TTC baby number #1

Haha defo in it for the long run you can't get rid of me now :)

Aww sorry about you AF livia but least its here and you can move on and start a new month :)

Aww I'm not getting my hopes up but by now iv had AF pains and I get them realllly bad and iv had none so far but there's still a couple more days to go if I'm on a 35 day cycle... BBWTcc your symptoms sound good :) hopefully you have a BFP :) xxxx

Sounds promising Kalia I really hope it's a good sign :) we need someone to get the first BFP of the thread to get the rest of us some light at the end of the tunnel!!! X
Oooh BBWttc and Kalia its sounding promising for you guys! Hope the witch stays away and the thread gets its first Bfp (hopefully of many!).

Sorry to here you got AF Livia, no doubt it sucks but we are here to cheer you up! Are you going to try anything specific like SMEP or Opks this cycle?

Tess, hopefully your opks will help you work out when you O and fingers crossed your cycles will regulate a bit more as 56 is looong! Might be worth a trip to the docs even if its just to put your mind at rest that all is ok! Probably is just the pill messing with your body but it must be driving you nuts!

Sookie you are in the dreaded TWW! Any symptoms yet? Keep us posted! Got everything crossed that this is your month!

TMI just ambushed hubby when he got in from work for BD :) going to try and get in as much as possible for next ten days! Starting opks in the morning so hoping they will help us catch the eg this month!
Haha I'm going to be terrible next month now I have my OPKs as soon as I get a positive il be pouncing and he can't say no cuz il wave the stick in his face :)

The twinges have not gone away at all tonight it's weird like I'm sat at work like ohhh eeee ahhh to my self it's strange it's the only thing iv got no other symptoms at all :(

I hope one of us at least get a BFP this month :)

Tess I think you should go doctors and just tell them they may be able to give you something to make them regular

Haha I'm going to be terrible next month now I have my OPKs as soon as I get a positive il be pouncing and he can't say no cuz il wave the stick in his face :)

The twinges have not gone away at all tonight it's weird like I'm sat at work like ohhh eeee ahhh to my self it's strange it's the only thing iv got no other symptoms at all :(

I hope one of us at least get a BFP this month :)

Tess I think you should go doctors and just tell them they may be able to give you something to make them regular


I really hope that is a good sign :) keeping everything crossed!!!

I do want to go to the docs jus to find out if everything is okay but the NHS website says to go to doc if cycles haven't settled in 8 months and its only been 5 for me so I'm worried they will just tell me to come back when it's been 8 :S I'm also worried they will suggest I go back on the pill to regulate then as that is what they done with my friend. Kind if defeats the purpose in my opinion!! X
I've decided it's better to be safe than sorry so I made an appointment with my doc. They couldn't give me one for 2 weeks though so got a bit if a wait!! I'm on CD40 now so if AF hasn't come by my appointment date I think I will just burst into tears Infront of the doc lol x
I've decided it's better to be safe than sorry so I made an appointment with my doc. They couldn't give me one for 2 weeks though so got a bit if a wait!! I'm on CD40 now so if AF hasn't come by my appointment date I think I will just burst into tears Infront of the doc lol x

Ugh... I hate when that happens! It seems like the more you want to get something sorted out the longer it takes to get an appointment. Well, at least you have one now. And hopefully AF will come before then. Do you usually feel when you O?
I've decided it's better to be safe than sorry so I made an appointment with my doc. They couldn't give me one for 2 weeks though so got a bit if a wait!! I'm on CD40 now so if AF hasn't come by my appointment date I think I will just burst into tears Infront of the doc lol x

Ugh... I hate when that happens! It seems like the more you want to get something sorted out the longer it takes to get an appointment. Well, at least you have one now. And hopefully AF will come before then. Do you usually feel when you O?

I really have no idea. I've never used OPKs before or anything so I have never known exactly when I have O'd and I don't know what signs to look out for to try and work out when I O. I have read about checking for EWCM but for some reason I think my CM either always looks EW and stretchy, white and stretchy or white and creamy and I've never noticed a pattern with it that could help me. Do you know what signs I could look for? X
I've decided it's better to be safe than sorry so I made an appointment with my doc. They couldn't give me one for 2 weeks though so got a bit if a wait!! I'm on CD40 now so if AF hasn't come by my appointment date I think I will just burst into tears Infront of the doc lol x

Ugh... I hate when that happens! It seems like the more you want to get something sorted out the longer it takes to get an appointment. Well, at least you have one now. And hopefully AF will come before then. Do you usually feel when you O?

I really have no idea. I've never used OPKs before or anything so I have never known exactly when I have O'd and I don't know what signs to look out for to try and work out when I O. I have read about checking for EWCM but for some reason I think my CM either always looks EW and stretchy, white and stretchy or white and creamy and I've never noticed a pattern with it that could help me. Do you know what signs I could look for? X

I usually get cramps very similar to pms but a lighter version of it. I've always felt it but had no idea that it was because of O. Whenever it happened I would think "I'm getting another period already??" and then end up all confused because it didn't happen. :dohh: I only learned a few months ago that its O cramps (mittelschmerz)...
Tess my drs is the same can never get in when you really want to be seen and then have to wait weeks but atleast your booked in and will hopefully get some answers, I never knew what ovulation pain was like until I only had one tube and every now and again I'd get like AF pain but not so strong I ended up going doctors at one point really worried they said now there's no tube there I will still ovulate from there and when I do I may feel it but I don't feel it when I ovulate from my left its weird xxx
Morning ladies!!

How are we all today?? I'm good, symptom wise I wouldn't like to say really....I've had cramps(TMI but they could've been poop pains lol, sorry :blush:) indigestion(but that could just be eating the wrong things) Sickly feeling randomly(but poss that's just hunger) and that's my lot....Can you tell I'm sceptical so n so, I like to make sure I don't get my hopes up...I believe in being positive but also being reasonable and logical.

Tess, that sounds like a good plan for Doctor appt.....Fingers crossed they can help...

Hope ur all good!

Morning ladies!!

How are we all today?? I'm good, symptom wise I wouldn't like to say really....I've had cramps(TMI but they could've been poop pains lol, sorry :blush:) indigestion(but that could just be eating the wrong things) Sickly feeling randomly(but poss that's just hunger) and that's my lot....Can you tell I'm sceptical so n so, I like to make sure I don't get my hopes up...I believe in being positive but also being reasonable and logical.

Tess, that sounds like a good plan for Doctor appt.....Fingers crossed they can help...

Hope ur all good!


Well now that you mention it ladies I actually did have some light cramps about a week and a half ago. Infact it was bang on CD28 because I remember thinking yay I've got my cycle back as i thought it was AF coming but then it just didnt happen. So I suppose that could actually have been ov pains then! I've never heard of that before. How long would they last? I'm sure mines lasted about a day and a half and then disappeared.

Drs are a nightmare sometimes Kalua but as you said atleast I have something to look forward to! Or perhaps not if she tells me something I really don't want to hear but fingers crossed all is well and it's just that my body hasn't settled yet.

That's all sounding pretty good to me Sookie but I know what you mean about not getting your hopes up! Fingers crossed though x
Hi sookie sounds good to me :) but I know what you mean I got a feeling AF is coming i feel pressure in my belly if that mskes sense but these twinges ain't going away feels like a pulling feeling its weird,

Tess it might be worth making a diary and putting the diff pains you get different things you feel and symptoms in a diary and then every month you can time them see if they happen again at same time of month ect that's what I'm going to do I think to see if there's a pattern xxx
Hi sookie sounds good to me :) but I know what you mean I got a feeling AF is coming i feel pressure in my belly if that mskes sense but these twinges ain't going away feels like a pulling feeling its weird,

Tess it might be worth making a diary and putting the diff pains you get different things you feel and symptoms in a diary and then every month you can time them see if they happen again at same time of month ect that's what I'm going to do I think to see if there's a pattern xxx

Yeh I think that's a good idea Kalia x
Iv just been and done a test I was good n didn't do one yesterday lol and it was a BFN I'm realllllly not going to check now until next week if I don't get AF before then iv got a busy weekend so should be able to keep my hands away from the tests lol xxx
Oh and when I get ovulation pains they last about a day or 2 xx
Well I'm really trying to hold off on the HPT's purely because if I start I may not stop lol xxx
Haha it's like Pringles isn't it once you start you just can't stop haha, when is your AF due sookie? Xxx
Hi I am new to this post and was wondering if any one could help me. I have been ttc for 8months now and have recently just been referred to the gyno but could take anything up to 44 weeks :(, I have had my blood took on day 21 and came back that I ovulated. I am unsure why I havnnt got pregnant yet?? So I done the stupit thing and bought clomid online and took it that cycle there day 2 to 6 and have been taking opk kits but havnt. A positive yet I got a fade line on wednesday then on thursday it was negative does that mean I have ovulated please help so desperate xxx
Just been to sainsburys and was looking at the vitamins iv just ran out of my prescription from the dr for folic acid I paid £7 for my prescription just been to sainsburys they have 100 for a £1 is there any difference? As I'd rather pay £1 for a 100 than £7.00 every month just to have them from the drs xxx

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