Hello all,
I have been reading this thread for a few days now from start to finish.... thanks to Elhaym for pointing me to this thread! I am so glad I did because I feel like I know you now and what you have all gone through. It has helped me immensely... thank you!
I was diagnosed with a right ectopic this past Wednesday, August 1 and was given Methotrexate that very night in the ER. I had my BHCG drawn last night and my doctor just emailed me all my levels and says it is decreasing nicely and thinks that my BHCG will go down to <5 before a months time.
Just so you know a little of me and for others to benefit from my experience... here goes...
LMP: June 18, 2011
Doctor later believes I conceived on July 9th, 2011
Bogus LMP as per doctor: July 13, 2011 (bled for 3 days like a period)
July 19 bled after sex. (thought that was odd but thought it was due to my endometriosis (I was diagnosed with Stage 4 endometriosis in January, 2011 via laparoscopy) and spotting stopped after about 12 hours.)
July 23 bled again after sex. (at this point I called my doctor and she said it was my endometriosis and that we will talk soon about being more aggressive fighting it. This spotting lasted about 12-24 hours.)
July 25 and July 26 bled like a period and had HORRIBLE cramping and right side ovary/lower back/hip pain.
July 26 Took a home pregnancy test at home (To my surprise... POSITIVE! and confirmed it with a blood test that night. BHCG:556.1)
July 27 BHCG: 771.7, Progesterone: 3.0 Ultrasound found nothing.
July 28 and July 29 cramping and spotting and then stopped.
July 30 BHCG: 882.9 Some spotting. Progesterone blood level sent to lab. Waiting for results (3 days later is was: Progesterone 5.0)
July 31 BHCG: 940.7 Terrible right side pain for 1 hour. US done. Nothing visible.
August 1 - HCG 1,065.6
August 3 - HCG 804.8 @ 18:10 US performed and ectopic found on right tube.
August 3 - HCG 851.3 @ 21:48 After repeat levels drawn... Methotrexate given in ER at midnight.
August 7 - HCG 343.9 Day 4 of having received Methotrexate.
Doctor wants me to have a Hysterosalpingoram (HSG) to make sure my tubes are clear after my BHCG levels go down to less than 5.
Then she wants me to go directly to an IVF because of my failed attempts at IUI x 2 and failed attempt with timed intercourse on clomid/progesterone and of course this ectopic pregnancy AND my Stage 4 endometriosis.
So right now I am happy that my number jumped down from 851.3 to 343.9 in 4 days and am very hopeful for the future.
I wish the best for all of you. I really do!!!! And thanks for sharing!!