TTC baby number #1

Ohhh :( hope you feel better soon tess, I'm feeling sluggish today iv barely moved from the sofa apart from going to sainsburys and taking the dog out iv had a proper pj day I realllly need to get of my butt n do some house work :(

I'm hoping we will BD tonight or tomoz as I'm on nights then the rest of the week until the weekend and were of to Moseley jazz festival then.

How you feeling apart from full of cold?

Sookie honestly I don't know how men can be so laid back wish I could be! xxx
Sending feel better soon vibes your way Tess!! Make sue you get lots of Vitamin C and take it easy!!

Still got my fingers crossed for all you ladies waiting on AF that she is a no show this month. Somebody needs to get the first BFP of the thread!!!

Kalia you will have a good time at the Jazz festival, been a few times! Only knightmare is trying to park the car in Moseley with about 9 million other people trying to do the same thing....arghhh!!!!

Sookie hahahaha that made me laugh about manning up! Will tell my DH that when he next moans he is tired!!
We're getting the bus up there as were only 5 mins down the road wanted to go for ages but just haven't got round to it till now.

I know one of us need to get a BFP soon I'm so glad we've found this forum and thread it's such a stress relief :)

Men men men OH just rang he was like have you come on yet I was like no not yet he was like reallllyyyy I was like yeah so we can BD the next 2 days he was like oh not tonight I'm knackered il prepare my self for tomoz... N then he goes is it good or bad you haven't come on yet I was like good because if I come on then it means I'm not pregnant he was like oh yeah that is good I thought it was the other way round. I mean really i think he may be having a slight silly moment haha xxx
Yes feel better soon Tess!

Kalia, that sounds like summat my oh will eventually say if we need to ttc for multiple

Snuffle pop, I'm a very understanding and attention girlfriend...I came in from work n asked very nicely if "he was up for some friskiness" his response....."I'm sure I could be persuaded!?" .....can tell we're the start of our ttc!

Haha were only on our first month and his asking questions like that made me laff haha

I wish my OH would be up for it abit more but don't blame him really his at work 10 hours a day and don't get in till 9pm so I try n get him before he sits down to have his dinner his alot more up for it now were TTC than before so can't moan :) xxx
Haha were only on our first month and his asking questions like that made me laff haha

I wish my OH would be up for it abit more but don't blame him really his at work 10 hours a day and don't get in till 9pm so I try n get him before he sits down to have his dinner his alot more up for it now were TTC than before so can't moan :) xxx

Thanks ladies, feeling a bit better now after having a 4 hour nap! Doubt I will sleep tonight though lol.

God Sookie I wish my DP was as easy to persuade as that!! I think he has it in his head that as long as we BD once a week then it will happen eventually but I don't think he realises how impatient I am. I don't want it eventually I want it NOW! I think these ov strips will really help tho because then I can say right I'm O'ing for this 1 day only so u can't say no :) hahaha kalia that really made me laugh! The men are just so sweet and innocent sometimes aren't they lol.

Okay I have another question for you girls. I'm still trying to get my head around a lot if stuff so bare with me lol. So I'm trying to find out if there's any way I can work out when I O'd last cycle and a lot of the forums are saying that you always O 14-16 days before your period is that right? I got another lovely BFN this morning although I have to say, after talking to you all over the past week I didn't feel anywhere near as disappointed as I usually do as I am now convinced that it will happen soon! So I looked at my last cycle which was 56 days which means if period always comes 14-16 days before that then last cycle I O'd between day 40-42, yes? I am on day 37 now and although I'm praying that I don't go as long as 56 days again the silver lining would be that I may not have even O'd at all yet. Would I be right in saying that?

I hope I made a little sense there lol ... X
Haha were only on our first month and his asking questions like that made me laff haha

I wish my OH would be up for it abit more but don't blame him really his at work 10 hours a day and don't get in till 9pm so I try n get him before he sits down to have his dinner his alot more up for it now were TTC than before so can't moan :) xxx

Thanks ladies, feeling a bit better now after having a 4 hour nap! Doubt I will sleep tonight though lol.

God Sookie I wish my DP was as easy to persuade as that!! I think he has it in his head that as long as we BD once a week then it will happen eventually but I don't think he realises how impatient I am. I don't want it eventually I want it NOW! I think these ov strips will really help tho because then I can say right I'm O'ing for this 1 day only so u can't say no :) hahaha kalia that really made me laugh! The men are just so sweet and innocent sometimes aren't they lol.

Okay I have another question for you girls. I'm still trying to get my head around a lot if stuff so bare with me lol. So I'm trying to find out if there's any way I can work out when I O'd last cycle and a lot of the forums are saying that you always O 14-16 days before your period is that right? I got another lovely BFN this morning although I have to say, after talking to you all over the past week I didn't feel anywhere near as disappointed as I usually do as I am now convinced that it will happen soon! So I looked at my last cycle which was 56 days which means if period always comes 14-16 days before that then last cycle I O'd between day 40-42, yes? I am on day 37 now and although I'm praying that I don't go as long as 56 days again the silver lining would be that I may not have even O'd at all yet. Would I be right in saying that?

I hope I made a little sense there lol ... X

Hi Tess,

That is true, most women will ovulate approx 14-16 days before AF arrives...not hard and fast fact, though, so temping can really help...have you done that at all? I started temping/charting two cycles ago after almost a year of trying and i'm fascinated by it! My cycles range (unmedicated) from 32-52 days so I had some very late ovulation days as well....moral of the story, keep BDing! :thumbup:

After a year of trying with no success, I am in the middle of my first cycle on clomid, so we will see....

baby dust to all of you!
Hi tess I have no answers for you :( just I have been trying to figure this out aswell and just can't because my cycles are different every month it's so annoying I'm glad we've all got the ovulation tests this week n we will all be using them soon so we will hopefully get BFPs soooooon :)

My OH come in and we had dinner iv just come to bed I said u fancy some n he was like nahhh I'm too tired today but if you ain't come on tomoz il make sure I'm ready for ya I'm glad it's not just my OH that's like that it! :) I think mine believes its like Virgin Mary or summat you don't have to do anything just one day you will wake up pregnant! Xx
I am new to the site and forum world! My husband and I are NTNP #1. However, I am using an ovulation app every now and then and I have been taking prenatal vitamins since we started NTNP. This is our fifth cycle of NTNP #1 and still no luck. I would love to join this thread! Hoping for a BFP soon!
Hi imp welcome :) iv only been TTC from this month as previous posts say feels like longer as we were planning this for 3 & half years! So now it's finally here i just want it to happen like yesterday... Very inpatient :) hope you get a BFP sooon my AF is due any day and I either hope she don't come at all or hurrys up so I can move on to next month :) xxx
Hi tess I have no answers for you :( just I have been trying to figure this out aswell and just can't because my cycles are different every month it's so annoying I'm glad we've all got the ovulation tests this week n we will all be using them soon so we will hopefully get BFPs soooooon :)

My OH come in and we had dinner iv just come to bed I said u fancy some n he was like nahhh I'm too tired today but if you ain't come on tomoz il make sure I'm ready for ya I'm glad it's not just my OH that's like that it! :) I think mine believes its like Virgin Mary or summat you don't have to do anything just one day you will wake up pregnant! Xx

Thanks very much mommyorbust that's a great help :) no I haven't been temping but I just bought a pack of 100 ovulation tests so I'm defo gonna catch the bugger whether it likes it or not haha!

Yeh me too Kalia they are a nightmare eh lol. I was thinking that I might start using my ovulation tests now rather than wait till next cycle as I have no idea when that's gonna be! As I said since my last cycle was 56 days that means I O'd roughly between day 40-42 so since I'm now on day 38 you never know, I might get a cheeky wee positive ov test in the next few days. Clutching at straws I know but I bought 100 so I'm hardly gonna run out anytime soon haha.

Hi imp! Ofcourse we would love you to join in :) the more the merrier. So have you been using anything to hurry the process along eg. Ov tests or temping etc? Where are you in your cycle now? X
Good morning lovely ladies!! And welcome Imp!

You'll realise very quickly about our little thread that you can say/vent anything you want and 99.999999999% of the time we will all be right there with you! lol....Our current "issue" is laidback OH's who seem to think that as little sex as poss is gonna make us all pregnant....My tactic of telling him to "man up" seems to be doing the trick at the moment....But we have only been trying for a few weeks so he has no excuse! :happydance:

My OV tests should be here today.....I'm more concerned that I may want to use them all straightaway and see what happens....I need to promise now that I will not become a POAS addict and if I do, u ladies need to stage a PEEtervention!! and I will do the same for you! :thumbup:

I've got a question.....Possibly TMI but here goes....Is anyone else experiencing different smelling wee? I don't mean UTI smelling but just different....I dunno if it's just all the Vitamins and Folic acid or what but it's defo noticeable to me.....Right now I should be technically 2DPO.....The dreaded TWW...Du du duuuuuuuuu :coffee:

I'm now sat at work with my mug of Green Tea with citrus....Ringtons best(I love a bit of Ringtons!).....Hopefully I won't have a crash and burn this afternoon...For the past 4-5 days I have got to 2-2.30pm and I swear if I put my head down on the desk I would fall asleep! lol, I even went to bed at 8pm the other night and slept right through(Lazy b!gger I hear you say!)

Have a good one ladies xx
Good morning lovely ladies!! And welcome Imp!

You'll realise very quickly about our little thread that you can say/vent anything you want and 99.999999999% of the time we will all be right there with you! lol....Our current "issue" is laidback OH's who seem to think that as little sex as poss is gonna make us all pregnant....My tactic of telling him to "man up" seems to be doing the trick at the moment....But we have only been trying for a few weeks so he has no excuse! :happydance:

My OV tests should be here today.....I'm more concerned that I may want to use them all straightaway and see what happens....I need to promise now that I will not become a POAS addict and if I do, u ladies need to stage a PEEtervention!! and I will do the same for you! :thumbup:

I've got a question.....Possibly TMI but here goes....Is anyone else experiencing different smelling wee? I don't mean UTI smelling but just different....I dunno if it's just all the Vitamins and Folic acid or what but it's defo noticeable to me.....Right now I should be technically 2DPO.....The dreaded TWW...Du du duuuuuuuuu :coffee:

I'm now sat at work with my mug of Green Tea with citrus....Ringtons best(I love a bit of Ringtons!).....Hopefully I won't have a crash and burn this afternoon...For the past 4-5 days I have got to 2-2.30pm and I swear if I put my head down on the desk I would fall asleep! lol, I even went to bed at 8pm the other night and slept right through(Lazy b!gger I hear you say!)

Have a good one ladies xx

Haha yeh that's my problem, I jus wanna use my ov tests now!! But as I said I bought 100 so I have enough to last me about 3 months lol. I won't be doing loads of HPTs because I hate the disappointment of a BFN so I really won't be doing them unless I think there's a really good chance. Don't you worry though, I will have no problem staging a peetervention for u haha :p.

Can't say I've noticed a different smell I'm afraid. When I take vitamins I notice it goes a much brighter yellow colour but I haven't noticed a different smell. I bet it will have something to do with that though.

I'm in work too and I find it really hard to concentrate as all I want to do is come on here and talk to all of you lol! I wish as well as maternity leave you could also get TTC leave so that you could just focus completely on that haha x
Haha yeh that's my problem, I jus wanna use my ov tests now!! But as I said I bought 100 so I have enough to last me about 3 months lol. I won't be doing loads of HPTs because I hate the disappointment of a BFN so I really won't be doing them unless I think there's a really good chance. Don't you worry though, I will have no problem staging a peetervention for u haha :p.

Can't say I've noticed a different smell I'm afraid. When I take vitamins I notice it goes a much brighter yellow colour but I haven't noticed a different smell. I bet it will have something to do with that though.

I'm in work too and I find it really hard to concentrate as all I want to do is come on here and talk to all of you lol! I wish as well as maternity leave you could also get TTC leave so that you could just focus completely on that haha x

I love the idea of TTC leave! we'd prob end up with square eyes from being on here....

I have to admit I look forward to coming on here and hearing from my TTC/NTNP buddies.....Makes this alot less stressful cos I know I'm not gonna bore anyone on here with talk of weird smelling pee and a OH who believes Immaculate conception is the future! :thumbup:

So how ru feeling Tess? And you Kalia....getting POAS when those OPK's come and u never know u might just get a positive line based on ur cd numbers

Haha yeh that's my problem, I jus wanna use my ov tests now!! But as I said I bought 100 so I have enough to last me about 3 months lol. I won't be doing loads of HPTs because I hate the disappointment of a BFN so I really won't be doing them unless I think there's a really good chance. Don't you worry though, I will have no problem staging a peetervention for u haha :p.

Can't say I've noticed a different smell I'm afraid. When I take vitamins I notice it goes a much brighter yellow colour but I haven't noticed a different smell. I bet it will have something to do with that though.

I'm in work too and I find it really hard to concentrate as all I want to do is come on here and talk to all of you lol! I wish as well as maternity leave you could also get TTC leave so that you could just focus completely on that haha x

I love the idea of TTC leave! we'd prob end up with square eyes from being on here....

I have to admit I look forward to coming on here and hearing from my TTC/NTNP buddies.....Makes this alot less stressful cos I know I'm not gonna bore anyone on here with talk of weird smelling pee and a OH who believes Immaculate conception is the future! :thumbup:

So how ru feeling Tess? And you Kalia....getting POAS when those OPK's come and u never know u might just get a positive line based on ur cd numbers


Would be great eh! I might take the idea to my local MP haha :p

Just want to check, what does NTNP and POAS mean lol? Still getting used to these abbreviations!

Yeh I'm okay. Still loaded with the cold but better than yesterday. How are you feeling? I know you are only at the start of your 2WW but is it driving you crazy already lol? I just wish I knew when I was in the 2WW as I feel like at the moment I'm having 4 and 5WWs to deal with.

I think my DP would love the idea of immaculate conception so I would stop pestering him lol! I might need to consider just freezing some if his sperm and defrosting it as my own leisure ... Just kidding ofcourse :p x
Would be great eh! I might take the idea to my local MP haha :p

Just want to check, what does NTNP and POAS mean lol? Still getting used to these abbreviations!

Yeh I'm okay. Still loaded with the cold but better than yesterday. How are you feeling? I know you are only at the start of your 2WW but is it driving you crazy already lol? I just wish I knew when I was in the 2WW as I feel like at the moment I'm having 4 and 5WWs to deal with.

I think my DP would love the idea of immaculate conception so I would stop pestering him lol! I might need to consider just freezing some if his sperm and defrosting it as my own leisure ... Just kidding ofcourse :p x

NTNP - Not Trying Not Preventing

POAS - Peeing on a stick (My personal fave!)

Hey, that frozen sperm works for some peeps lol.

I'm ok actually.....I think it's gonna get harder(the TWW) the further I get into it, but like I said....I could be all over the place with just coming off the pill so it's a possibility that I've missed OV.....We will just have to see....Gotta admit I'm more excited about my OPK's and HPT's coming....How sad?!? lol

Well just keep looking after yourself with those symptoms......And I hope AF stays away for the right reason! :flower:


I'm at work to cant get on here apart from on breaks and I work with my OH and today all I'm getting is him saying ohhh your on one today ain't ya if someone says summat ur down there throat... Oh you must be due on I'm like ohhhh peee off!!! I'm thinking positive and don't need comments like that!!!

No sign of AF yet apart from getting annoyed at people and at this exact moment I'm about to rip the head of someone crunching on a bag of crisps!! Haha apart from that I'm good today :)

Hope your all having a better day than me xxx

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