TTC baby number #1

Ok peeps.....totally peeped at the OV test in the bin n it had a a second line(I obv didn't wait long enough lol) ov day was supposed to be Monday....should I test tomorrow as well just in case?? Xx
Na, not losing the plot at all! :-D mind u......I may have lost the plot also so then how would we truly know?!? Hehe xx
Oh god really that's good You defo need to go for that "snuggle" now :) after you said that I went back and checked mine but still just the one line lol :) xxx
Hi I'm pretty new to this site and me and my partner started to TTC only almost 2 weeks ago... Long time coming!! We had an ectopic pregnancy in Dec 2010 and my tube was rupturing and I had to have emergency op and my tube removed also found out I have poly cystic ovaries but not the syndrome to be honest I'm not 100% what the difference is, after the ectopic i was to scared to try so we decided to move house, holidays ect and now we are 100% ready I'm now 25 and OH is 30.

I know some of these questions are probably silly but hey ho :)

I'm starting to take folic acid is there any other vitamins I should be taking?

I'm eating healthy i follow the slimming world diet and I am starting at the gym again this week how much excercise is recommended when TTC as I read some where to not over do it?

How often should I be doing the baby dance haha at the moment we are doing it every other day?

Is it true as I only have one tube the remaining tube moves to where ever the egg is being released from?

How do I know when I'm ovulating is it worth buying ovulation kits?

Sorry for all the questions and thank you to anyone who reads this :) xxx

Hi hun! It's nice to see other new people TTC their first. :) I'm right there with you! I just ditched the pill about 2 days ago! (So liberating!) Looking forward to chatting and sharing this time with you all!

Welcome susie d :) I hope we can help you along with you TTC journey!! Are you planning to use OPKs or anything? X

Hi susied!!! Welcome to the thread, make yourself at home!

Hi Susied.....Pull up a pew! :)

I bought 50 OPK's n 20 HPT's....Luckily HPT's not here yet....or else I'd have been peeing on one of those as well! Lol


thank you all!! :) Haven't tried anything yet. I figure we will give it a month and if no luck then I'll try temping and possibly OPK. I was on depo for 6 years so I'm afraid of the lasting effects of it.... But we shall see!! :) Thanks for the warm welcome ladies! I'll be a POAS addict too, I'm sure!!!
Ok peeps.....totally peeped at the OV test in the bin n it had a a second line(I obv didn't wait long enough lol) ov day was supposed to be Monday....should I test tomorrow as well just in case?? Xx

Well I've decided that since I have so many OPKs I'm jus gonna BD whenever DP feels like it so if that's only every sat as it has been recently then that's fine but as soon as I get a positive on the OPK I will be making him BD with me every day for 4 days and he can't complain coz then he can have all the time off he wants haha!

Oh wow Sookie really??? Was it a thick second line? The ones I've done have all had a second line but its been fainted than the control line so that means neg. defo get on it if its a pos test haha! Your OH can hardly say no if you have evidence that it needs to be now haha :p

Sounds like a good plan Susie. Well don't worry about that. Seems like we are all POAS addicts to a certain extent lol x
Don't worry about being a POAS addict....we are looking into setting up a possible peetervention group if we need to! Lol.

Yeah a couple of us are on our 1st month of ttc.....welcome to the crazy world of ttc :-D

Hi Everyone!
I've reading your posts for the last few days and it helps to see that there are many others out there who are in the same boat.
I got off the pill in 09/12 and for the first few months we were ntnp. I started charting in March (although I'm not sure I'm doing it right because my charts look strange) and then used a opk in April. Right away we thought we were successful... We did the baby dance on and before the day I O and I had mild cramps around the days where implantation should have occurred. When af was a day late I was thrilled and took a hpt which came back negative. I took another test the next day since there was still no sign of af which again was bfn. Long story short... af arrived on cd 46!!! after a dozen negative hpt's. We were heartbroken and I'm still not sure what happened. I had a regular 28/29 day cycle my whole life and I think it's too much of a coincidence to write it up to something else. Anyway... That was last month and I am now on CD 31 and af is late again. I am sooo hoping that I might be pregnant but deep down don't believe that I am. I have no symptoms other than pms like cramping for the past 3 days. I am too scared to test because I'm sick of getting bfn's. :cry:
I know I think I may say to my OH we will BD twice a week depending and then as soon as I get a positive on OPK we will BD every day for 4 days like you tess least he can't moan then il have a stick that proves I need to BD haha :)

I'm defo getting on the net tomoz n buying some new sexy undies he can't say no then :) (I hope) haha

Welcome livia :)

Ohhh sounds like your going through a tough time TTC at the moment did you go to the DRs when you were so late?

I hope you get a BFP soon!!! We're all here were a bit loopy at times but were all here to support one another and hopefully we will all be able to support each other through some BFPs aswell :) xxx
Don't worry about being a POAS addict....we are looking into setting up a possible peetervention group if we need to! Lol.

Yeah a couple of us are on our 1st month of ttc.....welcome to the crazy world of ttc :-D


Hahaha! "peetervention group" sign me up!! :hugs:

So glad I'm not alone! Thanks for such an awesome welcome!! :)
Thank for the warm welcome. I'm glad I found this forum.

I did go to my ob and they gave me a urine and blood test which were both neg (hcg was around 2). I was scheduled for an ultrasound but then af arrived. I haven't gone back since then. :nope:
Don't worry about being a POAS addict....we are looking into setting up a possible peetervention group if we need to! Lol.

Yeah a couple of us are on our 1st month of ttc.....welcome to the crazy world of ttc :-D


Hahaha! "peetervention group" sign me up!! :hugs:

So glad I'm not alone! Thanks for such an awesome welcome!! :)

Yeah we defo need a peetervention group!! Iv now tested 3 days on the trot n I will probably test again tomoz because I'm getting obsessed haha so I do need to be told to stoppppp!! And be patient lol xxx
Hi Everyone!
I've reading your posts for the last few days and it helps to see that there are many others out there who are in the same boat.
I got off the pill in 09/12 and for the first few months we were ntnp. I started charting in March (although I'm not sure I'm doing it right because my charts look strange) and then used a opk in April. Right away we thought we were successful... We did the baby dance on and before the day I O and I had mild cramps around the days where implantation should have occurred. When af was a day late I was thrilled and took a hpt which came back negative. I took another test the next day since there was still no sign of af which again was bfn. Long story short... af arrived on cd 46!!! after a dozen negative hpt's. We were heartbroken and I'm still not sure what happened. I had a regular 28/29 day cycle my whole life and I think it's too much of a coincidence to write it up to something else. Anyway... That was last month and I am now on CD 31 and af is late again. I am sooo hoping that I might be pregnant but deep down don't believe that I am. I have no symptoms other than pms like cramping for the past 3 days. I am too scared to test because I'm sick of getting bfn's. :cry:

Hey Livia!!

God sounds like you are having a hard time of it and don't worry, we know all too well how it feels to be disappointed about getting those damn BFNs but hopefully we can help you through it despite the fact that we are all a but loopy as Kalia said haha :p

Can I ask, when you say you BD'd on day if and day before O did you base your O day on having a 28/29 day cycle? I ask because we were discussing the other day that you O 14-16 days before AF which means if your cycle wound up being 46 days long then you wouldn't actually have O'd until CD 30-32. What I'm trying to say is try not to get too bogged down on not being able to understand what went wrong as it may just be that you didn't O exactly when you thought you did. I really hope you get your BFP soon.

You are more than welcome Susie :) x
Yeah the hole figuring your cycle out is a mind boggle I wish I took more notice of it before because I didn't it was something you would really need to know to find BD but you do :( sooo complicated esp when cycles are not same every month...
Hey Livia!!

God sounds like you are having a hard time of it and don't worry, we know all too well how it feels to be disappointed about getting those damn BFNs but hopefully we can help you through it despite the fact that we are all a but loopy as Kalia said haha :p

Can I ask, when you say you BD'd on day if and day before O did you base your O day on having a 28/29 day cycle? I ask because we were discussing the other day that you O 14-16 days before AF which means if your cycle wound up being 46 days long then you wouldn't actually have O'd until CD 30-32. What I'm trying to say is try not to get too bogged down on not being able to understand what went wrong as it may just be that you didn't O exactly when you thought you did. I really hope you get your BFP soon.

You are more than welcome Susie :) x

According to my charts and ovulation tests I ovulated on cd 14 and BD'd (what exactly does that stand for?) on cd 10,12,13,14.
Yeah the hole figuring your cycle out is a mind boggle I wish I took more notice of it before because I didn't it was something you would really need to know to find BD but you do :( sooo complicated esp when cycles are not same every month...

Yeh I wish I had took more notice if it before too. Before I went on my pill I have no idea what they were like because I didn't pay any attention at all.

Your ov tests said you O'd on day 14 but didn't get your AF till day 46 :S ... I didn't know that was possible lol. BD = baby dance x
Hey Livia! Nice to meet you, Kalia is right...we can be a bit loopy at times, but I think it helps to reduce the overall seriousness of our experiences.....Yes, it's serious that we want to get pregnant but stressing ourselves out trying to achieve that is not good!

Susied you're on the list....with the rest of us that is!! Hehe xx
Kalia, don't make me confiscate ur POAS opportunities....Not that I'm entirely sure how I would do that ;-) hehe xx
Am thinking about trying the SMEP plan for out first attempt. BD every other day from CD 8 till you get a positive opk then BD every day for 3 days in a row, skip a day then BD one more time. Think it sounds good but tiring! Not used to BDing that often! DH will be worn out!
Hey Livia!!

God sounds like you are having a hard time of it and don't worry, we know all too well how it feels to be disappointed about getting those damn BFNs but hopefully we can help you through it despite the fact that we are all a but loopy as Kalia said haha :p

Can I ask, when you say you BD'd on day if and day before O did you base your O day on having a 28/29 day cycle? I ask because we were discussing the other day that you O 14-16 days before AF which means if your cycle wound up being 46 days long then you wouldn't actually have O'd until CD 30-32. What I'm trying to say is try not to get too bogged down on not being able to understand what went wrong as it may just be that you didn't O exactly when you thought you did. I really hope you get your BFP soon.

You are more than welcome Susie :) x

According to my charts and ovulation tests I ovulated on cd 14 and BD'd (what exactly does that stand for?) on cd 10,12,13,14.

I have been looking at some sites again Livia and they all seem to be saying that O happens 14-16 days before AF comes so I'm really confused as to how you could have O'd on day 14 but AF not arrive until 32 days later :S ... As soon as you think you are getting your head around something you hear of a situation where it doesn't fit and then you start to question what you thought you understood in the first place! Jeez this whole baby making thing hurts my head lol x

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