Tiny- glad you had a little break and that you have come to an understanding about IVF. While it all sucks, it's always better to know what the problem is how to solve it.
Mssk- as long as AF doesn't show, and cervix isn't low and open, the game's not over. Those couple of days before BFP/AF seem like they take forever.
AFM- DH was out of town and it was nice not thinking about TTC. Then, the day before he got back I had EWCM (cd 9, which is a little early for me) and then again the next day. Of course, I tried to seduce him, but he came back on the red-eye and is feeling off, so I'm trying to be understanding. But when he's doing everything else fine, it makes my blood boil. I really feel like just not trying this cycle but partly to get back at him, which is wrong.