TTC after miscarriage before AF

Thank you ladies for the support, it means a lot. The whole year has been a roller coaster ride for me, i just feel so strange in so many different ways.

Anyway i did talk to my OB-GYN and he said to start lab investigations any time (Now that i had 2 consecutive miscarriages- at 12 and at 6wk). The tests he has told me so far are:
1- Antiphospholipid antibodies.
2- B. Glycoprotein antibodies.
3- Anticardiolipin antibodies.
babyjourney- I'm glad you are getting some tests done and on your way to getting some answers. After 2 miscarriages that seem to be random, I have finally found a doctor who understands and goes out of her way to help me feel more confident. She did an ultrasound at 6 weeks for reassurance and gives me a hug every time I walk into her office.

I am almost 12 weeks today and going in for my NT scan. It is scary because it was how they first realized the last pregnancy was Down Syndrome fetus, but I'm glad to have some answers coming today.
Good luck xanzaba! I am sure everything is just fine with your little bean.

I have my 20 week scan tomorrow, the nerves dont go away!!!x
I'm pretty sure I'm Oing today. Pos OPK yesterday and big temp dip today. Waiting for a temp spike now.
Looks like I got a temp spike this morning! :happydance: DHs SA is greatafter a 5 day hold but low after a 3 day hold. So, after years of trying, we figured out that we do better to obstacles. Until the time is just right to BD. So, I'm really excited we got the timing right. O-1 has gotten me preggers twice now. Third times a charm!
TTC74- good luck in the tww!

Babylove- hope your scan goes really well today.

My NT scan went well- NT was normal, nasal bone present. They aren't doing the blood tests for first trimester screening as I am doing the cell free DNA, but I plugged the values into an online calculator and they end up being 1 in 700 or so, which is definitely lower than the 1 in 200 cutoff. So, I'm happy. Also bubs is measuring 1 week ahead with a strong heartbeat.
TTC - Good luck!! Fx crossed for you.

Xanzaba - that's fab news! Congratulations!!

AFM - my scan went great, he weighs 12oz and everything was perfect! I have a low lying placenta tho so have to have a rescan at 36 weeks to see whether it's moved up, fx it does!! :thumbup:
Congrats xanzaba and babylove. I really hope and pray that you get through this journey safe and soundly and may this bubs be the take home baby.
Xanzaba and Babylove seeing that you ladies are doing well is the only thing keeping me going. You ladies are making me hold out hope...I hope to join you soon.
Sorry you're having hard times, but there's plenty of rainbows to go around, mssk. What is going on?

I'm keeping you in my thoughts, and looking forward to seeing you in other threads.
I have just suffered my 3rd loss (second in a row) after taking 13 cycles since the last loss. super sucks. Good luck everyone xx
Xanzaba-It is good to hear from you. I am glad everything is going well with your little bean. Well I have officially hit the year mark TTC our third. I guess just passing both of my due dates was a little disheartening. But, I have noticed a on-going problem I do not seem to be producing much EWCM on my own anymore so next cycle I will be starting red raspberry tea for my cycle length and green tea and EPO for EWCM. DH and I will also start maca. I am trying to hold out a positive will happen when it happens. I am so glad to see other ladies getting their really reminds me that TTC isn't forever. I will get pregnant.
Mssk- I used fertility blend after 2 years ttc and got pregnant after 3 months (I was just about to go to a fertility doctor), The other 2 times I used it too. My husband heard about it from someone at work and I was dubious, but now I'm not :)

I just got my genetic test back and all is good!
Hi, I hope you ladies don't mind me joining?
I miscarried my baby 3 days ago at 7 weeks. I'm struggling to come to terms with it but I'm also very eager to try again. I'm still bleeding at the moment but I'm hoping it won't take too long to stop.
I've read so many different stories about when is best to try again.
It was a complete miscarriage, passing baby, sac and placenta in one go so I didn't need any medical intervention. I'm panicking that I will never fall pregnant again (I know this seems silly!) it has taken over my thoughts xx
I am so sorry for your loss wantingagirl and Frizzabelle. It is such a hard thing to go through. But, one thing B&B taught me is we are never alone in this. I hope that you find comfort here. I certainly did.
Oh Xan I am so happy to hear that your testing came back clear! That is great news.

Did you and DH both take fertility blend...where did you find it? After your post I found some on Amazon but I wanted to make sure it was the right stuff before ordering it.
Waiting for my BFP after a miscarriage


I'm new to this forum malarky but spend my life reading them.

I'm 3 weeks post miscarriage - my baby stopped growing at 6 weeks but I was expecting to be about 9 weeks.

As soon as my bleeding stopped (2 weeks after miscarriage) me and my partner started having sex and did it every day last week. I wasn't sure if Ovulation had occurred as was getting so many twinges in my ovaries but I woke up today, went to the toilet and when I wiped I had a single red spot on the toilet paper when I wiped. I can only explain it as if i pricked my finger with a needle and pressed it against the paper. It looked totally out of place.

I experienced this back in Dec before getting my BFP and hoping the same will occur this time. Also my cm has increased a lot today. The last time I went to the toilet there was a lot and it was much more browny in colour and thick. Accompanied by all of this is mild cramping down low, bloated/ feeling full and heavy down there, severe headaches, spots on chin, aching legs and stabbing/ lightening bolt jabs in my vagina (sorry if TMI).

Anyway - what do you think my chances are?

I must add that I've been taking pregnancy tests since miscarriage and I got a negative test Friday 26th Feb. Today I popped to Boots and got a ClearBlue Digital and a Boots own first response test. I also took another 10ml Internet cheapie from eBay. The 10ml cheapie said negative, the digital ClearBlue said "Not Pregnant" but the first response Boots own had a very faint line. Could that be picking up my old pregnancy?

I'm so so confused. Has anyone else been in a similar situation, experienced similar things?

Really looking forward to hearing from you ladies as I'm driving myself crazy!
Hi Claire- sorry for your loss.

The waiting can be so hard- I had an hpt (FRER) that was so convincing I scheduled an appointment with an OBGYN. It turned out to be hcg from the previous pregnancy or a chemical. The only way to know for sure is to wait two days and test again with the same brand. I hope this is it for you, and know that it is so frustrating to have all of this uncertainty :hugs:
Mssk- we both took fertility blend. I think if you order 3 from the website there is a discount, but you can also buy it from GNC. The men's one is supposed to take 3 months. There is a scientific study from Stanford for the woman's one. DH and I both took it so we wouldn't know which one of us needed the help :)

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