Oh congrats Tray
I had my embryo transfer today! 2 beautiful healthy 8-celled embies are now residing in my uterus. In 2-3 days they should implant and in 10 days I get to test!!!! I'm PUPO![]()
Loving all the good news ive been readin...
Ladies think I need help... first month off ttc after shot and AF was due yesterday with no sign. Been having symptoms so took test 2 days ago which was negative, took another this morning and got a very faint line. When should i take another one?
After having the shot i found out my mum was pregnant then she came to visit me here in Turkey and while on holiday she had a MC. Not sure what ill feel like if i get a stronger BFP or how ill be able to tell my mum when the time comes :/.
Loving all the good news ive been readin...
Ladies think I need help... first month off ttc after shot and AF was due yesterday with no sign. Been having symptoms so took test 2 days ago which was negative, took another this morning and got a very faint line. When should i take another one?
After having the shot i found out my mum was pregnant then she came to visit me here in Turkey and while on holiday she had a MC. Not sure what ill feel like if i get a stronger BFP or how ill be able to tell my mum when the time comes :/.
Loving all the good news ive been readin...
Ladies think I need help... first month off ttc after shot and AF was due yesterday with no sign. Been having symptoms so took test 2 days ago which was negative, took another this morning and got a very faint line. When should i take another one?
After having the shot i found out my mum was pregnant then she came to visit me here in Turkey and while on holiday she had a MC. Not sure what ill feel like if i get a stronger BFP or how ill be able to tell my mum when the time comes :/.
aww, sorry to hear of your loss.
I wish you lots of luck with the BFP....and hope little bean is settled into the right place for you this time.
If youre worried about your mum, i guess she will understand as the tables were turned before (when you had ectopic, she fell PG) Its not like you have done anything to hurt her on purpose, so im sure she will be ok and happy for you.
I can imagine youre probably remembering how you felt when you had your loss and then realised your mum was expecting, and you maybe feel thats how your mum will feel? I think you should have a good chat with her if you can, or maybe send her a note in a card if its hard to talk.
I have been in similar situation, when i miscarried years ago, my mum also became pregnant very soon after, like a month later or so...i must admit, i did feel bit upset but you do get over it dont you. And also, on the same day I was in hospital having my methotrexate injection (id been admitted the night before) my brother and his girlf - AND one of my hubbys best mates, were both in the same hospital at the same time, giving birth. That felt very strange and sad for us too. But i was happy for them, i really was. I even managed to pop up and see them both on the ward and hold the babies. I did feel sad, but not because theyd had babies and i didnt, just because id had such a traumatic experience and MY baby was gone, do you know what i mean? xx
good luck talking to your mum. x
Ive been reading all your posts too, since i recently went through the same experience you all did. Im glad there are other people who can share what they've been through, this way we can support and help one another. And i'm glad some of you are already expecting. This gives me hope.
I was diagnosed with an ep on March (i was using Clomid), and was given the 2 MTX shots. When i had my first shot, my DR told me i should wait at least 3 mos, to TTC again. A week later, after my first dose, i was given a 2nd one. At first she told me, that with this 2nd dose, the minimum waiting period to TTC should be at least 6mos.! And as if 6 mos. weren't a long period enough, she later told me that I had to wait a whole YEAR to start TTC again! Just to make sure the scarring had healed properly, and prevent future ep.
But its been 6 mos now, and i'm starting to feel a little impatient. I used to have irregular periods before my ep, and after the "event" my period just happened to turn to regular periods. So i've been having them since June pretty much on a regular monthly basis.
After reading all your posts, I think a YEAR is a little too much waiting, dont you think? You've all been saying about DR telling to wait 6mos.
I feel fine, i've been having my periods every month since June, I already have a 5 yr old daughter, and wouldnt want to wait too much longer.
Should i look for a 2nd opinion? Should i start TTC right away?
Me, my DH and our daughter are REALLY looking forward for a little brother or sister.