epump, I am 6 dpiui, amd I have a whole lot of nothing going on! With my pregnancy in February, I did not start to notice anything until about 10 dpiui, so I am trying not to read too much into every little ache and pain I might have. My only real symptoms last time were sore boobs, which were really noticeable to me because I have never experienced them before, and random shooting pains in my lower abdomen that would come and go with no rhyme or reason. I started my progesterone suppositories the day after the IUI, and I hate them!! They don't cause any discomfort or side effects, I just hate having to wear a pantyliner because of the discharge (I know TMI!). I am going to test next Friday, and I know this week is just going to drag! I know what you mean about not comparing symptoms to my earlier pregnancy. The sore boobs won't freak me out since I know that's completely normal, but the shooting pains will if I get them again because I will probably be afraid that it is a sign of a not healthy pregnancy. I wish that we could get the innocence of pregnancy back!
Hpyns, where are you at with this cycle?