Hi, Hope youre all ok! and hope things going well for you hapyns!!
I got my BFP yesterday at 11 DPO. Feeling pretty anxious and paranoid on one hand and on the other i feel happy and ecited.
Im wondering if ANY of you ladies, when you discovered you were preg (with the ectopic) if any of you suffered wit the classic PG symptoms like really sore bb's and sickness?
Ive had 3 successful pregnancies and always started with sickness at 4 weeks...and extremel sore bb's. Then unfortunately, usually in hosp by 5-6 wks with hyperemisis (excessive sickness)
When i had ectopic i didnt really get any symptoms of PG.... and what im wondering now, is as i have already got sore bb's and feeling of nausea (no vommiting yet but am only 3 wk + 5 days) do you think this is a good sign taht little bean is in the right place or do you think its irrelevent?
Please help...as many of you as poss...id be soooo gratefull. xx

Coxy, I am sooo very happy to hear your news, it has just made my day! I think its a GREAT sign that your symptoms are showing so early... a sick mummy is a healthy mummy so they say. I also didnt really experience many symptoms during my ectopic until about 6 weeks when my bbs became quite tender

I also had severe lower back pain as well right from the start which was a bit of a warning sign.
You and I have experienced the same nasty cornual ectopic which is very frightning to go through so I will be especially thinking of you and please keep us posted as to your progress... When can you go for a scan to put your mind at ease???
I have everything crossed for you hunny that it is going to be a gorgeous healthy sticky lil bean. Try not to overthink things too much (easier said then done though hey)! and keep positive.

Hypns, have everything crossed for you soon sweetness, this time I have a great feeling xx
Mwah x