HI Sandy
Im so sorry to hear about your loss! I know how frustrating the wait can be and I am currently a month away from TTC myself.
I had 4 x MTX shots over a period of 8 days through a womens maternity hospital and was told that once my levels went down to zero I had to take folate every day for three months and we could start trying again. I did however have a cornual ectopic and no surgery on my tubes so your situation may very well need a longer period but I would maybe get a second opinion? All in all the whole process has taken approx 6 months so I too am feeling anxious and excited at the same time....
Wishing you all the best in your babymaking ventures.
All the best laydeees xxx
Preshfest and TrAy,
Ive always experienced twinging on that side since, and after the 5th month, it did actually settle a little, however, ive now fallen PG (on the 6th month since methotrexate)and its twinging like crazy and driving me insane! I want to believe its just sensitive as the uterus is stretching near it etc, but its making me sooooo paranoid that ive got another ectopic! Im beginning to wonder if these worries will ever go away.
Sometimes - even before i was PG again, i used to have to do the opposit TrAy, id have to stretch my leg out as sometimes if i was all tucked up, it would feel like i was squashing the tube and i would feel like a pressure build up in that area....difficult to explain but weird. i dont think we imagine it - i really think these twinges are there, but god knows why!!! (big sighhhhhh)
Good luck Presh, i hope you fall PG with ease and fingers crossed when you do, all will be ok.
I'l be checking back tomo....prob feeling glum from not getting the rassurance i need from my hosp doctors! x
just got my results from fridays beta test. So lets re-cap last wed 1st beta at 11dpo was 22 and friday 2nd beta at 13dpo was 70!!!!!!! woooooooooo put the figures in an online calculator and it says they are doubling every 27 hours AWESOME. So i have an appointment with my doctor next week, she has me already booked in for a scan at 7 weeks but she says she wants to try to move it forward to 6 weeks eeeeeeeek![]()
just got my results from fridays beta test. So lets re-cap last wed 1st beta at 11dpo was 22 and friday 2nd beta at 13dpo was 70!!!!!!! woooooooooo put the figures in an online calculator and it says they are doubling every 27 hours AWESOME. So i have an appointment with my doctor next week, she has me already booked in for a scan at 7 weeks but she says she wants to try to move it forward to 6 weeks eeeeeeeek![]()
Tray, what great news!! Do you have to repeat the blood again, or are you done? My clinic does 3 blood draws, so it is making this entire week very stressful! That's great that they are going to push your scan up to 6 weeks. My 1st scan will be at 6 weeks too.
Coxy, fingers crossed that you get good news today.
JPARR, I just noticed your scan picture, it is too cute!!