TTC after Methotrexate shot

Right I've been looking around an I can't find anywhere that you have to wait 3 months per shot so I'm guessing that my hospital did get it wrong. This doesn't surprise me one bit, the doctor who gave me my injection had never actually done it before.
Hi ladies, I am just catching up on this thread because I've been on vacation for a couple of weeks...

Renzalxx -- I was not told to wait 3 months for my one methotrexate shot. They told me to wait until I got my first AF after HCG went to 0. So doctors give different information and some will tell you to wait to be on the safe side, but I definitely feel that waiting a year would be too long in your situation. Believe me, I will be 35 in a few months and I understand wanting to TTC again ASAP.

About the B vitamins, I take a Super B-Complex that I got from Target. Actually, after doing a little reading, it sounds like your B-50 is very similar. I think you're on the right track with that one.
Best of luck Monday Renzalxx. I hope your number go way down. I understand your frustration. Happigail is right. This forum is very helpful in reading how other women have made it through and now TTC. It will happen for us too.
I'm trying to get back to normal the best I can. This is a horrible thing. And, it's very hard since so many around me do not grasp what I'm going through. Physically or mentally. I feel such pressure to move on, but I don't always feel like it. My LO keeps me going and knowing God is holding me helps tremendously. My trust in in God!
Sorry for the rant. Staying positive and sometimes need to vent.
Glad you still chat here Happigail even though your situation ended up being different. Thanks for the link. I'll check that out.

Happy weekend all and blessings!
Yea... The B-50 complex is the same as Super B complex... It is just all 50 mg instead of 100+. Although, I didn't start taking them yet. I am still take 50mg of B6 a day.
Renzalxx, so sorry for your loss :hugs: I had 2 doses of methotrexate, my clinic actually has a 2 dose protocol when they have to give someone mtx and they never even waited to see if my #s would start dropping after 1 dose before giving me the 2nd one. I had the 2 shots less than a week apart. I was told I had to wait 3 months total, not 3 months per shot. Hope your next appt goes well.

So, here is my TTC update for this cycle. I got the LH surge today, so I gave myself the trigger shot this afternoon and I go for my IUI tomorrow afternoon. I have 2 follies, but they are smaller than I would like. The trigger shot should help them grow some more before ovulation. Based on this, I will go in for my blood test on 7/25. I know from the last time that I got a strong positive 13 days after the IUI, so I will probably POAS on 7/22.
I have a feeling you will get your BFP this month!!! Super excited for you and fingers and toes crossed!
@ happigail - I just have to tell you that I love Kitty's photos!!! She is absolutely STUNNING!
Thank you SO much jparr!!! I know just how lucky I am, she is my sunshine! Xx
Hi ladies
Thank you so much for your messages of support. Your kindness has been overwhelming!
Finally my levels have dropped from 6080 to 4600 so things are starting to look up. NO MORE bottom jabs yaaaaaay!
HappieGail, the website you posted me is the best one on the net, thank you so much for pointing me to it, it had all the answers that have been running through my head and I can finally get a decent night sleep.:flower::happydance:
All the best to you all and sending you a lifetime of hugs and babydust x:hugs:

I'm so glad to hear it helped Renzal! I must admit it helped me to, it's very clear and concise. Hugs and congrats on the good drop!
Hey everyone, just got caught up on this thread! I've been out on vacation (well, at the inlaws for my SIL's wedding so not *really* a vacation!) for the past week and a half. Glad to see everyone doing okay - especially the dropping HcG for those of you!! That is great news and you all are close to being on the other side. Horray!

JPARR, I am not taking any B-vitamins right now. Just a prenatal and extra folic acid. But I may definitely talk to my doctor about it if things don't work out this cycle.

Michelle, I hope the IUI and trigger went well! I think we are completely synced up. I had my positive OPK this morning. Depending on my temp spikes I should be 1dpo probably tomorrow. Which puts POAS 7/23 (my last two miscariages I tested positive on 12 dpo which would be 7/23). Gah, so nervous and excited!
epump, I hope you enjoyed your "vacation". I am with you on not considering a week and a half with the in-laws a vacation, LOL. The IUI and trigger went fine. My previous 2 IUIs were really uncomfortable, but this one was not and they had no problem getting to my uterus, so that is a plus. We are synced up, I will definitely be POAS on 7/22. Fingers crossed for you! I am glad that you are feeling excited!

JPARR, when is AF due for you? Its got to be coming soon, right?!

Renzalxx, that is great news about your levels, hopefully that keeps up.
AF is due like Aug 8 or something like that. I think I might stop taking the 50 mg of B6. I just don't know what to do. I don't want my cycle longer... I just want to ovulate earlier. Oh I dunno. I wish I just had a normal m/c. Nothing could be seen in uterus or tubes. So I am left here wondering what happening. So, I keep thinking that it will just happen again.
Jparr, :hugs: I wish I just had a normal miscarriage too :( I've heard soy isoflavone supplements help you to ovulate by having your body produce more estrogen. Maybe this would help you.

AFM, 8dpo on 7th cycle ttc post HSG. AF is due on the 17th, but I'll get signs on the 15th or 16th if AF is arriving. Last chance to ttc completely naturally for us.
I looked in to that also... I just don't want to take anything just because... I don't want to mess anything up or ruin my chances.
Sorry you are having a rough day JPARR. I know what you mean, in the back of my head I am still scared that something is going to go wrong since I didn't have a normal miscarriage :hugs: I've just told myself that being negative is not going to help anything, and have tried to keep those thoughts to a minimum.

Hpyns, good luck this cycle, lots of baby dust to you!
JPARR, sorry you are upset, but I totally understand. So many things can factor when you ovulate (stress, illness, travel, etc.) that it's hard to figure out what "normal" is. I do know that it's perfectly okay to ovulate later than Day 14 and many women conceive just fine. I'm also hesitant to try soy/B-complex just b/c I am a nervous nelly about those sort of things :) But who knows, we'll see.

Hpyns, good luck this cycle!!!
Thanks ladies :) I won't take any kind of supplement either because when I conceived with the ectopic I was taking Vitex, which is supposed to help your body create more progesterone and hold onto any embies better (I had been spotting 4 days before AF and then about 6 day post light flow, which sucks!). The Vitex stopped the spotting, but I always think in the back on my head that maybe my body would have miscarried properly if I hadn't forced the Vitex in there and promoted holding onto a misplaced emby. Hmmm.... so, unless I get a lot more info from my FS I would like to stay as natural as possible. I'm still totally scared that if I take clomid it will "force" another conception and I could very well end up with another ectopic. I don't think my fear will ever go away, it's been too traumatizing :cry: but I do my best to stay positive and look forward to the day that I will hold my very own LO!! :happydance:
Hypns... What you said makes perfect sense. The trauma ugh... That's exactly what it is and you went through a lot more than me.

Guys it's 3 weeks today since having the shot. I've miscarried and got back to zero. Is it normal for me to still be feeling complete rubbish? I am so shattered and panicky all the time :( when will I begin to feel better? :(

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