ok folks so i had to go straight to work after my scan so this is the first chance ive really had to gush over my picture and come on here. IT WAS AMAZING. She found the baby straight away even though its only 3.7mm long plus she started with a belly ultrasound, she didnt have to do a transvaginal because she found baby straight away. When i saw its little heart beating away i started crying. Best moment of my life. Everything is there and in the right place. She was really pleased with everything from the size of my uterus, fluid, sac EVERYTHING. No sign of any bleeding or clots anywhere. So i have been discharged back to the care of my doctor. Have my midwife appointment in 2 weeks and she will book me in for another scan between 11 & 13 weeks eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Have attached my pic for you all to see, coxy you were right looks just like a little bean x