it out? AF should be here on I guess sometime next weekend. Why did I test!?!?!?
Hi Jade and sorry for your loss. I had 1 chemical along with my 3 miscarriages and all sucked. But don't blame yourself. They're so common and mostly due to something with chromosomes.

I tested again this morning and still faint and maybe a touch darker. If I took all three tests and mixed them up I could pick today's out but really it's because the control line is darker today. I'm not expecting this to turn into anything anymore :nope: Do you guys think I should get some opk's or just wait it out? AF should be here on I guess sometime next weekend. Why did I test!?!?!?

Maxxi, I'm so sorry for all of your losses. I know we've all lost. I too had a chemical and then this m/c last month. My doctor says if I have another one they will need to do tests or something. Have you had any tests done or just keep trying? :hugs: to you.
Hoping - I've never had any of the embryos tested but my work up prior to ivf was negative.

The bad news is that the positive tests are because of left over hcg :-(. The good news is that tech sees a cyst and says I should be ovulating soon. I never know when I ovulate though so how on earth will this work out again?
Hi I'm new to this. TTC #1 and had positive preg test last month after first time! Unfortunately turned out to be chemical pregnancy so have been waiting for AF for 2 weeks. However no sign and actually have signs that I'm ovulating. Doc said that this
Could be possible ad my body could have 'missed ' a period. She has said we can
Start trying as soon as we want but feels weird as not had AF? By the way what is BFP?

Get :sex: if you feel up to it!

Sorry for your loss, I had a chemical pregnancy in January, I ovulated 17 days after my 1st day of bleeding...and got my Bfp this month before another period, so if you feel up to it get at it cause you are super fertile following a chemical.:thumbup:

Thanks for the advice. I am going to keep trying. But I still have not had any bleeding (thought I would have some from losing the first pregnancy??) But nothing...
Hi Ladies, Sorry it has been a few days since I was on and posted anything. I got a call from the nurse at the DR office today. I was suppost to go in for a dating u/s since I had no AF between mc and new pregnancy. Problem is the u/s people dont want to book me as they dont know if it is a new prgnancy or left over from mc. My DR never booked me for a u/s after the mc, but reguardless shouldnt they see me to determine if 1-its left over from mc or 2- a new pregnancy??? Grrrrrr I am getting so fed up with the medical system here where we are. I have been given nothing but the run around since this all began in october. I am feeling so let down, definatly just another health care number in the system. I know there are far worse off people than me but I would like to know and desreve to know what is going on with my body so we can move forward. Kindda ironic how my DR said he would monitor this pregnancy more closely with u/s since I had a mc, when they wont even see me to see whats going on!
Hi Ladies, Sorry it has been a few days since I was on and posted anything. I got a call from the nurse at the DR office today. I was suppost to go in for a dating u/s since I had no AF between mc and new pregnancy. Problem is the u/s people dont want to book me as they dont know if it is a new prgnancy or left over from mc. My DR never booked me for a u/s after the mc, but reguardless shouldnt they see me to determine if 1-its left over from mc or 2- a new pregnancy??? Grrrrrr I am getting so fed up with the medical system here where we are. I have been given nothing but the run around since this all began in october. I am feeling so let down, definatly just another health care number in the system. I know there are far worse off people than me but I would like to know and desreve to know what is going on with my body so we can move forward. Kindda ironic how my DR said he would monitor this pregnancy more closely with u/s since I had a mc, when they wont even see me to see whats going on!

how long since your m/c?
I miscarried Dec 23. By the 2nd week of january I was getting CLEARLY negative preg tests both digi and reg. I also have ultra sensative which detects 10 mlu. I had very faint positive on jan 30 and feb 1st clear positive on digi and reg test.
I miscarried Dec 23. By the 2nd week of january I was getting CLEARLY negative preg tests both digi and reg. I also have ultra sensative which detects 10 mlu. I had very faint positive on jan 30 and feb 1st clear positive on digi and reg test.

Is 2/1 the last time you tried a hpt? Sorry for all the ?'s just trying to piece the puzzle togehter. I cannot believe your dr isn't seeing you!!!
I miscarried Dec 23. By the 2nd week of january I was getting CLEARLY negative preg tests both digi and reg. I also have ultra sensative which detects 10 mlu. I had very faint positive on jan 30 and feb 1st clear positive on digi and reg test.

Is 2/1 the last time you tried a hpt? Sorry for all the ?'s just trying to piece the puzzle togehter. I cannot believe your dr isn't seeing you!!!

No prob with the Q's. Trust me this has been quite the ordeal. No I sadly am a POAS junkie. . . Preg tests are like crack for me lol!!! I have done HPT probaby every few days to ensure a line is getting darker. I have also done the Clearblue conception indicator over hte past 3 weeks to insure it to was going up. Feb 1st I got preg w/ 1-2 since conception. Feb 9th Preg w/ 2-3 since conception and finally Feb 14th Preg w/ 3+ since conception. So I dont know much about this stuff, but 2nd week of jan to Jan 26(thats the last time I did a test before the faint positive on jan 30) were all CLEARLY neg. Both the clearblue digi and the ultra sensative 10 mlu tests I had. Then On the 30th I got a faint positive and it has steadly gotten darker to yesterday was the last test I took. To the point where the test line is darker than the conrol. Im just upset because reguardless as to wheather or not it is a new pregnancy, which I think it is, they need to find out to either help me with a new pregnancy or help me get rid of the last one, and the only way to do so is by an u/s, am I right?

I just went for more blood work, I gues to see if my levels have increased from mondays. I am just so worried as I am still SOOOO confused over the last one. Here is some food for thought. . . . I was on the Depo shot from jan 2011 to jan 2012. My last shot was jan 2012, I got my fist period since before shot in May. I had periods EVERY month May upto and including Sept. No period came in Oct. When I was well over a week and a half late I took a HPT Oct 18 it was neg, I did it right before bed so I thought Ill do one in the morning. Next morning Oct 19 Neg. Over the weekend still no AF so I took another HPT Oct 22 it was Neg so I call the DR and they sent me to the lab for urine test Oct 22 it was Neg. So ok 4 tests all neg, must just be this stupid shot trying to leave my system. Nov rolls around Still no AF. I had 1 HPTleft (all these HPT were first responce digi by the way) so I decided I would take it to ease my mind that it would be neg and I could make a DR appt to see what was going on, if things were normally like this. So Nov 16 I take this last test and it was POSITIVE. I explained the story to him when I got in to see him over a week and a half later, he didnt seem to think it was odd but was attiment I conceived in sept. I had a really funny feeling about the whole thing I just felt something was either already wrong or gonna go wrong. I went for my u/s dec 11 which should of shown a 13 week pregnancy, sadly it showed a 5 week pregnancy with no HB. my hubby and I went in to see the DR the next day, he was still hopeful that the baby was fine, really when he thought preg should be 13 but it showed 5?!?!?!? reguarless he wanted to send me back for an u/s a week later to see if there were any changes. Dec 17 went to emergency as I was starting to get brownish discharge sorry TMI. . but I thought ok I am miscarrying.I talked to DR in the morning of Dec 18 and told him about the discharge he wasnt concerned at all and sent me that afternoon for another u/s still no change and he confirmed it was a m/c. I had till dec 24 to miscarry naturally otherwise it wad a christmas ever D & C for me. It happened dec 23 at home. He never sent me for any u/s follow up other than blood work. .now fast forward to my nightmare as of today. Sorry the post is so long, just wanted to give you some back ground info. I have tried to wrap my head around the whole thing, and my DR is clearly no help. He couldnt answer anything. So now we wait and see. . . . .
Interesting. I think the bloodwork will definitely help clear this up a little - but if you're still testing positive and the bloodwork doesn't support that, then definitely an u/s would help. If the numbers are increasing the only possibility is that it's a new pregnancy, right?? When will you get results from today's bw?
Interesting. I think the bloodwork will definitely help clear this up a little - but if you're still testing positive and the bloodwork doesn't support that, then definitely an u/s would help. If the numbers are increasing the only possibility is that it's a new pregnancy, right?? When will you get results from today's bw?

I dont quite know. I dont think they test it here in town it gets sent to a city 2 hours away. The last time I asked they said 3-5 days. I hate the waiting game.:growlmad: Leaves ALOT of time for things to go wrong.

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