Cath- I did have one (actually a couple) after the MTX. The first one, they did an internal US to see if everything was out of my tubes (they weren't). The second one was basically to discuss next steps. That was when they told me how long to wait, etc. I mean, they had been saying that all along, but it was more of a conversation than anything else. They wanted to see how i was doing mentally and physically.
Chig - great restraint! I would not be able to wait.
Laubull - I have started doing baby aspirin. I seriously take like a million things a day.
Folic Acid for obvious reasons
B-6 to help blood flow (so that eggie doesn't get caught in my tubes again)
CoQ10 - to make my eggs stronger (DH takes this too)
Pre-natal (to build up just in case)
Baby Aspirin (days 14- 28 of my cycle, and maybe further if I ever make it that far)
Now I will be taking Clomid too. I should say that these are all self-prescribed (except the folic acid and Clomid). But they are vitamins, so I figure they can't hurt.
I can't wait to start Clomid. I am supposed to get AF today and she can not get here soon enough. I have started spotting brown (TMI - sorry), so I hope any minute now...