TTC baby number #1

Yeah Iv been a pest at my doctors the last few years going there with all my questions and pains and if I didn't I wouldn't of found out iv got polycystic ovaries as far as I know it's not the syndrome but they are going to do some tests to find out and that's what they are there for to answer our questions and concerns and do tests ect xxx
Hay, I'm kinda new to this forum thing and completely understand what your going through ! I have been endlessly reading them for the last 2 years while TTC #1 and thought I would join in, hope that's ok ladies. I'm 32 my hubby is 27 ;-). We have been trying for baby #1 for 2 years now. I got diagnosed with PCOS 18 months ago after coming off the pill and not having AF. I have around 50 cysts on each ovary. Started on Metformin a year ago which did nothing for me apart from make me vomit, we wanted to try and go the naturalist way possible as only in our first year trying. I had first round of Clomid last month which did make me ovulate (6eggs !!!!!!!!) however none fertilised . 7 days ago I had laparoscopy, ovarian drilling, D/C HSG (they thought my tubes where both blocked but the dye studies shows they are both clear.) and to restart Clomid again. I always new in the back of my mind I would have problems TTC but never thought I would have to go through this emotional roller coaster journey to concieve a little angel. Has anybody had ovarian drilling that has worked ? I'm hoping for a miracle as much as we all are. I completely understand what your going through but don't loose faith.
It really might be worth visiting your doctor and telling them because it is strange you have always had regular cycles until now, hopefully this month it's because your due a BFP but it really is worth it xxx

I agree with Kalia, get yourself to the doctors and ask them to do some tests...Even if it's just routine bloods....I said earlier on in this thread that most Doctors are open to requests as long as you go with a rational argument/discussion and done some background work xx

I would go to my ob right away but I'm on vacation in Europe right now. I won't be back in the States until two weeks from now. I think I am going to test now... I can't stand this!
Hi Sarah your more than welcome to come and join us :) sounds like you really have had a roller coaster journey, I'm the same since I was younger iv had a feeling I would have problems TTC and when I had the ectopic it kinda made my feelings true I am with the help of the ladies here trying to be as positive as I can.

I my self am just going through tests to find out if I have poly cystic ovary syndrome at the moment Iv been told I have poly cystic ovarys but need further tests to see if its the syndrome.

However a friend of my moms had poly cystic ovarys and went through the drilling the dye tests and the clomid 2 months after the drilling and clomid she still hadnt conceived she then brought a book about TTC with PCOS and it said about a complete diet change she ate fairly healthy any way but followed what the book said and it helped her lose weight and 1 month after that she fell pregnant and now has a little girl and a year on is pregnant with her 2nd so there is hope and I'm sure you will get that BFP soon :) xxxx
Livia as you are late do a test fingers crossed its a BFP if not then try and relax easier said than done i know and enjoy the rest of your holiday and as soon as you get back home see your DR your cycles may have changed because you are stressed? But try and enjoy your holiday and relax :) xxxx
Well until AF shows then you have a chance :) try (easier said than done) and relax and enjoy your holiday when you get back see your DR :( xxx
I'm getting more twinges today don't have a clue what they are the other day I had them on my right side today in my belly and left side never had them before its not a cramp like AF it is just like twinges and butterfly kind of feeling weird... OH just said to me as I come into work have you come on yet I was like no n told him n he was like well that sounds good but I'm really trying to not get my hopes up because iv got no other symptoms xxx
I'm getting more twinges today don't have a clue what they are the other day I had them on my right side today in my belly and left side never had them before its not a cramp like AF it is just like twinges and butterfly kind of feeling weird... OH just said to me as I come into work have you come on yet I was like no n told him n he was like well that sounds good but I'm really trying to not get my hopes up because iv got no other symptoms xxx

That sounds promising... When was your last period? Did you set a date for the first test? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't commented today but went out for lunch and a few drinks with friends and tried to put the whole TTC business out of my head but all I've wanted to do all day is come on here and chat to you all. I've missed youse haha!

Sorry to hear you got a BFN Livia but as kalia said, it ain't over till the evil AF arrives!!! I have been TTC for 5 months now but cycles are still all over the place. Only had 2 periods in that time each around 56 days apart and I'm now on day 39 with no sign of AF. It's soul destroying but we will get there, and you have us now :)

Sookie you look fab well done on the weight loss!! I was really touched by what you said about all sticking together and I 100% agree. I'm in it for the long haul with you ladies and can't wait till we are all buggy buddies :)

Welcome sarahlou to our thread and I really hope we can help get your spirits up as it sounds like you have had a terrible time of it x
Hi ladies!! How is everybody? Am definetly in this thread for the long term. Will be good to look back on what we have written in a years time when hopefully we will all have bumps or babies!

Sookie - Congrats on the amazing weight loss! You look fab in the pictures! Just shows what you can do when you think positive!

Livia - Sorry you got a bfn but like the other lovely ladies said, it ain't over til AF arrives so you still could have a chance. In answer to your question, we are only in our first month ttc. Been waiting for ages though because we wanted to make sure we were sorted with jobs, house etc before we tried. Means that I am super impatient now to fall PG though. Dont think I ever wanted anything so bad!

Kalia your symptoms sound hopeful, got everything crossed for you that you have a little bean in there!

Sarah Lou welcome to the thread full of lovely ttc ladies. Hopefully we can help support you on this journey!
Livia I have tested every day this week and got BFN if I was on a 28 day cycle then I'm late and if I'm on a 35 then I'm due on on Sunday so I'm not testing now till Sunday I might be over thinking the twinges but I'm sure iv never had it before.

Hope your all good this evening I'm in work now till 2 am just on my first break :( xxx
Helllooooooo ladies! Thanks for ur kind comments!!

Welcome Sarahlou, fingers crossed ur roller coaster begins to settle.....

Livia, so sorry about BFN.....that sucks but like everyone is saying ur not out til AF strikes so fingers crossed still....

I'm good Snufflepop how are you?

I have a HPT's came....Totally took one....Totally BFN lol, but I'm only 2/3DPO so if it came up BFP I'd have been stunned is then that means I would've been pg for longer than we've been trying....maybe immaculate inception might exist!?! Lmao

Hope ur all well, Kalia, I'm getting some good vibes from u n these symptoms....I hope u get a BFP soon ;-) xxx
Tess do you know why your cycles are all over the place? 56 days is really long :shock: Are you using opk's?

Kalia I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

I on the other hand just got my period. I spent 30 min crying and in deep depression. Now I am all hopeful again and excited for the new cycle. I'm starting to feel a little loopy. I guess that's the hormones?! Anyway... Starting over... CD 1. *sigh*

Oh... And I'm in for the long run too. I just joined but am already very thankful that I found you ladies! :hugs:
I am trying not to get excited my temp is the highest its ever been at 6dpo. im also nervous about my cramps and sore boobs not sure if af is coming
Tess do you know why your cycles are all over the place? 56 days is really long :shock: Are you using opk's?

Kalia I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

I on the other hand just got my period. I spent 30 min crying and in deep depression. Now I am all hopeful again and excited for the new cycle. I'm starting to feel a little loopy. I guess that's the hormones?! Anyway... Starting over... CD 1. *sigh*

Oh... And I'm in for the long run too. I just joined but am already very thankful that I found you ladies! :hugs:

Aw man, I'm so sorry for af Livia but like u said, new month to start prepping for some SMEP :) and we're all here for you CD1 maybe but possibly the last cycle before BFP! U just never know....

I am trying not to get excited my temp is the highest its ever been at 6dpo. im also nervous about my cramps and sore boobs not sure if af is coming

Try not to be nervous, that all sounds reeeeeaaaally promising! Fingers crossed xxx
No idea why cycles are so long Livia, I'm assuming its something to do with being on the pill for so long as they haven't settled down since I came off 5 months ago. I'm trying not to get too worried about it at the moment. Just got OPKs on monday so havent been using them my whole cycle. Sorry about your BFN but fingers crossed for next cycle. Onwards and upwards.

BBwtcc oooooh sounds exciting!!!! Hopefully you will get your BFP in the next few weeks.

Haha Sookie haven't you seem the movie??? Ofcourse inception exists! Lol :p

God kalia sounds like a nightmare of a shift :( hope it goes quickly for you

And snuffle pop glad to hear you are in it for the duration as you couldn't get rid of us now even if you wanted to!! :) x
Haha defo in it for the long run you can't get rid of me now :)

Aww sorry about you AF livia but least its here and you can move on and start a new month :)

Aww I'm not getting my hopes up but by now iv had AF pains and I get them realllly bad and iv had none so far but there's still a couple more days to go if I'm on a 35 day cycle... BBWTcc your symptoms sound good :) hopefully you have a BFP :) xxxx

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