TTC baby number #1

Tess I think sometimes when we worry about coming on AF it delays it more and then that makes us worry more and its a vicious circle.
The year before my wedding I had very regular periods, never late or missed ever. As soon as my wedding day got closer my period was 12 days later than I had predicted and wouldn't you know it I got AF the night before my wedding. I was gutted as that was pretty much my worst nightmare but that's your body for you! Never does what you want!
Tess I think sometimes when we worry about coming on AF it delays it more and then that makes us worry more and its a vicious circle.
The year before my wedding I had very regular periods, never late or missed ever. As soon as my wedding day got closer my period was 12 days later than I had predicted and wouldn't you know it I got AF the night before my wedding. I was gutted as that was pretty much my worst nightmare but that's your body for you! Never does what you want!

Yeh I know your right snuffle pop! It's such a nightmare but hopefully all will be well soon!! X
Morning ladies! How is everyone?
Got another positive opk this morning so will try to get some more BD tonight. Think DH might protest as he working double shift today so he will be tired. Will wave my positive in his face and tell him he can have a rest at the weekend! Is v hard to keep BD feeling spontaneous when the timing gets crucial! I don't want him just to feel like a sperm bank!!!
Have a good day ladies!
Morning :) I'm good thank you

What a nightmare AF coming day before wedding :( I do agree with you that stress and that delays it my AF is doing my head in now I feel like big brother "cycle day 38 and still no sign of AF" in the big brother voice... Iv lost the plot now ain't I haha xxx

A sperm bank hahs at the moment I'm letting him feel like its his idea to BD as much as I can but I know as soon as I'm ovulating il be exactly the same it is hard to make it spontaneous when the timing has to be so right but it will be worth it when there's a baby at the end of it :) i think men forget thats why were doing it sometimes haha xxxx

I'm good! 8-9DPO and counting.....Totally caved n took a HPT this morning...BFN....But still too early in my opinion to know....So wait I shall! :-D

Lol, my OH knows full well the reasons behind BD'ing so much cos we didn't BD this much ever, even when we first don't push it too much mind, like we haven't BD'ed for a week now(I'm not ovulating(done tests) and I don't want to overkill it too early) I'll give him a rest until next cycle now....Might have a little dabble but nothing too full on n defo more fun! (For me at least cos although I enjoy what we do ALOT, it's very hard to keep it casual when you have an 'aim' in mind, OH just sees it as getting his "groove" on! lol)

Sun has disappeared in the North East(surprise surprise) still very warm and close though.....Phew

Has anyone seen or heard from Livia lately? Hope she's ok!! Come back Livia we miss you! :) xxx
Hey ladies,
Hope everyone's doing well. I've been pretty busy (thankfully keeping my mind of ttc). My husband got here a couple of days ago and now we can finally enjoy our vacation together. He even brought an opk because I told him that they didn't have the one that I wanted here. My poor husband... Apparently he had pre-ordered it to the store and when he went to pick it up the guy asked for the last name. After my husband gave his name the guy then asked "what kind of product did you order?" and my husband said "you're really going to make me say that out loud...?!" They both laughed and the guy gave him the opk. :haha:

Tess when is your doctors appointment? I don't think that you messed up anything from taking the pill inconsistently. I remember that I did that too when I was younger.

Snuffle it sounds like things are going great so far... :winkwink: What CD are you on? I'm going to start using my opk on Saturday. I can't tell if the tww are worse or the time before O where you can't do anything...

Hi guys!
Oooh sookie not long till you can test now. I bet the next few days Will drag for you though. I am dreading tww, won't be able to focus on anything else!

Livia I am Cd 16 so will BD for the few days more and then I have a nervous tww to see if anything has happened! Your hubby sounds adorable going to pick up your opks for you! Hope you are enjoying your holiday!

Must go back to work...ugh!
Aww livia your husband sounds lovely :)

tww is nightmare and even worse when it goes over and your not getting a BFP :( it's driving me mental now I'm meant to be going away last weekend of July if I am pregnant OH has said I can't go and he will need to find someone else to go with sooo I really need to know its driving me potty I tell ya :( I'm leaving it till Monday now till I test again if no AF il be on cd 42 then and officially over a week late.

Hi guys!
Oooh sookie not long till you can test now. I bet the next few days Will drag for you though. I am dreading tww, won't be able to focus on anything else!

Livia I am Cd 16 so will BD for the few days more and then I have a nervous tww to see if anything has happened! Your hubby sounds adorable going to pick up your opks for you! Hope you are enjoying your holiday!

Must go back to work...ugh!

That's good snuffle pop I agree get BDing as much as possible for now and then OH can rest at the weekend. I'm sure it will all be worth it.

I'm going to do the same as you Sookie. I'm going to BD whenever OH feels like it but when I get positive OPK I'm gonna make him BD every day for 3/4 days and then we can go back to him deciding when he wants to so if he wants to rest until the next time I get a positive OPK then that's fine by me lol.

I'm feeling the exact same as you Kalia. Just constantly thinking argh that's now day 45 how much longer can it really take! I've been really stressed out in my job for the last few months as well as worrying about TTC do I think that will have a lot to do with my long cycles. I'm trying to keep myself calm but its really hard. Any suggestions on how I can de-stress ladies? i think my chances of conceiving depend on it lol!

Oh welcome back lives we have missed you!! That's really sweet what your OH done for you, mine would be far too embarrassed to do that lol. My appointment is next week. I will update you all on what is said. At least you have had something to take your mind off TTC. What CD are you now? X
Haha Livia..I must have sensed you near!lol, your husband sounds fab! My OH would just look at me in fear if I asked him to get an OPK or a HPT! lol

I told myself I would not symptom spot.....Boy was I wrong! It's so hard not to....So far I've had every symptom going(only in the last couple of days mind....I think my body/mind are just playing tricks on me lol) I am going to try and not poas until after AF is due....I'm not getting my hopes up too much seeing as just coming off the pill who knows what my cycle is doing(I could be ovulating now for all I know! lol)


I have monthly facials....I completely switch of for 1 hour and think of nothing and nobody....It's bliss! It took a few months for me to get my head to switch off but now it does it's great :) I also do Yoga every week....The relaxation at the end is so good I regularly fall asleep! lol xxx
My OH would be like what's an OPK kit and come back with tampons or toothpaste or something completely not even relative to an OPK kit haha no that's harsh as long as I wrote it down he would be ok haha

It is very hard to not symptom spot before TTC I always kind of but a downer on my self saying it will take forever if at all and convinced my self of that now were TTC I'm thinking more positively and really want it to happen soon I said I wouldn't symptom spot and I said I wouldn't test until AF was late I knew I'd be a POAS addict though because if I get that BFP I'm down the drs straight away to get an early scan and blood work to make sure it's in the right place.

Im not stressed about anything apart from AF but I wouldn't say im stressed I'm just hoping so much that I get a BFP sooon lol

I like the idea of a monthly facial might try something like that :)

My OH would be like what's an OPK kit and come back with tampons or toothpaste or something completely not even relative to an OPK kit haha no that's harsh as long as I wrote it down he would be ok haha

It is very hard to not symptom spot before TTC I always kind of but a downer on my self saying it will take forever if at all and convinced my self of that now were TTC I'm thinking more positively and really want it to happen soon I said I wouldn't symptom spot and I said I wouldn't test until AF was late I knew I'd be a POAS addict though because if I get that BFP I'm down the drs straight away to get an early scan and blood work to make sure it's in the right place.

Im not stressed about anything apart from AF but I wouldn't say im stressed I'm just hoping so much that I get a BFP sooon lol

I like the idea of a monthly facial might try something like that :)


Yeah I agree trying not to symptom spot is so hard! It doesn't help that every time you feel anything and google it, it instantly says 'you could be pregnant'. Sometimes I feel like shouting at google and saying I'm clearly not so what else is it!!?? Haha!

I'm also defo a poas addict. I told myself I wouldn't be but again it's so hard. This whole thing is taking over my life lol!

I wasn't stressed about TTC this cycle at all until it hit about day 32/33 and there was no sign if AF but then I defo started to stress about it! I'm now on day 45 as I said and I just feel like the days are dragging in. I was stressing about my job before that though so that's what has prob delayed it to begin with.

Oh a facial! I've never had one. I will certainly give that a go :) x
You only need to put broken nail into google and it will come up with a sign of pregnancy! Lol

I was the same tess until it came to about a week before AF was due that was it I was obsessed from that point on iv decided though if no AF by end of next week I'm going drs for a blood test.

I'm defo going to do abit pampering next month iv eaten so badly this week so from tomoz back to my healthy eating and got to get back in the gym next week xxx

I can't believe your on day 45 have you done any HPTs?
You only need to put broken nail into google and it will come up with a sign of pregnancy! Lol

I was the same tess until it came to about a week before AF was due that was it I was obsessed from that point on iv decided though if no AF by end of next week I'm going drs for a blood test.

I'm defo going to do abit pampering next month iv eaten so badly this week so from tomoz back to my healthy eating and got to get back in the gym next week xxx

I can't believe your on day 45 have you done any HPTs?

Yeh I know google is constantly telling me I'm pregnant haha!

It's so easy to get obsessed with it though especially when you want it this bad. I think that's a good idea. Just get it over and done with before you end up like me convincing yourself that there must be something wrong and that's why it's gone on so long!

I know it's a nightmare. I went to 56 days last month so I'm worried I still have a while yet before it shows :( yep I done a test yesterday and it was a BFN so I'm convinced ive missed it this month. I have researched how to check if AF is on its way and it comes up a lot about checking your cervix so I've been doing it on a daily basis since last week and mine is low and hard which means I have already O'd this month so it's just a matter of waiting for it. Since AF comes 14 days after O and I've been checking my cervix for a week and it has been low the while time I'm hoping that means my AF can't be any more than another week away! X
Oh god it's a real roller coaster for you isn't it :( but yeah atleast you have drs next week and hopefully get some answers xxx
Morning ladies!!

Well I'm out for the month AF turned up this morning 5 days early!! lol Couldn't believe it when I went to the loo this morning!

So back to square one with a supposed 23-24 day cycle!?! Which I have never had a cycle so short even when I have taken previous breaks from BC....So we will see where this takes us....I'm not sure what my feelings are on AF arriving....Surprise for it being early but not upset....I knew it was a long shot with it being our first month TTC...Just need to use my OPK's and figure out the whole ovulation crack :)

Hope you're all well lovely ladies!

ps. 1st periods after pill suck....I'm knackered! lol

Aww well in a way early period good thing you can start TTC earlier :)

And make a start on OPKs and make next month your month hopefully :) xxx

My AF still not here 5 days late now I keep looking at my past cycles and they have never ever been this long only when I was like 17 when I was on the pill, even when iv come of the patch they've been 28-35 days long and always come on around the 27th-2nd of each month this month would of been 7th if it was a 35 day cycle and I tested this morning BFN :( I'm losing the plot :(


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