TTC baby number #1

Haha, go on Kalia!! Tell him to do one!


Oh thanks Sookie that makes it easier to read for be now I know what u r all saying haha :p

I know what you mean, it will defo get harder to wait but hopefully it will be worth it! I'm actually looking forward to AF as I just want it over and done with so I can use OPKs every day to see exactly when I O.

God kalia sounds like a nightmare lol! Hopefully it's pregnancy hormones making you crazy and not AF. I have to say though, I like that you are still being nice to us :)

Sorry BBwtcc but I have never charted before so I wouldn't even know what I would be looking at x
Haha, go on Kalia!! Tell him to do one!


Oh thanks Sookie that makes it easier to read for be now I know what u r all saying haha :p

I know what you mean, it will defo get harder to wait but hopefully it will be worth it! I'm actually looking forward to AF as I just want it over and done with so I can use OPKs every day to see exactly when I O.

God kalia sounds like a nightmare lol! Hopefully it's pregnancy hormones making you crazy and not AF. I have to say though, I like that you are still being nice to us :)

Sorry BBwtcc but I have never charted before so I wouldn't even know what I would be looking at x

Sorry BBwtcc but I'm in the same boat as Tess, never charted so wouldnt have a clue...I'm a newby to the ttc game...

Iv never charted before so I don't know sorry :(

Haha I'm being fine until I get silly customers on the phone and I don't think I realise I'm just not taking any crap today haha but OH said that I was like u concentrate on what ur doing instead of listening to me haha n saying I'm being moody makes me moody haha I'm being a nightmare today I think :(

Ah we'll iv only got hour n half left n get a few hours at home on my own before OH is back :) to de stress xxx
Iv never charted before so I don't know sorry :(

Haha I'm being fine until I get silly customers on the phone and I don't think I realise I'm just not taking any crap today haha but OH said that I was like u concentrate on what ur doing instead of listening to me haha n saying I'm being moody makes me moody haha I'm being a nightmare today I think :(

Ah we'll iv only got hour n half left n get a few hours at home on my own before OH is back :) to de stress xxx

Haha well you are a woman so you are allowed to be moody sometimes :p.

I'm having a bad couple of hours ladies. Been in town and I swear everywhere I turned there were babies and prams everywhere. Felt like I was just being repeatedly punched in the stomach :( I want this do bad and I just can't help but think what if it never happens??? I'm really trying to stay positive but it's so difficult :( I mean pretty much all of my friends have babies and literally none of them were planned, how is that fair? It's almost asif people who don't even want kids have no problem getting them but the people who a really make a conscious decision to have them just get repeatedly disappointed.

Sorry to hit youse with this ladies especially when you ain't in a good mood as it is Kalia without my moaning lol but I just don't have anyone else to talk to x
Aww tess :( I really know what u mean I have days like it aswell and I could just cry well and I do iv been like it for the last 3 & half years il have moments il just break down and I get sooooo wound up by people who moan about being pregnant and moan about there child waking up early every morning and I hate it they moan they don't have a life any more because I would seriously do anything to have what they have and be great full for it obv when we have children we will have our down days n have a winge but I'm on about the people who moan constantly and I know a couple.

I hate it not knowing if I can or can't have a baby naturally because I want it so bad so your not alone there at all

Obviously I wish we didn't have to go through the not knowing and the heartache ect but when it does happen I think we will really treasure it and be more greatful of it than if it did happen straight away n we won't take it for granted if any of that made sense lol :) xxx
Aw man Tess, I had one of those days on Sunday.....Everywhere I looked there were either pregnant women, babies or prams....I was like "are u frikkin kidding me?!?" There was even babies all over the telly.....I switched it off and read my book! Lol

U vent away my lovely, we're not gonna tell u to pipe down :) xx
On another note, my OPk's have just for the craic I took one lol...I got the control line n nothing else....Least I know I'm using them right ;-) xx
Hi Ladies!!! Just got home from work and logged on as soon as I could! I think I am getting addicted to this thread! I can't access the internet at work unless I'm on a break so I have to come straight home and catch up on what's happened throughout the day! Don't know about anyone else but I feel like I am getting less and less productive at work......all I do now is sit at my desk thinking about being pregnant, wanting to be pregnant and when I can go POAS!!!!

I am CD10 tomorrow and am SOOOOO desperate to ty my OPK's out. I don't know why I'm so excited, its bound to be negative, not like its going to leap out of my hand and start bouncing around the bathroom singing about ovulation! Think TTC is making me crazy.....!

BBWttc I am afraid I can't help you with your chart, I have never tried charting so it is all a mystery to me. May try it though if ttc takes longer than a year.
Hi I'm pretty new to this site and me and my partner started to TTC only almost 2 weeks ago... Long time coming!! We had an ectopic pregnancy in Dec 2010 and my tube was rupturing and I had to have emergency op and my tube removed also found out I have poly cystic ovaries but not the syndrome to be honest I'm not 100% what the difference is, after the ectopic i was to scared to try so we decided to move house, holidays ect and now we are 100% ready I'm now 25 and OH is 30.

I know some of these questions are probably silly but hey ho :)

I'm starting to take folic acid is there any other vitamins I should be taking?

I'm eating healthy i follow the slimming world diet and I am starting at the gym again this week how much excercise is recommended when TTC as I read some where to not over do it?

How often should I be doing the baby dance haha at the moment we are doing it every other day?

Is it true as I only have one tube the remaining tube moves to where ever the egg is being released from?

How do I know when I'm ovulating is it worth buying ovulation kits?

Sorry for all the questions and thank you to anyone who reads this :) xxx

Hi hun! It's nice to see other new people TTC their first. :) I'm right there with you! I just ditched the pill about 2 days ago! (So liberating!) Looking forward to chatting and sharing this time with you all!
Aw man Tess, I had one of those days on Sunday.....Everywhere I looked there were either pregnant women, babies or prams....I was like "are u frikkin kidding me?!?" There was even babies all over the telly.....I switched it off and read my book! Lol

U vent away my lovely, we're not gonna tell u to pipe down :) xx

Thanks so much ladies. You have no idea how much it helps to know I have you to talk to now as I feel as though I've been suffering in silence for the past 5 months. Well in fact I suppose you do know how much it helps as it sounds as though we are in the same boat.

I know EXACTLY what you mean Kalia. One of my friends had a baby last month and I swear she moaned every single day that she was preg about being in pain, being uncomfortable, not being able to sleep, having none of her clothes fit etc etc. you name it, she moaned about it and everytime she moaned at me I just wanted to scream at her I WOULD DO ANYTHING TO HAVE ALL OF THOSE THINGS!!! She is a prime example of bit wanting kids and getting then no problem. She was with her boyfriend 2 months and didnt use anything so fell preg straight away. Her and her boyfriend are now split up and there little boy is only 3 weeks old and being pulled from pillar to post already. Argh sorry for going on but it's just so unfair.

And Sookie that is exactly what it was like today! It happened to me with the tv the other night too to the point where I think DP sensed I was getting aggravated so he changed the channel and just looked at me lol. I'm pretty sure he knows exactly what I'm thinking but just doesn't like to say it out loud.

Oh that's great bout the OPKs :) how many did you get? Hopefully they help :) x
Oh and yes I have those days too! The days where every lady you see has a bump or a newborn or somebody is announcing they are expecting or there is babies on tv!!!! I hate those days!!!

Only thing that makes me feel better is that hopefully one day that will be me....just wish knew when. Hate the not knowing!!!
Hi I'm pretty new to this site and me and my partner started to TTC only almost 2 weeks ago... Long time coming!! We had an ectopic pregnancy in Dec 2010 and my tube was rupturing and I had to have emergency op and my tube removed also found out I have poly cystic ovaries but not the syndrome to be honest I'm not 100% what the difference is, after the ectopic i was to scared to try so we decided to move house, holidays ect and now we are 100% ready I'm now 25 and OH is 30.

I know some of these questions are probably silly but hey ho :)

I'm starting to take folic acid is there any other vitamins I should be taking?

I'm eating healthy i follow the slimming world diet and I am starting at the gym again this week how much excercise is recommended when TTC as I read some where to not over do it?

How often should I be doing the baby dance haha at the moment we are doing it every other day?

Is it true as I only have one tube the remaining tube moves to where ever the egg is being released from?

How do I know when I'm ovulating is it worth buying ovulation kits?

Sorry for all the questions and thank you to anyone who reads this :) xxx

Hi hun! It's nice to see other new people TTC their first. :) I'm right there with you! I just ditched the pill about 2 days ago! (So liberating!) Looking forward to chatting and sharing this time with you all!

Welcome susie d :) I hope we can help you along with you TTC journey!! Are you planning to use OPKs or anything? X
Hi susied!!! Welcome to the thread, make yourself at home!
Hi Susied.....Pull up a pew! :)

I bought 50 OPK's n 20 HPT's....Luckily HPT's not here yet....or else I'd have been peeing on one of those as well! Lol

Hi Susied.....Pull up a pew! :)

I bought 50 OPK's n 20 HPT's....Luckily HPT's not here yet....or else I'd have been peeing on one of those as well! Lol


Hahahaha I know how you feel! Why is it so addictive??? :shrug:

Just called DH on his way ome from work and told him we will be BDing tonight so I hope he has lots of energy! CD 9 today so I figure if we BD every other day for a couple of weeks then we got a good chance of catching the egg! :happydance:
Hi Susied.....Pull up a pew! :)

I bought 50 OPK's n 20 HPT's....Luckily HPT's not here yet....or else I'd have been peeing on one of those as well! Lol


The snuffle pop that's the only thing that keeps me thinking positive! And now you ladies too. Can't tell you how happy I am I joined this site.

Haha I know what you mean Sookie. I bought 100 OPKs and 20 HPTs as I thought if I only get 20 HPTs I won't be as tempted to use them when I don't need to ... Yeh right! I've used 2 since Monday haha. Just can't help myself I'm forever chasing that BFP.

I think that will defo give you a good chance snuffle pop. Do you know for sure when you are to O or are you just hoping its going to be soon? X
Iv just got in from work and guess what's sat behind the door waiting for me.... Only my HPTs and OPKs and guess what I did before I did any thing else I ran up stairs and did one of each... And got a BFN on both but least i know there working :) can't u tell I'm going to be a serial tester iv done a pregnancy test everyday since Monday why I don't know because if I'm on a 35 day cycle I'm not due on till Sunday... BUT if im on a 28 day cycle then I'm late so that's my excuse haha

We were meant to BD tonight and now I know I'm not ovulationg I'm wondering if I can be bothered but if I don't tonight then I'm on nights the next 2 nights so won't be able to until Saturday now instead of me giving him a kick up the back side I think I need you ladies to give me one haha :) xxx
Kick! Get on with it lady n make it a fun one ;-) hehe.

That should give u a great chance snuffle pop....check u all out getting down tonight n I'm the one not, me n oh agreed every other day for time being which would make tonight our night off....I cheekily asked if he was up for it n his reply....."no!" To which I replied "........OOOOO Shotdown!" Lol it makes it a little more fun n less serious.....he's gone for a nap before his night shift.....I may just have to go for a snuggle hehe ;-) xx
Haha I know I can't start saying no really can I because next time he does I can't moan then haha

I never used to like planning sex now it's like I look in my diary like okkkk so when shall we schedule it in for haha

I don't know why i just thought imagine people listening into our convos they be like what are these lot on about n then imagined us all in a bar/cafe kinda place sitting there with our teas n just having a good old goss/moan n TTC n bitch and bout men n people walking past like what's AF n what's POAS and that's OPKS hahaha

Am I losing the plot haha xxx

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