TTC baby number #1

I know it's horrible, what your friend says is horrible not very thoughtful :( my friend that knows she was trying for 2 years if not a little longer she now has a little girl who's 3 that was hard because we both found out we were pregnant on the same day n it was such a coincidence that they would of been due on the same day and she had her little girl on the due date I love her little girl and I am god mom to her but sometimes it's hard because I wonder what if alot as I should have a baby now that's almost 3 xxx I'm having such a down day... I need to get a grip of my self before work lol xxx

Kalia I'm so sorry! That must be really hard... For me the worst part is when I feel like I can't be as happy as I want to for others when they are having babies. It's not that I'm not happy... It's just always accompanied with a sadness. My husband's cousin just had a baby and his other cousin is pregnant with twins and I find myself trying to avoid every family gathering I can. I don't want to be like that but can't help it... :nope:

Digi I pretty much do the same thing as Sookie after BDing. :winkwink:

And Sookie if you're getting Krispy Kreme I hope it's for everyone!!

I am on CD 3 and hating every minute of it. Since I came of the pill my pms is horrible!!! I never had any issues while on the pill and now the cramps are so bad I can barely move and I am soooo moody! One wrong word and I snap... the next minute I start crying. :shock: Did that happen to anybody else? How do people live like that?!? lol

Hope you guys are feeling better than me!
Hey guys!!

Just catching up on last nights comments. Was at a family party that's why I wasn't commenting.

Omg digi I can't believe what your friend said to you. I get that she may have been trying to make light of the situation but that is just a stupid thing to say. The ladies here suggested I bring my friend on here after she suggested that me and the OH are maybe just incompatible because we haven't conceived right away so perhaps it may be good to let your friend loose here too haha!

God Kalia I know exactly how you feel :( people announcing pregnancies left right and centre are devastating. Just remember we are here for you and think how exciting it will be when it is you that is announcing your BFP. I bet it won't be long, I've got a good feeling about all of us since we started talking on here :)

So how exactly do you all know about folic acid and multivitamins etc lol? Has your doctor told you about it? And where would I get it?

I'm feeling good today because I've woke up with some period like cramps so hopefully AF is on her way and I get to have a fresh start next cycle :)

Also about the seamen running out after sex, that is normal. The stuff that comes out is only what the sperm use to travel in. When they are inside you they will shoot out of this and into your CM and then use that to travel up. That's why it's important to BD when you see that you are producing fertile CM. hope that helps x
Morning/afternoon ladies I'm just waking up from finishing work at 7am and before I do anything I'm on here checking on you ladies :)

How are you all??

Hi tess I know it's hard isn't it i know it's only my first month trying but I just feel like I need this so bad.

Today I feel AF is on her way :( but I'm still getting the twinges quite strong and I'm feeling nauseas I couldn't eat my food at work cuz I felt sick I sucked on pools instead but I did a HPT this morning before coming to bed its a BFN I thought seems as I'm due on tomoz if I am pregnant it would show now iv still had no cramps like usual but kind of just feel like its on the way :(

Yes digi send your friend over here I'm very hormonal and snappy at the moment il pop her in her place haha :)

Yeah Drs told me about folic acid you can get prescribed from DR but its cheaper just to get them from sainsburys or any supermarket i got some yesterday 100 for £1

I know it's horrible, what your friend says is horrible not very thoughtful :( my friend that knows she was trying for 2 years if not a little longer she now has a little girl who's 3 that was hard because we both found out we were pregnant on the same day n it was such a coincidence that they would of been due on the same day and she had her little girl on the due date I love her little girl and I am god mom to her but sometimes it's hard because I wonder what if alot as I should have a baby now that's almost 3 xxx I'm having such a down day... I need to get a grip of my self before work lol xxx

Kalia I'm so sorry! That must be really hard... For me the worst part is when I feel like I can't be as happy as I want to for others when they are having babies. It's not that I'm not happy... It's just always accompanied with a sadness. My husband's cousin just had a baby and his other cousin is pregnant with twins and I find myself trying to avoid every family gathering I can. I don't want to be like that but can't help it... :nope:

Digi I pretty much do the same thing as Sookie after BDing. :winkwink:

And Sookie if you're getting Krispy Kreme I hope it's for everyone!!

I am on CD 3 and hating every minute of it. Since I came of the pill my pms is horrible!!! I never had any issues while on the pill and now the cramps are so bad I can barely move and I am soooo moody! One wrong word and I snap... the next minute I start crying. :shock: Did that happen to anybody else? How do people live like that?!? lol

Hope you guys are feeling better than me!

Hi livia

I know what you mean it is sooo hard but hopefully we will all get our BFPs soon :)

I also got really bad cramps when I come of my patch really bad and I usually get the cramps a week before AF a few days before and on the day I cry at the pain sometimes, which is why I'm more confused because I haven't had any of that this month :mad:

Morning/afternoon ladies I'm just waking up from finishing work at 7am and before I do anything I'm on here checking on you ladies :)

How are you all??

Hi tess I know it's hard isn't it i know it's only my first month trying but I just feel like I need this so bad.

Today I feel AF is on her way :( but I'm still getting the twinges quite strong and I'm feeling nauseas I couldn't eat my food at work cuz I felt sick I sucked on pools instead but I did a HPT this morning before coming to bed its a BFN I thought seems as I'm due on tomoz if I am pregnant it would show now iv still had no cramps like usual but kind of just feel like its on the way :(

Yes digi send your friend over here I'm very hormonal and snappy at the moment il pop her in her place haha :)

Yeah Drs told me about folic acid you can get prescribed from DR but its cheaper just to get them from sainsburys or any supermarket i got some yesterday 100 for £1


Oh okay well I think I will wait and see what my doctor says when I go to see her because all prescriptions in Scotland are free do if I get it prescribed I won't need to pay anything :) what exactly does it do lol?

Also what is this clomid thing that youse have been mentioning? I feel like I know nothing about this whole TTC business and I've been doing it for 5 months, no wonder I've had no luck!

I know AF coming isn't the best thing Kalia but I'm looking at it on the bright side, we have each other now and our OPKs so I say lets make next cycle the one that counts! X
Hello wonderful ttc ladies! Been at work all today so couldn't comment.

Reading the last few posts I can't believe how many inconsiderate people there are around! I mean seriously inconsiderate! If I knew my friend was ttc I would never make comments like some of the ones you ladies have had to endure! And from "friends" aswell!!! I'm sorry you have had to deal with these comments its hard enough as it is!

Digi in answer to your question TMI - I had the same concern. We had always used condoms prior to ttc so there has never been the mess/falling out issue til last week. I was a bit alarmed the first time we BDd as after DH came and then pulled out everything kind of plopped (wow that sounds gross!!) back out again! But having googled it and read around this forum I think its normal. The swimmers get going pretty fast and what comes back out is just leftover fluid!

I guess its only gravity - what goes up must come down!!!
Oooh ladies forgot to tell you about a weird thing that happened the other day. DH and I had just finished some after work BD action (actually our first time ever without using precautions ) when my parents dropped in to see us. They don't know we are ttc and have not asked me about babies before. Just as they were leaving my mom turned around and said "you are not having a baby in March are you?" I was like ummmm.....??!! WTF !!! What a weird coincidence!!! Didn't quite know what to say to that!
Omg how weird is that let's hope you are fingers crossed :) xxxx
Morning ladies!

I was out the whole day yesterday, Spinning, family then my friends bday so went out for the night. Going out for Sunday lunch's all go lol.

Tess, yup defo ask ur doctor....if they know ur ttc then I'm surprised they didn't mention it before.

Snufflepop, that is weird....hopefully it's a sign! :)

Kalia, I dunno, I'm still pretty hopeful for u with af not showing yet....but like Tess said, if it does try n see it as a new opportunity to ttc, n crack on with ur opk's etc :)

I've woke up this morning with a stinking hangover(I didn't drink, black currant and water all night for me) my head is banging but I dunno if that's more my hay fever than anything else....have to be honest I really should be out of bed by now but I just cannot be chuffed lol

How's everyone else feeling?

Have a good day ladies

Hi ladies

I'm at Moseley jazz festival today just thought I'd pop by n check on you all hehe :)

Well I'm officially due on today and I usually get cramps really bad and iv not had one single cramp and no sign of AF yet... Took a test agin this morning and negative but like you all say still hope until AF shows... I keep going the toilet to check just can't help it haha

OH keeps saying anything happening down below yet haha

hope your all way xxx
Hey ladies :)

I've had such a good day with Andy Murray winning the Wimbledon final its been amazing!!! I've been celebrating with some champagne out in the garden that's why I haven't been on so far but I have certainly missed you all today haha. Anyone done anything exciting today?

Wow snuffle pop that is so strange! Do you think maybe your mum has a sixth sense? I think mums have a special power that allows them to read our minds (hopefully we will all develop that soon ladies). My mum said something strange to me the other day as well. We were talking about my job because I'm not really happy with what I'm doing at the moment so I was just discussing possibly applying for other jobs and my mum turned round and said you are probably best staying where you are for the moment because you will be on maternity leave soon anyway and I just said em what?? And she just said you never know, I've got a feeling and winked at me. I just left it there because I think if we had kept talking about it I would have been far too tempted to just shout we are trying!!!

Sookie my dr doesn't know we are TTC I haven't spoken to her about it. I have an appointment in the middle of the month so I will discuss it then and hopefully she will bring it up. I hope you are managing to handle your hangover and it hasn't taken over haha.

Hope your having fun at the jazz festival Kalia! Sounds like you deserve some fun after the week you have had. I'm keeping everything crossed that AF stats away for you! Mine still isn't here but got another BFN this morning. I just want her to move her wee bum so I can get it over and done with and get onto next cycle with my OPKs x
Hi tess... Andy Murrays win wasn't it amazing :) sounds like you have had fun...

Iv drank a few pimms today not long got in...

Tess I know I either want to get that BFP or for AF to come so I can move on to next month sooo frustrating :(

Sookie hope your recovered now :) xxxxx
Hi tess... Andy Murrays win wasn't it amazing :) sounds like you have had fun...

Iv drank a few pimms today not long got in...

Tess I know I either want to get that BFP or for AF to come so I can move on to next month sooo frustrating :(

Sookie hope your recovered now :) xxxxx

Yep was fab :)

I'm glad you had a good day too!

I know it's frustrating but I'm really just going down the route if trying not to think about it now and treating my new cycle as cycle 1! I think it could be said that up until now we weren't properly TTC because we weren't timing BD or anything (mainly because my cycles are still messed up) the only thing we have done is that I have come off the pill so it's more like we have been NTNP. Now that I have my trusty OPKs though and I have my drs app in the middle if the month to discuss everything I've got a good feeling about next cycle because then I will be able to give it a good go! :) x
Hi guys! We watched Murray too. So happy he finally won!

Kalia hope you had fun at the festival - brilliant weekend for it. Still got fingers crossed AF stays away for you. Have you had any symptoms or anything? Bet your OH is getting excited!

Tess our mums need to meet up and start knitting booties or something! How weird! It is like they have a sixth sense. Lets hope it is a premonition that our BFPS are not too far away! I did the same as you though - changed subject fast before I gave it all away!

I am getting annoyed with my opks. On CD 14 and been testing last 4 days and no positive yet. Am getting paranoid that I am not going to get one! Just want to know when is O!

Enjoy the sun everybody....back to work now :-(
Hi guys! We watched Murray too. So happy he finally won!

Kalia hope you had fun at the festival - brilliant weekend for it. Still got fingers crossed AF stays away for you. Have you had any symptoms or anything? Bet your OH is getting excited!

Tess our mums need to meet up and start knitting booties or something! How weird! It is like they have a sixth sense. Lets hope it is a premonition that our BFPS are not too far away! I did the same as you though - changed subject fast before I gave it all away!

I am getting annoyed with my opks. On CD 14 and been testing last 4 days and no positive yet. Am getting paranoid that I am not going to get one! Just want to know when is O!

Enjoy the sun everybody....back to work now :-(

Yeh defo I'm sure they would get along great haha!

Is it the one step ones you are using or the clear blue ones? I wouldn't worry about it because its only your first month off BC isnt it? Your body is bound to be a little messed up ur first month x
Hi ladies I think moms must have a sixth sense my mom knows we're TTC but yesterday out the blue baring in mind she has no idea when my AF is due and said you haven't come on yet have you I was like no mom but there's still time n she was like oh yeah but I just had a feeling and wanted to confirm haha I was like okkkkk...

But no sign of AF no cramping still getting twinges Saturday I was stupidly tired came home from a house warming party at 8pm because my eyes were dropping in silly emotional had a tear when watching Niall Rogers live yesterday my OH looked at me n was like oh Christ pass her the tissue haha n then today started to get not painful but shooting pain through my lower back but nothing else iv took a test and its a BFN :( but I'm not getting my hopes up but iv looked at my periods from like feb till now and I'm usually 28-29 days longest is 35 not gone past 35 and I always get really bad AF pains that make me cry so I'm not sure...

OH just keeps going what's happening any news haha

Ohhh keep BDing maybe your late ovulating iv read some people ovulate day 16-20..

Isn't frustrating our body's don't do what we want or work how we think they should :(

I keep seeing everyone going on about Frer tests what's a Frer???? Xxxx
I keep seeing everyone going on about Frer tests what's a Frer???? Xxxx

It's a First Response Early R???? I think! lol

How is everyone today?? Manic day at work keeping me way too busy for a Monday :wacko:

I've got everything crossed for you Kalia....Tis very exciting!

I'm now 7DPO(estimated) my fertility diary app is telling me to take a test in 7 days!! Lol. Can I hold out???? Lol!:shrug:

Haha it's sooo hard isn't it, because iv got all these cheap ones I can't help it but take them it's sooo frustrating because if I'm not I just want AF to come...

Iv had the day of work today as holiday so me n OH are at home having a lazy day with pizza take out tonight haven't had a day like this for months but its needed lol

Are you getting any symptoms? Xxx
Haha it's sooo hard isn't it, because iv got all these cheap ones I can't help it but take them it's sooo frustrating because if I'm not I just want AF to come...

Iv had the day of work today as holiday so me n OH are at home having a lazy day with pizza take out tonight haven't had a day like this for months but its needed lol

Are you getting any symptoms? Xxx

So strange about mums eh. Hopefully they will be able to tell us when we are preg before we know lol!!

Remember we were talking about how hard it is seeing others with babies and being pregnant etc? Well today I was with my sister and her friend (who is due her baby today) in my mums garden enjoying the sun when her waters broke and she literally went into labour in front of me!! I just thought someone up there is having a right good laugh at me haha. Thinking about it later I actually find it quite funny now because I'm thinking how ironic lol??

I really hope AF stays away for you Kalia. I am now on day 43 with no sign of it making an appearance. As much as I want to get it over and done with I'm actually really hoping it doesn't come this week because there was a week a couple of weeks ago when OH was doing a lot of overtime and we didn't BD at all because he was so tired and I thought I must have already O'd anyway so it didn't bother me. If AF makes an appearance 14 days after O though I will be so annoyed about us not BDing that week as it will mean that was the week that could have made the difference!

Oh Sookie fingers crossed for you!!! I really hope you get good news this time next week :) x

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