TTC after Methotrexate shot

Thank you Tray, epmup and Renzalx, SO much!! All the love and support does wonders to my resolve :hugs: Another u/s today and we'll see how fast the follies are growing (I had 7 large ones at yesterdays u/s and they want to make sure they don't go too fast :wacko:)

Coxy: Yeah, either tube can pick up a released egg, but it's less likely that it'll cross "the great expanse" as I call it :haha: and find the opposite tube. Even with IVF there's still a chance for my embryo to go up my "stump" or my other tube and implant :mad: So I'll be a bag of nerves after transfer :nope: FX'd the twinges are a good side :thumbup:
Thank you Tray, epmup and Renzalx, SO much!! All the love and support does wonders to my resolve :hugs: Another u/s today and we'll see how fast the follies are growing (I had 7 large ones at yesterdays u/s and they want to make sure they don't go too fast :wacko:)

Coxy: Yeah, either tube can pick up a released egg, but it's less likely that it'll cross "the great expanse" as I call it :haha: and find the opposite tube. Even with IVF there's still a chance for my embryo to go up my "stump" or my other tube and implant :mad: So I'll be a bag of nerves after transfer :nope: FX'd the twinges are a good side :thumbup:

Best of luck! Xoxoxoxoxo
My ovaries feel HUGE!!! :haha: I have about 8 large follicles and I'm flying out to the FC tomorrow morning. I'm hoping that I'll get the trigger shot tomorrow since I'm responding to the meds just right :happydance: I can't wait! Thank you ladies! I'll check in again when I get the chance.
Hi, Hope youre all ok! and hope things going well for you hapyns!!

I got my BFP yesterday at 11 DPO. Feeling pretty anxious and paranoid on one hand and on the other i feel happy and ecited.

Im wondering if ANY of you ladies, when you discovered you were preg (with the ectopic) if any of you suffered wit the classic PG symptoms like really sore bb's and sickness?

Ive had 3 successful pregnancies and always started with sickness at 4 weeks...and extremel sore bb's. Then unfortunately, usually in hosp by 5-6 wks with hyperemisis (excessive sickness)

When i had ectopic i didnt really get any symptoms of PG.... and what im wondering now, is as i have already got sore bb's and feeling of nausea (no vommiting yet but am only 3 wk + 5 days) do you think this is a good sign taht little bean is in the right place or do you think its irrelevent?

Please many of you as be soooo gratefull. xx
Hi, Hope youre all ok! and hope things going well for you hapyns!!

I got my BFP yesterday at 11 DPO. Feeling pretty anxious and paranoid on one hand and on the other i feel happy and ecited.

Im wondering if ANY of you ladies, when you discovered you were preg (with the ectopic) if any of you suffered wit the classic PG symptoms like really sore bb's and sickness?

Ive had 3 successful pregnancies and always started with sickness at 4 weeks...and extremel sore bb's. Then unfortunately, usually in hosp by 5-6 wks with hyperemisis (excessive sickness)

When i had ectopic i didnt really get any symptoms of PG.... and what im wondering now, is as i have already got sore bb's and feeling of nausea (no vommiting yet but am only 3 wk + 5 days) do you think this is a good sign taht little bean is in the right place or do you think its irrelevent?

Please many of you as be soooo gratefull. xx

Coxy, I am sooo very happy to hear your news, it has just made my day! I think its a GREAT sign that your symptoms are showing so early... a sick mummy is a healthy mummy so they say. I also didnt really experience many symptoms during my ectopic until about 6 weeks when my bbs became quite tender :) I also had severe lower back pain as well right from the start which was a bit of a warning sign.
You and I have experienced the same nasty cornual ectopic which is very frightning to go through so I will be especially thinking of you and please keep us posted as to your progress... When can you go for a scan to put your mind at ease???
I have everything crossed for you hunny that it is going to be a gorgeous healthy sticky lil bean. Try not to overthink things too much (easier said then done though hey)! and keep positive. :flower::flower::flower::flower::flower:

Hypns, have everything crossed for you soon sweetness, this time I have a great feeling xx
Mwah x :friends:
congrats Coxy :happydance:

to answer your question i did get a few pregnancy symptoms with my ectopic but they didnt start until 5-6 weeks along, so if youf bb's are feeling sore now I'd say it's a positive sign everything is in the right place :flower: wow 11dpo and you got a BFP gives me massive hope. Im 9dpo and of course tested, if i hold the test up in direct sunlight (and i put my glasses on) i swear there is the beginning of a very very very faint pink shaddow of a line :haha: but more than likely i've just got line eye. I'll wait a few more days and try again.

So coxy H&H 9 months to you. Are you getting an early scan?

Hpyns any news with you sweetie?

Congrats Coxy!! I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you and your little bean! Are you going in early for bloods and scans?

I didn't have any symptoms with my ectopic at all. And with this pregnancy I started feeling quesy and "off" prior to testing BFP on 12 dpo. Then the nausea and fatigue hit hard at 6 weeks. So, yes, I definitely had symptoms earlier and more intensely with this pregnancy!

Oh Girls.....thank you so much for your replies... Feel like i can think about nothing but where this little bean is!!

Its reassuring to know your ectopic symptoms were quite low...i aslo got tender bb's about 6 weeks and also had lower back pain for a few days before bleeding started (about 6w 5d) but prior to that, i felt fine! I didnt get an Implantation bleed with ectopic either...
and as of yet have had no signs with this preg af IB...but did with my other 3.... I know not everyone gets IB so trying not to look too much into that but cant help it.

I saw a doc this morn, she booked me a scan for 3rd Oct 9.15 (GBT) I asked her about my bloods and she fobbed me off but agreed to discuss it wit another doc and let me know. But she said she didnt think they would do them! Im bit anoyed as when i was discharged from ectopic, im sure they told me they wud see me at EPAU at 5 wks, start bloods and then do scan at 6 wks. But Doc rang the EPAU while i was there and they just said theyd see me at 6 wks for a scan???? useless!

Really want my bloods done! I need some reassurance. Dont want another 2WW!!! arrggh!

Also, feeling paranoid again today as i woke in the night and bb's felt fine - not heavy and sore like they have been and i felt fine when i got up this morn, whereas the morn before i walked down stairs and just thought, uuggg! i felt sicky...

This is sooo confusing!
Why won't they do your bloods? It is a good thing that your boobs are hurting! That was my first sign with my pregnancy. Didn't have any symptoms with the ectopic.
I dont just said it was a standard procedure to do the bloods at 6 wks...but to be honest, think id of got further if id seen a different doctor!

I did push for the bloods so she said she'l discuss it with another doc and let me know...but she said she prob wouldnt call me back today as she was very busy! pppfff!

So frustrating, I feel like i have no say and it would mean so much to me to just know how those beta's are doing! otherwise its all guess work and symptom spotting but cant help worrying about my twingy side! A couple of times ive got an odd sharp pain in that
side, like when i get up quickly or twist... Ive had similar experience when preg before, but cant remember if it was one sided?

Did you get an early pos result when you tested when preg with the ectopic? i wasnt counting so much back then, but pretty sure i was maybe 16-17 DPO before i got a pos with my ectopic.

Hope all is good with your pregnancy? Will you be finding out the sex of your baby?
congrats Coxy :happydance:

to answer your question i did get a few pregnancy symptoms with my ectopic but they didnt start until 5-6 weeks along, so if youf bb's are feeling sore now I'd say it's a positive sign everything is in the right place :flower: wow 11dpo and you got a BFP gives me massive hope. Im 9dpo and of course tested, if i hold the test up in direct sunlight (and i put my glasses on) i swear there is the beginning of a very very very faint pink shaddow of a line :haha: but more than likely i've just got line eye. I'll wait a few more days and try again.

So coxy H&H 9 months to you. Are you getting an early scan?

Hpyns any news with you sweetie?


HI! hanks for your reply!

I also could see those real faint faint faint lines few days before got my proper BFP. I used the IC to begin with but it was soooo frustrating when i kept seeing these faint faint faint lines, so ended up buying a more solid was still only a cheapy, but it did give me the clear BFP...i didnt get a clear BFP on the IC until another day and half_ and then it was still faint.

So finger crossed the faint faint is goig to get darker and its a real BFP.... do you feel PG? x
Hi, Hope youre all ok! and hope things going well for you hapyns!!

I got my BFP yesterday at 11 DPO. Feeling pretty anxious and paranoid on one hand and on the other i feel happy and ecited.

Im wondering if ANY of you ladies, when you discovered you were preg (with the ectopic) if any of you suffered wit the classic PG symptoms like really sore bb's and sickness?

Ive had 3 successful pregnancies and always started with sickness at 4 weeks...and extremel sore bb's. Then unfortunately, usually in hosp by 5-6 wks with hyperemisis (excessive sickness)

When i had ectopic i didnt really get any symptoms of PG.... and what im wondering now, is as i have already got sore bb's and feeling of nausea (no vommiting yet but am only 3 wk + 5 days) do you think this is a good sign taht little bean is in the right place or do you think its irrelevent?

Please many of you as be soooo gratefull. xx

Coxy, I am sooo very happy to hear your news, it has just made my day! I think its a GREAT sign that your symptoms are showing so early... a sick mummy is a healthy mummy so they say. I also didnt really experience many symptoms during my ectopic until about 6 weeks when my bbs became quite tender :) I also had severe lower back pain as well right from the start which was a bit of a warning sign.
You and I have experienced the same nasty cornual ectopic which is very frightning to go through so I will be especially thinking of you and please keep us posted as to your progress... When can you go for a scan to put your mind at ease???
I have everything crossed for you hunny that it is going to be a gorgeous healthy sticky lil bean. Try not to overthink things too much (easier said then done though hey)! and keep positive. :flower::flower::flower::flower::flower:

Hypns, have everything crossed for you soon sweetness, this time I have a great feeling xx
Mwah x :friends:

Thanks for your reply Renzal!

Are you trying again yet? x Hows them twinges in your side? They getting less frequent?
Mine is playing me up a bit this last few wks, and im preying its just bit of scar tissue, thats feeling delicate from the movement of little beany AS IT PASSED RIGHT THROUGH!!! I hope this turns out good, not just because i want my baby, but also because i dont want to set a bar for you (in a bad way).

There seems to have been mostly success stories coming from this group though! Fingers crossed, this will be one more! x

With my loss back in march I got a positive the day of my expected period and that wa also the day I started bleeding. With this pregnancy, I got a positive test at 8 dpo. I think it was about 5 days before my expected period.
With my ectopic, I had nausea starting at 4 weeks, but it was very off and on. Not constant like with my first pregnancy. I'd be really nauseous, so I'd run to the bathroom, but by the time I got there I wouldn't be anymore...

And as for the doctor not doing bloodwork until 6 weeks..... That is just nuts! When I get my BFP, I've been instructed to get into the doc that very day for bloodwork and then back again two days after that for more. That will be the earliest way to detect/rule out ectopic. Then I'll have a scan at 5-6 weeks.

AF is due this Friday and we will be TTC after that. I'm so scared! But excited, too... I love reading this thread and seeing all of you who are successfully pregnant. But I definitely feel for those of you who have had another loss. I'm trying to really prepare myself for that, but it's hard to stay positive when I think like that....... Oh well. We are all basically in the same boat, so you know what I mean :)
Hey ladies, finally got to a computer. I had my egg retrieval on the 18th and out of 7 follicles they got 5 eggs and we just got the call that we have 4 embryos :happydance: They are growing as we speak and 2 of them will be transferred on the 21st. I'm so so SO excited. Thank you for all the well wishes! It really helped a lot to know we have so much support :hugs:
Hpyns, I am SOOOOO happy for you!! That is a wonderful report :) I will keep everything crossed for good growing embryos these next few days!!

Also, just wanted to let everyone know that I finally started a pregnancy journal (link is in my signature). :)
Hey ladies, finally got to a computer. I had my egg retrieval on the 18th and out of 7 follicles they got 5 eggs and we just got the call that we have 4 embryos :happydance: They are growing as we speak and 2 of them will be transferred on the 21st. I'm so so SO excited. Thank you for all the well wishes! It really helped a lot to know we have so much support :hugs:

That is wonderful news!!! So excited for you!!!!

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