New Yorker- So sorry to hear of your loss. I understand your pain and ordeal with endo as well. I hope your numbers go down fast and all is well with IVF.
epump- How are you feeling, Mommy? Lots of prayers
I did not end up having dye test. My numbers are finally down to 0! Woo Hoo!!!! I still have cysts (3), but they are small and have decreased since last time so they are not related to my endo. Yah! Good news. Did not want to have surgery and prolong TTC even more. Doc said to go back on prenatals with at least 800mg of folic acid and we are good to go. He said not to stress too much trying and just let it happen. That if I was not pregnant by my yearly that we would go from there to do something different. I thought it was odd he didn't tell me to wait 3 months like most of you have been told. :/ But, he did want me in as soon as I got a BFP with HPT since I was higher risk. Wanted to really watch me. Overall, I felt good as I left the clinic. The loss still hurts but I feel normal again and hopeful. God's plan is great!