TTC after Methotrexate shot

Hey ladies! Just had my consultation w/ FS. He said my remaining tube did not look normal and that it was doubtful I could get PG naturally :( So we're moving forward w/ IVF, most likely it will be late Sept!!!! I'm a bit overwhelmed right now. He mentioned that because my tube looked possibly blocked I could have less of a success rate then if it was fully open, so I'm nervous but optimistic. In my mind, I will be PG in 2 months!!
Sorry to hear your news Hpyns4life, stretching a big fuzzy cuddle from over here to you...:hugs:

I have a great feeling about your IVF, every friend of mine (about 4) with various degrees of infertifility have had success with IVF so lots of babydust on the breeze to you xx
Thank you Renzalxx :hugs: That means a lot to me. I have a really good feeling about the IVF too. I never felt very optimistic about ttc naturally, I thought my tube wasn't good enough, but the docs said it was and to go ahead naturally. It's nice to have some confirmation. I just "know" that this is going to work. And I'm usually right! :haha:
Hi belleedancr
I had my weekly bloods on Monday (HCG down to 3..... so close) and the doc advised it can anywhere between 2 - 4 weeks before you get your period. Never looked forward to mine so much in my life heh heh... Desperately hoping my next bloods on Monday state I am down to ZERO whoop whoop :wohoo:then I can start building myself up again.
All the best xxx:flower:

Hi Renzalaxx,

I had conual ectopic in feb/march this year! It was so distressing and terrifying as docs told me it was the most dangerous type of ectopic you can get..

I struggled to come to terms with it and was so afraid of rupture, getting my first propper period was just the biggest relief.

Im still experiencing strange twinges in my side but i am trying again now.
Do you worry about it happening again?

Hi Coxy1978:flower:

Yes, I too am struggling with the loss and the terrifying fact I could have lost my uterus or even my life - and that it may happen again... I was treated with 4 injections of Methotrexate every second day for 8 days and about 2 weeks later I had a mini labour (LOTS of blood, clots and contractions) which was excrutiating but since then things are beggining to go back to normal. It has been about 5 weeks all up so I am pretty lucky in that area...

I am really looking forward to trying again to conceive but am worried about the amout of MTX in my system so will be visiting a specialist on Monday to see what they think is the right amount of time to wait....

All the very best with your baby making ventures, I will have all my fingers and toes crossed for you, be sure to keep us posted....:hugs::dust:

Oh bless you, having 4 lots of methotrexate? :hugs: why did you have to have 4 doses so close together? What were your HCG levels? Mine were 3'000 the day before my shot, but had a small bleed over night and just before the shot they had dropped to about 1'800.

Did they ever give you an option to attempt it surgically? i read on internet a post from a lady who had her cornual ectopic removed with surgery...but my doctors just told me it was not an option as the risks (death from excessive bleeding) were too high.

I was 9+ weeks when i eventually got the shot. They spent far too long looking for it i think! I dont think i slept for about 6 was the worst experience of my life. All i could think about was if something was to happen to me - i was afraid for my children (i have 3 already) and couldnt bare leaving them without their mum.

Im a nervous wreck about trying again, but i know there is no other way round it, if i want to complete my family, I have to take a risk. I think if it does happen again, I wouldnt risk it a third time. I am truely grateful for the 3 children i already have, and i feel it must be so much worse for those of you who have experienced this for your first pregnancy!

I think the usual time to wait after methotrexate is 3 months, but i dont know if its longer if you had a higher dose.
Awwww, I really wish you lots of luck - and also all the other ladies reading these threads - :dust: to all of you! xx
Hi ladies, it's been a while since I've checked in and I just wanted to see how everyone is doing.

Welcome to all the new ladies, I know this is a crappy club to belong to but these ladies are great and an amazing support.

epump, I hope that your u/s goes perfectly and shows your little bean getting nice and comfy in your uterus!

JPARR, OMG!! So what is the update, have you had a blood test yet? So excited for you!

Hpyns, you have such a great attitude about everything. I'm glad you were at least able to get some answers and have a plan going forward. I too have known a lot of women with various fertility issues that have had wonderful success with IVF (and on the first attempt no less). I know you will do great too, and September is not that far away!

As for me, I am on CD 12 today, and this cycle I have thankfully responded to my meds. I have a nice big follie at 21.9 mm (mature for women on clomid is between 20 and 24), so I am doing my shot to force ovulation tonight and going for my IUI on Sunday. My follie is on the left ovary, and with the pregnancy that they were worried could be ectopic I ovulated from the right, so I'm glad I don't have to think about that too much. On to the 2 week wait!
Thanks Michelle! I did go for bloods on Wednesday (10dpo) and my HCG was at 14. I went back this morning and will get results later on today. Fingers crossed. For updates on me this is my journal ---->

I don't always post my updates on here. Sorry ladies!

@ Hpyns4life- I am sorry to hear about your remaining tube... :hugs: Although, how great is it that you finally got answers and that you will start IVF in September!!!!!!! Praying you get that sticky bean in September. :hugs: :happydance:
Hypns, I'm glad you finally got some answers that you were looking for. Almost a relief to hear a dr. confirm what you were feeling all along, huh? We will all be here rooting for you when Sept comes around for IVF!

JPARR, keep us posted for beta #2!

Michelle, so encouraging to hear you have a nice fat follie!! YOu're almost already in the 2WW again - hooray!

Lots of babydust to all the new folks on this thread! What an amazing group of girls here!

As for me, my pregnancy is in the UTERUS!! I am measuring exactly on track at 5w6d - saw a beautiful gestational sac and yolk sac!! I go back next Friday for another u/s to see the heartbeat. The u/s technician said everything looked spot on! She was so nice considering I burst into tears as soon as I got on the table! I told her how I was scared of another ectopic, she put the wand in right away and said, "You can relax it's not ectopic!" Then she did all the measurements and pointed things out along the way. Turns out I ovulated on the same side as the ectopic - which I had been worried about since I read most women alternate sides and knew that this month lined up with me left side again. I know there are still hurdles out there, but it's a huge weight off my shoulders to know it's not ectopic again!

Much love and warm wishes to everyone on this thread! xoxo
Congratulations epump, thats great news. I love hearing stories like yours it gives me so much hope.

Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months and keep us updated xxx
I know im repeating other comments but i still feel the urge and excitement to congratulate you successful and very brave ladies!

e-pump! Thats amazing! You must be over the moon! I agree with bells' that it really gives us hope. And those betas look lovely and healthy...hope you dont suffer too much with the morning sickness!! Often, its the higher your levels - the stronger the sickness!! But if you do, i have some tips I can share. x

Bells n bump - I see you're due to test soon, good luck to you too!

JPARR - congrats to you and hope the blood tests and eventually your scan reveal everything is where it should be!

Hpyns - Sounds like you have recieved some confirmation and it sounds very hopeful that you'll eventually get a sticky bean, my fingers are crossed for you.

and likewise for Michelle - wish you lots of luck this month.

I dont have a ticker but im pretty sure im ripe and ready, so theres gonna be plenty of action this wkend! :winkwink::winkwink:
Epump!!!! Happy happy news!! :happydance: That's such a relief :)
Jparr: FX'd HCG doubles and everything is perfect!
epump, that is such amazing news! I am so happy for you, and I can't wait to get next week's update on the heartbeat!
YAH! epump. I am so happy for you. Praying little one gets real comfy inside mommy for a good 9 months. Big hug!!

hypns- I'm glad things went well at FS. Praying!!! You have an amazing attitude. One day at a time.

Welcome newbies!

I haven't posted in a while. It is so nice to hear great positive stories. You women are so strong and amazing. This support is wonderful! I found out my beta HCGs were 22 end of July, 5 weeks after metho shot. My bleeding has finally stopped after 2 full months of bleeding nonstop. I go Tuesday for last (hopefully) blood work, another u/s, and consult with doc to see where I go from here. This has been such a long process. 7 weeks this Wed. Fx'd and praying for good, positive news Tues. to move forward on TTC. I am hoping my cysts have gone and my tubes are clear. The nurse mentioned the doc might want to do a dye test to check my tubes. Anyone had this done? What should I expect?

Hugs to all!!!
Hi belleedancr
I had my weekly bloods on Monday (HCG down to 3..... so close) and the doc advised it can anywhere between 2 - 4 weeks before you get your period. Never looked forward to mine so much in my life heh heh... Desperately hoping my next bloods on Monday state I am down to ZERO whoop whoop :wohoo:then I can start building myself up again.
All the best xxx:flower:

Hi Renzalaxx,

I had conual ectopic in feb/march this year! It was so distressing and terrifying as docs told me it was the most dangerous type of ectopic you can get..

I struggled to come to terms with it and was so afraid of rupture, getting my first propper period was just the biggest relief.

Im still experiencing strange twinges in my side but i am trying again now.
Do you worry about it happening again?

Hi Coxy1978:flower:

Yes, I too am struggling with the loss and the terrifying fact I could have lost my uterus or even my life - and that it may happen again... I was treated with 4 injections of Methotrexate every second day for 8 days and about 2 weeks later I had a mini labour (LOTS of blood, clots and contractions) which was excrutiating but since then things are beggining to go back to normal. It has been about 5 weeks all up so I am pretty lucky in that area...

I am really looking forward to trying again to conceive but am worried about the amout of MTX in my system so will be visiting a specialist on Monday to see what they think is the right amount of time to wait....

All the very best with your baby making ventures, I will have all my fingers and toes crossed for you, be sure to keep us posted....:hugs::dust:

Oh bless you, having 4 lots of methotrexate? :hugs: why did you have to have 4 doses so close together? What were your HCG levels? Mine were 3'000 the day before my shot, but had a small bleed over night and just before the shot they had dropped to about 1'800.

Did they ever give you an option to attempt it surgically? i read on internet a post from a lady who had her cornual ectopic removed with surgery...but my doctors just told me it was not an option as the risks (death from excessive bleeding) were too high.

I was 9+ weeks when i eventually got the shot. They spent far too long looking for it i think! I dont think i slept for about 6 was the worst experience of my life. All i could think about was if something was to happen to me - i was afraid for my children (i have 3 already) and couldnt bare leaving them without their mum.

Im a nervous wreck about trying again, but i know there is no other way round it, if i want to complete my family, I have to take a risk. I think if it does happen again, I wouldnt risk it a third time. I am truely grateful for the 3 children i already have, and i feel it must be so much worse for those of you who have experienced this for your first pregnancy!

I think the usual time to wait after methotrexate is 3 months, but i dont know if its longer if you had a higher dose.
Awwww, I really wish you lots of luck - and also all the other ladies reading these threads - :dust: to all of you! xx

Thanks sweetness for your kind words, it really means alot to have someone understand exactly what you are going through...:flower:
My levels were at around 6000 and then after the shots they fell pretty quickly. I was about 8 weeks when they diagnosed my ectopic on 29/6/11. Im anxiously awaiting my results from my bloods this morning to see if I am now zero, fingers crossed. Then will have a chitchat to one of the nurses to see what the next step is...:happydance:
Not sure why they gave me so much MTX, Surgery definately wasnt an option as like you, could have been lethal... poo bum wee! Certainly not the nicest experience for my first pregnancy but we will try again as soon as were allowed to. Im 35 and DH is 32 so we cant really waste anymore time.
All the very best to you and everyone else on this thread who is TTC... so much good news on here of late too.... makes my heart warm xxx:friends:
Yay ladies, EPump and JParr so very excited for you bothxxx

Whoop Whoop! Im finally down to zero!!!!! :yipee: Spoke to my specialist and she said that doesnt matter how much MTX you have, its three months of folate after you reach zero and you can try again OH HAPPY DAYS!! Feel like myself again too, bring on Aunt Flo.... xxx
Hello all,

I have been reading this thread for a few days now from start to finish.... thanks to Elhaym for pointing me to this thread! I am so glad I did because I feel like I know you now and what you have all gone through. It has helped me immensely... thank you!

I was diagnosed with a right ectopic this past Wednesday, August 3rd and was given Methotrexate that very night in the ER. I had my BHCG drawn last night and my doctor just emailed me all my levels and says it is decreasing nicely and thinks that my BHCG will go down to <5 before a months time.

Just so you know a little of me and for others to benefit from my experience... here goes...

LMP: June 18, 2011
Doctor later believes I conceived on July 9th, 2011
Bogus LMP as per doctor: July 13, 2011 (bled for 3 days like a period)
July 19 bled after sex. (thought that was odd but thought it was due to my endometriosis (I was diagnosed with Stage 4 endometriosis in January, 2011 via laparoscopy) and spotting stopped after about 12 hours.)
July 23 bled again after sex. (at this point I called my doctor and she said it was my endometriosis and that we will talk soon about being more aggressive fighting it. This spotting lasted about 12-24 hours.)
July 25 and July 26 bled like a period and had HORRIBLE cramping and right side ovary/lower back/hip pain.
July 26 Took a home pregnancy test at home (To my surprise... POSITIVE! and confirmed it with a blood test that night. BHCG:556.1)
July 27 BHCG: 771.7, Progesterone: 3.0 Ultrasound found nothing.
July 28 and July 29 cramping and spotting and then stopped.
July 30 BHCG: 882.9 Some spotting. Progesterone blood level sent to lab. Waiting for results (3 days later is was: Progesterone 5.0)
July 31 BHCG: 940.7 Terrible right side pain for 1 hour. US done. Nothing visible.
August 1 - HCG 1,065.6
August 3 - HCG 804.8 @ 18:10 US performed and ectopic found on right tube.
August 3 - HCG 851.3 @ 21:48 After repeat levels drawn... Methotrexate given in ER at midnight.
August 7 - HCG 343.9 Day 4 of having received Methotrexate.

Doctor wants me to have a Hysterosalpingoram (HSG) to make sure my tubes are clear after my BHCG levels go down to less than 5.

Then she wants me to go directly to an IVF because of my failed attempts at IUI x 2 and failed attempt with timed intercourse on clomid/progesterone and of course this ectopic pregnancy AND my Stage 4 endometriosis.

So right now I am happy that my number jumped down from 851.3 to 343.9 in 4 days and am very hopeful for the future.

I wish the best for all of you. I really do!!!! And thanks for sharing!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hello all,

I have been reading this thread for a few days now from start to finish.... thanks to Elhaym for pointing me to this thread! I am so glad I did because I feel like I know you now and what you have all gone through. It has helped me immensely... thank you!

I was diagnosed with a right ectopic this past Wednesday, August 1 and was given Methotrexate that very night in the ER. I had my BHCG drawn last night and my doctor just emailed me all my levels and says it is decreasing nicely and thinks that my BHCG will go down to <5 before a months time.

Just so you know a little of me and for others to benefit from my experience... here goes...

LMP: June 18, 2011
Doctor later believes I conceived on July 9th, 2011
Bogus LMP as per doctor: July 13, 2011 (bled for 3 days like a period)
July 19 bled after sex. (thought that was odd but thought it was due to my endometriosis (I was diagnosed with Stage 4 endometriosis in January, 2011 via laparoscopy) and spotting stopped after about 12 hours.)
July 23 bled again after sex. (at this point I called my doctor and she said it was my endometriosis and that we will talk soon about being more aggressive fighting it. This spotting lasted about 12-24 hours.)
July 25 and July 26 bled like a period and had HORRIBLE cramping and right side ovary/lower back/hip pain.
July 26 Took a home pregnancy test at home (To my surprise... POSITIVE! and confirmed it with a blood test that night. BHCG:556.1)
July 27 BHCG: 771.7, Progesterone: 3.0 Ultrasound found nothing.
July 28 and July 29 cramping and spotting and then stopped.
July 30 BHCG: 882.9 Some spotting. Progesterone blood level sent to lab. Waiting for results (3 days later is was: Progesterone 5.0)
July 31 BHCG: 940.7 Terrible right side pain for 1 hour. US done. Nothing visible.
August 1 - HCG 1,065.6
August 3 - HCG 804.8 @ 18:10 US performed and ectopic found on right tube.
August 3 - HCG 851.3 @ 21:48 After repeat levels drawn... Methotrexate given in ER at midnight.
August 7 - HCG 343.9 Day 4 of having received Methotrexate.

Doctor wants me to have a Hysterosalpingoram (HSG) to make sure my tubes are clear after my BHCG levels go down to less than 5.

Then she wants me to go directly to an IVF because of my failed attempts at IUI x 2 and failed attempt with timed intercourse on clomid/progesterone and of course this ectopic pregnancy AND my Stage 4 endometriosis.

So right now I am happy that my number jumped down from 851.3 to 343.9 in 4 days and am very hopeful for the future.

I wish the best for all of you. I really do!!!! And thanks for sharing!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

:hugs: i know how much this thread has helped me and how much it has helped me look to the future with a more possitive attitude, esp with all the good news lately (Epump & JPARR) hopefully it will be our turn soon :hugs:
Hugs, New Yorker. So sorry for your loss and that you have to join this thread :( But it sounds like your numebrs are decreasing perfectly and you are well on your way to zero. I'm glad you have a good plan with your Dr. for what's next - it always helps to game plan in place!

For you (and for RunningMom), I had an HSG/dye test this past cycle to check my tubes. It definitely was MUCH better than some of the horror stories I read on the internet. It wasn't painful, just some mild crmaping/preassure in my uterus when they inserted the dye. It only last a minute or so. I did have the Dr. prescribe me a Vicodin ahead of time - I think it really helped with the nerves/pain, so I highly recommend taking something beforehand.

Renzal, congrats on reaching zero! Wahoo!
Thanks epump.

This will be my second HSG. I had my first one before I tried IUI and all seemed just fine. It was not painful in the least and it was very quick for me too.

I get very antsy and just want to fast forward to getting pregnant. This is all very tough.

Congrats on getting pregnant and in the right place this time! :thumbup::happydance:
I also had an HSG, dye test. It was really easy for me. Especially, like epump I had read some really scary stories online. I took 4 Advil before and I could barely feel anything. Pretty much like a pap smear except it takes longer and there's a little bit of pressure. I spotted for a few hours and had a tiny bit of cramping (less than my period) after the test. And they say it hurts if you have a blocked tube, nonsense. I had only 1 tube, so the other one was essentially blocked and I felt no pain on my non-tube side. And now the FS is saying my remaining tube is blocked as well, and I still didn't have pain.

Expect a room with a hospital bed with big equipment all around it. They set you up just like a pap and put in the speculum. Then they attach some metal (maybe plastic) devices to make sure everything is stable when they go into your cervix. It felt like they were attaching robot parts down there :haha: Then Doc inserts the tube (mine was metal) and it feels a bit like a pap but I don't like the feeling of the cotton swab, so it was less uncomfortable than that. Then they slowly insert the dye and they take x-rays of the dye going in. I was able to see the monitor, so that was cool. I laid on the table for a few minutes before getting up because I had made myself pretty anxious before hand and was feeling a bit light headed. The tech gave me a cool washcloth on my forehead and I felt tons better. You'll know right away how your tubes look, which is great because there's no anxious waiting period. I hope you get great news!!
Well ladies I was sure I was out this month but now I'm not so sure. Since the MTX AF has been very regular on a 27 day cycle but this month I'm currently on cd29 and still no sign even though due to various things we have actually only DTD twice I think (tmi). I really wanna test but due to my obsession last time ( used about 20 hpts) DH has put me on a ban until there is no sign of af for at least 5 weeks!!! I dont think I can wait that long I may have to have a sneeky test on my lunch, fx'd I'm so desperate for my rainbow baby xxx

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